• 文章类型: Case Reports
    Recreational use of nitrous oxide (N2O), commonly known as laughing gas, has increased in the last few years, bringing an increase in the number of reported cases of toxicity due to this gas. Subacute combined degeneration (SCD) of the spinal cord is the most frequently reported neurological disorder due to the use of N2O, as well as polyneuropathy and even psychiatric symptoms. All of these disorders are consequences of a functional deficit of vitamin B12. We are reporting the cases of two patients with a history of N2O abusive use presenting to the emergency department with progressive symptoms of paresthesia, ascending symmetric paraparesis, and gait ataxia, emulating the clinical characteristics of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). In both cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed findings compatible with transverse myelitis of the cervical spinal cord, and electrodiagnosis studies reported the presence of polyneuropathy with a mixed mechanism. All these findings together pointed to the presence of myeloneuropathy due to a vitamin B12 deficit induced by the prolonged use of N2O. Symptoms improved gradually with vitamin B12 supplementation and abstinence from N2O. It is important to acknowledge the clinical characteristics of complications due to neurotoxicity induced by N2O. Such complications are potentially reversible if they are treated appropriately and quickly. Considering the increase in N2O abuse, it should be considered a probable cause when treating patients with myelopathy and/or neuropathy of an unusual etiology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bilateral facial palsy with paresthesia (FDP) is a rare variant of GBS, characterized by simultaneous bilateral facial palsy and paresthesia of the distal limbs. Mounting evidence indicates that the presence of anti-GT1a IgG has a pathogenic role as an effector molecule in the development of cranial nerve palsies in certain patients with GBS, whereas anti-GT1a antibody is rarely presented positive in FDP. Here, we report the case of a 33-year-old male diagnosed with FDP presented with acute onset of bilateral facial palsy and slight paresthesias at the feet as the only neurological manifestation. An antecedent infection with no identifiable reason for the fever or skin eruptions was noted in the patient. He also exhibited cerebrospinal fluid albuminocytologic dissociation and abnormal nerve conduction studies. Notably, the testing of specific serum anti-gangliosides showed positive anti-GT1a IgG/IgM Ab. The patient responded well to intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. This case brings awareness to a rare variant of GBS, and provides the first indication that anti-GT1a antibodies play a causative role in the development of FDP. The case also suggests that prompt management with IVIG should be implemented if FDP is diagnosed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body is unable to effectively use the insulin it produces. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is usually associated with neurological manifestations, such as hemichorea, focal epileptic seizures, peripheral neuropathy, and peripheral facial paralysis. This report describes a 59-year-old woman presenting with hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis due to newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, as well as a temporary episode of central facial paralysis, which regressed within a few days after medical treatment and metabolic correction. CASE REPORT A 59-year-old patient with hypertension and a family history of diabetes mellitus presented with polyuro-polydipsic syndrome and signs of metabolic ketoacidosis, with an elevated anion gap, compatible with newly discovered type 1 diabetes mellitus. Six hours after admission, we noted the abrupt onset of left central facial paralysis, with no brain damage shown on magnetic resonance imaging. Initially, the diagnosis was transient ischemic attack. After a second, normal cerebral magnetic resonance image on the fourth day, and clinical improvement on the fifth day after metabolic correction by insulin therapy and rehydration, the diagnosis of a regressive central facial paralysis was retained. CONCLUSIONS Central facial paralysis in diabetic ketoacidosis is a rare neuroendocrine entity. The pathophysiological mechanisms that can explain the occurrence of central facial paralysis are not yet described and require further investigation. This report highlights the importance of diagnosis, early management of hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis, and reversibility of central facial paralysis after treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Creatine kinase (CK) has been associated with neuropathy, but the mechanisms are uncertain. We hypothesized that peripheral nerve function is impaired in subjects with persistent CK elevation (hyperCKemia) compared to age- and sex matched controls in a general population. The participants were recruited from the population based Tromsø study in Norway. Neuropathy impairment score (NIS), nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) in subjects with persistent hyperCKemia (n = 113; 51 men, 62 women) and controls (n = 128; 61 men, 67 women) were performed. The hyperCKemia group had higher NIS score than the controls (p = 0.050). NCS of the tibial nerve showed decreased compound motor action potential amplitude (p < 0.001), decreased motor conduction velocity (p < 0.001) and increased F-wave latency (p = 0.044). Also, reduced sensory amplitudes of the median, ulnar, and sural nerves were found. EMG showed significantly increased average motor unit potential amplitude in all examined muscles. CK correlated positively with glycated hemoglobin and non-fasting glucose in the hyperCKemia group, although not when controlled for covariates. The length dependent polyneuropathy demonstrated in the hyperCKemia group is unexplained, but CK leakage and involvement of glucose metabolism are speculated on.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: In this case report a new approach called neurofascialvascular training (NFVT) is described. NFVT consists of two mechanisms which improve mechanosensitivity in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The first involves increased blood flow in the nerve microcirculation, while the second stimulates the reciprocal sliding between the thin sheets of connective tissue inside the nerve. The goal of these two actions is to squeeze, mobilize and reduce intraneural edema. The novelty of this approach is the simultaneous involvement of multiple physiological systems to reduce nerve mechanosensitivity. This case report describes the rehabilitation progress achieved by NFVT in a patient with CTS.
