
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Over one-third of stroke survivors develop aphasia, and language dysfunction persists for the remainder of their lives. Brain language network changes in patients with aphasia. Recently, it has been reported that phase synchrony within a low beta-band (14-19 Hz) frequency between Broca\'s area and the homotopic region of the right hemisphere is positively correlated with language function in patients with subacute post-stroke aphasia, suggesting that synchrony is important for language recovery. Here, we employed amplitude-modulated transcranial alternating current stimulation (AM-tACS) to enhance synchrony within the low beta band frequency between Broca\'s area and the right homotopic area, and to improve language function in a case of chronic post-stroke aphasia. According to an N-of-1 study design, the patient underwent short-term intervention with a one-time intervention of 15 Hz-AM-tACS with Broca\'s and the right homotopic areas (real condition), sham stimulation (sham condition), and 15 Hz-AM-tACS with Broca\'s and the left parietal areas (control condition) and long-term intervention with sham and real conditions (10 sessions in total, each). In the short-term intervention, the reaction time and accuracy rate of the naming task improved after real condition, not after sham and control conditions. The synchrony between the stimulated areas evaluated by coherence largely increased after the real condition. In the long-term intervention, naming ability, verbal fluency and overall language function improved, with the increase in the synchrony, and those improvements were sustained for more than a month after real condition. This suggests that AM-tACS on Broca\'s area and the right homotopic areas may be a promising therapeutic approach for patients with poststroke aphasia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avoidant personality disorder (AvPD) is characterized by feelings of shyness, inadequacy, and restraint in intimate relationships and has been associated with a disturbance in narrative identity, which is the internalized and evolving story of past, present, and future experiences. Study findings have indicated that an improvement in overall mental health through psychotherapy may increase narrative identity. However, there is a lack of studies incorporating not only the examination of narrative identity development before and after psychotherapy but also within psychotherapy sessions. This case study examined the development of narrative identity in short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy treatment of a patient with AvPD, using therapy transcripts and life narrative interviews before, after, and 6 months following treatment termination. Narrative identity development was assessed in terms of agency, communion fulfillment, and coherence. Results showed that the patient\'s agency and coherence increased over the course of therapy, whereas communion fulfillment decreased. At the six-month follow-up, agency and communion fulfillment increased, whereas coherence remained stable. The results of this case study suggest that the patient\'s sense of narrative agency and ability to narrate coherently improved after undergoing short-term psychodynamic therapy. The decrease of communion fulfillment during psychotherapy and later increase after termination suggests that the patient became more aware of conflictual patterns in their relationships, therefore realizing that their wishes and desires were not being fulfilled in their current relationships. This case study displays the possible impact short-term psychodynamic therapy may have by helping patients with AvPD develop a narrative identity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A wealth of literature examines the role of challenge from an individual psychological perspective, but research investigating how a talent development system can proactively support athletes to successfully meet the ever-increasing demands of top-level professional sport is less prevalent. This study takes advantage of a naturally occurring but highly atypical developmental challenge as a result of COVID-19 to examine factors influencing the efficacy and effectiveness of the talent development pathway at Munster Rugby. Players and staff (n = 12) took part in semi-structured interviews exploring their experiences of the build-up to the event, the game itself, and the impact post-event. The data were subsequently analysed using Reflexive Thematic Analysis. Players and coaches highlight the groundwork undertaken to establish alignment and coherence, both horizontally and vertically across the talent development environment, and how this contributed to navigating the challenge successfully. The findings support the necessity of both the player and the talent development system being prepared to enable players to perform at the highest level. The findings point to an overlap between the development and performance phases of a player\'s journey and the need to integrate short- and long-term objectives within a talent development system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Today, the ageing population is larger than ever before, and people who are living longer with chronic illnesses and multimorbidity need support from multiple healthcare service levels. Similarly, healthcare systems are becoming increasingly specialised and fragmented. The World Health Organization has highlighted novel policies for developing integrated and person-centred services. However, patients, next of kin and health professionals face several challenges in managing healthcare during the care trajectory. Limited literature has addressed the challenges experienced by these groups. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the dilemmas and deliberations faced by patients, next of kin and health professionals during the care trajectory of elderly patients with complex healthcare needs.
    METHODS: The study had a qualitative single-case design. The case was taken from a multi-case study exploring the care trajectory of elderly patients. The participants were the patient, their next of kin and the health professionals involved in the patient\'s care trajectory. Data were obtained via observation and individual interviews conducted during the patient\'s hospital stay and after the patient returned home.
    RESULTS: The dilemmas and deliberations in managing the care trajectory were divided into four main themes: the health professionals\' pursuit of appropriate and feasible healthcare services, the next of kin\'s planning horizons, being the person left in limbo and reorganising the home for comprehensive healthcare.
    CONCLUSIONS: The pursuit of a tailored and suitable healthcare service lead to a comprehensive mobilisation of and work by all actors involved. Having a comprehensive understanding of these conditions are of importance in developing an appropriate care trajectory for the elderly patient with complex need.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In patients with severe motor paralysis, increasing the excitability of the supplementary motor area (SMA) in the non-injured hemisphere contributes to the recovery of lower limb motor function. However, the contribution of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the SMA of the non-injured hemisphere in the recovery of lower limb motor function is unclear. This study aimed to examine the effects of tDCS on bilateral hemispheric SMA combined with assisted gait training. A post-stroke patient with severe motor paralysis participated in a retrospective AB design. Assisted gait training was performed only in period A and tDCS to the SMA of the bilateral hemisphere combined with assisted gait training (bi-tDCS) was performed in period B. Additionally, three conditions were performed for 20 min each in the intervals between the two periods: (1) assisted gait training only, (2) assisted gait training combined with tDCS to the SMA of the injured hemisphere, and (3) bi-tDCS. Measurements were muscle activity and beta-band intermuscular coherence (reflecting corticospinal tract excitability) of the vastus medialis muscle. The bi-tDCS immediately and longitudinally increased muscle activity and intermuscular coherence. We consider that bi-tDCS may be effective in recovering lower limb motor function in a patient with severe motor paralysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this study is to develop a practical framework that combines the psychological supportive design features in hospitals\' healing environments, also, to examine the implementation of these features in a Jordanian public hospital.
