Computer-aided design

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    With the rapid development of digital techniques and the lack of reference standards for chairside computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) operation and application, it is imperative to draft guidelines for chairside CAD/CAM restoration techniques for all ceramics. Therefore, the Society of Prosthodontics, Chinese Stomatological Association recruited experts to compose a recommended application guideline based on the relevant literatures and clinical experiences, including the selection of indications, tooth preparation, optical impression making and other key steps. This guideline is aimed at providing a standardized operation procedure to improve the quality and long-term success rate of chairside CAD/CAM rehabilitation for all ceramics.
    数字化技术发展迅速,但椅旁计算机辅助设计与辅助制作(computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing,CAD/CAM)技术的操作和应用缺乏参考标准,制订椅旁CAD/CAM全瓷修复技术指南势在必行。因此,中华口腔医学会口腔修复学专业委员会在广泛征求意见的基础上,结合临床经验和相关文献撰写此推荐性应用指南,内容包括适应证的选择、牙体的预备、光学印模的制取等关键步骤。本指南旨在通过推荐椅旁CAD/CAM全瓷修复技术的标准操作流程,提高椅旁CAD/CAM全瓷修复的质量和长期成功率。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on evidence-based clinical and material researches, the Society of Prosthodontics, Chinese Stomatological Association organized a panel of experts to write a recommended application guideline via in-depth discussion and literature reviewing. This guideline formulates the standardized operation procedures for the clinical usage of chairside computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) rehabilitation with resin-ceramic composites, aiming at guiding and specifying this clinical technique. This guideline will help to improve the quality, the clinical efficacy, and the long-term success rate of chairside CAD/CAM rehabilitation with resin-ceramic composites via standardizing this restoration technique. At the same time, this guideline will contribute to the clinical promotion of this technique.
    中华口腔医学会口腔修复学专业委员会在广泛征求专家意见的基础上,结合临床研究和循证医学依据,制订此推荐性应用指南。本指南旨在通过推荐树脂陶瓷复合材料椅旁计算机辅助设计与辅助制作(computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing,CAD/CAM)修复技术的标准化操作流程,规范该技术的临床应用及提高修复临床疗效,以促进该技术的临床推广并提高长期成功率。.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    An increasing number of accuracy studies on 3D digitizing systems, especially intraoral scanning devices, are being published in scientific and educational journals. The methods, measurement values, and statistical parameters of these studies vary. Certain inconsistencies exist, which lead to difficulty in terms of interpretation and sometimes even questionable conclusions being drawn. These issues make it almost impossible to compare the results of such studies. One aspect inherent in this is the mutable use of basic terms describing the quality of measurement outcomes. A clear definition of such terms and clear instructions as to their respective calculation processes is essential for communication among scientists as well as for reporting measurement results to the dental community. Therefore, the aim of the present guideline is to provide a clear definition of the accuracy, trueness, and precision as the basic terms in the context of digital dentistry. The survey for this guideline included the application of ISO Norms and their expansion to special aspects concerning 3D data acquisition and, in particular, surface meshes. Additionally, the literature was screened to collect approaches, which can be seen as useful for dealing with these terms when performing different kinds of studies.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    OBJECTIVE: To report assessments of four systematic reviews (SRs) on (i) clinical outcomes of all-ceramic implant-supported crowns (iSCs), (ii) production time, effectiveness, and costs of computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM), (iii) computer-assisted implant planning and surgery (CAIPS) time and costs, and (iv) patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS).
    METHODS: An author group consisting of experienced clinicians and content experts discussed and evaluated the SRs and formulated consensus on the main findings, statements, clinical recommendations, and need for future research.
    RESULTS: All four SRs were conducted and reported according to PRISMA and detailed comprehensive search strategies in at least three bibliometric databases and hand searching. The search strategies were deemed reproducible. Variation was noted regarding language restrictions and inclusion of grey literature, but the search comprehensiveness appeared persuasive. The SRs included bias risk assessments of the primary studies, and their study methodology impacted the interpretations of the extracted data.
    CONCLUSIONS: (i) There is limited evidence (49 NRCT) showing that veneered and monolithic all-ceramic iSCs have excellent outcomes observed up to 3 years. (ii) There is no evidence evaluating production time and effectiveness comparing subtractive and additive CAM of implant models, abutments and crowns. (iii) There is limited evidence (4 RCT) that CAIPS involves more time and costs when considering the entire workflow and for diagnostics, manufacturing, and insertion of the restoration. Time seems to be the decisive factor for higher costs. (iv) Patients\' comfort increases when optical compared to conventional impressions are used for fabricating iSCs and short-span FPDs (2 RCT, 5 NRCT).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Technical Review Guidelines of Medical Devices are standards to standardize and unify registration review of medical devices marketed in China. The writing quality of the guidelines affects not only the time for technical evaluation, but also the safety and effectiveness of approved products. Based on authors\' practices of nearly 30 class II medical equipment technical guidelines written and 20-year experience in class II medical device evaluation, this study takes intraoral digital dental impressions as an example to put forward several key points of sections \"summary\" and \"research data\" in the guidelines, for researchers on class II medical equipment technical guidelines reference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: As scholarship moves into the digital sphere, applicant and promotion and tenure (P&T) committee members lack formal guidance on evaluating the impact of digital scholarly work. The P&T process requires the appraisal of individual scholarly impact in comparison to scholars across institutions and disciplines. As dissemination methods evolve in the digital era, we must adapt traditional P&T processes to include emerging forms of digital scholarship.
