• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical manifestation of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) in terms of developing medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), pheochromocytoma (PCC), and/or primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is related to the respective pathogenic variant of the RET proto-oncogene. The aim of this study is to retrospectively analyze the individual, genotype-dependent clinical manifestations of a large cohort of MEN2 patients. By comparing their clinical profile with currently existing evidence-based knowledge, an optimal therapy and prevention strategy in terms of prophylactic thyroidectomy and clinical follow-up could be ensured. This is a retrospective single-center study of 158 MEN2 patients who were diagnosed and/or surgically treated at a tertiary referral care center between 1990 and 2022. All participants were categorized according to their pathogenic variant of the RET proto-oncogene. Subsequently, the clinical manifestation of the disease and its time of occurrence was documented. Our analysis showed results in line with existing studies, except for a considerably lower-than-predicted occurrence of PCC in patients with V804M/L mutations. This study supports the current recommendation regarding the pathogenic variant-dependent management of this rare cancer-associated syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adult and paediatric patients with pathogenic variants in the gene encoding succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) subunit B (SDHB) often have locally aggressive, recurrent or metastatic phaeochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs). Furthermore, SDHB PPGLs have the highest rates of disease-specific morbidity and mortality compared with other hereditary PPGLs. PPGLs with SDHB pathogenic variants are often less differentiated and do not produce substantial amounts of catecholamines (in some patients, they produce only dopamine) compared with other hereditary subtypes, which enables these tumours to grow subclinically for a long time. In addition, SDHB pathogenic variants support tumour growth through high levels of the oncometabolite succinate and other mechanisms related to cancer initiation and progression. As a result, pseudohypoxia and upregulation of genes related to the hypoxia signalling pathway occur, promoting the growth, migration, invasiveness and metastasis of cancer cells. These factors, along with a high rate of metastasis, support early surgical intervention and total resection of PPGLs, regardless of the tumour size. The treatment of metastases is challenging and relies on either local or systemic therapies, or sometimes both. This Consensus statement should help guide clinicians in the diagnosis and management of patients with SDHB PPGLs.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Incidental adrenal masses are common and require a multidisciplinary approach to evaluation and management that includes family physicians, urologists, endocrinologists, and radiologists. The purpose of this guideline is to provide an updated approach to the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of adrenal incidentalomas, with a special focus on the areas of discrepancy/controversy existing among the published guidelines from other associations.
    This guideline was developed by the Canadian Urological Association (CUA) through a working group comprised of urologists, endocrinologists, and radiologists and subsequently endorsed by the American Urological Association (AUA). A systematic review utilizing the GRADE approach served as the basis for evidence-based recommendations with consensus statements provided in the absence of evidence. For each guideline statement, the strength of recommendation was reported as weak or strong, and the quality of evidence was evaluated as low, medium, or high.
    The CUA working group provided evidence- and consensus-based recommendations based on an updated systematic review and subject matter expertise. Important updates on evidence-based radiological evaluation and hormonal testing are included in the recommendations. This guideline clarifies which patients may benefit from surgery and highlights where short term surveillance is appropriate.
    Incidentally detected adrenal masses require a comprehensive assessment of hormonal function and oncologic risk. This guideline provides a contemporary approach to the appropriate clinical, radiographic, and endocrine assessments required for the evaluation, management, and follow-up of patients with such lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with germline SDHD pathogenic variants (encoding succinate dehydrogenase subunit D; ie, paraganglioma 1 syndrome) are predominantly affected by head and neck paragangliomas, which, in almost 20% of patients, might coexist with paragangliomas arising from other locations (eg, adrenal medulla, para-aortic, cardiac or thoracic, and pelvic). Given the higher risk of tumour multifocality and bilaterality for phaeochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) because of SDHD pathogenic variants than for their sporadic and other genotypic counterparts, the management of patients with SDHD PPGLs is clinically complex in terms of imaging, treatment, and management options. Furthermore, locally aggressive disease can be discovered at a young age or late in the disease course, which presents challenges in balancing surgical intervention with various medical and radiotherapeutic approaches. The axiom-first, do no harm-should always be considered and an initial period of observation (ie, watchful waiting) is often appropriate to characterise tumour behaviour in patients with these pathogenic variants. These patients should be referred to specialised high-volume medical centres. This consensus guideline aims to help physicians with the clinical decision-making process when caring for patients with SDHD PPGLs.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    BACKGROUND: The objective of this publication is to recall the initial work-up when faced with an adrenal incidentaloma and, if necessary, to establish the oncological management of an adrenal malignant tumor.
    METHODS: The multidisciplinary working group updated French urological guidelines about oncological assessment of the adrenal incidentaloma, established by the CCAFU in 2020, based on an exhaustive literature review carried out on PubMed.
    RESULTS: Although the majority of the adrenal masses are benign and non-functional, it is important to investigate them, as a percentage of these can cause serious endocrine diseases or be cancers. Malignant adrenal tumors are mainly represented by adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC), malignant pheochromocytomas (MPC) and adrenal metastases (AM). The malignancy assessment of an adrenal incident includes a complete history, a physical examination, a biochemical/hormonal assessment to look for subclinical hormonal secretion. Diagnostic hypotheses are sometimes available at this stage, but it is the morphological and functional imaging and the histological analysis, which will make it possible to close the malignancy assessment and make the oncological diagnosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: ACC and MPC are mainly sporadic but a hereditary origin is always possible. ACC is suspected preoperatively but the diagnosis of certainty is histological. The diagnosis of MPC is more delicate and is based on clinic, biology and imagery. The diagnosis of certainty of AM requires a percutaneous biopsy. At the end, the files must be discussed within the COMETE - adrenal cancer network (Appendix 1).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adrenalectomy is the definitive treatment for multiple adrenal abnormalities. Advances in technology and genomics and an improved understanding of adrenal pathophysiology have altered operative techniques and indications.