    UNASSIGNED: A 64-year-old woman complaining of nocturnal pain and tingling with severe impairment of sleep quality for two years was diagnosed at CTS.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient underwent nine 30-min exercise sessions of NFVT.
    RESULTS: At each session and at the last follow-up 3 months after the end of treatment the following tests were performed: the upper limb neurodynamic test1 (ULNT1), the Hand Grip Meter and the Phdurkan test. Furthermore ultrasound, numerical rating scale and the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ) were also adopted.
    CONCLUSIONS: NFVT can improve symptoms and motor dysfunction in a patient with CTS.
    UNASSIGNED: In the presence of mild carpal tunnel syndrome, active neurofascialvascular training that increases peripheral blood flow and targets fascial tissue within the peripheral nervous system can resolve symptoms and produce significant improvement within a few months of starting treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is an immune-mediated motor sensory peripheral neuropathy that is rare in clinical practice. This treatment method aims to suppress potential immunopathology. Nocardiosis is a rare, destructive, opportunistic disease. We report a case of failed treatment of CIDP combined with pulmonary nocardiosis, and for the first time, we link these 2 diseases together.
    METHODS: A 65-year-old man developed symmetrical limb weakness. Four months later, he was diagnosed with CIDP and started receiving glucocorticoid (GC) treatment. The disease progressed slowly and was treated with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in combination. He did not follow the doctor requirements for monthly follow-up visits, and the preventive medication for sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim was not strictly implemented. Two months after the combination therapy, the patient developed fever, coughing and sputum production, as well as fatigue and poor appetite. Based on imaging and etiological results, he was diagnosed with pulmonary nocardiosis.
    METHODS: Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, pulmonary nocardiosis.
    METHODS: After treatment with antibiotics, the patient lung infection temporarily improved. However, the patient CIDP condition progressed, limb weakness worsened, respiratory muscle involvement occurred, and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was administered. However, there was no significant improvement in the condition, and the patient died.
    RESULTS: In this report, we present a case of a patient with CIDP and pulmonary nocardiosis. It is worth noting that in order to avoid the progression and recurrence of CIDP, we did not stop using related therapeutic drugs during the treatment process, the patient had repeatedly refused to use IVIG. Despite this, the patient condition worsened when lung inflammation improved, leading to persistent respiratory failure and ultimately death. Treatment contradictions, medication issues, and patient compliance issues reflected in this case are worth considering.
    CONCLUSIONS: For patients with CIDP receiving immunosuppressive therapy, attention should be paid to the occurrence and severity of Nocardia infection. Therefore, early detection and treatment are necessary. We need to pay attention to the compliance of patients with prophylactic use of antibiotics, strengthen the follow-up, and urge them to return to their appointments on time.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Contactin-1 (CNTN1) antibody-positive nodopathy is rare and exhibits distinct clinical symptoms such as tremors and ataxia. However, the mechanisms of these symptoms and the characteristics of the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) remain unknown.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we report a case of recurrent CNTN1 antibody-positive nodopathy. Initially, a 45-year-old woman experiencing numbness in the upper limbs and weakness in the lower limbs was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP). Eleven years later, her symptoms worsened, and she began to experience tremors and ataxia. Tests for serum CNTN1, GT1a, and GQ1b antibodies returned positive. Subsequently, she was diagnosed with CNTN1 antibody-positive nodopathy and underwent plasmapheresis therapy, although the treatment\'s efficacy was limited. To gain a deeper understanding of the disease, we conducted a comprehensive literature review, identifying 52 cases of CNTN1 antibody-positive nodopathy to date, with a tremor prevalence of 26.9%. Additionally, we found that the average CSF protein level in CNTN1 antibody-positive nodopathy was 2.57 g/L, with 87% of patients exhibiting a CSF protein level above 1.5 g/L.
