  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: The increasing emergencies and humanitarian challenges have worsened the mental health condition of women in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
    UNASSIGNED: To assess the prevalence, determinants and interventions to address mental health among women in fragile and humanitarian settings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
    UNASSIGNED: Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis guidelines, we reviewed 59 peer-reviewed published studies (PubMed, IMEMR) and grey literature (WHO/IRIS) from January 2001 to February 2023, focusing on women\'s mental health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. We then conducted a descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic characteristics.
    UNASSIGNED: Among the 59 studies reviewed, only 13 of the 48 peer-reviewed studies focused primarily on women\'s mental health, 11 grey literature records mostly presented grouped regional data, 11 of the 25 studies on mental health among migrants were about those taking refuge in high-income countries. The average prevalence of mental disorders from 32 cross-sectional studies on women aged 12-75 years was 49%, average prevalence of anxiety was 68%, post-traumatic stress disorder was 52%, and depression was 43%. Women exhibited higher level depression than men. Age, educational disparities, and limited access to services were important risk factors for mental health disorder. Several promising interventions emerged.
    UNASSIGNED: More efforts should be made to provide customized, context-specific solutions to the mental health challenges of women in humanitarian and fragile settings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, including allocation of more resources to mental health programmes, addressing barriers, enhancing mental health surveillance, and reduction of stigma.
    استعراض منهجي للصحة النفسية للنساء في الأوضاع الهشة والإنسانية بإقليم شرق المتوسط.
    فوزيه رباني ،عائشة زاهدي ،آمنه صديقي ،صنم شاه ،زل میرعلي ،خالد سعيد ،محمد عفيفي.
    UNASSIGNED: أدى تزايد حالات الطوارئ والتحديات الإنسانية إلى تردِّي حالة الصحة النفسية للنساء في إقليم شرق المتوسط.
    UNASSIGNED: هدفت هذه الدراسة الى تقييم معدل انتشار حالات الصحة النفسية بين النساء في الأوضاع الهشة والإنسانية بإقليم شرق المتوسط، ومُُحدِّدات تلك الحالات، والتدخلات المطلوبة لمعالجتها.
    UNASSIGNED: باستخدام المبادئ التوجيهية للعناصر الموصى بها لإعداد تقارير الاستعراض المنهجي والتحليلات التلوية (PRISMA)، استعرضنا 59 من الدراسات المنشورة المُحكَّمة (موقع PubMed، موقع الفهرس الطبي لإقليم شرق المتوسط «IMEMR») والمؤلفات غير الرسمية (منظمة الصحة العالمية/ المستودع المؤسسي لتبادل المعلومات) التي تشمل المدة من يناير / كانون الثاني 2001 إلى فبراير / شباط 2023 وتركِّز على الصحة النفسية للمرأة في إقليم شرق المتوسط. ثم أجرينا تحليلًًا وصفيًّا للخصائص الاجتماعية السكانية.
    UNASSIGNED: من بين الدراسات التي استُعرضت وبلغ عددها 59، فإن 13 فقط من الدراسات المحكَّمة البالغ عددها 48 ركَّزت في الأساس على الصحة النفسية للمرأة، في حين أن 11 من سجلات المؤلفات غير الرسمية عرضت في الغالب بيانات إقليمية مجمَّعة، كما أن 11 من أصل 25 دراسة عن الصحة النفسية بين المهاجرين تناولت النساء اللاتي لجأن إلى بلدان مرتفعة الدخل. وفي 32 دراسة مقطعية على النساء اللاتي تتراوح أعمارهن بين 12 و75 عامًا، كان متوسط انتشار الاضطرابات النفسية 49٪، ومتوسط انتشار القلق 68٪، واضطراب الكرب التالي للصدمات 52٪، والاكتئاب 43٪. وكانت مستويات الاكتئاب لدى النساء أعلى منها لدى الرجال. كما أن العمر، وتفاوت المستوى التعليمي، ومحدودية إتاحة الخدمات كانت من عوامل الخطر المهمة المؤدية إلى اضطرابات الصحة النفسية. كما ظهرت عدة تدخلات واعدة.
    UNASSIGNED: ينبغي بذل مزيد من الجهود لتوفير حلول مصممة خصيصًا ومحدَّدة السياق لتحديات الصحة النفسية التي تواجهها النساء في الأوضاع الإنسانية والهشة بإقليم شرق المتوسط، ومنها تخصيص مزيد من الموارد لبرامج الصحة النفسية، والتصدي للعقبات، وتعزيز ترصد الصحة النفسية، والحد من الوصم الاجتماعي.
