
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To establish consensus related to aspects of breech presentation and care.
    METHODS: A multinational, three round e-Delphi study.
    METHODS: A panel of 15 midwives, four obstetricians and an academic with knowledge and/or experience of caring for women with a breech presenting fetus.
    METHODS: An initial survey of 45 open-ended questions. Answers were coded and amalgamated to form 448 statements in the second round and three additional statements in the third round. Panellists were asked to provide their level of agreement for each statement using a 5-point Likert scale. Consensus was deemed met if 70% of panellists responded with strongly agree to somewhat agree, or strongly disagree to somewhat disagree after the second round.
    RESULTS: Results led to the development of a consensus-based care pathway for women with a breech presenting fetus and a skills development framework for clinicians.
    CONCLUSIONS: A cultural shift is beginning to occur through the provision of physiological breech workshops offered by various organisations and may result in greater access to skilled and experienced clinicians for women desiring a vaginal breech birth, ultimately improving the safety of breech birth.
    UNASSIGNED: The care pathway and skills development framework can be used by services wishing to make changes to their current practices related to breech presentation and increase the level of skill in their workforce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the frequency, the risk factors and the mode of delivery of breech presentation. To analyze the perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with breech presentation in comparison to cephalic presentation from all mode of delivery.
    MedLine and Cochrane Library databases search in French and English and review of the main foreign guidelines between 1980 and 2019.
    Three modes of breech presentation exist according to fetal lower limbs position: frank in 2/3 of cases, complete in 1/3 of cases or, more rarely, incomplete (LE3). About 5% of women gave birth in breech presentation in France (LE3). As the frequency of breech presentation decreases with increasing gestational age, this incidence is lower after 37 WG and represents only 3% of term deliveries (LE3). Congenital uterine malformation (LE3) and fibroma (LE3), prematurity (LE3), oligoamnios (LE3), some fetal congenital malformations (LE3) and low birthweight for gestational age (LE3) are the main risk factors with breech presentation. In France, one-third of women with a term fetus in breech presentation attempt a vaginal delivery (LE3), which is successful in 70% of cases (LE3). Neonatal outcome is not associated with type of breech presentation (frank or complete) in case of vaginal delivery attempt after 37 WG (LE3). Overall, perinatal morbidity and mortality after 37 WG of breech presentation appear to be greater than in cephalic presentation from all mode of delivery (LE3). The risk of traumatic injury in breech delivery is estimated under 1% (LE3). The most common injuries are collarbone fractures, hematomas or contusions, and brachial plexus injury (LE3). Breech presentation is associated with an increased risk of hip dysplasia (LE3) and cesarean delivery does not seem to be a protective factor (LE3). Breech presentation does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of cerebral palsy compared to cephalic presentation after exclusion of fetuses with congenital malformations (LE3).
    Worldwide, mode of delivery of breech presentation has undergone profound changes since the publication of the TBT (Term Breech Trial). There are intrinsic factors associated with breech presentation, which should not be overlooked when interpreting the increased perinatal morbidity and mortality observed in case of breech presentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To provide guidelines regarding parents\' information in case of breech presentation and labour ward organisation for trial of labour in breech presentation.
    Medline and Cochrane Library databases search and review of the main foreign guidelines.
    Information should be in favour of external cephalic version and describe benefits and risks for planned vaginal delivery vs planned caesarean delivery (Professional consensus). Patient should be aware of choice change according to obstetrical context (Professional consensus). Presence of an obstetrician is required at birth as well as immediate assistance of an anaesthesiologist and paediatrician if needed (Professional consensus).
    Information should lead to concerted choice concerning mode of delivery. Labour ward organisation requires presence of an obstetrician at birth and immediate availability of anaesthesiologist and paediatrician.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    To provide guidelines regarding the benefits and risks for the neonate and the child of planning vaginal delivery versus planning elective cesarean section in case of term breech presentation.
    MedLine and Cochrane Library databases search and review of the main foreign guidelines.
