Color Vision

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: An animal\'s ability to discriminate between differing wavelengths of light (i.e., color vision) is mediated, in part, by a subset of photoreceptor cells that express opsins with distinct absorption spectra. In Drosophila R7 photoreceptors, expression of the rhodopsin molecules, Rh3 or Rh4, is determined by a stochastic process mediated by the transcription factor spineless. The goal of this study was to identify additional factors that regulate R7 cell fate and opsin choice using a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) paired with transcriptome analysis via RNA-Seq.
    UNASSIGNED: We examined Rh3 and Rh4 expression in a subset of fully-sequenced inbred strains from the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel and performed a GWAS to identify 42 naturally-occurring polymorphisms-in proximity to 28 candidate genes-that significantly influence R7 opsin expression. Network analysis revealed multiple potential interactions between the associated candidate genes, spineless and its partners. GWAS candidates were further validated in a secondary RNAi screen which identified 12 lines that significantly reduce the proportion of Rh3 expressing R7 photoreceptors. Finally, using RNA-Seq, we demonstrated that all but four of the GWAS candidates are expressed in the pupal retina at a critical developmental time point and that five are among the 917 differentially expressed genes in sevenless mutants, which lack R7 cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Collectively, these results suggest that the relatively simple, binary cell fate decision underlying R7 opsin expression is modulated by a larger, more complex network of regulatory factors. Of particular interest are a subset of candidate genes with previously characterized neuronal functions including neurogenesis, neurodegeneration, photoreceptor development, axon growth and guidance, synaptogenesis, and synaptic function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arduino microcontrollers are used for a wide range of technological and biomedical applications, such as image classification, computer vision, brain-computer interaction and vision experiments. Here, we present a new cost-effective mini-device based on RGB LED flicker stimulation for the assessment of the chromatic temporal resolution of the visual function based on the concept of critical flicker fusion frequency (CFF). The assembly of the device and its testing in thirty young subjects demonstrate the steady white visual perception of a trichromatic flicker stimulus (mixture of red, green and blue stimuli) beyond the CFF. Macular function as measured by photo-stress recovery time (PRT) was found to be independent of the CFF measurements for red, green and blue lights. However, a statistical correlation was found between the contrast modulation for CFF for red and green stimuli and PRT. Finally, wavefront measurements demonstrate that high-order aberrations improve the temporal resolution of the visual function.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To objectively measure visual function amongst Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) patients and compare these with age and sex-matched controls by describing the characteristics of visual function in relation to the severity of POAG.
    UNASSIGNED: A case-control study was carried out among 106 POAG patients and an equal number of age-sex matched controls attending Asokoro District Hospital, Abuja, and Eye Foundation Hospital Abuja from Nov 2012 to April 2013. The objective measures of visual function assessed include visual acuity (VA), contrast sensitivity (CS), colour vision (CV), and visual fields (MD) in the better eye (BE)].
    UNASSIGNED: All measures of visual function were found to be reduced comparing cases to controls and this was statistically significant. VABE (0.39±0.73; 0.0017±0.02p<0.001); MDBE (-8.02±6.80; 0.17±0.3P<0.001); CSBE (1.46±0.59; 1.90±0.16p<0.001): Colour vision defects (54.7%; 6.6% p<0.001). In comparing mild; moderate; severe glaucoma: VABE (0.0053±0.03; 0.057±0.08; 0.766±0.90 p<0.001); MDBE (-3.46±1.93;-8.17±3.55;-16.43±6.01p <0.001); CSBE (1.88±0.26; 1.69± 0.37; 1.11±0.59 p<0.001): Color vision defects (20.6%; 31.6%; 86.9%) respectively (BE: Better Eye). While looking at the two independent groups above, mild and moderate were not statistically significant except for the visual field, but comparing mild with severe and moderate with severe, they had a statistically significant relationship across all the visual functions tested. In comparing controls with mild, color vision and visual field had a statistically significant difference. Comparing the groups with mild and moderate glaucoma, only visual fields as a visual function were statistically significant. Whereas comparing both groups with the severe group independently, they had statistically significant in all the visual functions tested.