    Analyse systématique en matière de santé mentale des femmes dans les contextes de fragilité et de crise humanitaire de la Région de la Méditerranée orientale.
    UNASSIGNED: Les situations d\'urgence et les défis humanitaires croissants ont aggravé la situation relative à la santé mentale des femmes dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale.
    UNASSIGNED: Évaluer la prévalence, les déterminants et les interventions en matière de santé mentale chez les femmes en situation de fragilité et de crise humanitaire dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale.
    UNASSIGNED: À l\'aide des lignes directrices PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis), nous avons passé en revue 59 études évaluées par des pairs publiées (PubMed, IMEMR) et la littérature grise (OMS/IRIS) qui étaient axées sur la santé mentale des femmes dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale, entre janvier 2001 et février 2023. Nous avons ensuite procédé à une analyse descriptive des caractéristiques sociodémographiques.
    UNASSIGNED: Parmi les 59 études examinées, seules 13 des 48 études évaluées par des pairs portaient principalement sur la santé mentale des femmes, 11 dossiers appartenant à la littérature grise présentaient principalement des données régionales regroupées, 11 des 25 études sur la santé mentale chez les migrants concernaient les personnes qui cherchaient refuge dans les pays à revenu élevé. La prévalence moyenne des troubles mentaux, déterminée à partir de 32 études transversales portant sur des femmes âgées de 12 à 75 ans, était de 49 % ; la prévalence moyenne de l\'anxiété était de 68 % ; celle des troubles de stress post-traumatique s\'élevait à 52 % ; et celle de la dépression à 43 %. Les femmes présentaient des niveaux de dépression plus élevés que les hommes. L\'âge, les disparités en matière d\'éducation et l\'accès limité aux services constituent des facteurs de risque importants pour les troubles de santé mentale. Plusieurs interventions prometteuses sont apparues.
    UNASSIGNED: Davantage d\'efforts devraient être consentis pour fournir des solutions personnalisées et adaptées au contexte concernant les problèmes de santé mentale des femmes vivant dans des situations de crise humanitaire et de fragilité dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale, notamment en allouant davantage de ressources aux programmes de santé mentale, en s\'attaquant aux obstacles, en améliorant la surveillance dans ce domaine et en réduisant la stigmatisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global burden of kidney disease is increasing, paralleled by a rising number of natural and man-made crises. During these tumultuous times, accessing vital health care resources becomes challenging, posing significant risks to individuals, particularly those with kidney disease. This review delves into the impact of crises on kidney disease, with a particular focus on acute kidney injury (AKI), kidney failure, and kidney transplant. Patients experiencing crush injuries leading to AKI may encounter delayed diagnosis due to the chaotic nature of disasters and limited availability of resources. In chronic crises such as conflicts, patients with kidney failure are particularly affected, and deviations from dialysis standards are unfortunately common, impacting morbidity and mortality rates. Additionally, crises also disrupt access to kidney transplants, potentially compromising transplant outcomes. This review underscores the critical importance of preparedness measures and proactive management for kidney disease in crisis settings. Collaborative efforts among government bodies, rescue teams, health care providers, humanitarian agencies, and nongovernmental organizations are imperative to ensure equitable and reasonable care for kidney disease patients during times of crises, with the aim of saving lives and improving outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant mental health concern globally, particularly prevalent in populations exposed to war and conflict. This systematic review and meta-analysis aim to examine the prevalence and factors associated with PTSD among the Ethiopian population residing in war-affected communities.
