Blood Donation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study addresses the challenge of low blood donation rates in developing countries by examining the effectiveness of a barrier-removal incentive-a one-day transportation voucher-to promote blood donation. Utilizing a longitudinal dataset of 23,750 donors from a Brazilian blood collection agency (BCA) collected between March 2018 and May 2020, we examine the short and long-term effects of this campaign on donation rates. Our results show that the incentive had a large positive influence on both donation attempts and successful donations on the day of the campaign. However, the short-term success of the intervention had an unintended consequence: the significant increase in prospective donors\' waiting time at the BCA during the intervention day, which may help explain the negative impact on return rates in the 24-month follow-up. Despite these opposing outcomes, the net effect of the one-day blood donation incentive was still positive, offering valuable insights for BCAs aiming to enhance donor recruitment and retention strategies and emphasizing the need to balance immediate benefits with potential long-term impacts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The discrepancy between blood supply and demand requires accurate forecasts of the blood supply at any blood bank. Accurate blood donation forecasting gives blood managers empirical evidence in blood inventory management. The study aims to model and predict blood donations in Zimbabwe using hierarchical time series. The modelling technique allows one to identify, say, a declining donor category, and in that way, the method offers feasible and targeted solutions for blood managers to work on.
    METHODS: The monthly blood donation data covering the period 2007 to 2018, collected from the National Blood Service Zimbabwe (NBSZ) was used. The data was disaggregated by gender and blood groups types within each gender category. The model validation involved utilising actual blood donation data from 2019 and 2020. The model\'s performance was evaluated through the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), uncovering expected and notable discrepancies during the Covid-19 pandemic period only.
    RESULTS: Blood group O had the highest monthly yield mean of 1507.85 and 1230.03 blood units for male and female donors, respectively. The top-down forecasting proportions (TDFP) under ARIMA, with a MAPE value of 11.30, was selected as the best approach and the model was then used to forecast future blood donations. The blood donation predictions for 2019 had a MAPE value of 14.80, suggesting alignment with previous years\' donations. However, starting in April 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted blood collection, leading to a significant decrease in blood donation and hence a decrease in model accuracy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The gradual decrease in future blood donations exhibited by the predictions calls for blood authorities in Zimbabwe to develop interventions that encourage blood donor retention and regular donations. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic distorted the blood donation patterns such that the developed model did not capture the significant drop in blood donations during the pandemic period. Other shocks such as, a surge in global pandemics and other disasters, will inevitably affect the blood donation system. Thus, forecasting future blood collections with a high degree of accuracy requires robust mathematical models which factor in, the impact of various shocks to the system, on short notice.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Subcutaneous emphysema is a condition where air becomes trapped under the skin, typically resulting from surgery or skin trauma. It is mostly localized and its occurrence in blood donors is exceedingly rare. Phlebotomy poses minimal risk of subcutaneous emphysema, but procedural errors may lead to such complications.
    METHODS: This is a case report of 29-year-old repeat blood donor who experienced subcutaneous emphysema following blood donation. The donor was vigorously squeezing sponge ball during donation resulting in displacement of the needle which required readjustment. Post-donation, the donor reported a crackling sensation and mild swelling near phlebotomy site. Non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) scans confirmed subcutaneous emphysema, attributing its development to air trapping in subcutaneous plane due to ball valve mechanism.
    RESULTS: Computed tomography (CT) imaging revealed subcutaneous emphysematous changes in the right cubital region and no evidence of hematoma. The swelling spontaneously subsided in 10-12 days without any intervention. The case underscores the importance of differentiating subcutaneous emphysema from common complications like hematoma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Subcutaneous emphysema in blood donors is exceptionally rare but should be managed with clear communication. Donors should be reassured that the condition, although rare, is benign and self-resolving. Healthcare providers should be equipped to handle such rare complications, offering appropriate care and documenting incidents for future prevention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Promoting blood donation requires understanding and identifying the factors that motivate donations so that strategies for retaining and increasing loyalty can be developed. Transfusion literacy can be improved through school-based teaching and information about giving and solidarity to promote the development of future donors. For the purpose of aligning any strategies and motivational dynamics that promote adherence to informed donation and loyalty among students in the municipality of Coimbra. This study was undertaken to assess the perception of secondary school teachers regarding the students\' knowledge of blood donation. A survey was conducted among teachers from seven public schools in Coimbra with regard to the 3rd and Secondary cycles. Based on the data, people give blood for a feeling of personal satisfaction and peer influence, as well as for the satisfaction of helping others. Blood donation should be made a focal point of relevance and interest in the school community, by implementing programs, projects, and dissemination actions targeting this target group. We are extremely glad and most enthusiastic to be invited to share our study through what\'s happening with the readers globally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Given the current shortage of blood donors in the USA, researchers have tried to identify different strategies to attract more young people and spread the voice of donors\' needs.
