• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) reduce risks for overdose among correctional populations. Among other barriers, daily dosing requirements hinder treatment continuity post-release. Extended-release buprenorphine (XR-BUP) may therefore be beneficial. However, limited evidence exists.Objectives: To conduct a systematic review examining the feasibility and effectiveness of XR-BUP among correctional populations.Methods: Searches were carried out in Pubmed, Embase, and PsychINFO in October 2023. Ten studies reporting on feasibility or effectiveness of XR-BUP were included, representing n = 819 total individuals (81.6% male). Data were extracted and narratively reported under the following main outcomes: 1) Feasibility; 2) Effectiveness; and 3) Barriers and Facilitators.Results: Studies were heterogeneous. Correctional populations were two times readier to try XR-BUP compared to non-correctional populations. XR-BUP was feasible and safe, with no diversion, overdoses, or deaths; several negative side effects were reported. Compared to other MOUD, XR-BUP significantly reduced drug use, resulted in similar or higher treatment retention rates, fewer re-incarcerations, and was cost-beneficial, with a lower overall monthly/yearly cost. Barriers to XR-BUP, such as side effects and a fear of needles, as well as facilitators, such as a lowered risk of opioid relapse, were also identified.Conclusion: XR-BUP appears to be a feasible and potentially effective alternative treatment option for correctional populations with OUD. XR-BUP may reduce community release-related risks, such as opioid use and overdose risk, as well as barriers to treatment retention. Efforts to expand access to and uptake of XR-BUP among correctional populations are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is an emerging public health concern; effective treatments are still under development. This mini-review focuses on summarizing the main scientific evidence from psychological, pharmacological, brain imaging, and emerging treatment approaches for IGD. We searched PubMed and Scopus databases using keywords related to IGD and treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most extensively researched psychological treatment for IGD, supported by several randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Other promising approaches include mindfulness, relapse prevention, abstinence protocols, and family therapy. Pharmacological treatments like bupropion and escitalopram have shown benefits, especially when IGD is comorbid with conditions like major depressive disorder. However, the quality of evidence is moderate for psychological interventions but low to moderate for pharmacological approaches. Emerging treatments such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), and electro-acupuncture have demonstrated efficacy in reducing IGD symptoms and modulating brain activity. Brain imaging techniques like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have provided insights into the neural mechanisms underlying IGD and treatment effects, although these studies lack randomized controlled designs. While multimodal approaches show promise, larger, well-designed RCTs are needed to establish effective IGD treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Substance use is highly prevalent among people with schizophrenia (SCZ) and related disorders, however, there is no broad-spectrum pharmacotherapy that concurrently addresses both addiction and psychotic symptoms. Psychosocial (PS) interventions, which have yielded promising results in treating psychosis and substance dependence separately, demonstrate potential but have not been systematically evaluated when combined.
    METHODS: Systematic review and random-effects meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating PS interventions for individuals with comorbid substance use and psychotic disorders, encompassing SCZ and schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD). We included relevant studies published from MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar through May 2023.
    RESULTS: We included 35 RCTs (5176 participants total; approximately 2840 with SSD). Intervention durations ranged from 30 min to 3 years. Meta-analysis did not identify a statistically significant pooled PS intervention effect on the main primary outcome, substance use (18 studies; 803 intervention, 733 control participants; standardized mean difference, -0.05 standard deviation [SD]; 95% CI, -0.16, 0.07 SD; I2 = 18%). PS intervention effects on other outcomes were also not statistically significant. Overall GRADE certainty of evidence was low.
    CONCLUSIONS: At present, the literature lacks sufficient evidence supporting the use of PS interventions as opposed to alternative therapeutic approaches for significantly improving substance use, symptomatology, or functioning in people with SCZ and related disorders. However, firm conclusions were precluded by low certainty of evidence. Further RCTs are needed to determine the efficacy of PS treatments for people with dual-diagnoses (DD), either alone or in combination with pharmacotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Globally, there are around 1.3 billion cigarette consumers, indicating it to be the second highest risk factor for early death and morbidity. Meanwhile, psychological therapy offers tools based on its different models and techniques, which can contribute to smoking cessation. In this context, this study gathers scientific evidence to identify psychological therapies that can be used to reduce cigarette consumption. A systematic review of controlled clinical studies was conducted, implementing the PRISMA methodology. Search queries were performed with terms extracted from MESH (Medical Subject Headings) and DECS (Descriptors in Health Sciences). Subsequently, the search was queried in the scientific databases of Medline/PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus, Science Direct, ProQuest, and PsycNet, with subsequent verification of methodological quality using the Joanna Briggs Institute checklists. The selected documents revealed that cognitive behavioral therapy prevails due to its use and effectiveness in seven publications (25%). The cognitive approach with mindfulness therapy is found in 4 publications (14%), the transtheoretical model with motivational therapy in 4 publications (14%), brief psychological therapy in 3 publications (10%), and the remaining 10 documents (37%) correspond with others. Intervention studies refer to cognitive behavioral therapy as the most used in reducing cigarette consumption; in terms of the duration of abstinence, scientific evidence shows beneficial effects with short-term reduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Anxiety and substance use disorders are highly comorbid and represent two of the leading causes of disease burden globally. Psychosocial interventions are important treatment options for people with co-occurring anxiety and substance use disorders (A-SUD). To date, few reviews have assessed the efficacy of psychosocial treatments for patients with A-SUD. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to synthesize this literature and assess the efficacy of psychosocial interventions among patients with A-SUD.
