• 文章类型: Case Reports
    Chylous ascites is an uncommon pathology with low incidence following hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery, there are no cases reported in the international literature following the associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for stage hepatectomy (ALPPS) procedure. It is caused by abnormal intraperitoneal accumulation of lymph fluid in the abdominal cavity secondary to obstruction or injury to the chyle cistern or its tributaries. We describe the case of a 49-year-old woman diagnosed with colon cancer and liver metastasis. ALPPS was performed, on a first and second stage, presenting a high drainage output as well as change in the characteristics of the drainage fluid. The diagnosis of chylous ascites was confirmed by finding triglyceride levels in the drainage fluid at 300 mg/dL. Medical treatment was started based on a hyper-protein diet and fat restriction, supplemented with medium-chain triglycerides and somatostatin analog, with fistula resolution. It can be managed with medical treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Hepatoblastoma is the most common malignant primary liver tumor in the pediatric population, accounting for 67% of cases in the United States. Surgical resection is the only curative treatment option; however, it can be performed in only 10% of patients with primary tumors. The two most common limitations for resection are the need for extensive resections and tumors in central locations. The therapeutic hypertrophy of healthy tissue achieved with ALPPS (Associating Liver Partition and Portal vein ligation for Staged Hepatectomy) enables larger resections and has been successfully employed in the pediatric population in recent years.
    UNASSIGNED: To present three cases of patients with centrally located PRETEXT II or III hepatoblastomas who underwent ALPPS procedure as a viable therapeutic alternative to liver transplantation.
    UNASSIGNED: Central PRETEXT III hepatoblastomas are typically indications for liver transplantation. Transplantation offers high five-year survival rates (73%). However, the associated morbidity, healthcare system costs, and limited availability make it necessary to explore alternative options. Series have reported the successful application of the ALPPS procedure in PRETEXT II and PRETEXT III hepatoblastomas in other locations. Therapeutically induced hypertrophy, characterized by an increase in the volume of healthy tissue in unaffected lobes or segments, enabled the resection of previously deemed unresectable lesions. The patients experienced uncomplicated postoperative courses and expected reduction in tumor markers. Chemotherapy selection followed the guidelines outlined in Block C of the SIOPEL IV protocol.
    UNASSIGNED: ALPPS hepatectomy is a viable therapeutic option for patients with centrally located PRETEXT III or II hepatoblastomas.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction: ALPPS (Associating Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged Hepatectomy), is a recently developed procedure, first performed by HJ Schlitt in Regensburg, Germany. The technique developed two stages of hepatectomy. The ALPPS procedure has been introduced to increase the volume of future liver remnant, much more than the other technique, such as PVE (portal vein embolization). The first ALPPS in our country was introduced and performed by our team on May 15th, 2018. Results: The 60-year-old patient was previously operated on for rectal cancer in 2017 at another institution. The operation was performed with anterior resection and the patient was in long term adjuvant chemotherapy. One year after surgery, the patient has multiple bilobar liver metastases and increased tumor markers that led to instant admission to our institution for liver resection. In the first stage, we performed four metastasectomies on the left lobe with right portal vein ligation and transection on the Cantlie line. The second stage was performed after a CT evaluation on the eighth day, with significant hypertrophy on the left lobe. Pathological findings reported ten metastases on the right lobe with a diameter 1-3 cm. The patient was on the long-term chemotherapy, and after one year he had other MS in the IVa segment of the liver. We also performed a metastasectomy. The patient died 32 months after ALPPS. Conclusion: ALPPS is a safe and feasible procedure for the treatment of bilobar liver metastasis from colorectal cancer. It could provide long-term survival for patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) has been advocated for treating advanced liver tumors, but the devascularized ischemic area resulting from liver parenchymal division can become a nidus for sepsis. We present a patient who underwent ALPPS modified to avoid ischemia and congestion after liver partitioning during stage 1.