    UNASSIGNED: A systematic literature review is conducted to investigate the current mobile applications used to track, attract, and retain donors. We also provide some preliminary results of a pilot study, based on a cross-sectional survey of 952 participants (aged 18 to 39), about the willingness of donors to use mobile apps as tools for encouraging blood donation. The data is collected using a 20-item questionnaire, which includes four constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior to assess the respondents\' willingness to donate blood. A range of statistical techniques, including univariate analysis, multivariate analysis, and structural equation modeling, were utilized to analyze the collected data.
    UNASSIGNED: The 37 research articles, selected after applying several exclusion criteria, are classified into five main categories. The majority of the research (44.1%) is about using mobile apps to find blood donors and blood centers, followed by publications on using mobile apps to encourage blood donation (26.4%) and to recruit blood donors (14.7%). The remaining studies are about retaining blood donors (8.8%) and using mobile apps for scheduling donations (5.8%). Our pilot case study suggests that 73% of participants have favorable perceptions toward a blood donation mobile app.
    UNASSIGNED: Many efforts have been undertaken to employ mobile apps to make blood donations more convenient and create communities around donating blood. The case study findings suggest a high level of readiness of using mobile apps for blood donation among the younger generation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Blood donation is a technique in which blood is collected from a healthy individual for transfusion to someone else. WHO estimates that it is necessary to donate blood to 2% to 3% of the country\'s population to meet blood needs. However, blood donation remains challenging in developing countries.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to identify factors influencing blood donation practices among healthcare providers in public hospitals in Bahir Dar City.
    UNASSIGNED: This institution-based unmatched case-control study was conducted in Bahir Dar City Public Hospitals from May 01 to May 25, 2022. Total sample size was 491 (123 cases and 368 controls) and then the study subject was selected by using simple random sampling technic and collect data through self-administered questionnaire. Bi-variable and multi-variable binary logistic regression analyses were used to determine the association between dependent and independent variables. Finally, the results are presented in charts and tables, and the AOR and CI are reported. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
    UNASSIGNED: Fear of anemia (adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 0.02; 95% CI 0.007-0.078), lack of opportunity (AOR: 0.42; 95% CI 0.22-0.83), lack of time (AOR: 0.03; 95% CI, 0.005-0.199), profession (AOR: 0.15; 95% CI, 0.05-0.42), aware of free medical checkup (AOR: 31.79; 95% CI 13.13-76.94), willingness to donate blood (AOR: 5.09; 95% CI 2.25-11.50), blood group type (AOR: 5.67; 95% CI 1.42-22.68), and higher work experience (AOR: 7.99; 95% CI 2.59-24.67) were found to be significantly associated with blood donation practice.
    UNASSIGNED: This study revealed that multiple factors influenced the practice of blood donation among healthcare providers. Therefore, access to blood donation areas and emphasizing the importance of donor blood donation are important for facilitating blood donation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Few cases of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis E virus (HEV) have been published in Spain. Here, we describe a well-characterized lookback investigation of a transfusion-transmitted HEV case at the Community Centre for Blood and Tissues of Asturias (Spain).
    A female patient with chronic myeloid leukemia underwent an allogeneic bone marrow transplant in March 2019 and showed alterations in liver function shortly afterwards. This patient received blood components from 30 different donors in the 3 months before the transplant. Frozen plasma samples from these donations were investigated for the presence of HEV-RNA. One frequent donor was identified as asymptomatic HEV RNA-positive at the time of his whole blood donation. The investigation revealed that this donor\'s plasma unit, originally intended for the fractionation industry, had a viral RNA concentration of 1.9 × 104 copies/mL. HEV RNA was detected initially in the index patient who received the red cell concentrate from this donor 25 days after the transfusion. HEV RNA isolated from both donor and recipient were identified as subtype 3f. The recipient of platelet concentrate (PC), treated with a riboflavin-based pathogen reduction technology (PRT) was not infected, being negative for the presence of HEV IgM, IgG, and HEV RNA before and after the transfusion.
    This case study shows that HEV was transmitted through red cell transfusion to a recipient, while the patient who received riboflavin/UV light treated PC did not develop signs of infection. A causal relationship between PRT treatment of the PC and the non-transmission of HEV remains to be established.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the most common cause of acute viral hepatitis in England. Substantial yearly increases of autochthonous infections were observed during 2003-2016 and again during 2017-2019. Previous studies associated acute HEV cases with consumption of processed pork products, we investigated risk factors for autochthonous HEV infections in the blood donor population in England. Study participants were 117 HEV RNA-positive blood donors and 564 HEV RNA-negative blood donors. No persons with positive results were vegetarian; 97.4% of persons with positive results reported eating pork products. Consuming bacon (OR 3.0, 95% CI 1.7-5.5; p<0.0001), cured pork meats (OR 3.5, 95% CI 2.2-5.4; p<0.0001), and pigs\' liver (OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.0-8.3; p = 0.04) were significantly associated with HEV infection. Our findings confirm previous links to pork products and suggest that appropriate animal husbandry is essential to reduce the risk for HEV infection.