    METHODS: We searched all relevant records published until March 2023 in Medline, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and Google Scholar. Two authors extracted and reconciled relevant data and assessed risk of bias. Random effects models were used to calculate effect sizes using Hedges\' g for post treatment and follow-up time points. Main outcomes of the review were anxiety, alcohol use, and use of other substances. We examined effects on depression as a secondary outcome since it commonly co-occurs with A-SUD.
    RESULTS: Psychosocial interventions for co-occurring A-SUD showed moderate effects on anxiety (g = 0.44), alcohol (Hedges\' g = 0.29), and other substance use (g = 0.38) at post intervention. Large effects were observed on depression (g = 0.88) at post intervention with high heterogeneity. These effects were maintained at follow-up for anxiety (Hedges\' g = 0.38), other substances (g = 0.44), and depression (g = 0.50). Moderation analyses for demographic factors, intervention characteristics, community level factors, anxiety reduction, and alcohol use reduction, were non-significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current meta-analysis is the first to investigate specifically the effects of psychosocial interventions on patients with anxiety and a co-occurring SUD. The analyses indicated promising moderate-sized effects of treatment on anxiety, alcohol, all other drug use, and depression. The findings point to important avenues for psychosocial treatment emphasis and development while highlighting critical gaps in knowledge to be addressed in future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For people experiencing substance use or gambling disorders, web-based peer-supported forums are a space where they can share their experiences, gather around a collective goal, and find mutual support. Web-based peer support can help to overcome barriers to attending face-to-face meetings by enabling people experiencing addiction to seek support beyond their physical location and with the benefit of anonymity if desired. Understanding who participates in web-based peer-supported forums (and how), and the principles underpinning forums, can also assist those interested in designing or implementing similar platforms.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to review the literature on how people experiencing substance use or gambling disorders, and their family, friends, and supporters, use and participate in web-based peer-supported forums. Specifically, we asked the following research questions: (1) What are the characteristics of people who use web-based peer-supported substance use or gambling-focused forums? (2) How do people participate in web-based peer-supported forums? (3) What are the key principles reportedly underpinning the web-based peer-supported forums? (4) What are the reported outcomes of web-based peer-supported forums?
    METHODS: Inclusion criteria for our scoping review were peer-reviewed primary studies reporting on web-based addiction forums for adults and available in English. A primary search of 10 databases occurred in June 2021, with 2 subsequent citation searches of included studies in September 2022 and February 2024.
    RESULTS: Of the 14 included studies, the majority of web-based peer-supported forums reported were aimed specifically for, or largely used by, people experiencing alcohol problems. Results from the 9 studies that did report demographic data suggest forum users were typically women, aged between 40 years and early 50 years. Participation in web-based peer-supported forums was reported quantitatively and qualitatively. The forums reportedly were underpinned by a range of key principles, mostly mutual help approaches and recovery identity formation. Only 3 included studies reported on outcomes for forum users.
    CONCLUSIONS: Web-based peer-supported forums are used by people experiencing addiction in a number of ways, to share information and experiences, and give and receive support. Seeking web-based support offers an alternative approach to traditional face-to-face support options, and may reduce some barriers to engaging in peer support.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Capacity to consent to treatment of substance use disorders at Ontario\'s Consent and Capacity Board: A review of past reported decisions.