    UNASSIGNED: In conclusion, visual function was reduced in glaucoma patients as compared to controls. Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and colour vision differed significantly in comparing mild with severe and moderate with severe. Color vision differed significantly in comparing mild to controls.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tooth color is a determining factor in the fabrication of dental prostheses. The aim of the present study is to compare two measurement methods used in the field of dentistry: dental guides and spectrophotometry. A total of 2768 natural teeth were measured using the Vita Classical and Vita 3D-Master dental guides (Vita-Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany), as well as a Vita Easyshade Compact spectrophotometer (Vita-Zahnfabrik). The measurements were carried out by one operator under suitable illumination conditions at 5500 degrees Kelvin. The obtained results show that the measurements obtained with the Vita Classical dental guide classifies teeth into the A-B categories, while the spectrophotometer preferentially classifies teeth into the B-C categories. The correlation coefficients obtained with the dental guides ranged from -0.32 to -0.39 (p < 0.01), while those for the spectrophotometer ranged from -0.35 to -0.55 (p < 0.01). Therefore, we can conclude that the spectrophotometer is more reliable and reproducible in its measurements than the dental guides.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    The digitization of aircraft cockpits places high demands on the colour vision of pilots. The present study investigates colour vision changes upon acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia. The digital Waggoner Computerized Color Vision Test and the Waggoner D-15 were performed by 54 healthy volunteers in a decompression chamber. Respective altitude levels were sea level, 10,000 or 15,000 ft for exposure periods of 15 and 60 min, respectively. As for 60 min of exposure a significant decrease in colour perception was found between subjects at 15,000 ft as compared to the control group as well as between subjects at 15,000 ft as compared to subjects at 10,000 ft. No significant difference was found in the comparison within the 15,000 ft groups across time points pre-, peri-, and post-exposure. Thus, pilots appear to experience only minor colour vision impairment up to an exposure altitude of 15,000 ft over 60 min of exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between peripheral defocus and pupil size on axial growth in children randomly assigned to wear either single vision contact lenses, +1.50 diopter (D), or +2.50 D addition multifocal contact lenses (MFCLs).
    Children 7 to 11 years old with myopia (-0.75 to -5.00 D; spherical component) and ≤1.00 D astigmatism were enrolled. Autorefraction (horizontal meridian; right eye) was measured annually wearing contact lenses centrally and ±20 degrees, ±30 degrees, and ±40 degrees from the line of sight at near and distance. Photopic and mesopic pupil size were measured. The effects of peripheral defocus, treatment group, and pupil size on the 3-year change in axial length were modeled using multiple variables that evaluated defocus across the retina.
    Although several peripheral defocus variables were associated with slower axial growth with MFCLs, they were either no longer significant or not meaningfully associated with eye growth after the treatment group was included in the model. The treatment group assignment better explained the slower eye growth with +2.50 MFCLs than peripheral defocus. Photopic and mesopic pupil size did not modify eye growth with the +2.50 MFCL (all P ≥ 0.37).
    The optical signal causing slower axial elongation with +2.50 MFCLs is better explained by the lens type worn than by peripheral defocus. The signal might be something other than peripheral defocus, or there is not a linear dose-response relationship within treatment groups. We found no evidence to support pupil size as a criterion when deciding which myopic children to treat with MFCLs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To establish consensus among experts in lens and refractive surgery to guide general ophthalmologists on issues related to presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses (IOLs).
    A modified Delphi method to reach a consensus among experts.
    A steering committee formulated 105 relevant items grouped into four sections (preoperative considerations, IOL selection, intraoperative considerations, and postoperative considerations). The consensus was defined as ≥ 70% of experts agreeing with the evaluation of a statement.
    Ten experts participated and completed all rounds of questionnaires (100% response rate). Of 68 items considered in the preoperative considerations, consensus was achieved in 48 (70.6%). There was a lack of consensus over IOL selection, the experts only agreed on the importance of the patient\'s habits for the optical IOL design selection. Of the 14 considerations related to intraoperative issues, the experts reached a consensus on 10 (71.4%). The postoperative considerations section reached the highest consensus in 10 items of 13 (76.9%).