    METHODS: ALPPS was carried out for a patient with multiple bilobar liver metastases from rectosigmoid colon cancer. The 2-stage treatment included 3 partial resections within the left lateral section and parenchymal division at the umbilical fissure with right portal vein ligation as stage 1, followed by right trisectionectomy as stage 2. During parenchymal division at the umbilical fissure, Segment 4 portal pedicles and the middle hepatic vein had to be resected at their roots. To safely accomplish this, combined resection of Segment 4 and the drainage area of the middle hepatic vein was performed after parenchymal partition, aiming to avoid ischemia and congestion within the remnant liver. Successful stage 2 hepatectomy followed later. No ischemia or congestion occurred during stage 1 or 2.
    CONCLUSIONS: During ALPPS, ischemia and congestion after stage 1 must be avoided to reduce morbidity and mortality. The modification described here should reduce likelihood of severe postoperative complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Liver metastasis is the most common form of distant spread of colorectal cancer. Despite oncological and surgical advances, only about 25% of patients are eligible to undergo resection. As the liver has a limited resectable volume, tumor reduction and remnant liver hypertrophy are of critical importance in treating initially unresectable colorectal cancer liver metastasis. Associated liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) allows rapid liver hypertrophy within a short period and has been reported to be useful in recent years.
    METHODS: A 29-year-old woman complaining of bloody stool was referred to our hospital. She was diagnosed with rectal cancer (Rb) with simultaneous multiple liver and lung metastases. The patient was then initially commenced on chemotherapy and completed it with a satisfactory response. Right trisectionectomy was necessary to achieve hepatic clearance; however, the future liver remnant (FLR) volume was insufficient. Therefore, we decided to perform totally laparoscopic ALPPS to obtain enough FLR volume. However, the FLR increase was slow, and FLR did not attain the required volume for right trisectionectomy. Computed tomography showed that right portal venous blood flow was increased via developed collateral vessels around the portal vein. We attempted to induce further liver growth by blocking portal blood flow using additional percutaneous transhepatic portal vein embolization (PTPE), and a rapid increase in FLR was obtained. The patient underwent right trisectionectomy and partial resection of S2 with negative margins, and the patient was discharged without postoperative liver failure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Resumption of the portal venous blood flow through collateral vessels after ALPPS may have interfered with the planned residual liver hypertrophy. Performing PTPE in addition to ALPPS increased the FLR volume, and radical hepatectomy was completed safely. Remnant portal venous blood flow following ALPPS is an important issue to be considered in surgical planning, and early additional portal vein embolization could be effective.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) can induce rapid hypertrophy of the liver remnant. However, with a background of liver cirrhosis or other chronic liver diseases, patients with a huge hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) may sometimes face insufficiency of hepatocellular regeneration after associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS). Herein, we report a 56-year-old male with a vast HCC (13.3 × 8.5 × 13 cm) whose ratio of the future liver remnant (FLR)/standard liver volume (SLV) was 28.7% when the disease was first diagnosed. Inadequate hypertrophy of FLR was shown in postoperative volumetric assessment a month after stage I ALPPS. After multidisciplinary team discussion (MDT), the patient was decided to follow three courses of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) with oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, and leucovorin (FOLFOX4). The last HAIC was performed together with transhepatic arterial embolization (TAE). Finally, ratio of the FLR/SLV increased from 28.7% to 40% during three-month intervals, meeting the requirements of the surgery. Stage II ALPPS, right trisectionectomy, was then successfully performed. There was no recurrence at half years of follow-up. In our case, HAIC seems to be more potent than transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) in maintaining the hyperplasia of the liver remnant, reducing tumor load, and preventing tumor progression in patients with a large HCC during ALPPS procedure. HAIC, following the first step of ALPPS, a pioneering treatment modality aiming for inadequate hypertrophy of FLR induced by ALPPS, could be an alternative procedure for patients with a vast HCC in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For liver tumors (primary or metastases), surgery combined with neoadjuvant, or adjuvant chemotherapy is the treatment of choice, offering long term survival time and disease-free time period (Alvarez et al., 2012) Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation, or ALPPS, it\'s a surgical technique that increases the future liver remnant in a short period of time, trying to avoid postoperative liver failure (PLF), and achieving R0 resections in liver malignant tumors (Alvarez et al., 2012).