    UNASSIGNED: Positive psychological feelings are the hidden powerful treatment in hospitals. Although that Jordan represents a third-world country, it is counted as one of the most sought-after healthcare locations in the Middle East for its distinguished healthcare serveries (Private Hospitals Association, 2019). Nevertheless, the architectural and interior design of the healthcare facilities in Jordan usually ignores the inpatients\' psychological needs. Also, there is an absence of practicing a set of psychological supportive design features to guide the hospitals\' design in Jordan.
    UNASSIGNED: Design features are obtained from the main theories in the field of supportive healing environments. A large Jordanian public hospital was selected to be assessed in terms of these features within the developed practical framework. This study adopts a mixed methodology; data are collected using different methods, mainly literature review, site inventory, and inpatients\' questionnaire.
    UNASSIGNED: The studied hospital remains moderately considerable in terms of the psychologically supportive design features. However, the nature connectivity aspect is not satisfactorily considered in the studied hospital design.
    UNASSIGNED: This study suggests a responsive design that fosters interaction and integration with surrounding nature in order to increase levels of connectivity with nature. The studied design features in this study could work as guiding principles for Jordanian hospitals\' designers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Implementation depends on healthcare professionals being able to make sense of a new intervention in relation to their routine practice. Normalisation Process Theory refers to this as coherence work. However, specifying what it takes to achieve coherence is challenging because of variations in new interventions, routine practices and the relationship between them. Frameworks for intervention description may offer a way forward, as they provide broad descriptive categories for comparing complex interventions. To date such frameworks have not been informed by implementation theory, so do not account for the coherence work involved in holding aspects of routine practice constant while doing other aspects differently. Using speech and language therapy as an empirical exemplar, we explored therapists\' experiences of practice change and developed a framework to show how coherence of child speech interventions is achieved.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective case-based qualitative study of how interventions for child speech problems had changed across three NHS speech and language therapy services and private practice in Scotland. A coherence framework was derived through interplay between empirical work with 42 therapists (using in-depth interviews, or self-organised pairs or small focus groups) and Normalisation Process Theory\'s construct of coherence.
    RESULTS: Therapists reported a range of practice changes, which had demanded different types of coherence work. Non-traditional interventions had featured for many years in the profession\'s research literature but not in clinical practice. Achieving coherence with these interventions was intellectually demanding because they challenged the traditional linguistic assumptions underpinning routine practice. Implementation was also logistically demanding, and therapists felt they had little agency to vary what was locally conventional for their service. In addition, achieving coherence took considerable relational work. Non-traditional interventions were often difficult to explain to children and parents, involved culturally uncomfortable repetitive drills and required therapists to do more tailoring of intervention for individual children.
    CONCLUSIONS: The intervention coherence framework has practical and theoretical applications. It is designed to help therapists, services and researchers anticipate and address barriers to achieving coherence when implementing non-routine interventions. It also represents a worked example of using theory to make intervention description both user-focused and implementation-friendly.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skin aging is primarily associated with the alterations in dermal extracellular matrix, in particular a decrease in collagen type-1 content. Recent studies have shown that collagen-degrading matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-1) is produced by fibroblasts in response to chronoaging, which in human dermal fibroblasts leads to the release of proinflammatory cytokines. Past studies showed that anti-inflammatory capabilities could be induced via non-chemical means. One of these methods makes use of ultra-weak fractal electromagnetic (uwf-EM) signals. Such ultra-/very-low frequency (U/VLF) signals (few nT in intensity and within 0.5-30 kHz) interact with aqueous solutions in living systems. The fractal nature of such EM-signals relates to the self-similar property by which a \"cut-out\" and magnified piece of this signal reveals again the original. Thus, the aim of this study is twofold, to i) investigate the extent of this modulating effect using Human Dermal Fibroblasts (HDF)-cells, and ii) analyse molecular rejuvenation markers therein. We could demonstrate that a 10 min uwf-EM exposure (prior to incubation) increases type-1 collagen and modulates elastin in human fibroblasts cultured up to 96 h, while at the same time reduces IL-6, TNF-α and MMP-1 (the later three being statistically significant). Such up- respectively down-regulation of corresponding genes are strong indicators of an EM-induced hormetic effect that influences the epigenomic landscape of HDFs. In the Appendix, we present, in the framework of Quantum Field Theory (QFT), water as a biphasic liquid and how its coherent fraction can be affected by uwf-EM signals while at the same time resolving the \"kT paradox\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this commentary, I underscore the two developmental principles or laws pointed to by this series of papers on child-teacher dependency; namely, that behavior and development are coherent and that early attachment relationships are the foundation for later development. First, I will review briefly the history of the dependency and attachment concepts and how Bowlby and Ainsworth distinguished them. This is followed by an overview of the comprehensive findings on the development of dependency from the Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation. In the conclusion, ideas are presented regarding how to view dependency in the classroom and whether and how to intervene. Suggestions are made regarding the research needed moving forward.





