关键词: Community mental health Homelessness Mental health services Mental illness Seniors

来  源:   DOI:10.1007/s10597-024-01314-2

Homeless seniors confront distinct challenges regarding their mental health needs and service access. This study aims to illuminate the mental health landscape of homeless seniors by examining the prevalence of mental illness, utilization of mental health services, and perceived need for mental health care. The study comprises 177 homeless seniors in New York, NY. Findings indicate 10.2% experiencing depression, 10.2% schizophrenia, and 5.7% bipolar disorder. Despite high prevalence, there is a significant gap between diagnosed mental health conditions and service utilization, with only 50% of those with depression seeking care. Perceived need for mental health services emerges as a critical aspect of the study, with over half of those suffering from depression (61.1%; n = 11), PTSD (75%; n = 3), schizophrenia (77.8%; n = 14), and other mental illnesses (100%; n = 1) expressing a need for mental health care. Also, mental health conditions, loneliness, and levels of social support play significant roles in a need for mental health services.