Acetolactate Synthase

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus Thumb.) is one of the problematic annual weeds in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and is generally controlled by acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors. Repeated use of the ALS inhibitor propoxycarbazone-Na resulted in the evolution of resistance to this herbicide in three B. japonicus populations, i.e., R1, R2, and R3 in Kansas (KS). However, the level of resistance and mechanism conferring resistance in these populations is unknown. The objectives of this research were to (i) evaluate the level of resistance to propoxycarbazone-Na in R1, R2, and R3 in comparison with a known susceptible population (S1), (ii) investigate the mechanism of resistance involved in conferring ALS-inhibitor resistance, and (iii) investigate the cross-resistance to other ALS inhibitors.
    RESULTS: Dose-response (0 to 16x; x = 44 g ai ha-1 of propoxycarbazone-Na) assay indicated 167, 125, and 667-fold resistance in R1, R2 and R3 populations, respectively, compared to S1 population. ALS gene sequencing confirmed the mutations resulting in amino acid substitutions, i.e., Pro-197-Thr (R3, R1)/Ser (R2, R1) bestowing resistance to these ALS inhibitors. Such amino acid substitutions also showed differential cross-resistance to sulfosulfuron, mesosulfuron-methyl, pyroxsulam, and imazamox among resistant populations. Pretreatment with malathion (a cytochrome P450 enzyme-inhibitor) followed by imazamox treatment suggested cross-resistance to this herbicide possibly via metabolism only in R3 population.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these results confirm the first case of target-site based resistance to ALS inhibitors in B. japonicus in the US, highlighting the need for exploring herbicides with alternative modes of action to enhance weed control in winter wheat. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations that confer herbicide resistance are a primary concern for herbicide-based chemical control of invasive plants and are often under-characterized structurally and functionally. As the outcome of selection pressure, resistance mutations usually result from repeated long-term applications of herbicides with the same mode of action and are discovered through extensive field trials. Here we used acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) of Kochia scoparia (KsAHAS) as an example to demonstrate that, given the sequence of a target protein, the impact of genetic mutations on ligand binding could be evaluated and resistance mutations could be identified using a biophysics-based computational approach. Briefly, the 3D structures of wild-type (WT) and mutated KsAHAS-herbicide complexes were constructed by homology modeling, docking and molecular dynamics simulation. The resistance profile of two AHAS-inhibiting herbicides, tribenuron methyl and thifensulfuron methyl, was obtained by estimating their binding affinity with 29 KsAHAS (1 WT and 28 mutated) using 6 molecular mechanical (MM) and 18 hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods in combination with three structure sampling strategies. By comparing predicted resistance with experimentally determined resistance in the 29 biotypes of K. scoparia field populations, we identified the best method (i.e., MM-PBSA with single structure) out of all tested methods for the herbicide-KsAHAS system, which exhibited the highest accuracy (up to 100%) in discerning mutations conferring resistance or susceptibility to the two AHAS inhibitors. Our results suggest that the in silico approach has the potential to be widely adopted for assessing mutation-endowed herbicide resistance on a case-by-case basis.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Lrp (leucine-responsive regulatory protein) plays a global regulatory role in Escherichia coli, affecting expression of dozens of operons. Numerous lrp-related genes have been identified in different bacteria and archaea, including asnC, an E. coli gene that was the first reported member of this family. Pairwise comparisons of amino acid sequences of the corresponding proteins shows an average sequence identity of only 29% for the vast majority of comparisons. By contrast, Lrp-related proteins from enteric bacteria show more than 97% amino acid identity. Is the global regulatory role associated with E. coli Lrp limited to enteric bacteria? To probe this question we investigated LrfB, an Lrp-related protein from Haemophilus influenzae that shares 75% sequence identity with E. coli Lrp (highest sequence identity among 42 sequences compared). A strain of H. influenzae having an lrfB null allele grew at the wild-type growth rate but with a filamentous morphology. A comparison of two-dimensional (2D) electrophoretic patterns of proteins from parent and mutant strains showed only two differences (comparable studies with lrp(+) and lrp E. coli strains by others showed 20 differences). The abundance of LrfB in H. influenzae, estimated by Western blotting experiments, was about 130 dimers per cell (compared to 3,000 dimers per E. coli cell). LrfB expressed in E. coli replaced Lrp as a repressor of the lrp gene but acted only to a limited extent as an activator of the ilvIH operon. Thus, although LrfB resembles Lrp sufficiently to perform some of its functions, its low abundance is consonant with a more local role in regulating but a few genes, a view consistent with the results of the 2D electrophoretic analysis. We speculate that an Lrp having a global regulatory role evolved to help enteric bacteria adapt to their ecological niches and that it is unlikely that Lrp-related proteins in other organisms have a broad regulatory function.






