• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a common autoimmune hematological disorder. Despite this, diagnosis is still challenging due to clinical heterogeneity and the lack of a specific diagnostic test. New findings in the pathology and the availability of new drugs have led to the development of different guidelines worldwide. In the present study, the Delphi methodology has been used to get a consensus on the management of adult patients with ITP in Spain and to help in decision-making. The Delphi questionnaire has been designed by a scientific ad hoc committee and has been divided into 13 topics, with a total of 127 items, covering the maximum possible scenarios for the management of ITP. As a result of the study, a total consensus of 81% has been reached. It is concluded that this Delphi consensus provides practical recommendations on topics related to diagnosis and management of ITP patients to help doctors to improve outcomes. Some aspects remain unclear, without consensus among the experts. Thus, more advances are needed to optimize ITP management.
    What is the context? Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a hematologic autoimmune disease characterized by accelerated destruction and inadequate production of platelets mediated by autoantibodies (platelet count <100 × 109 /L).Despite being a common condition, its heterogeneous clinical course makes its diagnosis and management still a challenge.In recent years, new molecules with different mechanisms of action have emerged for the treatment of ITP.Due to the increasing information about the pathology and its therapies, several international guidelines have recently been established to provide recommendations for the management and treatment of ITP.There are still many patient scenarios and disease aspects which are not addressed in the guidelines.What is new? Our Spanish ITP Expert Group has developed a Delphi consensus study to provide recommendations and promote standardization of the management of adult patients with ITP in Spain.The scientific committee defined 127 statements for consensus, corresponding to 13 chapters: (i) Diagnosis of ITP, (ii) First-line treatment, (iii) Second-line treatment, (iv) Treatment of refractory patients, (v) Follow-up, (vi) Emergency and surgery, (vii) ITP in the elderly, (viii) ITP in pregnancy, (ix) Anticoagulation and antiplatelet, (x) Secondary ITP, (xi) Quality of life, (xii) Discontinuation of TPO-RA, and (xiii) ITP and Covid.The total number of agreed statements achieved was 103, giving a final percentage of consensus in the Delphi questionnaire of 81%.What is the impact? This Delphi consensus provides recommendations based on real clinical practice data, regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients and scenarios in ITP to assist clinicians in addressing this disease and achieving optimal outcomes for the patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Acquired hemophilia affects approximately one in 1 million people. Timely diagnosis is key to appropriate disease management and the prevention of life-threatening complications. Patients with this condition may initially be seen by inexperienced physicians and remain underdiagnosed for several years. This consensus statement is aimed at providing guidelines for all practitioners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to diagnose and manage acquired hemophilia A.
    UNASSIGNED: This consensus statement reflects the opinions drafted by a group of hematology specialists, who used an explicit systematic process to identify areas of agreement and disagreement.
    UNASSIGNED: This consensus statement provides a guide for all practitioners in the KSA regarding the diagnosis of clinical presentation, relevance, characteristics of bleeding symptoms, and case management; it additionally provides guidance for non-specialists. All management aspects, including diagnosis and treatment modalities, are discussed.
    UNASSIGNED: Patients with acquired hemophilia may initially be seen by physicians who lack appropriate expertise in diagnosing and managing this condition. This consensus statement from the premier experts on the disease in the KSA provides details for diagnosing and managing acquired hemophilia.
    UNASSIGNED: يصاب حوالي شخص واحد من كل مليون شخص بالهيموفيليا المكتسبة. يعد التشخيص في الوقت المناسب أمرا بالغ الأهمية لإدارة المرض بطريقة مناسبة والوقاية من المضاعفات التي تهدد الحياة. قد يلجأ هؤلاء المرضى في البداية إلى أطباء غير متخصصين وقد يبقون غير مشخصين لسنوات عدة. يهدف هذا الإجماع إلى توفير إرشادات لجميع الممارسين في المملكة العربية السعودية لتشخيص وإدارة الهيموفيليا المكتسبة.
    UNASSIGNED: تعكس هذه البيانات الإجماعية الآراء التي تم صياغتها بواسطة مجموعة من أخصائيي أمراض الدم باستخدام عملية منهجية صريحة لتحديد مجالات الاتفاق والاختلاف.
    UNASSIGNED: يمكن استخدام هذا البيان الإجماعي كدليل لجميع الممارسين في المملكة العربية السعودية فيما يتعلق بتشخيص المظاهر السريرية، والعلاقة، وخصائص أعراض النزيف، وإدارة هذه الحالات، مع توجيه خاص للأخصائيين غير المتخصصين. سوف يناقش الإجماع جميع جوانب الإدارة، من التشخيص إلى أساليب العلاج.
    UNASSIGNED: قد يلجأ مرضى الهيموفيليا المكتسبة في البداية إلى أطباء يفتقرون إلى الخبرة المناسبة في تشخيص وإدارة هؤلاء المرضى. يوفر هذا البيان الإجماعي وثيقة مفصلة لتشخيص وإدارة الهيموفيليا المكتسبة، بتوجيه من أفضل الخبراء في المرض في المملكة العربية السعودية.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary immune thrombocytopenia (pITP) is an acquired autoimmune disorder related to the increased destruction and/or impaired production of platelets. Its diagnosis and management are challenging and require expertise and the interpretation of international consensus reports and guidelines with national variations in availability. We aimed to assess the agreement of hematologists in Türkiye on certain aspects of both first-line and second-line management of patients with pITP.
