
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Low-quality data presents a significant challenge for community health workers (CHWs) in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Mobile health (mHealth) applications offer a solution by enabling CHWs to record and submit data electronically. However, the barriers and benefits of mHealth usage among CHWs in informal urban settlements remain poorly understood. This study sought to determine the barriers and benefits of mHealth among CHWs in Banda parish, Kampala.
    METHODS: This qualitative study involved 12 key informant interviews (KIIs) among focal persons from Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA) and NGOs involved in data collected by CHWs, and officials from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and two mixed-sex Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) of CHWs from Banda parish, Kampala district. Data analysis utilised Atlas Ti Version 7.5.7. Thematic analysis was conducted, and themes were aligned with the social-ecological model.
    RESULTS: Three themes of institutional and policy, community and interpersonal, and individual aligning to the Social ecological model highlighted the factors contributing to barriers and the benefits of mHealth among CHWs for iCCM. The key barriers to usability, acceptability and sustainability included high training costs, CHW demotivation, infrastructure limitations, data security concerns, community awareness deficits, and skill deficiencies. Conversely, mHealth offers benefits such as timely data submission, enhanced data quality, geo-mapping capabilities, improved CHW performance monitoring, community health surveillance, cost-effective reporting, and CHW empowering with technology.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite limited mHealth experience, CHWs expressed enthusiasm for its potential. Implementation was viewed as a solution to multiple challenges, facilitating access to health information, efficient data reporting, and administrative processes, particularly in resource-constrained settings. Successful mHealth implementation requires addressing CHWs\' demotivation, ensuring reliable power and network connectivity, and enhancing capacity for digital data ethics and management. By overcoming these barriers, mHealth can significantly enhance healthcare delivery at the community level, leveraging technology to optimize resource utilization and improve health outcomes. mHealth holds promise for transforming CHW practices, yet its effective integration necessitates targeted interventions to address systemic challenges and ensure sustainable implementation in LMIC contexts.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy after liver transplantation poses a significant challenge to both the patient and the transplant team.
    METHODS: We present the case of a 19-year-old European patient who underwent liver transplantation 5 years previously owing to autoimmune hepatitis. Poor compliance with immunosuppressive therapy and missed follow-up visits during the patient\'s first pregnancy likely contributed to her liver function deterioration, hospitalization, and failed pregnancy. Owing to the patient\'s complex medical history, combined immunosuppressive treatment, and risks to the fetus, her second pregnancy was high risk. However, close outpatient monitoring and adherence to treatment led to a successful, uneventful, full-term pregnancy and healthy delivery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Liver transplant recipients who desire to become pregnant require careful planning and management to ensure optimal outcomes for both the mother and the fetus. A personalized strategy is necessary to balance the potential benefits of childbirth with the risks involved in pregnancy after liver transplantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nature-based solutions (NBS) are considered as means to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss while simultaneously enhancing human well-being. Yet, it is still poorly understood how NBS could be mainstreamed. We address this gap by proposing a framework on NBS and employing it in Finland\'s Kiiminkijoki River basin through participatory workshops and a questionnaire. We examine socio-environmental challenges and visions, existing and emerging NBS to reach the visions, and ways to scale-up NBS to a river basin level. In the river basin, water quality is the priority challenge, due to its relationships with local culture, climate change, and biodiversity. Our results consider how (1) to ensure the relevance of NBS for local actors, (2) instrumental, intrinsic, and relational value perspectives can be enhanced simultaneously by NBS, and (3) site specific NBS can be mainstreamed (i.e., by scaling up, down, out, in, deep) to the river basin level and beyond.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Health economic assessments are used to determine whether the resources needed to generate net benefit from a screening programme, driven by multiple complex benefits and harms, are justifiable. We systematically identified the benefits and harms incorporated within economic assessments evaluating antenatal and newborn screening programmes.
    For this systematic review and thematic analysis, we searched the published and grey literature from January 2000 to January 2021. Studies that included an economic evaluation of an antenatal or newborn screening programme in an OECD country were eligible. We identified benefits and harms using an integrative descriptive analysis, and illustrated a thematic framework. (Systematic review registration PROSPERO, CRD42020165236).
    The searches identified 52,244 articles and reports and 336 (242 antenatal and 95 newborn) were included. Eighty-six subthemes grouped into seven themes were identified: 1) diagnosis of screened for condition, 2) life years and health status adjustments, 3) treatment, 4) long-term costs, 5) overdiagnosis, 6) pregnancy loss, and 7) spillover effects on family members. Diagnosis of screened for condition (115 studies, 47.5%), life-years and health status adjustments (90 studies, 37.2%) and treatment (88 studies, 36.4%) accounted for most of the benefits and harms evaluating antenatal screening. The same themes accounted for most of the benefits and harms included in studies assessing newborn screening. Overdiagnosis and spillover effects tended to be ignored.
