Birth Injuries

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vacuum-assisted delivery (VAD) is a common and safe obstetric procedure. However, occasionally serious complications may occur. Clinical guidelines and College Statements have been developed to reduce the risk of serious adverse events. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) College Statement C-Obs 16 has not been evaluated to see if advice improves outcomes.
    The aim was to evaluate whether compliance with RANZCOG College Statement C-Obs 16 advice reduced the risk of serious adverse outcomes, specifically clinically significant subgaleal haemorrhage and major birth trauma.
    Retrospective audit of VADs in a level five hospital (NSW Maternity and Neonatal capability framework) from January 2020 to 2021.
    There were 1960 women who delivered in the study period, of whom 252 (12.8%) delivered by vacuum, and complete data were available from 241 cases. Statement compliance was observed in 81%. The main deviation from Statement compliance was pulls exceeding three. Statement compliance was associated with a significant reduction in the incidence of subgaleal haemorrhage (0% vs 11%, P = 0.0002), major birth trauma (3% vs 22%, P = 0.0001), requirement for neonatal resuscitation (14% vs 35%, P = 0.0026) and Apgar scores at one minute less than six (5% vs 22% P = 0.0006). Statement compliance was associated with a significant reduction in maternal blood loss at delivery (388 mL vs 438 mL, P = 0.01). Noncompliance with Statement advice was observed significantly more often in pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes (3% vs 15%, P = 0.02) and birth requiring instrument change (4% vs 13% P = 0.031).
    Compliance with a College Statement is associated with lower rates of subgaleal haemorrhage and major neonatal trauma. The main deviation from compliance was pulls in excess of three. Keyword: birth trauma, clinical guidelines, quality and safety in healthcare, subgaleal haemorrhage, vacuum delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Practice guidelines for vacuum-assisted delivery in Japan were revised in 2014 to improve clinical safety. We aimed to determine the success rates of vacuum delivery before and after the release of the revised guidelines.
    METHODS: This retrospective observational study included singleton deliveries at term gestation. Success rate of vacuum delivery, duration of extraction, number of tractions and maternal and neonatal injuries were compared between 2011-2014 and 2015-2019.
    RESULTS: Vacuum extraction was attempted in 249 (15%) of 1657 deliveries. Duration of extraction was shorter in 2015-2019 (median, 3.0 min; interquartile range [IQR], 1.0-5.8 min) than in 2011-2014 (median, 4.0 min; IQR, 2.0-6.5 min; P = 0.0045). No significant differences were seen in success of vacuum extraction (98%), prolonged (>20 min) duration of extraction (1.5%) and repeated (>5 pulls) tractions (3.1%) in vacuum deliveries during 2011-2014, compared to success of vacuum extraction (94%), prolonged duration of extraction (1.6%) and repeated tractions (1.1%) in those during 2015-2019. Likewise, no significant differences were identified in maternal or neonatal injuries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Successful vacuum-assisted deliveries and shortened duration of extraction were still confirmed after guideline revision. However, because of consistent safe practice with vacuum delivery from before the revision, improvements in maternal and neonatal injuries were not observed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the frequency, the risk factors and the mode of delivery of breech presentation. To analyze the perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with breech presentation in comparison to cephalic presentation from all mode of delivery.
    MedLine and Cochrane Library databases search in French and English and review of the main foreign guidelines between 1980 and 2019.
    Three modes of breech presentation exist according to fetal lower limbs position: frank in 2/3 of cases, complete in 1/3 of cases or, more rarely, incomplete (LE3). About 5% of women gave birth in breech presentation in France (LE3). As the frequency of breech presentation decreases with increasing gestational age, this incidence is lower after 37 WG and represents only 3% of term deliveries (LE3). Congenital uterine malformation (LE3) and fibroma (LE3), prematurity (LE3), oligoamnios (LE3), some fetal congenital malformations (LE3) and low birthweight for gestational age (LE3) are the main risk factors with breech presentation. In France, one-third of women with a term fetus in breech presentation attempt a vaginal delivery (LE3), which is successful in 70% of cases (LE3). Neonatal outcome is not associated with type of breech presentation (frank or complete) in case of vaginal delivery attempt after 37 WG (LE3). Overall, perinatal morbidity and mortality after 37 WG of breech presentation appear to be greater than in cephalic presentation from all mode of delivery (LE3). The risk of traumatic injury in breech delivery is estimated under 1% (LE3). The most common injuries are collarbone fractures, hematomas or contusions, and brachial plexus injury (LE3). Breech presentation is associated with an increased risk of hip dysplasia (LE3) and cesarean delivery does not seem to be a protective factor (LE3). Breech presentation does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of cerebral palsy compared to cephalic presentation after exclusion of fetuses with congenital malformations (LE3).
