Cloud Computing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper outlines the protocol for the deployment of a cloud-based universal medical image repository system. The proposal aims not only at the deployment but also at the automatic expansion of the platform, incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the analysis of medical image examinations. The methodology encompasses efficient data management through a universal database, along with the deployment of various AI models designed to assist in diagnostic decision-making. By presenting this protocol, the goal is to overcome technical challenges and issues that impact all phases of the workflow, from data management to the deployment of AI models in the healthcare sector. These challenges include ethical considerations, compliance with legal regulations, establishing user trust, and ensuring data security. The system has been deployed, with a tested and validated proof of concept, possessing the capability to receive thousands of images daily and to sustain the ongoing deployment of new AI models to expedite the analysis process in medical image exams.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The importance of incorporating an agile approach into creating sustainable products has been widely discussed. This approach can enhance innovation integration, improve adaptability to changing development circumstances, and increase the efficiency and quality of the product development process. While many agile methods have originated in the software development context and have been formulated based on successful software projects, they often fail due to incorrect procedures and a lack of acceptance, preventing deep integration into the process. Additionally, decision-making for market evaluation is often hindered by unclear and subjective information. Therefore, this study introduces an extended TOPSIS (Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method for sustainable product development. This method leverages the benefits of cloud model theory to address randomness and uncertainty (intrapersonal uncertainty) and the advantages of rough set theory to flexibly handle market demand uncertainty without requiring extra information. The study proposes an integrated weighting method that considers both subjective and objective weights to determine comprehensive criteria weights. It also presents a new framework, named Sustainable Agility of Product Development (SAPD), which aims to evaluate criteria for assessing sustainable product development. To validate the effectiveness of this proposed method, a case study is conducted on small and medium enterprises in China. The obtained results show that the company needs to conduct product structure research and development to realize new product functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Smartphone use is widely spreading in society. Their embedded functions and sensors may play an important role in therapy monitoring and planning. However, the use of smartphones for intrapersonal behavioral and physical monitoring is not yet fully supported by adequate studies addressing technical reliability and acceptance.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to identify and discuss technical issues that may impact on the wide use of smartphones as clinical monitoring tools. The focus is on the quality of the data and transparency of the acquisition process.
    METHODS: QuantifyMyPerson is a platform for continuous monitoring of smartphone use and embedded sensors data. The platform consists of an app for data acquisition, a backend cloud server for data storage and processing, and a web-based dashboard for data management and visualization. The data processing aims to extract meaningful features for the description of daily life such as phone status, calls, app use, GPS, and accelerometer data. A total of health subjects installed the app on their smartphones, running it for 7 months. The acquired data were analyzed to assess impact on smartphone performance (ie, battery consumption and anomalies in functioning) and data integrity. Relevance of the selected features in describing changes in daily life was assessed through the computation of a k-nearest neighbors global anomaly score to detect days that differ from others.
    RESULTS: The effectiveness of smartphone-based monitoring depends on the acceptability and interoperability of the system as user retention and data integrity are key aspects. Acceptability was confirmed by the full transparency of the app and the absence of any conflicts with daily smartphone use. The only perceived issue was the battery consumption even though the trend of battery drain with and without the app running was comparable. Regarding interoperability, the app was successfully installed and run on several Android brands. The study shows that some smartphone manufacturers implement power-saving policies not allowing continuous sensor data acquisition and impacting integrity. Data integrity was 96% on smartphones whose power-saving policies do not impact the embedded sensor management and 84% overall.
    CONCLUSIONS: The main technological barriers to continuous behavioral and physical monitoring (ie, battery consumption and power-saving policies of manufacturers) may be overcome. Battery consumption increase is mainly due to GPS triangulation and may be limited, while data missing because of power-saving policies are related only to periods of nonuse of the phone since the embedded sensors are reactivated by any smartphone event. Overall, smartphone-based passive sensing is fully feasible and scalable despite the Android market fragmentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The increasing adoption of telehealth Internet of Things (IoT) devices in health care informatics has led to concerns about energy use and data processing efficiency.