    UNASSIGNED: The review was reported according to the PRISMA guidelines. Related eligible published articles were searched in electronic online databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Science Direct, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Google, which reported the prevalence and risk factors of PTSD among people dwelling in the war-affected area until January 2024. The relevant data was extracted using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The meta-analysis was conducted using STATA version 11. The estimated pooled prevalence and risk factors were estimated using a random effect model. The potential risk of publication bias was checked using a funnel plot and Egger\'s statistical test.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of nine published studies with 6107 participants were analyzed in this meta-analysis. The estimated pooled prevalence of PTSD among people living in war-affected areas was 48.4%, with a 95% CI (37.1, 59.8). This study found a higher prevalence of PTSD among women than men. Being female (OR= 2.2, 95% CI: 1.2, 4.3), witnessing a murder of a loved one (OR= 3.0, 95% CI: 1.2, 7.5), depression symptoms (OR= 2.8, 95% CI: 1.4, 5.6), and anxiety symptoms (OR= 3.4, 95% CI: 1.4, 8.0), a close family member killed or seriously injured (OR= 3.1, 95% CI: 1.2, 7.7), a moderate and high perceived threat to life (OR= 3.4, 95% CI: 1.3, 9.1), and poor social support (OR= 4.4, 95% CI: 1.1, 18.7) were associated with post-traumatic stress disorder.
    UNASSIGNED: The result of this study shows the high prevalence rate of PTSD in people living in war-affected areas. disparities in PTSD prevalence, with women being at higher risk, and identified risk factors were witnessing the murder of a loved one, experiencing depression and anxiety, and perceived threat to life. Addressing PTSD in war-affected communities requires comprehensive interventions that consider both individual and contextual factors.
    UNASSIGNED:, identifier CRD42024501384.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Workplace bullying, and violence within the midwifery profession, has been a well-documented concern in health literature since the early 1990\'s. However, contemporary research highlights that workplace bullying, and violence is often inflicted upon midwifery students. Workplace bullying, and violence has both short- and long-term effects on the student, including psychological trauma and poor mental health, loss of passion for the midwifery profession and absenteeism. To consider a solution to this phenomenon, current literature regarding midwifery students\' knowledge, understanding and experiences of workplace bullying, and violence has been reviewed.
    UNASSIGNED: To explore and critique current literature on midwifery students\' knowledge, understanding and experiences of workplace bullying, and violence.
    UNASSIGNED: An integrative review.
    UNASSIGNED: Toronto & Remington\'s six-stage systematic framework was used to conduct the review, with rigour and validity for the research process.
    UNASSIGNED: Following critical appraisal, 12 articles met the inclusion criteria. Four themes emerged: (1) Prevalence and types of workplace bullying, and violence towards midwifery students. (2) Impact of workplace bullying, and violence on midwifery students\' experiences during the degree. (3) Impact of negative workplace culture on the midwifery profession. (4) The requirement to develop strategies for midwifery students to address workplace bullying, and violence.
    UNASSIGNED: Workplace bullying, and violence is a global health concern within the midwifery profession with evidenced impact on midwifery students\' professional and personal lives. Organisational systems and approaches were identified as causes of a toxic clinical environment and workplace bullying, and violence, which impacted midwifery students\' experiences. Suggestions supported universities incorporating conflict resolution strategies into midwifery degree programs, to prepare midwifery students to manage workplace bullying, and violence.
    UNASSIGNED: Workplace bullying, and violence is a global health concern entrenched within the midwifery profession, impacting midwifery students\' professional and personal lives. Incorporating conflict resolution strategies into Bachelor of midwifery degree programs, may help prepare midwifery students to manage workplace bullying, and violence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Safewards is a multi-intervention mental health nursing model of practice improvement aimed at preventing and reducing conflict and containment. The use of Safewards has now extended beyond mental health settings. Implementation of Safewards has been reported to be challenging and therefore requires an evidence-informed and structured approach. This review\'s objectives were to: (i) Comprehensively map approaches used to implement Safewards interventions; (ii) Characterise the outcomes measured in Safewards implementation studies; and (iii) Identify the facilitators and barriers to Safewards training and its implementation in practice. All quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods publications of Safewards, the interventions, evaluations, barriers and facilitators from all healthcare services internationally were included. The Joanna Briggs Institute scoping review and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews were used to guide methodology. Data were reported according to the 12 items of the TIDieR. Twenty-seven publications reported the implementation of Safewards. Descriptions were limited for reporting items such as intervention descriptions, materials, resources, specific procedures and processes, modifications made to interventions and delivery of interventions and training. No consistent theoretical implementation framework was reported. Collaboration, leadership, feedback and co-design were strong drivers for staff buy-in, engagement and success for implementation in mental health and acute settings. Transparency, replicability and generalisation require a detailed description of all elements of an intervention being implemented. Without adequate information, only assumptions can be drawn about the clinical governance and process of the implementation and training, and it is difficult to conclude when attempting to replicate the interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conflict adversely affects respiratory health in both direct and indirect ways among populations whose health is already compromised through the compounding effects of conflict. Our aim is to review academic and grey literature relevant to respiratory health in the Syrian conflict (now more than a decade in duration) to explore its impacts on populations across Syria. We performed a scoping literature review of academic and grey literature on respiratory health in Syria between March 2011 (taken as the start of the conflict for practicality) and December 2023. Of 11,472 papers screened, 34 met the inclusion criteria, of which 29 were peer reviewed. Key themes identified included the impact of conflict on asthma diagnosis and management; the burden of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) and COVID-19; the impact of chemical weapon use and the impact of destruction and interruptions to the health system(s) across Syria on respiratory health. This review highlights the need for more in-depth exploration of the impact of conflict on respiratory health in Syria with focus on social determinants, for example, shelter, public health interventions, smoking cessation, and supporting early diagnosis and treatment of respiratory conditions to counter the effects that conflict has had on respiratory health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Conflict situations, armed or not, have been associated with emergence and transmission of infectious diseases. This review aims to identify the pathways through which infectious diseases emerge within conflict situations and to outline appropriate infectious disease preparedness and response strategies.
