• 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Sciatica is typically caused by disc herniations or spinal stenosis. Extraspinal compression of the sciatic nerve is less frequent.
    UNASSIGNED: We report a rare case of sciatica with compression of the sciatic nerve by a low-flow vascular malformation in a 24-year-old female patient. The special feature of this case was sciatica along the S1 dermatome, which only occurred in the sitting position and inclination because of compression of the sciatic nerve between the vascular malformation and the lesser trochanter. Spinal imaging showed no abnormal findings. Surgery was performed interdisciplinary and included neurosurgery, vascular surgery, and trauma surgery. After surgery, the patient became symptom-free.
    UNASSIGNED: Rare and extraspinal causes of local compression of the sciatic nerve should be considered, especially in cases of lacking spinal imaging correlation and untypical clinical presentation. Interdisciplinary surgical cooperation is of special value in cases of rare entities and uncommon locations.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Piriformis muscle mass is rare, which is particular for intrapiriformis lipoma. Thus far, only 11 cases of piriformis muscle mass have been reported in the English literature. Herein, we encountered one patient with intrapiriformis lipoma who was initially misdiagnosed.
    METHODS: The patient is a 50-year-old Chinese man. He complained of osphyalgia, right buttock pain, and radiating pain from the right buttock to the back of the right leg. Both ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a cyst-like mass in the right piriformis muscle. Ultrasonography-guided aspiration was performed on this patient first, but failed. He was then recommended to undergo mass resection and neurolysis of sciatic nerve. Surprisingly, final histology revealed the diagnosis of intrapiriformis lipoma. The patient exhibited significant relief of symptoms 3 days post-surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of radicular pain are potentially challenging but necessary. Atypical lipoma is prone to be misdiagnosed, especially in rare sites. It is notable for clinicians to be aware of the presence of intrapiriformis lipoma to avoid misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ganglion cysts are typically periarticular soft tissue lesions commonly found in the wrist and forearm, with spinal involvement being rare. We present a clinical case of a 54-year-old female with a ganglion cyst at the L3-L4 level, causing radiculopathy symptoms. Despite initial difficulty in diagnosis due to MRI findings, surgical resection confirmed the extradural mass as a ganglion cyst. Postoperative recovery was uneventful, with immediate relief of radiculopathy symptoms. Challenges included distinguishing between synovial and ganglion cysts and accurately locating the cyst intraoperatively. This case highlights the importance of considering ganglion cysts in the differential diagnosis of spinal lesions and underscores the efficacy of surgical management for symptomatic relief.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Sciatica, a condition characterized by pain along the sciatic nerve distribution, is commonly associated with nerve compression or irritation. However, its etiology can vary, including rare non-spinal causes such as hydatid cysts. We present a case of hydatid cyst in the thigh causing sciatica-like symptoms, highlighting the diagnostic challenges and management approach.
    METHODS: A 40-year-old patient with a history of pulmonary tuberculosis presented with persistent lumbosciatic pain despite conservative treatment. Physical examination revealed left sciatica without spinal abnormalities. MRI revealed a hydatid cyst in the thigh, causing nerve irritation. Surgical resection of the cyst was performed, achieving symptom resolution.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hydatid cysts in skeletal muscles are rare, with atypical presentations complicating diagnosis. Localization in the thigh, particularly the biceps femoris muscle, is uncommon. Diagnostic modalities include imaging and serological tests, while treatment involves surgical excision and postoperative albendazole therapy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Recognition of rare presentations like thigh hydatid cysts causing sciatica-like symptoms is crucial for timely diagnosis and management. This case emphasizes the importance of considering unusual etiologies in refractory sciatica cases and underscores the complexity of medical diagnosis. Increased awareness among healthcare providers can lead to improved patient outcomes and prevent diagnostic delays.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed forms of cancer, and it is associated with several common symptoms and signs such as rectal bleeding, altered bowel habits, abdominal pain, anemia, and unintentional weight loss. Sciatica, a debilitating condition in which the patient experiences paresthesia and pain in the dermatome of associated lumbosacral nerve roots or sciatic nerve distribution, is not considered one of these. Here we present a case of colorectal cancer manifesting symptoms of sciatica alone.