    OBJECTIVE: This paper introduces an innovative model that integrates telehealth IoT devices with a fog and cloud computing-based platform, aiming to enhance energy efficiency in telehealth IoT systems.
    METHODS: The proposed model incorporates adaptive energy-saving strategies, localized fog nodes, and a hybrid cloud infrastructure. Simulation analyses were conducted to assess the model\'s effectiveness in reducing energy consumption and enhancing data processing efficiency.
    RESULTS: Simulation results demonstrated significant energy savings, with a 2% reduction in energy consumption achieved through adaptive energy-saving strategies. The sample size for the simulation was 10-40, providing statistical robustness to the findings.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed model successfully addresses energy and data processing challenges in telehealth IoT scenarios. By integrating fog computing for local processing and a hybrid cloud infrastructure, substantial energy savings are achieved. Ongoing research will focus on refining the energy conservation model and exploring additional functional enhancements for broader applicability in health care and industrial contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Clinical trials (CTs) are foundational to the advancement of evidence-based medicine and recruiting a sufficient number of participants is one of the crucial steps to their successful conduct. Yet, poor recruitment remains the most frequent reason for premature discontinuation or costly extension of clinical trials.
    METHODS: We designed and implemented a novel, open-source software system to support the recruitment process in clinical trials by generating automatic recruitment recommendations. The development is guided by modern, cloud-native design principles and based on Health Level 7 (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) as an interoperability standard with the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM) being used as a source of patient data. We evaluated the usability using the system usability scale (SUS) after deploying the application for use by study personnel.
    RESULTS: The implementation is based on the OMOP CDM as a repository of patient data that is continuously queried for possible trial candidates based on given clinical trial eligibility criteria. A web-based screening list can be used to display the candidates and email notifications about possible new trial participants can be sent automatically. All interactions between services use HL7 FHIR as the communication standard. The system can be installed using standard container technology and supports more sophisticated deployments on Kubernetes clusters. End-users (n = 19) rated the system with a SUS score of 79.9/100.
    CONCLUSIONS: We contribute a novel, open-source implementation to support the patient recruitment process in clinical trials that can be deployed using state-of-the art technologies. According to the SUS score, the system provides good usability.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    BACKGROUND: Endovascular repair of aortic aneurysmal disease is established due to perceived advantages in patient survival, reduced postoperative complications, and shorter hospital lengths of stay. High spatial and contrast resolution 3D CT angiography images are used to plan the procedures and inform device selection and manufacture, but in standard care, the surgery is performed using image-guidance from 2D X-ray fluoroscopy with injection of nephrotoxic contrast material to visualise the blood vessels. This study aims to assess the benefit to patients, practitioners, and the health service of a novel image fusion medical device (Cydar EV), which allows this high-resolution 3D information to be available to operators at the time of surgery.
    METHODS: The trial is a multi-centre, open label, two-armed randomised controlled clinical trial of 340 patient, randomised 1:1 to either standard treatment in endovascular aneurysm repair or treatment using Cydar EV, a CE-marked medical device comprising of cloud computing, augmented intelligence, and computer vision. The primary outcome is procedural time, with secondary outcomes of procedural efficiency, technical effectiveness, patient outcomes, and cost-effectiveness. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of AAA or TAAA suitable for endovascular repair and able to provide written informed consent will be invited to participate.
    CONCLUSIONS: This trial is the first randomised controlled trial evaluating advanced image fusion technology in endovascular aortic surgery and is well placed to evaluate the effect of this technology on patient outcomes and cost to the NHS.