    In case of term breech presentation, planned vaginal delivery might be associated with an increased composite risk of perinatal mortality or occurrence of a combined outcome of serious neonatal morbidity in comparison to elective cesarean section (LE2). In case of planned vaginal delivery of term breech presentation, the risk of perinatal mortality is around 1‰ (LE3). It is potentially less but still exists in case of elective cesarean section (LE2). Risks of neonatal trauma - especially fracture of clavicle and breech hematoma -, Apgar score lower than 7 at 5minutes, and need for neonatal intubation and ventilation, are increased in case of planned vaginal delivery (LE2) and are around 1% (LE3). However, no difference has been demonstrated between planned vaginal and planned cesarean delivery regarding neurodevelopmental outcomes at 2 years (LE2), cognitive and psychomotor outcomes between 5 and 8 years (LE3), and adult intellectual performances (LE4).
    In case of term breech presentation, risks of severe complications for neonate and child are low in case of planned vaginal delivery or elective cesarean section. Short-term benefit/risk balance for the neonate might favor elective cesarean section but long-term morbidity seems to be similar whatever the delivery route (Professional consensus).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To issue guidelines on management of labour induction and breech vaginal delivery.
    Bibliographic search restricted to French and English languages using Medline database®, Cochrane Library and international guidelines of medical societies.
    Breech delivery must take place in a maternity ward, in the presence of an obstetrician and gynaecologist and with the immediate availability of an anesthesiologist and a pediatrician during active second stage (Professional consensus). Term breech is not a contraindication to labour induction when the criteria for acceptance of vaginal delivery are met (Grade C). In this case, oxytocin or prostaglandins can be used (Grade C). Epidural analgesia with low concentrations of local anesthetics should be encouraged in case of vaginal delivery attempt (Professional consensus). It is recommended to use continuous monitoring of the CTG (Professional consensus). The use of second-line fetal monitoring is not recommended (Professional consensus). The administration of oxytocin is possible for labour augmentation (Professional consensus). It is better to start the expulsive efforts when the presentation is engaged as low as possible in the pelvic excavation (Professional consensus). Breech presentation is not an indication of episiotomy (Professional consensus). Due to insufficient data, it was not possible to make recommendations on specificities of preterm breech delivery.
    In case of planned vaginal delivery, labour induction is possible for term breech fetuses, even with unfarable cervix. Guidelines for labour and vaginal delivery management have a low level of evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To provide guidelines regarding efficiency and safety of external cephalic version (ECV) attempt and alternatives methods to turn breech babies to cephalic presentation.
    MedLine and Cochrane Library databases search in French and English and review of the main foreign guidelines between 1980 and 2019.
    ECV is associated with a decreasing rate of breech presentation at birth (LE2), and potentially with a lower rate of cesarean section (LE3) without an increase of severe maternal (LE3) and perinatal morbidity (LE3). It is therefore recommended to inform women with a breech presentation at term that ECV should be attempt (Professional consensus). ECV attempt should be performed with immediate access to an operating room for emergency cesarean (Professional consensus). The ECV attempt before 37 weeks, compared to ECV attempt after 37 weeks, increases the rate of cephalic presentation at birth (LE2) but with a small increase risk of moderate prematurity (LE2). ECV attempt should be performed from 36SA (Professional consensus). The main factors associated with successful ECV attempt are multiparity (LE3) and no maternal obesity (LE3). Parenteral tocolysis (β mimetic or atosiban), for ECV attempt at term is associated with a higher success rate (LE2), higher rate of achieved cephalic presentation in labor (LE2) and a lower cesarean section rate (LE2). It is recommended to use parenteral tocolysis for ECV attempt at term in order to increase its success rate (grade B). The ECV attempt is associated with an increase in transient FHR abnormalities (LE3), it is therefore recommended that cardiotocography should be performed prior and during 30minutes after the procedure (Professional consensus). There is no argument for recommending the practice of delayed cardiotocography after ECV attempt (Professional consensus). The risk of significant positivity (>30mL) of the Kleihauer test after ECV attempt is low (<0.1%) (LE3), it is not recommended to systematically perform a Kleihauer test after ECV attempt (professional consensus). In case of RH-1 negative women, it is recommended to ensure systematic RH-1 prophylaxis (Professional consensus). In case of breech presentation at term, acupuncture, moxibustion and postural methods are not effective in reducing breech presentation at birth (LE2), and are therefore not recommended (Grade B).
    According to the clear benefits and the low risks of ECV attempt, all women with a breech presentation at term should be informed that ECV should be attempted to decrease breech presentation at birth and cesarean section.





