Cloud Computing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The importance of incorporating an agile approach into creating sustainable products has been widely discussed. This approach can enhance innovation integration, improve adaptability to changing development circumstances, and increase the efficiency and quality of the product development process. While many agile methods have originated in the software development context and have been formulated based on successful software projects, they often fail due to incorrect procedures and a lack of acceptance, preventing deep integration into the process. Additionally, decision-making for market evaluation is often hindered by unclear and subjective information. Therefore, this study introduces an extended TOPSIS (Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method for sustainable product development. This method leverages the benefits of cloud model theory to address randomness and uncertainty (intrapersonal uncertainty) and the advantages of rough set theory to flexibly handle market demand uncertainty without requiring extra information. The study proposes an integrated weighting method that considers both subjective and objective weights to determine comprehensive criteria weights. It also presents a new framework, named Sustainable Agility of Product Development (SAPD), which aims to evaluate criteria for assessing sustainable product development. To validate the effectiveness of this proposed method, a case study is conducted on small and medium enterprises in China. The obtained results show that the company needs to conduct product structure research and development to realize new product functions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Our case report provides the first clinical evaluation of autopsy practices for a patient death that occurs on the cloud. We question how autopsy practices may require adaptation for a death that presents via the \'Internet of Things\', examining how existing guidelines capture data related to death which is no longer confined to the patient\'s body.
    METHODS: The patient was a British man in his 50s, who came to the attention of the medical team via an alert on the cloud-based platform that monitored his implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). The patient had a background of congenital heart disease, with previous ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest, for which the ICD had been implanted two years earlier. Retrospective analysis of the cloud data demonstrated a gradually decreasing nocturnal heart rate over the previous three months, falling to a final transmission of 24 beats per minute (bpm). In the patient post-mortem the ICD was treated as medical waste, structural tissue changes precluded the effective evaluation of device hardware, potential issues related to device software were not investigated and the cause of death was assigned to underlying heart failure. The documentation from the attending law enforcement officials did not consider possible digital causes of harm and relevant technology was not collected from the scene of death.
    CONCLUSIONS: Through this patient case we explore novel challenges associated with digital deaths including; (1) device hardware issues (difficult extraction processes, impact of pathological tissue changes), (2) software and data limitations (impact of negative body temperatures and mortuary radio-imaging on devices, lack of retrospective cloud data analysis), (3) guideline limitations (missing digital components in autopsy instruction and death certification), and (4) changes to clinical management (emotional impact of communicating deaths occurring over the internet to members of family). We consider the implications of our findings for public health services, the security and intelligence community, and patients and their families. In sharing this report we seek to raise awareness of digital medical cases, to draw attention to how the nature of dying is changing through technology, and to motivate the development of digitally appropriate clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is an open-source technology which enables remote peer-to-peer video and audio connection. It has quickly become the new standard for real-time communications over the web and is commonly used as a video conferencing platform. In this study, we present a different application domain which may greatly benefit from WebRTC technology, that is virtual reality (VR) based surgical simulations. Virtual Rotator Cuff Arthroscopic Skill Trainer (ViRCAST) is our testing platform that we completed preliminary feasibility studies for WebRTC. Since the elasticity of cloud computing provides the ability to meet possible future hardware/software requirements and demand growth, ViRCAST is deployed in a cloud environment. Additionally, in order to have plausible simulations and interactions, any VR-based surgery simulator must have haptic feedback. Therefore, we implemented an interface to WebRTC for integrating haptic devices. We tested ViRCAST on Google cloud through haptic-integrated WebRTC at various client configurations. Our experiments showed that WebRTC with cloud and haptic integrations is a feasible solution for VR-based surgery simulators. From our experiments, the WebRTC integrated simulation produced an average frame rate of 33 fps, and the hardware integration produced an average lag of 0.7 milliseconds in real-time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hospitals and other healthcare settings use various simulation methods to improve their operations, management, and training. The COVID-19 pandemic, with the resulting necessity for rapid and remote assessment, has highlighted the critical role of modeling and simulation in healthcare, particularly distributed simulation (DS). DS enables integration of heterogeneous simulations to further increase the usability and effectiveness of individual simulations. This article presents a DS system that integrates two different simulations developed for a hospital intensive care unit (ICU) ward dedicated to COVID-19 patients. AnyLogic has been used to develop a simulation model of the ICU ward using agent-based and discrete event modeling methods. This simulation depicts and measures physical contacts between healthcare providers and patients. The Unity platform has been utilized to develop a virtual reality simulation of the ICU environment and operations. The high-level architecture, an IEEE standard for DS, has been used to build a cloud-based DS system by integrating and synchronizing the two simulation platforms. While enhancing the capabilities of both simulations, the DS system can be used for training purposes and assessment of different managerial and operational decisions to minimize contacts and disease transmission in the ICU ward by enabling data exchange between the two simulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the context of Industry 4.0, manufacturing metrology is crucial for inspecting and measuring machines. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology enables seamless communication between advanced industrial devices through local and cloud computing servers. This study investigates the use of the MQTT protocol to enhance the performance of circularity measurement data transmission between cloud servers and round-hole data sources through Open CV. Accurate inspection of circular characteristics, particularly roundness errors, is vital for lubricant distribution, assemblies, and rotational force innovation. Circularity measurement techniques employ algorithms like the minimal zone circle tolerance algorithm. Vision inspection systems, utilizing image processing techniques, can promptly and accurately detect quality concerns by analyzing the model\'s surface through circular dimension analysis. This involves sending the model\'s image to a computer, which employs techniques such as Hough Transform, Edge Detection, and Contour Analysis to identify circular features and extract relevant parameters. This method is utilized in the camera industry and component assembly. To assess the performance, a comparative experiment was conducted between the non-contact-based 3SMVI system and the contact-based CMM system widely used in various industries for roundness evaluation. The CMM technique is known for its high precision but is time-consuming. Experimental results indicated a variation of 5 to 9.6 micrometers between the two methods. It is suggested that using a high-resolution camera and appropriate lighting conditions can further enhance result precision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collecting and sharing information about affected areas is an important activity for optimal decision-making in relief processes. Defects such as over-sending some items to affected areas and mistakes in transferring injured people to medical centers in accidents are due to improper management of this information. Because cloud computing as a processing and storage platform for big data is independent of the device and location and can also perform high-speed processing, its use in disasters has been highly regarded by researchers. In this environment, a three-stage dynamic procedure for evacuation operations and logistics issues is presented. The first stage of the proposed model is image processing and tweet mining in a cloud center in order to determine the disaster parameters. In stage II, a mixed-integer multi-commodity model is presented for the relief commodity delivery, wounded people transportation with capacity constraints, and locating of the possible on-site clinics and local distribution centers near disaster areas. In stage III, by using a system of equations, detailed vehicle load/unload instructions are obtained. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed model on the data of an earthquake disaster in Iran is investigated. The results of comparing the proposed approach with a two-stage algorithm show that the total number of unsatisfied demand for all types of commodities in the proposed approach was better than the other. Also, the number of survivors in the three-stage model is significantly higher than in the two-stage one. The better performance of the proposed algorithm is due to the fact that online data is continuously available and that decisions such as sending relief items and dispatching are made more effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Presence of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in a waterbody or a river can be caused by multiple parameters such as other pollutants by the discharge of poorly maintained sewage, siltation, sedimentation, flood and even bacteria. In this study, remote sensing techniques were used to understand the effects of pandemic-induced lockdown on the SPM concentration in the lower Tapi reservoir or Ukai reservoir. The estimation was done using Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) having radiometric resolution (12-bit) and a spatial resolution of 30 m. The Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform was used in this study to generate the products. The GEE is a semi-automated workflow system using a robust approach designed for scientific analysis and visualization of geospatial datasets. An algorithm was deployed, and a time-series (2013-2020) analysis was done for the study area. It was found that the average mean value of SPM in Tapi River during 2020 is lowest than the last seven years at the same time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ribosomal profiling is an emerging experimental technology to measure protein synthesis by sequencing short mRNA fragments undergoing translation in ribosomes. Applied on the genome wide scale, this is a powerful tool to profile global protein synthesis within cell populations of interest. Such information can be utilized for biomarker discovery and detection of treatment-responsive genes. However, analysis of ribosomal profiling data requires careful preprocessing to reduce the impact of artifacts and dedicated statistical methods for visualizing and modeling the high-dimensional discrete read count data. Here we present Ribosomal Profiling Reports (RP-REP), a new open-source cloud-enabled software that allows users to execute start-to-end gene-level ribosomal profiling and RNA-Seq analysis on a pre-configured Amazon Virtual Machine Image (AMI) hosted on AWS or on the user\'s own Ubuntu Linux server. The software works with FASTQ files stored locally, on AWS S3, or at the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). RP-REP automatically executes a series of customizable steps including filtering of contaminant RNA, enrichment of true ribosomal footprints, reference alignment and gene translation quantification, gene body coverage, CRAM compression, reference alignment QC, data normalization, multivariate data visualization, identification of differentially translated genes, and generation of heatmaps, co-translated gene clusters, enriched pathways, and other custom visualizations. RP-REP provides functionality to contrast RNA-SEQ and ribosomal profiling results, and calculates translational efficiency per gene. The software outputs a PDF report and publication-ready table and figure files. As a use case, we provide RP-REP results for a dengue virus study that tested cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum cellular fractions of human Huh7 cells pre-infection and at 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 40 h post-infection. Case study results, Ubuntu installation scripts, and the most recent RP-REP source code are accessible at GitHub. The cloud-ready AMI is available at AWS (AMI ID: RPREP RSEQREP (Ribosome Profiling and RNA-Seq Reports) v2.1 (ami-00b92f52d763145d3)).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last years it has been observed that the progress in data collection in life science has created increasing demand and opportunities for advanced bioinformatics. This includes data management as well as the individual data analysis and often covers the entire data life cycle. A variety of tools have been developed to store, share, or reuse the data produced in the different domains such as genotyping. Especially imputation, as a subfield of genotyping, requires good Research Data Management (RDM) strategies to enable use and re-use of genotypic data. To aim for sustainable software, it is necessary to develop tools and surrounding ecosystems, which are reusable and maintainable. Reusability in the context of streamlined tools can e.g. be achieved by standardizing the input and output of the different tools and adapting to open and broadly used file formats. By using such established file formats, the tools can also be connected with others, improving the overall interoperability of the software. Finally, it is important to build strong communities that maintain the tools by developing and contributing new features and maintenance updates. In this article, concepts for this will be presented for an imputation service.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