    An Ontario review of legal cases which have considered patients\' ability to consent to substance use treatmentsPlain Language SummaryIn general, prescribers must consider whether informed consent was provided prior to starting a treatment. A patient is presumed to be capable to consent to a proposed treatment but could be incapable with respect to any medical treatment. While incapacity is often considered for psychiatric treatments, it could be relevant to substance use treatment like methadone or suboxone, which are also called “Opioid Agonist Therapies” or OAT. OAT is lifesaving and prevents relapse and overdose when a person has an opioid use disorder. If a patient is found incapable of consenting to a treatment, a Substitute Decisions Maker would become the decision maker. In such cases, the patient has the ability to contest or disagree with the finding, and this results in a tribunal hearing at the Consent and Capacity Board in Ontario (CCB). In certain circumstances, the CCB publishes what are known as its Reasons for Decision (RDs), which explain the tribunal\'s reasoning in coming to a decision in favour of the physician or the person found incapable. This information is publicly searchable. Our methods involved a search of all available CCB RDs in Ontario for search terms related to substance use treatment, such as \"methadone”. We found that between June 1, 2003 (the date on reporting of RDs began) and June 27, 2023, only 71 RDs involved substance use search terms, out of a total of 10,463 reported RDs. Only one case involved the CCB upholding a finding of incapacity with respect to methadone treatment. These results imply that there are few cases in which the CCB has considered incapacity with respect to substance use treatment, although it is possible that these cases are reported at a lower frequency than other cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Similar to addictive substances, addictive behaviours such as gambling and gaming are associated with maladaptive modulation of key brain areas and functional networks implicated in learning and memory. Therefore, this review sought to understand how different learning and memory processes relate to behavioural addictions and to unravel their underlying neural mechanisms. Adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we systematically searched four databases - PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science using the agreed-upon search string. Findings suggest altered executive function-dependent learning processes and enhanced habit learning in behavioural addiction. Whereas the relationship between working memory and behavioural addiction is influenced by addiction type, working memory aspect, and task nature. Additionally, long-term memory is incoherent in individuals with addictive behaviours. Consistently, neurophysiological evidence indicates alterations in brain areas and networks implicated in learning and memory processes in behavioural addictions. Overall, the present review argues that, like substance use disorders, alteration in learning and memory processes may underlie the development and maintenance of behavioural addictions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of methamphetamine in the United States is increasing, contributing now to the \"fourth wave\" in the national opioid epidemic crisis. People who suffer from methamphetamine use disorder (MUD) have a higher risk of death. No pharmacological interventions are approved by the FDA and psychosocial interventions are only moderately effective. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a relatively novel FDA-cleared intervention for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and other neuropsychiatric conditions. Several lines of research suggest that TMS could be useful for the treatment of addictive disorders, including MUD. We will review those published clinical trials that show potential effects on craving reduction of TMS when applied over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) also highlighting some limitations that affect their generalizability and applicability. We propose the use of the Koob and Volkow\'s neurocircuitry model of addiction as a frame to explain the brain effects of TMS in patients with MUD. We will finally discuss new venues that could lead to a more individualized and effective treatment of this complex disorder including the use of neuroimaging, the exploration of different areas of the brain such as the frontopolar cortex or the salience network and the use of biomarkers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Rates of acute care use, including hospital admission and readmission, are high for people who misuse substances. Hospitalization provides a valuable opportunity for intervention, but addiction treatment is often not addressed in the inpatient setting. Addiction consult services are a novel intervention intended to change hospital practices.Objectives: Comprehensively summarize outcomes (quantitative and qualitative) associated with inpatient addiction consult services.Methods: English-language searches of: Medline, CINAHL, Embase, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, PubMed, PsychInfo and Google Scholar were conducted from 2000 to November 2022. Studies reporting outcomes associated with addiction specialist consultation in the hospital setting were included. Four independent reviewers screened abstracts, and three reviewers screened full-text articles.Results: A total of 1,113 results underwent title and abstract screening and 43 studies were included. Outcomes associated with addiction specialist consultation were heterogeneous. Quantitative clinical outcomes focused on pharmacotherapy, healthcare utilization, and outpatient follow-up. Consultation improved rates of pharmacotherapy use, but had inconsistent effects on health care use, and overall follow-up rates were low. Consultation was associated with reduced overdose rates and 90-day mortality. Additional outcomes related to medical learners\' educational achievements and qualitative results described positive effects on trainees, healthcare providers, and patients seen by specialized consult services. Access to dedicated providers improved experiences in hospitals for both people who misuse substances and their healthcare providers.Conclusion: Addiction specialist consultations are related to several clinical metrics, but some outcomes (e.g. pharmacotherapy initiation) may be more amenable to intervention than others (healthcare utilization). Qualitative findings provide important context for quantitative clinical results.





