
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bruxism has been defined in recent years and analyzed in detail as the repetitive activity of the muscles of the masticatory system. Both adults and children experience two different forms of bruxism: daytime and nighttime bruxism. According to the WHO, bruxism affects 5% to 50% of the world\'s pediatric population. The symptoms of this disease include tooth wear and fractures, temporomandibular disorders, headaches, behavioral and sleep disorders, and parafunctional habits such as nail biting. According to scientists, psychosocial factors are the most likely factors causing bruxism in children. To this day, we do not have established standards of treatment for children, especially for those with disabilities. The issue of bruxism in children with Down syndrome (DS) is still unexplained. Anatomical abnormalities in the facial skeleton, reduced muscle tone, personality traits, and sleep problems in these people may cause the symptoms of bruxism. Our study aimed to present a clinical case of a 13-year-old girl with DS and symptoms of bruxism. Diagnostics and dental examination in children with intellectual disabilities and a lack of understanding of the disease create a great challenge for the treatment team, including the dentist, physiotherapist, psychologist, and family. Creating standards for treating and preventing bruxism symptoms is demanding, among other things, due to the lack of sufficient scientific research.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Alveolar oral exostosis is a common, benign condition routinely found in dentistry. Clinical problems associated with exostoses are the maintenance of oral hygiene as well as the fabrication of prosthodontic appliances. Over time, exostoses may contribute to irritation and periodontal disease.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient in this case study had a recurrence of exostoses and was bothered by consistent and prominent pain. She reported being a bruxer; her bruxism was exacerbated due to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and antidepressant medications.
    UNASSIGNED: The etiology behind the recurrence of exostosis is discussed. The most evident etiology seems to be persistence of medication-induced bruxism, specifically awake bruxism.
    UNASSIGNED: It is necessary to take a proper history to identify the cause of the recurrence of exostosis. Dental hygienists can contribute to a better understanding of and provide better treatment options for patients who have medication-induced bruxism.
    UNASSIGNED: L’exostose buccale alvéolaire est une affection bénigne courante couramment observée en dentisterie. Les problèmes cliniques associés aux exostoses sont le maintien de l’hygiène buccale ainsi que la fabrication d’appareils prosthodontiques. Avec le temps, les exostoses peuvent causer de l’irritation et des maladies parodontales.
    UNASSIGNED: Dans cette étude de cas, la patiente présente des exostoses récurrentes et est dérangée par une douleur constante et proéminente. Elle a déclaré souffrir de bruxisme exacerbé par la prise de médicaments antidépresseurs et contre le trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité.
    UNASSIGNED: L’étiologie derrière la récurrence de l’exostose est abordée. L’étiologie la plus évidente semble être la persistance du bruxisme induit par les médicaments, en particulier le bruxisme diurne.
    UNASSIGNED: Il est nécessaire d’obtenir les antécédents médicaux appropriés pour identifier la cause de la récurrence de l’exostose. Les hygiénistes dentaires peuvent contribuer à une meilleure compréhension et offrir de meilleures options de traitement aux patients atteints de bruxisme induit par les médicaments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study focuses on temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), which affect the temporomandibular joint and related muscles and have multiple causes. Recent studies have examined the connection between menstrual cycles, estrogen levels, and TMDs, but results are inconsistent, highlighting the need for more research. The aim is to explore the prevalence of TMDs in pregnant women and consider how hormonal changes during pregnancy might influence these disorders.
    METHODS: In this cross-sectional case-control study, we compared 32 pregnant women with 35 non-pregnant women. We evaluated several TMD-related factors such as pain levels, chronic pain classification, scores on the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale-20 and Oral Behaviors Checklist, and psychological health. We used various statistical methods including descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, linear regression, and adjustments for multiple comparisons to analyze the data.
