Apical periodontitis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the incidence and intensity of postoperative pain in oncological patients with infected teeth subjected to nonsurgical root canal treatment or retreatment.
    METHODS: Teeth with apical periodontitis from healthy control patients and oncological patients (n = 70 per group) were root canal treated/retreated and evaluated for the development of postoperative pain. Patients from the two groups were matched for tooth type, gender, clinical manifestation of apical periodontitis, and intervention type. A visual analogue scale (VSA) was used to evaluate the incidence of postoperative pain at 24 h, 72 h, 7d, and 15d after chemomechanical procedures. Data were statistically analyzed for the incidence and intensity of postoperative pain in the two groups.
    RESULTS: Preoperative pain occurred in 10% of the individuals and in all these cases pain showed a reduction in intensity or was absent after endodontic intervention at 24-h evaluation. The overall incidence of postoperative pain at 24 h was 14% in oncology patients and 30% in controls (p = 0.03). At 72 h, the respective corresponding figures were 4% and 8.5% (p > 0.05). At 7 and 15 days, all patients were asymptomatic, irrespective of the group.
    CONCLUSIONS: No significant differences in postoperative pain were found between control and oncological patients. The low incidence of postoperative pain observed in both groups supports the routine use of nonsurgical root canal treatment/retreatment as valid options in oncological patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Oncological patients had no increased risk of postoperative pain in comparison with control patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dens invaginatus is a developmental dental anomaly that can predispose the tooth to pulp and periradicular disease. Management of this condition can be challenging because of anatomic and microbiologic issues. This case report describes the regenerative endodontic treatment using a strategic antimicrobial protocol for management of an immature maxillary lateral incisor with type-II dens invaginatus associated with apical periodontitis in a 13-year-old patient. The tooth presented with a complex anatomy and was associated with an active sinus tract. Because the true root canal was not negotiable in its coronal part due to the presence of the dens invaginatus, the closed end of the invagination (pseudocanal) was perforated to permit access to the apical segment of the true root canal for cleaning and disinfection. Both the invagination and the true canal were treated using an antimicrobial regimen based on chemomechanical preparation with sodium hypochlorite irrigation, supplementary disinfection with passive ultrasonic irrigation and interappointment calcium hydroxide medication. After 2 exchanges of calcium hydroxide medication, the sinus tract did not disappear, then the antimicrobial protocol was changed to include an antibiotic solution for irrigation and antibiotic paste for intracanal medication. After signs and symptoms disappeared, regenerative endodontic treatment was performed by inducing blood clot formation within the root canal. The coronal canal segment including the invagination was filled with Biodentine. Follow-up including cone-beam computed tomography examination showed complete healing of the apical periodontitis lesion and mineralized tissue formation at the apical portion of the true root canal.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    (1) Background: Pulp canal obliteration (PCO) is a common condition characterized by an abnormal dentinal apposition within the canal wall, which often rises as a consequence of dental trauma. In recent years, \"guided endodontics\" has offered a reliable and safer procedure for endodontic access in case of PCO. The present case report aims to introduce a new endodontic guided system with a sleeveless, open-frame titanium guide designed to reduce costs compared to traditional templates. (2) Methods: The patient is a 19-year-old female who was referred to a private clinic to treat a calcified and symptomatic tooth (3.3) with apical periodontitis. Following the first unsuccessful treatment attempt using the operating microscope, a three-dimensional cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) examination and an optical impression were performed in agreement with the patient. The Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) and Standard Tessellation Language (STL) files were sent to the lab for the template packaging, and the patient was scheduled for a second appointment. The endodontic guide was accurately positioned, and shaping and filling were concluded with success. The canal was sealed with the single-cone technique and bioceramic sealer. (3) Results: The patient reported no significant post-operative symptoms. Notably, the treatment achieved total symptom resolution, as evidenced by radiographic assessments conducted 3 and 24 months post-treatment, confirming the procedure\'s success. (4) Conclusions: This innovative sleeveless, open-frame static titanium guide presents a promising advancement in guided endodontics for PCO treatment. The advantages include preserving healthy dental tissue, reduced chairside operating time, and cost savings compared to conventional templates. This approach holds promise for enhancing the quality and efficiency of endodontic procedures in cases of PCO. While the static guide holds promise, larger prospective studies are necessary to validate its efficacy, safety, and broader applicability in routine endodontic procedures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This report aims to present a treatment of retrograde peri-implantitis originating from apical periodontitis of an adjacent tooth in an 84-year-old male. Apical periodontitis of the maxillary left central incisor (#9) extended to the apex of the maxillary left lateral incisor implant (#10), which had been functioning for 16 years. Root canal treatment for #9 was performed, followed by root end surgery to treat the apical periodontitis, which showed a periapical radiolucency measured 1 cm in its greatest dimension. After the root end filling was placed, neither bone substitute materials nor barrier membranes were used to fill and cover the bony defect area. A 2-year postoperative radiograph confirmed the osseous healing around the apices of #9 and #10.