
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: An infant\'s presentation at delivery may be an early indicator of developmental differences. Non-vertex presentation (malpresentation) complicates delivery and often leads to caesarean section, which has been associated with neurodevelopmental delays, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, malpresentation could be an early sign of an existing developmental problem that is also an upstream factor from caesarean delivery. Little research has been done to investigate the association between malpresentation and ASD.
    OBJECTIVE: We examine the association between malpresentation at delivery and ASD and whether this association differs by gestational age.
    METHODS: We used data from the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), a multi-site, case-control study of children with ASD compared to population controls. The foetal presentation was determined using medical records, birth records and maternal interviews. We defined malpresentation as a non-vertex presentation at delivery, then further categorised into breech and other malpresentation. We used multivariable logistic regression to estimate the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for the association between malpresentation and ASD.
    RESULTS: We included 4047 SEED participants, 1873 children with ASD and 2174 controls. At delivery, most infants presented vertex (n = 3760, 92.9%). Malpresentation was associated with higher odds of ASD (aOR 1.31, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02, 1.68) after adjustment for maternal age, poverty level, hypertensive disorder and smoking. The association was similar for breech and other types of malpresentation (aOR 1.28, 95% CI 0.97, 1.70 and aOR 1.40, 95% CI 0.87, 2.26, respectively) and did not differ markedly by gestational age.
    CONCLUSIONS: Malpresentation at delivery was modestly associated with ASD. Early monitoring of the neurodevelopment of children born with malpresentation could identify children with ASD sooner and enhance opportunities to provide support to optimise developmental outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: With the global increase of cesarean deliveries, breech presentation is the third indication for elective cesarean delivery. Implementation of external cephalic version (ECV), in which the position of the baby is manipulated externally to prevent breech presentation at term, remains suboptimal. Increasing knowledge for caretakers and patients is beneficial in the uptake of ECV implementation. In recent decades, the internet has become the most important source of information for both patients and health care professionals. However, the use and availability of the internet also bring about concerns since the information is often not regulated or reviewed. Information needs to be understandable, correct, and easily obtainable for the patient. Owing to its global reach, YouTube has great potential to both hinder and support spreading medical information and can therefore be used as a tool for shared decision-making.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the available information on YouTube about ECV and assess the quality and usefulness of the information in the videos.
    METHODS: A YouTube search was performed with five search terms and the first 35 results were selected for analysis. A quality assessment scale was developed to quantify the accuracy of medical information of each video. The main outcome measure was the usefulness score, dividing the videos into useful, slightly useful, and not useful categories. The source of upload was divided into five subcategories and two broad categories of medical or nonmedical. Secondary outcomes included audience engagement, misinformation, and encouraging or discouraging ECV.
    RESULTS: Among the 70 videos, only 14% (n=10) were defined as useful. Every useful video was uploaded by educational channels or health care professionals and 80% (8/10) were derived from a medical source. Over half of the not useful videos were uploaded by birth attendants and vloggers. Videos uploaded by birth attendants scored the highest on audience engagement. The presence of misinformation was low across all groups. Two-thirds of the vloggers encouraged ECV to their viewers.
    CONCLUSIONS: A minor percentage of videos about ECV on YouTube are considered useful. Vloggers often encourage their audience to opt for ECV. Videos with higher audience engagement had a lower usefulness score compared to videos with lower audience engagement. Sources from medically accurate videos should cooperate with sources with high audience engagement to contribute to the uptake of ECV by creating more awareness and a positive attitude of the procedure, thereby lowering the chance for a cesarean delivery due to breech presentation at term.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    The objectives of this study were to compare perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies where the first twin was in the breech presentation. To do so, we performed a 10-year retrospective cohort study in a single university center. All patients with a twin pregnancy with the first twin in breech presentation, a gestational age greater than or equal to 34 weeks\' gestation, and a birth weight <= 1500 g were included. The main outcome measures were 5-minute Apgar score <7 and perinatal mortality. We included 353 pairs of twins which complied with the inclusion criteria. One hundred and fifty (150) patients delivered vaginally while 203 pairs of twins were delivered by caesarean section. Patients who delivered abdominally were similar to those who delivered vaginally with regard to age, parity, and gestational age. Six twins A delivered vaginally and 2 delivered by caesarean section had an Apgar score < 7 (p = 0.76) whereas 12 twins B delivered vaginally and 2 delivered abdominally had an Apgar