    RESULTS: Pregnant women showed different pain perceptions, generally reporting less pain and lower severity. Nonetheless, these differences were not uniform across all TMD-related measures. Linear regression did not find a consistent link between pregnancy and TMD scores, except for chronic pain grade, which was not significant after adjusting for multiple comparisons. There was a significant relationship between depression and TMD severity, emphasizing the need to consider mental health in TMD evaluations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that pregnancy is neither a risk nor a protective factor for TMD. Differences in pain perception, functional status, and psychological health were observed in pregnant women but were not consistent for all TMD-related aspects. The role of estrogen in TMJ health and TMD risk is complex and requires further study. The research highlights the necessity of including mental health, especially depression, in TMD assessments. More comprehensive research with larger sample sizes is essential to better understand the connections between pregnancy, TMD, and hormones, aiming to improve TMD management in pregnant women and others.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Noncarious lesions, a multifactorial condition encompassing tooth attrition, abrasion, and erosion, have a surge in prevalence and required increased attention in clinical practice. These nonbacterial-associated tooth defects can compromise aesthetics, phonetics, and masticatory functions. When providing full-arch fixed occlusal rehabilitation for such cases, the treatment strategy should extend beyond by restoring dentition morphology and aesthetics. This report details a complex case of erosive dental wear addressed through a fully digital, full-arch fixed occlusal rehabilitation. A 4D virtual patient was created using multiple digital data sources, including intraoral scanning, 3D facial scanning, digital facebow registration, and mandibular movement tracing. With a comprehensive understanding of the masticatory system, various types of microinvasive prostheses were customized for each tooth, including labial veneers, buccal-occlusal veneers, occlusal veneers, overlays, inlays, and full crowns, were customized for each tooth. The reported digital workflow offered a predictable diagnostic and treatment strategy, which was facilitated by virtual visualization and comprehensive quality control throughout the process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aetiology of Sleep bruxism includes specific personality traits, related to perfectionism.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between probable sleep bruxism (PSB) and personality traits in children and their parents, determining whether children with PSB and their parents are more perfectionists.
    METHODS: This case-control study included 104 children aged 8-9 years, 52 cases and 52 controls. A clinical examination was performed on the children who completed the Big Five Personality Questionnaire (BFQ-NA) and the Child Perfectionism Inventory. Parents completed a bruxism diagnostic questionnaire according to the AASM criteria, BFQ and Frost multidimensional perfectionism scale questionnaires. t-Tests for independent samples and multivariate logistic regression models were used for statistical analysis.
    RESULTS: A significant relationship between PSB and a self-demanding personality (OR = 1.11, p = .01), restless sleep (OR = 4.41, p = .004), and a family history of clenching and grinding teeth (OR = 3.07, p = .0006) was found in a binary logistic regression model. When adjusted, only restless sleep showed a significant relationship with PSB (p = .03, OR 3.32, 95% CI 1.13-9.81).
    CONCLUSIONS: Children whose parents reported as clenching or grinding their teeth while asleep in the previous 6 months, and who were found to have abnormal dental wear, had significantly more nightmares, sleep disruption, daytime sleepiness, family history of bruxism, and tended to be more perfectionist.






  • 文章类型: Review
    This case report presents a literature review and a case report of a full-mouth implant rehabilitation for a 65-year-old woman with a history of Bruxism. The patient\'s oral condition showed dentition with severe occlusal wear, extensive dental work, and missing teeth replaced with bridges and implants. The existing dental work was failing due to recurrent caries and the mechanical failure of long-span bridges. The unique aspect of the treatment presented in this report is the management of existing osseointegrated implants of different systems with different platform designs, which adds to the treatment\'s complexity. The existing implants were incorporated into the planned treatment, and other implants were added to support maxillary zirconia and mandibular hybrid full-arch prostheses. After 2 years of function, extensive wear was evident on the milled acrylic, even though an occlusal guard was used. New acrylic teeth were processed using the same milled titanium bar of the mandibular hybrid prosthesis, and the occlusal surfaces of the acrylic teeth were protected with gold onlays. The patient is seen regularly for maintenance every 6 months with no further complications. Careful evaluation, planning, and treatment execution are paramount in managing patients with a history of bruxism. Patients should be prepared and informed about possible mechanical failure and seen regularly for maintenance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to investigate the risk factors of bruxism in children and adolescents under 15 years old in Iran.