    METHODS: A systematic review was performed representing published evidence from January 2000 to October 2023. Ovid Medline and Embase were utilised to obtain literature on infectious diseases in any conflict settings. The systematic review adhered to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis). No geographical restrictions were imposed.
    RESULTS: Our review identified 51 studies covering AIDS, Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Cholera, Coronavirus 2, Ebola, Poliomyelitis, Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Measles, Diphtheria, Dengue and Acute Bacterial Meningitis within conflict settings in Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Africa since October 2023. Key factors contributing to disease emergence and transmission in conflict situations included population displacement, destruction of vital infrastructure, reduction in functioning healthcare systems and healthcare personnel, disruption of disease control programmes (including reduced surveillance, diagnostic delays, and interrupted vaccinations), reduced access by healthcare providers to populations within areas of active conflict, increased population vulnerability due to limited access to healthcare services, and disruptions in the supply chain of safe water, food, and medication. To mitigate these infectious disease risks reported preparedness and response strategies included both disease-specific intervention strategies as well as broader concepts such as the education of conflict-affected populations through infectious disease awareness programmes, investing in and enabling health care in locations with displaced populations, intensifying immunisation campaigns, and ensuring political commitment and intersectoral collaborations between governments and international organisations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Conflict plays a direct and indirect role in the transmission and propagation of infectious diseases. The findings from this review can assist decision-makers in the development of evidence-based preparedness and response strategies for the timely and effective containment of infectious disease outbreaks in conflict zones and amongst conflict-driven displaced populations.
    BACKGROUND: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control under specific contract No. 22 ECD.13,154 within Framework contract ECDC/2019/001 Lot 1B.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The emergency department (ED) is a demanding and time-pressured environment where doctors must navigate numerous team interactions. Conflicts between health care professionals frequently arise in these settings. We aim to synthesize the individual-, team-, and systemic-level factors that contribute to conflict between clinicians within the ED and explore strategies and opportunities for future research.
    METHODS: Online databases PubMed and Web of Science were systematically searched for relevant peer-reviewed journal articles in English with keywords relating to \"conflict\" and \"emergency department,\" yielding a total of 29 articles.
    RESULTS: Narrative analysis showed that conflict often occurred during referrals or admissions from ED to inpatient or admitting units. Individual-level contributors to conflict include a lack of trust in ED workup and staff inexperience. Team-level contributors include perceptions of bias between groups, patient complexity, communication errors, and difference in practice. Systems-level contributors include high workload/time pressures, ambiguities around patient responsibility, power imbalances, and workplace culture. Among identified solutions to mitigate conflict are better communication training, standardizing admission guidelines, and improving interdepartmental relationships.
    CONCLUSIONS: In emergency medicine, conflict is common and occurs at multiple levels, reflecting the complex interface of tasks and relationships within ED.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Malnutrition, specifically undernutrition, is a significant global challenge that contributes to nearly half of deaths in children under the age of five. The burden of undernutrition is disproportionately borne by conflict-affected, fragile settings (CAFS); children living in a conflict zone being more than twice as likely to suffer from malnourishment. Community health worker (CHW) models have been employed in CAFS to improve healthcare coverage and identify and treat illnesses. However, there lacks systematic evidence on the impact of CHW models in preventing, identifying, and managing child undernutrition in CAFS. We conducted this review to systematically evaluate evidence of CHW models in preventing, identifying, and managing undernutrition in children under the age of five in CAFS.