    Worldwide, mode of delivery of breech presentation has undergone profound changes since the publication of the TBT (Term Breech Trial). There are intrinsic factors associated with breech presentation, which should not be overlooked when interpreting the increased perinatal morbidity and mortality observed in case of breech presentation.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    To provide guidelines regarding the benefits and risks for the neonate and the child of planning vaginal delivery versus planning elective cesarean section in case of term breech presentation.
    MedLine and Cochrane Library databases search and review of the main foreign guidelines.
    In case of term breech presentation, planned vaginal delivery might be associated with an increased composite risk of perinatal mortality or occurrence of a combined outcome of serious neonatal morbidity in comparison to elective cesarean section (LE2). In case of planned vaginal delivery of term breech presentation, the risk of perinatal mortality is around 1‰ (LE3). It is potentially less but still exists in case of elective cesarean section (LE2). Risks of neonatal trauma - especially fracture of clavicle and breech hematoma -, Apgar score lower than 7 at 5minutes, and need for neonatal intubation and ventilation, are increased in case of planned vaginal delivery (LE2) and are around 1% (LE3). However, no difference has been demonstrated between planned vaginal and planned cesarean delivery regarding neurodevelopmental outcomes at 2 years (LE2), cognitive and psychomotor outcomes between 5 and 8 years (LE3), and adult intellectual performances (LE4).
    In case of term breech presentation, risks of severe complications for neonate and child are low in case of planned vaginal delivery or elective cesarean section. Short-term benefit/risk balance for the neonate might favor elective cesarean section but long-term morbidity seems to be similar whatever the delivery route (Professional consensus).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is no consensus regarding strategies to optimally treat children with a brachial plexus birth injury (BPBI). Comparison of outcome data presented by different centers is impossible due to the use of (1) many different outcome measures to evaluate results; (2) different follow-up periods after interventions; and (3) different patient ages at the time of assessment. The goal of iPluto (international PLexus oUtcome sTudy grOup) was to define a standardized dataset which should be minimally collected to evaluate upper limb function in children with BPBI. This dataset must enable comparison of the treatment results of different centers if prospectively used. Three rounds of internet surveys were used to reach consensus on the dataset. A Delphi-derived technique was applied using a nine point Likert scale. Consensus was defined as having attained a rating of 7/8/9 by > = 75% of the participants. A total of 59 participants from five continents participated in the Second and Third Rounds of the survey. Consensus was reached regarding four elements: (1) evaluation should take place at the age of 1/3/5/7 years; range of motion in degrees should be measured for (2) passive joint movement; (3) active range of motion; and (4) the Mallet score should be determined. Consensus on how to asses and report outcome for BPBI was only reached on motor items from the \"Body Function and Structure\" domain. Consensus regarding additional ICF domains to obtain a more elaborate set of outcome items, should be addressed in future research. © 2018 The Authors. Journal of Orthopaedic Research® Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the Orthopaedic Research Society. J Orthop Res 36:2533-2541, 2018.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to establish an evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the primary management of obstetrical brachial plexus injury (OBPI). This clinical practice guideline addresses 4 existing gaps: (1) historic poor use of evidence, (2) timing of referral to multidisciplinary care, (3) Indications and timing of operative nerve repair and (4) distribution of expertise.
    The guideline is intended for all healthcare providers treating infants and children, and all specialists treating upper extremity injuries.
    The evidence interpretation and recommendation consensus team (Canadian OBPI Working Group) was composed of clinicians representing each of Canada\'s 10 multidisciplinary centres.
    An electronic modified Delphi approach was used for consensus, with agreement criteria defined a priori. Quality indicators for referral to a multidisciplinary centre were established by consensus. An original meta-analysis of primary nerve repair and review of Canadian epidemiology and burden were previously completed.
    7 recommendations address clinical gaps and guide identification, referral, treatment and outcome assessment: (1) physically examine for OBPI in newborns with arm asymmetry or risk factors; (2) refer newborns with OBPI to a multidisciplinary centre by 1 month; (3) provide pregnancy/birth history and physical examination findings at birth; (4) multidisciplinary centres should include a therapist and peripheral nerve surgeon experienced with OBPI; (5) physical therapy should be advised by a multidisciplinary team; (6) microsurgical nerve repair is indicated in root avulsion and other OBPI meeting centre operative criteria; (7) the common data set includes the Narakas classification, limb length, Active Movement Scale (AMS) and Brachial Plexus Outcome Measure (BPOM) 2 years after birth/surgery.