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report examines the atypical healing of an endodontic lesion without standard endodontic treatment, influenced by the patient\'s failure to attend treatment appointments. A 50-year-old woman with no notable medical history presented with a deep carious lesion on her mandibular right first molar, accompanied by localized pain. Citing forgetfulness as a reason, the patient missed her initially scheduled root canal treatment, necessitating an emergency intervention. The emergency treatment included access cavity preparation, irrigation with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, application of a modified triple antibiotic paste (equal parts penicillin G, metronidazole, and ciprofloxacin), and temporary restoration with amalgam. A large apical lesion was detected in immediate postoperative radiographs. However, the patient failed to return for definitive endodontic treatment, due to a lack of symptoms and time for treatment. Follow-up examinations 1 and 5 years after emergency treatment disclosed gradual healing of the lesion, culminating in the establishment of a normal periodontal ligament. This case underscores the potential efficacy of a modified triple antibiotic paste and highlights the importance of a well-sealed coronal restoration in promoting the healing of endodontic lesions, even in the absence of pulpectomy and conventional root canal therapy. Additional research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind such healing events.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Vital pulp therapy (VPT) has emerged as an alternative approach to root canal treatment (RCT) for managing cases with irreversible pulpitis/apical periodontitis, aiming to preserve pulp vitality and promote healing and regeneration of pulpal tissues. The tampon approach, which entails the placement of endodontic biomaterials over the pulpal wound to mechanically tamponade uncontrollable bleeding, shows promise as a technique within VPT. A 32-year-old female patient presented with severe/lingering pain in the lower left quadrant. Clinical/radiographic examinations confirmed symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and symptomatic apical periodontitis in the first right lower molar; radiographic examination exhibited an endodontic lesion for the mesial root and periodontal ligament (PDL) widening for the distal root. The patient opted for VPT; however, despite several attempts to achieve hemostasis using various solutions, including NaOCl, hemorrhage persisted. Therefore, a layer of freshly mixed calcium-enriched mixture cement was applied using a dry cotton pellet, resulting in bleeding control. Then, a permanent restoration was placed. Follow-up examinations revealed the resolution of symptoms and the one-year radiographic examination showed complete healing of the endodontic lesion. The successful outcomes highlight the effectiveness of tampon pulpotomy in managing irreversible pulpitis and associated apical lesions. Tampon pulpotomy offers several advantages, including preserving healthy pulp tissue, reduced invasiveness, and immediate hemorrhage control. This technique presents an alternative to more invasive procedures, such as RCT, and promotes patient satisfaction through a simplified treatment approach. Further clinical trials are needed to validate the findings of this case report and establish the long-term success rates of tampon pulpotomy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report highlights the intricate anatomy of root canals and the challenges they pose for clinicians. A 26-year-old female patient presented to the department with a chief complaint of pain in her left upper back tooth region. After thorough clinical and radiographical examinations, the diagnosis of pulpal necrosis with symptomatic apical periodontitis in the maxillary left first molar was confirmed. An intraoperative cone-beam computed tomography was performed. The axial imaging unveiled that there were, two distal (DB1 and DB2) canals, two palatal (P1 and P2) canals, and three mesiobuccal (MB1, MB2, and MB3) canals. The appearance of a convoluted root canal configuration serves to highlight the inherent complexity that clinicians may encounter during endodontic procedures. However, when this complexity is further compounded by the incident of separation of root canal instruments, the challenges faced by clinicians become significantly more demanding. It exemplifies the increased difficulty posed by the combination of tortuous root canal morphology and the additional complication of instrument separation, highlighting the importance of careful management and precise techniques in such scenarios and the significance of modern adjuncts, into the diagnostic process and magnification in the surgical and endodontic therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the association between apical periodontitis (AP) and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCDV).
