• 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Gout is a metabolic disorder that leads to elevated serum uric acid levels and deposition of urate crystals in the joints. The disease is usually confined to the joint space and leads to pain and limitation of jaw opening. The case describes a 45-year-old female patient with a chief complaint of \'occasional pain in the left temporal muscle region\'. The case disclosed a gout manifestation in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) after physical and radiographic findings. Gout manifestation in the TMJ is an unusual presentation and a few reports in the English literature address the subject. Gout in the TMJ should be included as a differential diagnosis for joint disorders because of its rarity. A clinician may overlook gout involving the TMJ in the differential diagnosis of facial pain even when the patient has received a diagnosis of gout in other joints.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Teriparatide, an osteoanabolic agent, is a biosynthetic analogue of the 1-34 amino acids of human parathyroid hormone (PTH) used for the treatment of osteoporosis. It is typically well-tolerated; common side effects include headaches, arthralgias, nausea, and dizziness. In this report, we present a case of gynecomastia occurring shortly after initiating teriparatide therapy, associated with nipple sensitivity and breast tenderness. Secondary workup for various causes of gynecomastia was unremarkable. Finally, a decision was made to discontinue teriparatide due to the patient\'s concerns. The nipple sensitivity started improving shortly afterward, with complete resolution of gynecomastia 4 months later. Although this unusual side effect has been reported as a possibility in postmarketing studies, a chronological report on the occurrence of teriparatide-induced gynecomastia and its complete resolution after discontinuing teriparatide has not yet been published in the literature.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an abnormal connection of vasculature resulting in capillary bed bypassing and leading to neurological deterioration and high risk of bleeding. Intramedullary AVMs in the cervical spinal cord are rare and require precise diagnostics and treatment. We present a clinical case of recurrent AVMs in a 28-year-old Caucasian female with sudden and severe neck pain and variable neurological symptoms along with current diagnostic and treatment modalities. Conservative treatment was partially effective. MRI and DSA confirmed AVMs at C4 level with subsequent several endovascular treatment sessions at the age of 15 and 24 with mild neurological improvement. Afterwards the patient underwent rehabilitation with minor neurological improvement. This case highlights the clinical progression and treatment of AVMs along with showcasing current pathophysiology, classification, and imaging.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) can occur through various mechanisms including radiation, medication, and viral infections such as herpes zoster. Although herpes zoster is a varicella-zoster virus infection that can affect the trigeminal nerve, it rarely causes oral complications. The author reports a rare case of herpes zoster-related ONJ, followed by a review of the relevant literature pertaining to herpes zoster-related oral complications, including ONJ. A 73-year-old woman presented with a scarred skin lesion on her left midface with an exposed alveolar bone of the left maxilla. Based on her medical records, she received a diagnosis and treatment for herpes zoster six months prior and experienced a few teeth loss in the left maxilla following a fall preceding the onset of herpes zoster. Sequestrectomy of the left maxilla was performed and ONJ was diagnosed. The operative site recovered favorably. Although unusual, several cases of localized extensive ONJ in herpes zoster-infected patients have been reported. This case illustrates the possibility of a rare occurrence of unilateral widespread osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) even in the maxilla associated with herpes zoster. The exact mechanism has not been elucidated; nevertheless, surgeons should consider the possibility of oral and dental complications, including ONJ, related to a history of herpes zoster.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Despite advancement in surgical innovation, C1-C2 fixation remains challenging due to risks of screw malposition and vertebral artery (VA) injuries. Traditional image-based navigation, while useful, often demands that surgeons frequently shift their attention to external monitors, potentially causing distractions. In this article, we introduce a microscope-based augmented reality (AR) navigation system that projects both anatomical information and real-time navigation images directly onto the surgical field. In the present case report, we discuss a 37-year-old female who suffered from os odontoideum with C1-C2 subluxation. Employing AR-assisted navigation, the patient underwent the successful posterior instrumentation of C1-C2. The integrated AR system offers direct visualization, potentially minimizing surgical distractions. In our opinion, as AR technology advances, its adoption in surgical practices and education is anticipated to expand.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an incurable rare neurodegenerative condition, with 45% of cases showing the symptom of dysphagia; its clinical signs are atrophy, weakness, and fasciculations of the facial muscles, tongue, and pharynx. Furthermore, dysphagia is the main cause of aspiration pneumonia. The traditional treatment for dysphagia varies based on the patient\'s difficulty of swallowing. The initial phase consists of dietary consistency adjustments, progressing to alternatives like nasogastric tubes or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) in advanced stages. Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) is a complementary \'hands-on\' approach that has already shown positive results as an add-on therapy in various health conditions. This study is a case report of a man diagnosed with ALS with initial dysphagia, managed with a protocol that extraordinarily included OMT. The patient showed somatic dysfunctions in the mediastinal region, upper cervical region, and occipital area which are all anatomically related to the nervous system, especially the glossopharyngeal reflex. At the end of the rehabilitation protocol, there was a reduction in the swallowing problems measured with Strand Scale and swallowing tests, and the patient reported an improved psycho-physical well-being assessed with the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assessment Questionnaire (ALSAQ-40). Instead, the neurological function measured with ALSFRS-S remained stable. Although the nature of this study design prevents any causal assumption, the positive results should lead to future randomized controlled trials to assess the effectiveness of OMT as an adjunctive therapeutic proposal to improve the health of ALS patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism (NSH) in dogs is a condition that develops in response to a vitamin D deficiency or an imbalanced calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in dog food. Puppies of large-breed dogs exclusively fed a non-supplemented, boneless raw meat diet are especially susceptible to developing NSH due to their elevated calcium requirement. Reports on NSH in companion animals have been sparse in the last decades due to dog owners having easy access to commercially balanced dog foods. However, with the rising popularity of meat-based raw feeding, this condition has re-emerged. In this case series, four large-breed puppies fed exclusively non-supplemented, boneless raw meat diets presented with complaints of acute onset of pain and paresis. Radiographs and/or computed tomography (CT) scans showed reduced radio density of the skeleton in all four puppies. Two of the dogs had pathological fractures, and these two puppies were euthanized. One was subjected to a post mortem examination, which revealed cortical bone resorption and hypertrophy of the parathyroid glands. The remaining two puppies rapidly improved after receiving pain medication and a commercial, balanced diet. This case series demonstrates a risk of young dogs developing severe neurological deficits when fed a non-supplemented, boneless raw meat diet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attention on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) involves statistical surveys showing an increasing trend in the incidence of WMSDs. Technological development has led to new tools and methods for the assessment of physical load at work. These methods are mostly based on the direct sensing of appropriate parameters, which allows more precise quantification. The aim of this paper is to compare several commonly used methods in Slovakia for the assessment of ergonomic risk reflecting current EU and Slovak legislative regulations. A Captiv wireless sensory system was used at a car headlight quality control assembly workplace for sensing, data acquisition and data processing. During the evaluation of postures and movements at work, we discovered differences in the applicable standards: Decree 542/2007 Coll. (Slovak Legislation), the STN EN 1005-4+A1, and the French standards default in the Captiv system. Standards define the thresholds for hazardous postures with significant differences in several evaluated body segments, which affects the final evaluation of the measurements. Our experience from applying improved risk assessment methodology may have an impact on Slovak industrial workplaces. It was confirmed that there is a need to create uniform standards for the ergonomic risk assessment of body posture, including a detailed description of the threshold values for individual body segments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Tibial diaphysis fractures are common injuries resulting from high-to-low-energy traumas in patients of all age groups, but few reports currently provide complementary parameters for the assessment of bone healing processes in the postoperative period. Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and the scores from the Radiographic Union Scale for Tibial Fractures (RUST) can promote new horizons in this context. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the behavior of ALP and RUST through within-subject comparisons from immediately post-surgery to 49 days after tibial diaphysis fracture repair.
    METHODS: This article included four case studies where patients underwent the same procedures. Adults of both sexes aged 18 to 60 years with tibial fractures requiring surgery were included. After surgical intervention (T1), the patients were followed for 49 days after surgery, returning for follow-up appointments on the 21st (T2) and 49th (T3) days. At the follow-up appointments, new X-ray images were obtained, and blood samples were collected for ALP measurement.
    RESULTS: Serum ALP levels increased by T2 following tibial reamed intramedullary nailing surgery. While this increase persisted into T3 for two patients, a decline was observed during the same period for the other two patients. Both events are indicative of the bone consolidation process, and RUST scores at the T3 corroborate this perspective for all patients included in this study. Considering that delta ALP (T3-T1 value) was lower in patients who exhibited the highest RUST score, we suggest that a synchronized analysis between ALP and RUST allows medics to diagnose bone consolidation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, it can be concluded that the analysis of ALP alongside RUST may be complementary for evaluating bone consolidation following tibial reamed intramedullary nailing surgery, but future studies are needed to confirm this assertion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The accessory bones around the elbow are very rare variant structures, present in approximately 0.7% of cases. They can cause diagnostic problems and can be mistaken for pathological structures, especially when pain and limitation of elbow movements are present and a trauma can be traced in the patient\'s history. They are of different nature, either presenting within muscle tendons as sesamoids (brachialis and triceps brachii muscles) or presenting intra-articularly probably as separated or accessory ossification centres. The least common is the os supratrochleare anterius.
    METHODS: We present a case of a young male, featuring chronic blocking and 20° limited flexion of his right elbow, which bothered him during his occupation as a locksmith. In history, he suffered minor trauma to the elbow 20 years ago. X-ray and CT showed a large ossicle in the coronoid fossa of the humerus.
    RESULTS: The ossicle was surgically extracted in small pieces. The patient left satisfied with no mention of complaints.
    CONCLUSIONS: The os supratrochleare anterius is a very rare accessory bone of the elbow, located in the coronoid fossa of the humerus which can mimic many pathological states, and limit movements and causing pain around the elbow.





