Artificial eye

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anophthalmic patients suffer from social, functional, and emotional agony. The role of a maxillofacial prosthodontist is to restore this loss and to restore the self-esteem of such patients. Fabrication of a prosthesis for the anophthalmic cavity can be successful with the judicious use of the materials, the vision, and the skill of the prosthodontist. This article describes various techniques used for iris replication and a novel method to locate the iris, which is the most crucial step to fabricate a natural gaze.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 74-year-old man recently diagnosed with high-risk prostate cancer with high serum prostate specific antigen was referred to nuclear medicine for a technetium-99m-methylene diphosphonate (Tc-99m MDP) bone scan. On delayed three-hour anterior planar image, an unexpected round focus of intense uptake was found overlying the right orbit. Single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography localized the uptake to an ocular prosthesis. The hydroxyapatite composition of the ocular implant can be recognized by its bone-like density and its intense accumulation of Tc-99m MDP. Review of the patient’s history revealed remote right eye evisceration secondary to a complication of cataract surgery, consistent with the findings.
    Yakın zamanda yüksek riskli prostat kanseri tanısı almış, serum prostat spesifik antijen seviyesi yüksek 74 yaşında bir erkek hasta teknesyum-99mmetilen difosfonat (Tc-99m MDP) kemik sintigrafisi için nükleer tıp bölümüne yönlendirildi. Gecikmiş üç saatlik anterior planar görüntüde sağ orbita üzerinde beklenmeyen yuvarlak ve yoğun tutulum odağı saptandı. Tek-foton emisyon bilgisayarlı tomografi/bilgisayarlı tomografi tutulumu oküler protezde lokalize etti. Oküler implantın hidroksiapatit bileşeni kemiğe benzer dansite ve yoğun Tc-99m MDP tutulumu ile tanınabilir. Hastanın özgeçmişinde, bulgularla uyumlu şekilde, katarakt cerrahisi komplikasyonuna sekonder sağ göz eviserasyonu saptandı.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Helcococcus ovis, belonging to the genus of Helcococcu in Peptostreptococcaceae, is one kind of facultative anaerobic and gram-positive cocci, which was first isolated from a mixed infection in sheep in 1999. To our knowledge, it\'s known as an invasive pathogen in animals, and never been reported as a human pathogen in published literature. The aims of this work are to describe the first report of H. ovis which was recovered from the artificial eye of human case and perform a literature review.
    A 26 year-old man reporting pyogenic infection with an artificial eye attended ophthalmic ward in Tongji hospital. After physical examination, clinical and laboratory investigations, the diagnosis of eye infection caused by Helcococcus ovis and Staphylococcus aureus was established. Receiving a medico-surgical approach, the patient was successfully treated. The treatment consisted in intravenous cefotaxime and ornidazole, levofloxacin eye drops during two weeks and removing of right artificial eye with debridement.
    We describe here the first known case of H. ovis which was recovered from human artificial eye. This report different from previous data found in the literature emphasizes the invasive potential of this bacterial species as a pathogen in human. Prospectively, the application of next generation sequencing tools would contribute to a more accurate classification of clinical strains.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An ocular prosthesis must be maintained in a suitable state of cleanliness, fit and preservation. Otherwise its functioning may be compromised, leading to a variety of diseases. However, there is a lack of consensus on the care of such prostheses. This review assembles and attempts to update existing knowledge in this area and discusses the most appropriate care regimes.