    UNASSIGNED: This case-control study was conducted in day clinics of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in 2020. Fifty children with bruxism in the case group and 50 without in the control group were compared to five risk factors, including intestinal parasites, sucking the fingers, biting objects, a family history of bruxism, and secondhand smoking (SHS). The statistical tests of smoking, odds ratio, and logistic regression were used for data analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: The mean age of the subjects was 10.6±3.2 and 10.8±2.9 years in the case and control groups, respectively. The bruxism showed significant relation with sucking the fingers, the family history of bruxism, and intestinal parasites. The SHS and biting objects showed no significant relation with bruxism. The logistic regression indicated that the study variables could explain the 22.6 to 30.1% of risk factors in bruxism.
    UNASSIGNED: Bruxism is a common disorder in children and adolescents. The intestinal parasites might be associated with bruxism. These infestations should be diagnosed and treated in children with bruxism.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Rett syndrome (RTT) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a mutation in the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene. It is characterized by profound and severe motor disability. Patients with RTT grind their teeth, causing damage to their permanent teeth. This article aims to describe the case of an 8-year-old child with RTT and the methods of botulinum toxin-based treatment for teeth grinding.
    RESULTS: Surface electromyography (sEMG) was used to monitor the effects of treatment. The masseter and temporal muscles, responsible for the elevation of the mandible, were injected with botulinum toxin. The results of the sEMG examination performed 1 week, 1 month and 4 months after toxin administration were compared to the sEMG conducted before treatment. The research demonstrates a significant reduction in both grinding frequency and tension of the masseter and temporal muscles.
    CONCLUSIONS: Possible adverse effects after chronic use of botulinum toxin were discussed. The article also emphasizes the need for masticatory muscle rehabilitation during botulinum toxin therapy. However, it is necessary to repeat this procedure on a larger group of children with RTT to establish our efforts\' efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bruxism associated with antidepressant use is an under-recognized phenomenon. The use of citalopram has gained wide acceptance in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders; however, the consumption of this medication during lactation and pregnancy has not been carefully characterized. There are limited studies about its side effects in the breastfeeding period. Here, we report a rare case of citalopram-induced sleep bruxism in a 9-month-old female breastfed infant whose mother used SSRI agent citaloporm for her anxiety disorder. Within 2 weeks of initiating her citalopram treatment, with a starting dose of 10 mg/day, the patient reported sleep bruxism in her infant. Thorough examinations of the infant were performed and no abnormal finding was reported. After ruling out other possible causes, the new-onset bruxism symptoms were attributed to the mother\'s recent use of citalopram, which was discontinued thereafter. The infant\'s symptoms of bruxism disappeared following the discontinuation of the medication by her mother. These findings and similar reports could draw more attention to bruxism or other possible symptoms in breastfed infants of mothers consuming psychotropic medications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare marginal bone loss (MBL) around dental implants in a group of bruxers in relation to a matched group of non-bruxers.
    METHODS: The present record-based retrospective study included patients selected from individuals treated with dental implants at one specialist clinic in Malmö. Only implants not lost and with baseline radiographs taken within 12 months after implant placement and with a minimum of 36 months of radiological follow-up were considered for inclusion. Univariate linear regression models and a linear mixed-effects model were performed.
    RESULTS: Two hundred and four patients (104 bruxers, 100 non-bruxers), with a total of 811 implants (416 in bruxers, 395 in non-bruxers) were included in the study. The results of the linear mixed-effects model suggested that bruxism, smoking, age, region of the jaws, implant diameter, and prosthesis type had a statistically significant influence on MBL over time. Individuals who are both bruxers and smokers showed greater MBL when compared to individuals who are either a bruxer or smoker, or neither (p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Bruxism is suggested to increase the risk of MBL over time, as well as higher age, smoking, and the combination of bruxism and smoking. Other factors that showed a correlation with increased MBL were implant diameter, region of the jaws, and prosthesis type, but it is not possible to draw robust conclusions for these factors, as the categories of these variables were very unbalanced.