    A total of 65 periodontally and systemically healthy patients (age ≥ 40 years) were included in the study. Periapical status was assessed through dental examination and periapical radiographs; 33 subjects had AP (AP+), while 32 acted as control (AP-). Moreover, data regarding their periapical index (PAI) score and the Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index were recorded. All subjects underwent echo-colour Doppler assessment of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), carotid plaques, degree of stenosis using the North American Symptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (NASCET) method, maximum diameter of the abdominal aorta (maximum AA) and common iliac arteries (CIA) diameters. Furthermore, peripheral blood flow was also measured using the ankle-brachial index (ABI). Simple and multiple regression analyses were performed.
    Among AP+ patients, 57.58% disclosed at least one sign of subclinical carotid atherosclerosis. Multiple regression analysis identified AP as a significant risk indicator for carotid plaques [OR = 4.87 (1.27, 18.98; p = .021)] and marked carotid intima-media thickenings (OR = 14.58 [1.22, 176.15], p = .035). A significant association was established between AP and other cardiovascular (CV) variables (CIMT, NASCET, and maximum AA). On the contrary, a higher PAI score does not correlate to increased odds of carotid alterations, and the presence of AP did not prove any significant change in CIA and ABI. No significant correlation was established between DMFT and other variables.
    Results from the current study highlight that the presence of AP may be regarded as a risk indicator for ASCVD, with AP being associated with 5-fold increased odds of having carotid plaques and 15-fold increased odds of having marked carotid intima-media thickenings. Further studies should be conducted in order to verify whether AP treatment could be beneficial for ASCVD signs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The utility and feasibility of pulp regenerative therapy with autologous dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) in mature teeth with irreversible pulpitis were clinically demonstrated. On the other hand, there is no evidence of the utility of DPSCs in mature teeth with apical periodontitis. The aim of this case report was to describe the potential utility of regenerative cell therapy in mature teeth with apical periodontitis. A 44-year-old man was referred for pulp regeneration due to a periapical lesion in his maxillary first premolar. Root canal disinfection was performed by irrigation and intracanal medication by nanobubbles with levofloxacin and amphotericin B in addition to conventional irrigation. Autologous DPSCs isolated from an extracted third molar were transplanted into the root canal after residual bacteria and fungi were below the detection level by polymerase chain reaction assay using universal genes to amplify specific regions within bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA and fungal ribosomal DNA (ITS1), respectively. There were no adverse events or systemic toxicity assessed for clinical evaluations during the 79-week-follow-up period and laboratory evaluations after 4 weeks. The affected tooth was responsive to the electric pulp test. Cone-beam computed tomographic imaging revealed a reduced lesion size, remission of the periapical tissue, and mineralized tissue formation in the apical part of the canal after 79 weeks. The signal intensity on magnetic resonance imaging of the regenerated tissue in the affected tooth was comparable to that of the normal pulp in the adjacent teeth after 24 weeks. This case report demonstrated the potential use of DPSCs for pulp regenerative therapy in mature teeth with apical periodontitis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: The formation of blood clot, achieved through periapical bleeding or the use of peripheral venous blood, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), has been widely utilized in regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs). Except for inducing periapical bleeding, the scaffolds obtained from PRP, PRF, and venous blood are not derived from oral and maxillofacial tissues. In this case report, autologous blood clots from alveolar bone were described, which involved puncturing the maxillary terminal alveolar bone. The purpose of this case report was to assess the efficacy of the alveolar-derived blood clot in regenerative endodontic procedures in a mature permanent premolar.
    METHODS: A mature premolar had a fractured central cusp, one of the developmental aberrations of tooth, without a proper treatment, resulting in chronic periapical lesion. To address this condition, REPs were employed, utilizing blood obtained through aspiration from the maxillary terminal alveolar bone aspiration.
    RESULTS: Follow-up examinations of tooth #29 revealed the absence of clinical symptoms, a progressive resolution of a periapical lesion area and thickening of the root canal walls.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case demonstrated that blood clot obtained through paracentesis of the maxillary terminal alveolar bone could be successfully applied in REPs and has potential to manage periapical lesions. However, further and more clinical trials are required to verify the feasibility of the alveolar-derived blood clot in REPs and compare the outcome of alveolar-derived blood clot with currently used biological scaffolds.
    CONCLUSIONS: In comparison to PRP or PRF from peripheral venous blood, blood clots obtained via paracentesis of the maxillary terminal alveolar bone could be administrated by dentists, eliminating the need for reliance on professional nurses. The use of blood clots from alveolar bone could simplify the REPs in cases where periapical blood was insufficient to brim the root canals.