    Key recommendations for a diffractive multifocal IOL were a potential postoperative visual acuity > 0.5, a keratometry between 40-45 diopters, a pupil >2.8 mm under photopic conditions and <6.0 mm under scotopic conditions, a root mean square of higher order corneal aberrations <0.5 µm for 6-mm pupil size, while monofocal or non-diffractive IOLs should be considered for patients with coexisting eye disorders. A lack of agreement was found in the issues related to the IOL selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blue cone monochromacy (BCM) is an X-linked retinopathy due to mutations in the OPN1LW/OPN1MW gene cluster. Symptoms include reduced visual acuity and disturbed color vision. We studied BCM color vision to determine outcome measures for future clinical trials.
    Patients with BCM and normal-vision participants were examined with Farnsworth-Munsell (FM) arrangement tests and the Color Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test. A retrospective case series in 36 patients with BCM (ages 6-70) was performed with the FM D-15 test. A subset of six patients also had Roth-28 Hue and CAD tests.
    All patients with BCM had abnormal results for D-15, Roth-28, and CAD tests. With D-15, there was protan-deutan confusion and no bimodal tendency. Roth-28 results reinforced that finding. There was symmetry in color vision metrics between the two eyes and coherence between sessions with the arrangement tests and CAD. Severe abnormalities in red-green sensitivity with CAD were expected. Unexpected were different levels of yellow-blue results with two patterns of abnormal thresholds: moderate elevation in two younger patients and severe elevation in four patients ≥35 years. Coefficients of repeatability and intersession means were tabulated for all test modalities.
    Given understanding of advantages, disadvantages, and complexities of interpretation of results, both an arrangement test and CAD should be useful monitors of color vision through a clinical trial in BCM.
    Our pilot studies in BCM of arrangement and CAD tests indicated both were clinically feasible and interpretable in the context of this cone gene disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the visual perception (color and chromatic-achromatic contrast vision) of a small cohort of COVID-19 patients at the time of infection and after 6mo with that of a healthy population matched for sex and age.
    METHODS: A total of 25 patients (9 females, 16 males, mean age: 54±10y) with COVID-19 hospitalized in the COVID-19 Unit of the University Clinical Hospital of Valladolid were recruited for this preliminary study. Visual perception, as determined by monocular measurement of contrast sensitivity function (CSF) and color vision was assessed in each patient using the Optopad test. The results obtained were then compared with those of a sample of 16 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (5 females, 11 males, mean age: 50±6y) in which the same measurement procedure was repeated. Statistically significant differences between groups were assessed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Measurements were repeated after a minimum follow-up period of 6mo and statistically significant differences between the two time points in each group were assessed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test.
    RESULTS: Discrimination thresholds (color and chromatic-achromatic contrast vision) and their corresponding sensitivity, calculated as the inverse of the discrimination threshold, were evaluated. Analysis of the data revealed higher contrast threshold results (i.e., worse contrast sensitivity) in the COVID-19 group than in the control group for all spatial frequencies studied in the Optopad-CSF achromatic test and most of the spatial frequencies studied in the Optopad-CSF chromatic test for the red-green and blue-yellow mechanisms. In addition, color threshold results in the COVID-19 group were also significantly higher (i.e., worse color sensitivity) for almost all color mechanisms studied in the Optopad-Color test. At 6mo, most of the differences found between the groups were maintained despite COVID-19 recovery.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present results provide preliminary evidence that visual perception may be impaired in COVID-19, even when the infection has passed. Although further research is needed to determine the precise causes of this finding, analysis of CSF and color vision could provide valuable information on the visual impact of COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The date stone beetle, Coccotrypes dactyliperda, is a cryptic spermatophagus species that spends almost its entire life cycle inside the seeds of palms, esp. Phoenix sp. Only during dispersal, when the host seed has been largely eaten out, do females emerge for a short period of time in search of a fresh seed in which to establish new brood galleries. Previous work indicated that C. dactyliperda might be photophobic, preferring to emerge from seeds during night hours, whereas anecdotal evidence suggested that the beetles might be photophilic in terms of their movements post emergence. This paper examines the photosensitivity of the species under controlled laboratory conditions. The results show that C. dactyliperda, once removed from the brood chamber, is attracted by and moves faster to a light source, but that the color of the lit surface (red, blue, green, black) has no influence on either direction or crawl speed.