    Applying a modified Delphi method, the Turkish National ITP Working Group (14 steering committee members), founded under the auspices of the Turkish Society of Hematology, developed a 21-item questionnaire consisting of statements regarding the first-line and second-line treatment of pITP. A total of 107 adult hematologists working in either university or state hospitals voted for their agreement or disagreement with the statements in two consecutive rounds.
    The participants reached consensus on the use of corticosteroids as first-line treatment and with limited duration. Methylprednisolone was the corticosteroid of choice rather than dexamethasone. Use of intravenous immunoglobulin was not preferred for patients without bleeding. It was also agreed that thrombopoietin receptor antagonists (TPO-RAs) or rituximab should be recommended as second-line treatment and that splenectomy could be considered 12-24 months after diagnosis in patients with chronic pITP.
    The optimization of the dose and duration of TPO-RAs in addition to corticosteroids is necessary to improve the management of patients with pITP.
    Primer immün trombositopeni (pITP), trombositlerin artan yıkımı ve/veya bozulmuş üretimi ile ilişkili edinsel bir oto-immün hastalıktır. pITP’nin tanı ve yönetimi zorludur; ayrıca hem uzmanlık hem de uluslararası fikir birliği raporları ile kılavuzlarının, ulusal farklılıkları da göz önünde bulundurarak, yorumlanmasını gerektirir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’deki hematologların pITP hastalarının birinci ve ikinci basamak tedavisinin belirli alanlarındaki fikir birliği düzeylerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.
    Türk Hematoloji Derneği bünyesinde kurulan Türkiye Ulusal ITP Çalışma Grubu (14 yürütme kurulu üyesi), modifiye Delphi yöntemi ile pITP’nin birinci basamak ve sonraki tedavilerine ilişkin ifadelerden oluşan 21 maddelik bir anket geliştirdi. Üniversite veya devlet hastanelerinde çalışan 107 yetişkin hematolog, ardışık iki tur boyunca ifadelere katılıp katılmama yönünde oy kullandı.
    Katılımcılar kortikosteroidlerin birinci basamak tedavi olarak ve sınırlı süreyle kullanılması konusunda fikir birliğine vardı. Metilprednizolonun, dekzametazondan ziyade tercih edilen kortikosteroid olduğu gözlendi. İntravenöz immünoglobulin tedavisinin kanama dışında kullanımı tercih edilmez iken, thrombopoietin reseptör antagonistleri (TPO-RA) veya rituksimab ikinci basamak tedavi olarak önerilebileceği, kronik pITP hastalarında tanıdan 12-24 ay sonra splenektomi düşünülebileceği konusunda da görüş birliğine varıldı.
    pITP’li hastaların yönetimini iyileştirmek için kortikosteroidlerin yanı sıra TPO-RA’ların doz ve süresinin optimizasyonu gerekli olduğu konusunda fikir birliği sağlanmıştır.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This is a revision of the online November 2021 Brighton thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) case definition and a new Brighton Collaboration case definition for vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT). These case definitions are intended for use in clinical trials and post-licensure pharmacovigilance activities to facilitate safety data comparability across multiple settings. They are not intended to guide clinical management. The case definitions were developed by a group of subject matter and Brighton Collaboration process experts as part of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)-funded Safety Platform for Evaluation of vACcines (SPEAC). The case definitions, each with defined levels of diagnostic certainty, are based on relevant published evidence and expert consensus and are accompanied by specific guidelines for TTS and VITT data collection and analysis. The document underwent peer review by a reference group of vaccine safety stakeholders and haematology experts to ensure case definition useability, applicability and scientific integrity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A significant proportion of patients who suffer from atrial fibrillation (AF) and are in need of thromboembolic protection are not treated with oral anticoagulation or discontinue this treatment shortly after its initiation. This undertreatment has not improved sufficiently despite the availability of direct oral anticoagulants which are associated with less major bleeding than vitamin K antagonists. Multiple reasons account for this, including bleeding events or ischaemic strokes whilst on anticoagulation, a serious risk of bleeding events, poor treatment compliance despite best educational attempts, or aversion to drug therapy. An alternative interventional therapy, which is not associated with long-term bleeding and is as effective as vitamin K anticoagulation, was introduced over 20 years ago. Because of significant improvements in procedural safety over the years, left atrial appendage closure, predominantly achieved using a catheter-based, device implantation approach, is increasingly favoured for the prevention of thromboembolic events in patients who cannot achieve effective anticoagulation. This management strategy is well known to the interventional cardiologist/electrophysiologist but is not more widely appreciated within cardiology or internal medicine. This article introduces the devices and briefly explains the implantation technique. The indications and device follow-up are more comprehensively described. Almost all physicians who care for adult patients will have many with AF. This practical guide, written within guideline/guidance boundaries, is aimed at those non-implanting physicians who may need to refer patients for consideration of this new therapy, which is becoming increasingly popular.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: For people with haemophilia A (PwHA), bleeding in the joints leads to joint damage and haemophilia-related arthropathy, impacting range of motion and life expectancy. Existing guidelines for managing haemophilia A support healthcare professionals (HCPs) and PwHA in their efforts to preserve joint health. However, such guidance should be reviewed, considering emerging evidence and consensus as presented in this manuscript.