score <7 (p = 0.001). Perinatal mortality did not differ significantly between twins delivered abdominally and those delivered vaginally. There was no evidence that vaginal delivery was risky with regards to depressed Apgar scores for Twin A and neonatal mortality for breech first twins that weighed at least 1500 g. However, Twin B delivered vaginally were more likely to present with a low 5-minute Apgar score. Along with the literature, the findings of this study do not currently allow to define a consensual obstetric attitude towards management of breech first twin deliveries. Until more prospective multicenter randomized controlled studies shed light on this problem, the skills, experience and judgment of the obstetrician will play a major role in the decision-making process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Guidelines on vaginal breech delivery require birth weight restrictions and neglect the impact of pelvic measurements despite contradicting evidence. There is a great need for more evidence on delivery outcome predicting factors for patients counselling. (2) Methods: We performed a prospective cohort study on 748 primiparous women intending vaginal breech birth and analyzed combined influence of fetal birth weight (BW) and the obstetric conjugate (conjugate vera obstetrica, CVO) on delivery outcome. (3) Results: We generated a BW/CVO ratio and devided our study cohort at median (257.8 g/cm) into a low ratio group (LR, with low birth weight and wide obstetric conjugate) and a high ratio group (HR, high birth weight and narrow obstetric conjugate). Cesarean section (CS) rate was significantly higher in HR (50.3%) as compared to LR (28.3%, p < 0.0001). Fetal morbidity was not different. In vaginally completed deliveries duration of birth was significantly longer in vHR (557 min) as in vLR (414 min, p < 0.001). Manual assistance to deliver the arms (‘Louwen maneuver’) positively correlated with birth weight (r2 = 0.215; p = 0.005) and the BW/CVO ratio (r2 = 0.0147; p = 0.02). (4) Conclusions: A high fetal birth weight combined with a tiny CVO predicts higher cesarean section probability, longer birth duration and the necessity to perform arm delivery assistance. Birth weight and pelvic measurements should be topics of great importance in patients counselling.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    This study aims to evaluate the level of psychological distress for women with breech compared to cephalic presentation. We hypothesized, that women with breech presentation have higher levels of depression, stress and anxiety. Secondary objectives were to analyze potential demographic risk factors and comorbidity of psychological distress in breech pregnancy.
    The breech study group was formed by 379 women with breech presentation. A sample of 128 women with cephalic presentation was recruited during routine clinical care. Depression, anxiety and stress symptoms were ascertained by means of the Depression-Anxiety-Stress-Score (DASS)-21 questionnaire. Categorial data was analyzed with Chi-square or exact test, continuous data with unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney U test. Demographic risk factors were identified using a binary logistic regression model.
    Prevalence of psychological distress among women with breech was not higher compared to those of other pregnant women. Symptomatic depression, anxiety and stress affected 5.8%, 14.5% and 11.9% of women with breech, respectively. Decreasing age was identified as a risk factor for anxiety (p = 0.006). Multiparity increased risk for depression (p = 0.001), for anxiety (p = 0.026) and for perinatal stress (p = 0.010). More than 80% of women with depressive symptoms had comorbidities of psychological distress.
    Breech presentation compared to cephalic presentation was not associated with higher levels of psychological distress. However, breech pregnancies are affected by symptoms of potential mental disorder. Multiparous women and younger women may need additional support and would benefit from a standardized screening tool for the assessment of perinatal psychological distress.
    Ethical approval (EA2/241/18) was granted by the Ethics Commission of the Charité University Hospital on the 23.01.2019 ( Identifier: NCT03827226).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the influence of neuraxial anesthesia or sedation with remifentanil in external cephalic version (ECV) is widely known, ECV results using propofol have not been previously analyzed. This study aimed to evaluate ECV outcomes when propofol was used. An observational analysis of ECV was performed between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2020. ECV was accomplished with tocolysis and propofol. One hundred and thirty-one pregnant women were recruited. The propofol mean dose was 156.1 mg (SD 6.1). A cephalic presentation was achieved in 61.1% (80/131) of the pregnant women. In total, 56.7% (38/67) of pregnant women with cephalic presentation at labor had a spontaneous delivery, 26.9% (18/67) had an operative delivery, and an intrapartum urgent cesarean section was performed in 16.4% (11/67). In total, 46 pregnant women (35.9%) were scheduled for an elective cesarean section due to non-cephalic presentation. The emergency cesarean section rate during the following 24 h was 10.7% (14/131). A major ECV complication arose in 15 cases (11.5%). ECV outcomes when propofol was used seems to be similar to those with other anesthetic adjunct, so sedation with propofol could be an adequate option for ECV. More studies are needed to compare its effectiveness with neuraxial techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of external cephalic version (ECV) for the leading twin (twin A) in breech presentation in dichorionic and diamniotic twin pregnancies without the use of regional anesthetics and tocolysis and to characterize the sonographic parameters, maternal and neonatal outcomes.