    METHODS: This review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses reporting standards. The search strategy was developed using the Population-Intervention-Comparisons-Outcomes-Setting framework as a guide. Searches were performed using Ovid online database search platform, searching the databases of Ovid MEDLINE(R), COCHRANE, Embase Classic, Embase, Econlit, Global Health, SCOPUS, and Social Policy and Practice. Peer-reviewed publications were eligible for inclusion if they evaluated an intervention using a CHW model that aims to prevent, identify, or manage some form of undernutrition in children under five in a CAFS.
    RESULTS: We identified 25 studies-spanning 10 countries-that were included in the systematic review. CHW models were implemented alongside a variety of interventions, including behaviour change communication, supplementary foods, nutrition counselling, and integrated community health programmes. Key barriers in implementing successful CHW models include disruption of programmes due to active conflict, states of emergency, militancy, or political unrest; weak links between the community-based interventions and public health system; weak health system capacity that impeded referral and follow-ups; and cost of care and care-seeking. Key facilitators include CHWs\' connection to the community, close proximity of programmes to the community, supervision, and investment in high quality training and tools.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that CHW models may be effective, cost-effective, acceptable, feasible, and scalable in the prevention, identification, and management child undernutrition in CAFS. The study findings also confirmed a need for greater evidence in the field. These findings may inform policymaking, programme implementation, and design to strengthen best practices for CHW models addressing child undernutrition in CAFS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Containment (e.g. physical restraint and seclusion) is used frequently in mental health inpatient settings. Containment is associated with serious psychological and physical harms. De-escalation (psychosocial techniques to manage distress without containment) is recommended to manage aggression and other unsafe behaviours, for example self-harm. All National Health Service staff are trained in de-escalation but there is little to no evidence supporting training\'s effectiveness.
    UNASSIGNED: Objectives were to: (1) qualitatively investigate de-escalation and identify barriers and facilitators to use across the range of adult acute and forensic mental health inpatient settings; (2) co-produce with relevant stakeholders an intervention to enhance de-escalation across these settings; (3) evaluate the intervention\'s preliminary effect on rates of conflict (e.g. violence, self-harm) and containment (e.g. seclusion and physical restraint) and understand barriers and facilitators to intervention effects.
    UNASSIGNED: Intervention development informed by Experience-based Co-design and uncontrolled pre and post feasibility evaluation. Systematic reviews and qualitative interviews investigated contextual variation in use and effects of de-escalation. Synthesis of this evidence informed co-design of an intervention to enhance de-escalation. An uncontrolled feasibility trial of the intervention followed. Clinical outcome data were collected over 24 weeks including an 8-week pre-intervention phase, an 8-week embedding and an 8-week post-intervention phase.
    UNASSIGNED: Ten inpatient wards (including acute, psychiatric intensive care, low, medium and high secure forensic) in two United Kingdom mental health trusts.
    UNASSIGNED: In-patients, clinical staff, managers, carers/relatives and training staff in the target settings.
    UNASSIGNED: Enhancing de-escalation techniques in adult acute and forensic units: Development and evaluation of an evidence-based training intervention (EDITION) interventions included de-escalation training, two novel models of reflective practice, post-incident debriefing and feedback on clinical practice, collaborative prescribing and ward rounds, practice changes around admission, shift handovers and the social and physical environment, and sensory modulation and support planning to reduce patient distress.
    UNASSIGNED: Outcomes measured related to feasibility (recruitment and retention, completion of outcome measures), training outcomes and clinical and safety outcomes. Conflict and containment rates were measured via the Patient-Staff Conflict Checklist. Clinical outcomes were measured using the Attitudes to Containment Measures Questionnaire, Attitudes to Personality Disorder Questionnaire, Violence Prevention Climate Scale, Capabilities, Opportunities, and Motivation Scale, Coercion Experience Scale and Perceived Expressed Emotion in Staff Scale.
    UNASSIGNED: Completion rates of the proposed primary outcome were very good at 68% overall (excluding remote data collection), which increased to 76% (excluding remote data collection) in the post-intervention period. Secondary outcomes had high completion rates for both staff and patient respondents. Regression analyses indicated that reductions in conflict and containment were both predicted by study phase (pre, embedding, post intervention). There were no adverse events or serious adverse events related to the intervention.