    Our proposed framework can be used to guide the development of future health economic assessments evaluating antenatal and newborn screening programmes, to prevent exclusion of important potential benefits and harms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cunninghamellamycosis is an unusual but often highly fatal mucormycosis caused by Cunninghamella bertholletiae, which belongs to the basal lineage order Mucorales. It is especially fatal when the central nervous system is involved. So far, there are few reported cases of surgical treatment for intracranial mucormycosis in children after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The surgical management of deep-seated basal ganglia fungal lesions remains controversial, and its clinical benefits are not yet well established. Herein, we present a rare case of disseminated mucormycosis caused by C. bertholletiae involving the lung and intracranial basal ganglia after homologous leucocytic antigen-matched sibling donor HSCT. The patient was successfully treated for intracranial cunninghamellamycosis with neuroendoscopic surgery and systemic wide-spectrum antifungal treatment and achieved pulmonary recovery without recurrent C. bertholletiae infection or neurologic sequelae. Over the follow-up period of 13 months, there were no adverse events associated with the intracranial surgical debridement, and the patient remained in good health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When clinical trials enter human communities, two complex systems merge-creating challenges for the clinical trial team and the local human community. This is of particular relevance for clinical trials in low-resource settings where the resource scarcity can intensify existing inequities. Here we present a case study of a phase III malaria vaccine clinical trial. Through qualitative interviews with researchers and caregivers of pediatric participants we elucidate themes that shape the clinical trial system. These themes can be a useful complementary planning tool to existing research guidelines for clinical trial researchers. Respondents from both groups reported financial and social contextual realities to be major drivers in the system. We found a strong historical path dependency in the community that was closely tied to the relationships with researchers and indicative of the structural inequities. We elaborate on these findings and offer recommendations to improve trial design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ghana has made impressive progress against malaria, decreasing mortality and morbidity by over 50% between 2005 and 2015. These gains have been facilitated in part, due to increased financial commitment from government and donors. Total resources for malaria increased from less than USD 25 million in 2006 to over USD 100 million in 2011. However, the country still faces a high burden of disease and is at risk of declining external financing due to its strong economic growth and the consequential donor requirements for increased government contributions. The resulting financial gap will need to be met domestically. The purpose of this study was to provide economic evidence of the potential risks of withdrawing financing to shape an advocacy strategy for resource mobilization.
    METHODS: A compartmental transmission model was developed to estimate the impact of a range of malaria interventions on the transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria between 2018 and 2030. The model projected scenarios of common interventions that allowed the attainment of elimination and those that predicted transmission if interventions were withheld. The outputs of this model were used to generate costs and economic benefits of each option.
    RESULTS: Elimination was predicted using the package of interventions outlined in the national strategy, particularly increased net usage and improved case management. Malaria elimination in Ghana is predicted to cost USD 961 million between 2020 and 2029. Compared to the baseline, elimination is estimated to prevent 85.5 million cases, save 4468 lives, and avert USD 2.2 billion in health system expenditures. The economic gain was estimated at USD 32 billion in reduced health system expenditure, increased household prosperity and productivity gains. Through malaria elimination, Ghana can expect to see a 32-fold return on their investment. Reducing interventions, predicted an additional 38.2 clinical cases, 2500 deaths and additional economic losses of USD 14.1 billion.
    CONCLUSIONS: Malaria elimination provides robust epidemiological and economic benefits, however, sustained financing is need to accelerate the gains in Ghana. Although government financing has increased in the past decade, the amount is less than 25% of the total malaria financing. The evidence generated by this study can be used to develop a robust domestic strategy to overcome the financial barriers to achieving malaria elimination in Ghana.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The outlined empirical study on the decision-making process concerning the limitation of life-prolonging treatment (DLT) in patients with advanced cancer at a University hospital setting triggered some new questions for research ethics with respect to studies using empirical methods in medical ethics. The analyzed data of the study showed that less than half of the patients were involved in DLT. Deciding against CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and transferal to the ICU (intensive care unit) without informing and explaining it to the perfectly competent patient can be regarded as a violation of the ethical principle of respect for autonomy. This is what the embedded researcher witnessed throughout the study recruitment and data acquisition, as the noninvolvement of patients was not just a result of the final data analysis. The ethical question raised in this situation was as follows: Does the embedded researcher has a moral duty to intervene when she witnesses that ethical standards are not upheld?






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Economic evaluation of vaccination programs can be challenging and does not always fully capture the benefits provided. Reasons for this include the difficulties incurred in accurately capturing the health and economic impact of infectious diseases and how different diseases may interact with each other. Rotavirus infection, for example, peaks at a similar time than other infectious diseases, such as RSV and influenza, which can cause hospital overcrowding and disruption, and may pose a risk to more vulnerable children due to limited availability of isolation facilities. Another challenge, specific to evaluating childhood vaccination, is that QoL cannot be accurately measured in children due to a lack of validated instruments. Childhood diseases also incur a care giver burden, due to the need for parents to take time off work, and this is important to consider. Finally, for diseases such as RVGE, cost-effectiveness analyses in which longer time horizons are considered may not reflect the short-term benefits of vaccination. Further quantification of the economic impact of childhood diseases is thus required to fully highlight the true benefits of childhood vaccination that may be realized. Herein we explore the limitations of existing economic evaluations for childhood vaccination, and how economic analyses could be better adapted in future.