    METHODS: Prospective study performed in the Charité University Hospital outpatient obstetric department in Berlin, Germany. A total of 23 women from the 35th completed week of pregnancy with confirmed dichorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancy were recruited. ECVs were performed by the lead consultant for the breech and ECV clinic. Ethical approval provided by the Charité Ethics Commission (EA2/241/18). Demographic data were recorded. Fetal sonographic parameters were assessed. The success rate of ECV, duration of the ECV, gestational age at delivery, mode of delivery for both fetuses, maternal and neonatal outcomes were analyzed.
    RESULTS: Our main finding showed that ECV for twin A breech in dichorionic-diamniotic twins is successful in 56% (10/18) of cases without the need for regional anesthesia and without tocolysis. There is a significant increase in the spontaneous vaginal delivery rate for both twins of 95% (19/20) vs 12.5% (2/16) (p < 0.001). There is also a significant reduction in blood loss at delivery of 300 ml vs 500 ml (p = 0.034) in successful cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: We show that ECV for twin A in breech is feasible and in 56% (10/18) successful without regional anesthesia and tocolysis. The option of ECV for twin A breech should be offered to women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Studies investigating the association between developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and risk factors in Saudi Arabia are rare.
    OBJECTIVE: Investigate the association between DDH and several risk factors among Saudi children.
    METHODS: The medical records of 82 children born in or admitted to King Abdul Aziz Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with clinical suspicion of hip dislocation (HD) were included. The association between DDH and the following risk factors was investigated: age < 3 y, female-gender, twinning, first-born child, C-section, breech presentation, prematurity, positive family history and presence of associated abnormalities.
    RESULTS: HD was confirmed in 73 (89%) children (Positive HD) and excluded in 9 (11%) children (Negative HD). Eleven (13.4%) children were excluded from the positive cases as it was confirmed that they have paralytic hip dislocation not DDH. DDH was confirmed in 62 children (75.6%). The Chi square test (χ2) and odds ratios (OR) revealed that the positive family history, female-gender, age < 3 years, and presence of associated abnormalities had significant associations with the presence of DDH with P values and OR equal 0.00 (16.4), 0.002 (3.1), 0.005 (2.6), and 0.04 (1.9) respectively. Breech presentation, twinning, first-born children, prematurity, and C-section were not associated with DDH with P values and OR equal 0.93 (1.1), 0.46 (0.4), 0.11 (0.4), 0.08 (0.3), and 0.002 (0.3) respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Positive family history, female-gender, age < 3 years, and presence of associated abnormalities had approximately 16, 3, 2.5, and 2 times increased risk for DDH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determining the efficacy of performance of a second external cephalic version (ECV) following successful first ECV with subsequent spontaneous reinversion to breech presentation in reducing the rate of cesarean delivery (CD).
    Data were reviewed on healthy women with fetuses in breech presentation who underwent a first ECV after 36 weeks. Routine ultrasound study was performed at 39-week gestation, and a repeat ECV procedure was performed if the fetus had reverted to non-cephalic presentation. Obstetrical outcome measures were compared between women who underwent one successful ECV between 36- and 41-week gestation in which the fetus remained in cephalic presentation until labor and those who underwent a successful first ECV after which the fetus returned to breech and a second ECV was performed. The primary outcome was the rate of secondary CD during vaginal delivery in cephalic presentation; rate of successful second ECV was the secondary outcome.
    Overall 250 women underwent one ECV attempt of which 169 (67%) were successful. Of them 28 reverted to breech presentation, all women underwent two attempts of which 21 (76%) were successful. A second successful ECV attempt was associated with a 33% incidence of a CD vs. 2.8% after one successful ECV in which the fetus remained in cephalic presentation.
    A second ECV after a successful first ECV with subsequent spontaneous reversion to breech presentation can be expected to be successful in 76% of cases but lead to CD in 33% of cases. Our findings can be used to support patient counseling and decision-making before second ECV attempt.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the neonatal and maternal outcomes as well as the mode of delivery of intended vaginal breech deliveries in women with a prior cesarean section to primiparous patients.
    METHODS: The prospective monocenter cohort study was conducted among 604 women who presented for an intended vaginal singleton breech delivery at term between January 2007 and December 2016.
    RESULTS: Out of 37 women with a prior cesarean 19 had a successful vaginal delivery. 344 of 567 primiparous women had a successful vaginal delivery. Neonatal morbidity and mortality as well as maternal outcome were not significantly different in successful vaginal deliveries of women with prior cesarean compared to primiparous patients. The cesarean section rate was not significantly higher in the group of women with a prior cesarean (49%) compared to the group of primipara (39%).
    CONCLUSIONS: A prior cesarean should not be taken as an exclusion criterion for a planned vaginal delivery out of a breech presentation at term. Large multicenter, case-controlled studies are necessary to implement international guidelines.