    To develop evidence-based recommendations to enhance the appropriate, safe, and effective approaches to adrenalectomy.
    A multidisciplinary panel identified and investigated 7 categories of relevant clinical concern to practicing surgeons. Questions were structured in the framework Population, Intervention/Exposure, Comparison, and Outcome, and a guided review of medical literature from PubMed and/or Embase from 1980 to 2021 was performed. Recommendations were developed using Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation methodology and were discussed until consensus, and patient advocacy representation was included.
    Patients with an adrenal incidentaloma 1 cm or larger should undergo biochemical testing and further imaging characterization. Adrenal protocol computed tomography (CT) should be used to stratify malignancy risk and concern for pheochromocytoma. Routine scheduled follow-up of a nonfunctional adrenal nodule with benign imaging characteristics and unenhanced CT with Hounsfield units less than 10 is not suggested. When unilateral disease is present, laparoscopic adrenalectomy is recommended for patients with primary aldosteronism or autonomous cortisol secretion. Patients with clinical and radiographic findings consistent with adrenocortical carcinoma should be treated at high-volume multidisciplinary centers to optimize outcomes, including, when possible, a complete R0 resection without tumor disruption, which may require en bloc radical resection. Selective or nonselective α blockade can be used to safely prepare patients for surgical resection of paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma. Empirical perioperative glucocorticoid replacement therapy is indicated for patients with overt Cushing syndrome, but for patients with mild autonomous cortisol secretion, postoperative day 1 morning cortisol or cosyntropin stimulation testing can be used to determine the need for glucocorticoid replacement therapy. When patient and tumor variables are appropriate, we recommend minimally invasive adrenalectomy over open adrenalectomy because of improved perioperative morbidity. Minimally invasive adrenalectomy can be achieved either via a retroperitoneal or transperitoneal approach depending on surgeon expertise, as well as tumor and patient characteristics.
    Twenty-six clinically relevant and evidence-based recommendations are provided to assist surgeons with perioperative adrenal care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    von Hippel Lindau disease (vHL) is caused by a hereditary predisposition to multiple neoplasms, especially hemangioblastomas in the retina and CNS, renal cell carcinomas (RCC), pheochromocytomas, neuroendocrine pancreatic tumours (PNET) and endolymphatic sac tumours. Evidence based approaches are needed to ensure an optimal clinical care, while minimizing the burden for the patients and their families. This guideline is based on evidence from the international vHL literature and extensive research of geno- and phenotypic characteristics, disease progression and surveillance effect in the national Danish vHL cohort. We included the views and preferences of the Danish vHL patients, ensured consensus among Danish experts and compared with international recommendations. RECOMMENDATIONS: vHL can be diagnosed on clinical criteria, only; however, in most cases the diagnosis can be supported by identification of a pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant in VHL. Surveillance should be initiated in childhood in persons with, or at risk of, vHL, and include regular examination of the retina, CNS, inner ear, kidneys, neuroendocrine glands, and pancreas. Treatment of vHL manifestations should be planned to optimize the chance of cure, without unnecessary sequelae. Most manifestations are currently treated by surgery. However, belzutifan, that targets HIF-2α was recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for adult patients with vHL-associated RCC, CNS hemangioblastomas, or PNETs, not requiring immediate surgery. Diagnostics, surveillance, and treatment of vHL can be undertaken successfully by experts collaborating in multidisciplinary teams. Systematic registration, collaboration with patient organisations, and research are fundamental for the continuous improvement of clinical care and optimization of outcome with minimal patient inconvenience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are rare neuroendocrine tumors that arise from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla and the sympathetic/parasympathetic neural ganglia, respectively. The heterogeneity in its etiology makes PPGL diagnosis and treatment very complex. The aim of this article was to provide practical clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of PPGLs from a multidisciplinary perspective, with the involvement of the Spanish Societies of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN), Medical Oncology (SEOM), Medical Radiology (SERAM), Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SEMNIM), Otorhinolaryngology (SEORL), Pathology (SEAP), Radiation Oncology (SEOR), Surgery (AEC) and the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO). We will review the following topics: epidemiology; anatomy, pathology and molecular pathways; clinical presentation; hereditary predisposition syndromes and genetic counseling and testing; diagnostic procedures, including biochemical testing and imaging studies; treatment including catecholamine blockade, surgery, radiotherapy and radiometabolic therapy, systemic therapy, local ablative therapy and supportive care. Finally, we will provide follow-up recommendations.







  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    This manuscript is the result of the North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society consensus conference on the medical management and surveillance of metastatic and unresectable pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma held on October 2 and 3, 2019. The panelists consisted of endocrinologists, medical oncologists, surgeons, radiologists/nuclear medicine physicians, nephrologists, pathologists, and radiation oncologists. The panelists performed a literature review on a series of questions regarding the medical management of metastatic and unresectable pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma as well as questions regarding surveillance after resection. The panelists voted on controversial topics, and final recommendations were sent to all panel members for final approval.