    The process established a new network of opinion leaders and researchers for further guideline development and multicentre research. A structured referral form is available for primary care, including referral recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shoulder dystocia (SD) is defined as a vaginal delivery in cephalic presentation that requires additional obstetric maneuvers to deliver the fetus after the head has delivered and gentle traction has failed. It complicates 0.5-1% of vaginal deliveries. Risks of brachial plexus birth injury (level of evidence [LE]3), clavicle and humeral fracture (LE3), perinatal asphyxia (LE2), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (LE3) and perinatal mortality (LE2) increase with SD. Its main risk factors are previous SD and macrosomia, but both are poorly predictive; 50-70% of SD cases occur in their absence, and most deliveries when they are present do not result in SD. No study has proven that the correction of these risk factors (except gestational diabetes) would reduce the risk of SD. Physical activity is recommended before and during pregnancy to reduce the occurrence of some risk factors for SD (Grade C). In obese women, physical activity should be coupled with dietary measures to reduce fetal macrosomia and weight gain during pregnancy (Grade A). Women with gestational diabetes require diabetes care (diabetic diet, glucose monitoring, insulin if needed) (Grade A) because it reduces the risk of macrosomia and SD (LE1). Only two measures are proposed for avoiding SD and its complications. First, induction of labor is recommended in cases of impending macrosomia if the cervix is favorable at a gestational age of 39 weeks or more (professional consensus). Second, cesarean delivery is recommended before labor in three situations and during labor in one: (i) estimated fetal weight (EFW) >4500g if associated with maternal diabetes (Grade C), (ii) EFW >5000g in women without diabetes (Grade C), (iii) history of SD associated with severe neonatal or maternal complications (professional consensus), and finally during labor, (iv) in case of fetal macrosomia and failure to progress in the second stage, when the fetal head station is above +2 (Grade C). In cases of SD, it is recommended to avoid the following actions: excessive traction on the fetal head (Grade C), fundal pressure (Grade C), and inverse rotation of the fetal head (professional consensus). The McRoberts maneuver, with or without suprapubic pressure, is recommended first (Grade C). If it fails and the posterior shoulder is engaged, Wood\'s maneuver should be performed preferentially; if the posterior shoulder is not engaged, it is preferable to attempt to deliver the posterior arm next (professional consensus). It appears necessary to know at least two maneuvers to perform should the McRoberts maneuver fail (professional consensus). A pediatrician should be immediately informed of SD. The initial clinical examination should check for complications, such as brachial plexus injury or clavicle fracture (professional consensus). If no complications are observed, neonatal monitoring need not be modified (professional consensus). The implementation of practical training with simulation for all care providers in the delivery room is associated with a significant reduction in neonatal (LE3) but not maternal (LE3) injury. SD remains an unpredictable obstetric emergency. All physicians and midwives should know and perform obstetric maneuvers if needed, quickly but calmly.






  • 文章类型: Introductory Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate perinatal outcomes according to the 2009 Institute of Medicine (IOM) gestational weight gain (GWG) guidelines.
    METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted among all term, singleton, live births to women who delivered at the Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan between 2009 and 2014. Women were categorized into three groups based on prepregnancy body mass index and GWG relative to the IOM guidelines. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to assess the associations between GWG outside the IOM guidelines and adverse perinatal outcomes. Women with GWG within the guidelines served as the reference group.
    RESULTS: Of 9301 pregnancies, 2574 (27.7%), 4189 (45.0%), and 2538 (27.3%) women had GWG below, within, and above the IOM guidelines. Women with GWG above the IOM guidelines were at risk for preeclampsia [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 3.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.9-4.7], primary cesarean delivery (adjusted OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.2-1.6) due to dysfunctional labor and cephalopelvic disproportion, large-for-gestational age (adjusted OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.5-2.1), and macrosomic neonates (adjusted OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.6-3.1). Women with GWG below the IOM guidelines were more likely to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus (adjusted OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.3-1.8) and were at higher risk for placental abruption (adjusted OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.1-2.5), small-for-gestational age (adjusted OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.4-1.9), and low birth weight neonates (adjusted OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.4-2.4).
    CONCLUSIONS: Women with GWG outside the 2009 IOM guidelines were at risk for adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.