    BACKGROUND: ISRCTN13832085. Dec. 3, 2021.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent developments in neuroimaging have improved our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying schizophrenia. However, neuroimaging findings in treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) remain unclear. In the present study, we aimed to explore potential neuroanatomical regions that may be associated with treatment resistance in schizophrenia patients by comparing neuroanatomical regions of TRS and non-TRS patients using the MRICloud method. A total of 33 schizophrenia patients (meeting DSM 5 diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia) were included in the study. Patients were dichotomized into TRS (n = 18) and non-TRS (n = 15) groups, and all patients underwent MRI. Neuroanatomical regions of TRS and non-TRS patients were compared using the MRICloud method. Disease severity was measured using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Interestingly, a statistically significant greater left Corpus Collosum (CC) thickness was found in TRS patients compared to non-TRS patients. It is clear that further studies comparing TRS patients with non-TRS patients are needed, and these studies should focus on the circuits in the corpus callosum that are thought to play a role in treatment resistance. Further longitudinal studies are also needed to complement the cross-sectional studies, using a multimodal imaging approach in the patients with clearly defined TRS criteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the rapid development of technologies such as cloud computing and big data, various levels of government departments in the country have successively introduced digital subsidy policies to promote enterprises\' digital transformation. However, the effectiveness of these policies and their ability to truly achieve policy objectives have become pressing concerns across society. Against this backdrop, this paper employs a moderated mediation effects model to empirically analyze the incentive effects of financial subsidies on the digital transformation of A-share listed manufacturing companies in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2013 to 2022. The research findings indicate a significant promotion effect of financial subsidies on the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises, especially demonstrating a notable incentive impact on the digital transformation of large enterprises, non-asset-intensive enterprises, technology-intensive enterprises, and non-labor-intensive enterprises. However, the incentive effect on the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), asset-intensive enterprises, non-technology-intensive enterprises, and labor-intensive enterprises is not significant. Notably, the expansion of financial subsidies positively influences the augmentation of R&D investment within manufacturing enterprises, subsequently providing indirect encouragement for their digital transformation. Additionally, the incorporation of the degree of marketization implies its potential to moderate both the direct and indirect impacts of financial subsidies on enterprise digital transformation. This study enriches the research on the mechanism of the role of financial subsidies in digital transformation and provides empirical evidence on how market participation influences the effects of financial subsidies, thereby assisting policymakers in comprehensively understanding the impact of financial subsidy policies on different types of enterprises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is an open-source technology which enables remote peer-to-peer video and audio connection. It has quickly become the new standard for real-time communications over the web and is commonly used as a video conferencing platform. In this study, we present a different application domain which may greatly benefit from WebRTC technology, that is virtual reality (VR) based surgical simulations. Virtual Rotator Cuff Arthroscopic Skill Trainer (ViRCAST) is our testing platform that we completed preliminary feasibility studies for WebRTC. Since the elasticity of cloud computing provides the ability to meet possible future hardware/software requirements and demand growth, ViRCAST is deployed in a cloud environment. Additionally, in order to have plausible simulations and interactions, any VR-based surgery simulator must have haptic feedback. Therefore, we implemented an interface to WebRTC for integrating haptic devices. We tested ViRCAST on Google cloud through haptic-integrated WebRTC at various client configurations. Our experiments showed that WebRTC with cloud and haptic integrations is a feasible solution for VR-based surgery simulators. From our experiments, the WebRTC integrated simulation produced an average frame rate of 33 fps, and the hardware integration produced an average lag of 0.7 milliseconds in real-time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the context of Industry 4.0, manufacturing metrology is crucial for inspecting and measuring machines. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology enables seamless communication between advanced industrial devices through local and cloud computing servers. This study investigates the use of the MQTT protocol to enhance the performance of circularity measurement data transmission between cloud servers and round-hole data sources through Open CV. Accurate inspection of circular characteristics, particularly roundness errors, is vital for lubricant distribution, assemblies, and rotational force innovation. Circularity measurement techniques employ algorithms like the minimal zone circle tolerance algorithm. Vision inspection systems, utilizing image processing techniques, can promptly and accurately detect quality concerns by analyzing the model\'s surface through circular dimension analysis. This involves sending the model\'s image to a computer, which employs techniques such as Hough Transform, Edge Detection, and Contour Analysis to identify circular features and extract relevant parameters. This method is utilized in the camera industry and component assembly. To assess the performance, a comparative experiment was conducted between the non-contact-based 3SMVI system and the contact-based CMM system widely used in various industries for roundness evaluation. The CMM technique is known for its high precision but is time-consuming. Experimental results indicated a variation of 5 to 9.6 micrometers between the two methods. It is suggested that using a high-resolution camera and appropriate lighting conditions can further enhance result precision.