    UNASSIGNED: We present a rare case of recurrent CNTN1 antibody-positive nodopathy. Our findings indicate a high prevalence of tremor (26.9%) and elevated CSF protein levels among patients with CNTN1 antibody-positive nodopathy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Acute bulbar palsy-plus (ABPp) syndrome is an unusual variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Anti-GT1a and anti-GQ1b antibodies have been reported in patients with ABPp, but without reports related to GD3 antibodies.
    METHODS: Clinical data of a patient diagnosed as ABPp syndrome were reviewed clinically. And we summarized the GBS patients with ABP and facial paralysis reported in the literature.
    RESULTS: We reported a 13-year-old girl presented with asymmetric bifacial weakness, bulbar palsy and transient limb numbness, and had positive serum IgG anti-GD3 antibody. Through reviewing the GBS patients with ABP and facial paralysis reported previously, we found that facial palsy could be unilateral or bilateral. The bilateral facial palsy could present successively or simultaneously, and could be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Other common symptoms included ophthalmoplegia, sensory abnormality and ataxia. IgG anti-GT1a and IgG anti-GQ1b antibodies were the most frequent. Most of the patients had full recovery within two weeks to one year of follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: We reported a patient with asymmetric bifacial palsy and bulbar palsy, which seemed to fit the diagnosis of ABPp syndrome. This was the first report of ABPp variant of GBS with positive serum ganglioside GD3 IgG antibody.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Facial nerve hemangiomas (FNHs) are rare tumors that primarily occur near the geniculate ganglion in the temporal bone. Despite their rarity, they can cause significant facial nerve dysfunction. The optimal management approach for FNHs remains uncertain, with surgery being the mainstay but subject to debate regarding the extent of resection and preservation of the facial nerve.
    METHODS: Systematic review was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. We queried the PubMed/Medline (accessed on 5 March 2024) electronic database using combinations of the following search terms and words text: \"geniculate ganglion hemangioma\", \"ganglional hemangioma\", \"hemangioma of the facial nerve\", \"facial hemangioma\", and \"intratemporal hemangioma\".
    RESULTS: We identified a total of 30 literatures (321 patients). The most common site involved for the facial nerve hemangioma was the geniculate ganglion area followed by internal auditory canal, tympanic segment, labyrinthine segment and mastoid involvement. All patients were treated with conservative management or surgery. We report a 48-year-old female patient with HB grade 2 facial palsy and hemifacial spasm underwent SRS using Cyberknife technology. The treatment targeted the FNH in the left internal acoustic canal near the geniculate ganglion. Six months post-treatment, clinical improvement was evident, and lesion control was confirmed in a follow-up brain MRI.
    CONCLUSIONS: The rarity of FNHs contributes to the lack of consensus on optimal management. This illustrative case demonstrates the feasibility of SRS as a standalone treatment for FNHs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 44-year-old man was admitted due to a fever. He developed unconsciousness and respiratory failure, necessitating mechanical ventilation. After the administration of methylprednisolone and intravenous immunoglobulin for suspected autoimmune encephalitis, his consciousness and respiratory state improved. However, he exhibited pronounced tetraparalysis and impaired sensation below the neck. A spinal MRI revealed swelling of the entire spinal cord, indicating myelitis. Deep tendon reflexes were diminished in all extremities, and a nerve conduction study confirmed motor-dominant axonal polyneuropathy. Subsequently, he developed a fever and headache. Brain MRI demonstrated FLAIR hyperintensities in the basal ganglia and brain stem. CSF analysis for anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) antibody turned out positive, leading to the diagnosis of GFAP astrocytopathy. Although the steroid re-administration improved muscle strength in his upper limbs and reduced the range of diminished sensation, severe hemiparalysis remained. Severe GFAP astrocytopathy can be involved with polyneuropathy. Early detection and therapeutic intervention for this condition may lead to a better prognosis.