    METHODS: We conducted a blended, expert consensus procedure using a nominal group process to create a consensus document at the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors Academic Assembly on April 1, 2019.
    RESULTS: We discussed consensus guidelines for evaluation and promotion of digital scholarship with the intent to develop specific, evidence-supported recommendations to P&T committees and applicants. These recommendations included the following: demonstrate scholarship criteria; provide external evidence of impact; and include digital peer-review roles. As traditional scholarship continues to evolve within the digital realm, academic medicine should adapt how that scholarship is evaluated. P&T committees in academic medicine are at the epicenter for supporting this changing paradigm in scholarship.
    CONCLUSIONS: P&T committees can critically appraise the quality and impact of digital scholarship using specific, validated tools. Applicants for appointment and promotion should highlight and prepare their digital scholarship to specifically address quality, impact, breadth, and relevance. It is our goal to provide specific, timely guidance for both stakeholders to recognize the value of digital scholarship in advancing our field.







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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to measure the dimensions and the angulations of the femur and tibia for arthritic knees that were scheduled for total knee surgery. The purpose was to provide information for the design of surgical instruments such as cutting guides. Instruments made using three-dimensional printing were a particular consideration because of the variations in sizing that are possible.
    METHODS: Sixty-six frontal plane EOS radiographs were obtained of patients with osteoarthritis who were under consideration for total knee arthroplasty. The images were imported into computer-assisted design software. The anatomic and mechanical axes and the joint lines were constructed for the femur and tibia. The angles between the axes and lines and key dimensions including the femoral canal diameters were measured.
    RESULTS: The angle between the anatomic and mechanical axes was 5.5° ± 1.4°, the femoral joint line sloped 2.2°, and the tibial joint line 4.3° to the mechanical axes. The values were similar to non-arthritic knees except for a higher tibial slope. The femoral canal diameter at 150 mm from distal was 19 ± 5 mm.
    CONCLUSIONS: In a total knee replacement procedure, aligning perpendicular to the mechanical axis results on average about 2° more valgus and 2° to 3° tilt of the joint line. Instruments could be calibrated for individual patients, but the maximum variations based on long-term follow-up should be recognized. A multi-diameter system is needed for the femoral intramedullary rod to limit errors to 1° or less.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comparing accuracy results for mandibular reconstructions using computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is limited due to heterogeneity in image acquisition, extent of mandibular resection, and evaluation methodologies between studies. We propose a practical, feasible and reproducible guideline for standardizing evaluation methods to allow valid comparisons of postoperative results and facilitate meta-analyses in the future. It offers a guide to imaging, data comparison, volume assessment of 3-dimensional models, classification of defects, and it also contains a quantitative accuracy evaluation method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Working Group 5 was assigned the task to review the current knowledge in the area of digital technologies. Focused questions on accuracy of linear measurements when using CBCT, digital vs. conventional implant planning, using digital vs. conventional impressions and assessing the accuracy of static computer-aided implant surgery (s-CAIS) and patient-related outcome measurements when using s-CAIS were addressed.
    METHODS: The literature was systematically searched, and in total, 232 articles were selected and critically reviewed following PRISMA guidelines. Four systematic reviews were produced in the four subject areas and amply discussed in the group. After emendation, they were presented to the plenary where after further modification, they were accepted.
    RESULTS: Static computer-aided surgery (s-CAIS), in terms of pain & discomfort, economics and intraoperative complications, is beneficial compared with conventional implant surgery. When using s-CAIS in partially edentulous cases, a higher level of accuracy can be achieved when compared to fully edentulous cases. When using an intraoral scanner in edentulous cases, the results are dependent on the protocol that has been followed. The accuracy of measurements on CBCT scans is software dependent.
    CONCLUSIONS: Because the precision intraoral scans and of measurements on CBCT scans and is not high enough to allow for the required accuracy, s-CAIS should be considered as an additional tool for comprehensive diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical procedures. Flapless s-CAIS can lead to implant placement outside of the zone of keratinized mucosa and thus must be executed with utmost care.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The tasks of this working group were to evaluate the existing evidence on the efficiency and efficacy of the digital and conventional workflows for the fabrication of fixed implant reconstructions, to assess the performance of all-ceramic fixed implant reconstructions and, finally, to evaluate the outcomes of internally and externally connected implant abutments and reconstructions.
    Four reviews were available analyzing the current literature on the respective topics. One review dealt with the efficiency and efficacy of digital and conventional fabrication workflows. Two reviews analyzed the outcomes of all-ceramic fixed implant reconstructions, one focusing on single-implant reconstructions and the other evaluating multiple-unit implant fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). The fourth review evaluated the clinical outcome on external, respectively, internal implant-abutment connections. These reviews were the basis for the discussions within the group and at the plenary sessions.
    The present consensus report gives the consensus statements, the clinical recommendations, and the implications for future research as discussed and approved by the plenum of the consensus conference. The four manuscripts by Mühlemann et al., Rabel et al., Pieralli et al., and Pjetursson et al. are published as part of the journal supplement of the present EAO consensus conference.