    UNASSIGNED: A 43 years old woman with colorectal liver metastases in both lobes. Colorectal surgical procedure was performed 1 year previous the liver intervention, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Decision of a tri-segmental hepatectomy was made to resolve the metastases. Into the surgical procedure, we evaluated the liver parenchyma, and the future liver remnant tissue was insufficient, for that reason we decided to perform ALPPS procedure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Colorectal liver metastases (CLRM) are considered the most common indication for ALPPS procedure according to the international registry. Compared with the portal vein ligation, resection rate varies from 50 to 80%, and the non-resectability disease was explained by tumor progression. Postoperative mortality rate was 5.1% in young patients (<60 years old), and 8% in general for CRLM. Oncologic outcomes represent an increased disease-free survival period and overall survival time compared with non-surgical approach.
    CONCLUSIONS: The ALPPS procedure it\'s an interesting approach to patients with not enough liver remnant tissue, with good oncologic results in terms of disease-free survival time, and overall survival. Appropriate selection of the patient, careful postoperative management, and a multidisciplinary approach are related with good postoperative outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Calcifying nested stromal-epithelial tumor (CNSET) is an extremely rare, indolent tumor of the liver of uncertain cellular origin. With only 38 cases reported in the literature, pathogenesis and optimal therapeutic approach are not well characterized. Based on the available literature, the risk of recurrence is low with surgical resection with negative margins.
    METHODS: In this case report, we describe an adolescent patient with CNSET who underwent right trisectionectomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: In order to avoid posthepatectomy liver failure, special consideration must be given to the amount of residual liver parenchyma after resection when considering surgical approach. Single stage right trisectionectomy and two stage via associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) were both considered for surgical approach in this case in order to provide sufficient functional liver parenchyma remnant.
    CONCLUSIONS: Given that obtaining negative margins is important in reducing the risk of recurrence, the method of surgical resection utilized is based on the amount of future functional residual hepatic parenchyma.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Associating Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged -hepatectomy (ALPPS) is an evolving procedure that allows rapid hypertrophy of the future liver remnant (FLR). We describe the first two cases performed in Qatar.
    METHODS: Case 1: A 53 -year old male with sarcoma metastases to the liver 8 years after resection of an abdominal wall tumor, requiring an extended right hepatectomy but with in an inadequate FLR. ALPPS was done and he achieved 147% increase in the volume of the FLR within 6 days (from 15.9%-34.2%). The second stage was completed successfully on day 7. Case 2: A 59-year old male patient had colorectal liver metastases that required an extended right liver resection and had inadequate FLR of 19.8%. Seven days after the first stage, the FLR hypertrophied to 37.7% (90.2% increase in volume) and the second stage was completed successfully on day 8. Both patients had uneventful recovery and no recurrence or complications on follow up.
    CONCLUSIONS: ALPPS allows large liver resections while circumventing the long delay in the conventional two staged hepatectomy and portal vein ligation/embolization. The reported morbidity and mortality in earlier series was high, but recent selection criteria and technique refinements reduce this morbidity. Many variations are still being reported.
    CONCLUSIONS: ALPPS is an evolving technique that adds to the armamentarium of the liver surgeon to allow larger liver resections in a timely manner. It is feasible and safe to be performed with careful selection.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) is a novel approach for performing liver resection, and the number of clinical applications of this technique has rapidly increased within recent years. ALPPS is important in patients who have insufficient residual liver volume and cannot undergo radical hepatic resection. The most common postoperative complications of ALPPS include biliary fistula and infection. To date, postoperative acute kidney injury following ALPPS has not been reported. The current study reports the case of a 63-year-old patient with hepatitis B-induced cirrhosis who underwent the first stage of ALPPS without completion of the second step. The patient developed postoperative acute kidney injury following ALPPS. The present case study suggests that the use of ALPPS in patients at risk of chronic renal damage should be approached with caution in order to avoid postoperative acute kidney injury. Furthermore, improvements in surgical techniques and skills of the surgeons performing the procedure are required to reduce the surgery duration and improve patient outcomes.