    METHODS: Fifteen HCPs experienced in the management of PwHA in the UK participated in a three-round Delphi panel. Consensus was defined at ≥70% of panellists agreeing or disagreeing for Likert-scale questions, and ≥70% selecting the same option for multiple- or single-choice questions. Questions not reaching consensus were revised for the next round.
    RESULTS: 26.8% (11/41), 44.8% (13/29) and 93.3% (14/15) of statements reached consensus in Rounds 1, 2 and 3, respectively. HCPs agreed that prophylaxis should be offered to patients with a baseline factor VIII (FVIII) level of ≤5 IU/dL and that, where there is no treatment burden, the aim of prophylaxis should be to achieve a trough FVIII level ≥15 IU/dL and maintain a longer period with FVIII levels of ≥20-30 IU/dL to provide better bleed protection. The aspirational goal for PwHA is to prevent all joint bleeds, which may be achieved by maintaining normalised (50-150 IU/dL) FVIII levels.
    CONCLUSIONS: The panel of experts were largely aligned on approaches to preserving joint health in PwHA, and this consensus may help guide HCPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Childhood immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a heterogeneous immune-mediated process triggered by infections, vaccines, allergies and parasites. Currently, there is little evidence in the literature beyond case reports of an association with Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii).
    METHODS: The authors describe the unusual case of an earlier healthy 2.5-year-old Greek boy who developed acute ITP with a life-threatening platelet count a few days after a T. gondii infection. Evidence for the infection onset was found incidentally 3 months after the initial admission to the hospital and only after any other plausible cause of thrombocytopenia was excluded, according to diagnosis guidelines.
    RESULTS: The boy underwent 3 intravenous immunoglobulin treatments within a trimester, a period during which his alarming platelets count levels led to housebound activities. A quite slow recovery was only ignited after the third treatment, which was administered in conjunction with a mild antibiotic medication for the T. gondii infection. Full recovery was obtained 9 months after the initial admission, although the boy\'s potential scored high in clinical prediction models for developing transient ITP.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a need for more research on ITPs with no obvious cause to investigate a causal association with toxoplasmosis. Currently, testing for diseases of greater rarity and of higher diagnostic cost than T. gondii is included in the ITP guidelines. Hence, routinely testing for toxoplasmosis when considering potential childhood ITP triggers and infection treatment complementary to treating the ITP might be the key to accelerating the healing process and improving the quality of life of otherwise confined children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) can rapidly become a life-threatening condition, and the importance of its appropriate diagnosis and treatment cannot be overstated. Until recently, TTP has mainly been diagnosed by clinical findings such as thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. In addition to these clinical findings, however, reduced activity of a disintegrin-like and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type 1 motif 13 (ADAMTS13) below 10% has become internationally accepted as a diagnostic criterion for TTP. TTP is classified as immune-mediated TTP (iTTP) if the patient is positive for anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies, and as congenital TTP (cTTP) if ADAMTS13 gene abnormalities are detected. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusion is performed in patients with cTTP to supplement ADAMTS13. Plasma exchange therapy using FFP is conducted in patients with iTTP to supplement ADAMTS13 and to remove both anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies and unusually large von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimers. To suppress autoantibody production, corticosteroid therapy is administered in conjunction with plasma exchange. The monoclonal anti-CD-20 antibody rituximab is effective in patients with iTTP. In addition, caplacizumab, an anti-VWF A1 domain nanobody, has a novel mechanism of action, involving direct inhibition of platelet glycoprotein Ib-VWF binding. The recommended first-line treatments of iTTP in Japan are plasma exchange and corticosteroids, as well as caplacizumab.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a low prevalence disease characterized by severe deficiency of the enzyme ADAMTS13, leading to the development of thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) and often resulting in severe organ disfunction. TTP is an extremely serious condition and, therefore, timely and appropriate treatment is critical to prevent life-threatening complications.Over the past 25 years, significant advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of immune TTP have led to the development of readily available techniques for measuring ADAMTS13 levels, as well as new drugs that are particularly effective in the acute phase and in preventing relapses. These developments have improved the course of the disease.Given the complexity of the disease and its various clinical and laboratory manifestations, early diagnosis and treatment can be challenging.To address this challenge, a group of experienced professionals from the Catalan TTP group have developed this consensus statement to standardize terminology, diagnosis, treatment and follow up for immune TTP, based on currently available scientific evidence in the field. This guidance document aims to provide healthcare professionals with a comprehensive tool to make more accurate and timely diagnosis of TTP and improve patient outcomes.