    UNASSIGNED: Intervention and data-collection procedures were feasible, and there was a signal of an effect on the proposed primary outcome.
    UNASSIGNED: Uncontrolled design and self-selecting sample.
    UNASSIGNED: Definitive trial determining intervention effects.
    UNASSIGNED: This trial is registered as ISRCTN12826685 (closed to recruitment).
    UNASSIGNED: This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme (NIHR award ref: 16/101/02) and is published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 28, No. 3. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information.
    UNASSIGNED: Conflict (a term used to describe a range of potentially unsafe events including violence, self-harm, rule-breaking, medication refusal, illicit drug and alcohol use and absconding) in mental health settings causes serious physical and psychological harm. Containment interventions which are intended to minimise harm from violence (and other conflict behaviours) such as restraint, seclusion and rapid tranquilisation can result in serious injuries to patients and, occasionally, death. Involvement in physical restraint is the most common cause of serious physical injury to National Health Service mental health staff in the United Kingdom. Violence to staff results in substantial costs to the health service in sickness and litigation payments. Containment interventions are also expensive (e.g. physical restraint costs mental health services £6.1 million and enhanced observations £88 million per annum). Despite these harms, recent findings indicate containment interventions such as seclusion and physical restraint continue to be used frequently in mental health settings. Clinical trials have demonstrated that interventions can reduce containment without increasing violence and other conflict behaviours (e.g. verbal aggression, self-harm). Substantial cost-savings result from reducing containment use. De-escalation, as an intervention to manage aggression and potential violence without restrictive practices, is a core intervention. \'De-escalation\' is a collective term for a range of psychosocial techniques designed to reduce distress and anger without the need to use \'containment\' interventions (measures to prevent harm through restricting a person\'s ability to act independently, such as physical restraint and seclusion). Evidence indicates that de-escalation involves ensuring conditions for safe intervention and effective communication are established, clarifying and attempting to resolve the patient\'s concern, conveyance of respect and empathy and regulating unhelpful emotions such as anxiety and anger. Despite featuring prominently in clinical guidelines and training policy domestically and internationally and being a component of mandatory National Health Service training, there is no evidence-based model on which to base training. A systematic review of de-escalation training effectiveness and acceptability conducted in 2015 concluded: (1) no model of training has demonstrated effectiveness in a sufficiently rigorous evaluation, (2) the theoretical underpinning of evaluated models was often unclear and (3) there has been inadequate investigation of the characteristics of training likely to enhance acceptability and uptake. Despite all National Health Service staff being trained in de-escalation there have been no high-quality trials evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of training. Feasibility studies are needed to establish whether it is possible to conduct a definitive trial that can determine the clinical, safety and cost-effectiveness of this intervention.
    Mental health hospitals are stressful places for patients and staff. Patients are often detained against their will, in places that are noisy, unfamiliar and frightening. Violence and self-injury happen quite frequently. Sometimes staff physically restrain patients or isolate patients in locked rooms (called seclusion). While these measures might sometimes be necessary to maintain safety, they are psychologically and physically harmful. To help reduce the use of these unsafe measures, staff are trained in communication skills designed to reduce anger and distress without using physical force. Professionals call these skills ‘de-escalation’. Although training in de-escalation is mandatory, there is no good evidence to say whether it works or not, or what specific techniques staff should be trained in. The Enhancing de-escalation techniques in adult acute and forensic units: Development and evaluation of an evidence-based training intervention (EDITION) project aimed to develop and evaluate a de-escalation training programme informed by research evidence. We interviewed over one hundred people who either worked in or received treatment in a mental health hospital. These people were clear that the training should target key sources of interpersonal and environmental stress that prevent de-escalation from working. We also reviewed all the scientific studies on de-escalation and training, aiming to identify the elements of training that are most likely to increase use of de-escalation. Then, in partnership with current mental health service users and clinical staff, we developed the training programme. Training was delivered to more than 270 staff working in 10 different wards in mental health hospitals. We measured rates of violence, self-injury and use of physical restraint and seclusion 8 weeks before staff received training and 16 weeks after they received training (24 weeks of data collection in total). Analysis of these data showed that these unsafe events were occurring significantly less frequently after training than they were before training, which raised the possibility that the training was helping to reduce harm.