    METHODS: A 68-year-old male presented with progressive lower back pain radiating to his left thigh and calf over L5/S1 dermatome. Sciatica was suspected and initially underwent conservative treatment with analgesics. However, the symptoms progressed and MRI revealed an epidural abscess surprisingly. Surgical debridement was performed and pus culture isolated Streptococcus gallolyticus. Based on the strong association of S. gallolyticus with colorectal cancer, the presence of this pathogen prompted further tumor evaluation, even in the absence of the typical symptoms and signs. This investigation ultimately leads to the diagnosis of sigmoid adenocarcinoma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although rare, sciatica caused by S. gallolyticus infection of the spinal epidural space may serve as the initial presentation of colorectal cancer. Physicians should be aware of the strong association between S. gallolyticus and colorectal cancer. Based on what we currently know about the condition; a thorough systematic assessment of occult neoplasia for patients with S. gallolyticus infection is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study examines the treatment journey of a 19-year-old male who presented with bilateral buttock pain, lower limb weakness, and instability caused by piriformis syndrome and asymptomatic Prolapsed intervertebral disc (PIVD) herniation. The intervention strategy was guided by clinical assessments, including neurological and musculoskeletal evaluations, as well as confirmatory magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. The patient\'s treatment plan adopted a comprehensive approach that incorporated neuromuscular training and neurodynamic solutions. The former focused on strengthening the core and lower limb muscles to correct biomechanical imbalances associated with piriformis syndrome. Concurrently, neurodynamic solutions, such as targeted stretching and mobilization exercises, were employed to alleviate sciatic nerve compression related to asymptomatic PIVD. The results demonstrated significant improvement in symptoms, highlighting the effectiveness of the individualized rehabilitation program. This case report underscores the success of a multifaceted approach in addressing the intricate interaction between muscular and neural components in piriformis syndrome and asymptomatic PIVD. However, further research is necessary to validate the broader applicability of this combined therapeutic strategy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Isolated deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) of sacral nerve roots or major pelvic nerves, including the sciatic nerve, is considered to be extremely rare. Due to the overlap with sciatica symptoms, the diagnosis of sciatica DIE is difficult yet crucial, as it results in permanent neural damage if left untreated. We report a case of a 45-year-old woman who experienced a three-year-long and recently exacerbating pain in her right leg, accompanied by a tingling sensation and weakness in her right leg and foot, with difficulty walking. In between regular menstrual bleedings, when her aforementioned symptoms worsened, she had been experiencing mild 10-day extra-cyclical bleeding. Her neurologist\'s, orthopedist\'s, and gynecological examinations were unremarkable. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed an infiltrative lesion on the right sciatic nerve that was immunohistochemically confirmed to be endometriosis. The patient was treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa), which led to a significantly diminished size of the lesion on the control MRI, and endometriosis remission was obtained. For persistent mild, but cyclical, pain and muscle weakness, continuous progestagnes were administered, with advice for physical therapy provided for her neuro-muscle rehabilitation and a scheduled check-up in 6 months.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) is a common pathology that typically causes unilateral radiculopathy on the same side as herniation, while patients may occasionally present with contralateral symptoms. Owing to the rare incidence of LDH with contralateral symptoms, the pathological mechanism remains unclear and the optimal surgical strategy is a subject of debate. This study aimed to provide new insights into the pathological mechanism of contralateral symptoms and assess the efficacy of ipsilateral hemilaminectomy and discectomy surgery in this population.
    METHODS: This study was a retrospective, single-center, clinical case series, including 11 LDH cases with exclusive contralateral symptoms. We searched for LDH cases that were presented at our institution between January 2011 and December 2020. Adult LDH Patients with contralateral radicular pains were included, while those with ipsilateral radiculopathy, lumbar stenosis, foraminal stenosis on the symptomatic side, multilevel disc herniations, scoliosis, and lumbar operation history were excluded. Visual Analog Scale (VAS), clinical features, radiographic images, and other data were collected from the study cohort of 11 cases for further analysis. We also reviewed LDH cases in English literature from 1978 to 2023 to analyze their clinical characteristics and treatment.
    RESULTS: The incidence rate of LDH with contralateral symptoms in single-level LDH cases was 0.32%. The average age of our 11 cases was 49.3 years old, and five of them were female (45.5%). All individuals had single-level lateral LDH, with six cases (54.5%) located at L4-5 and five cases (45.5%) located at L5-S1. Upon admission, patients presented with lower back pain (seven cases, 63.6%), radicular pain (seven cases, 63.6%), hypoesthesia (seven cases, 63.6%), and muscle weakness (one case, 9.1%) on the contralateral side alone. Each case experienced ipsilateral hemilaminectomy and discectomy, and no lateral recess stenosis, hypertrophy of facets or ligaments, and sequestrated discs were found during surgery. All of them have good pain relief with two cases reporting no pain and nine cases reporting only mild pain at the last follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the surgical findings of our 11 LDH cases with contralateral symptoms, we hypothesized that the contralateral symptoms might be produced when the nerve root on the contralateral symptomatic side was tightly pulled by the herniated disc via the dural mater. Ipsilateral hemilaminectomy and discectomy surgery effectively and efficiently relieve the symptoms without postoperative complications for these patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A persistent sciatic artery is an embryological remnant of the internal iliac artery that occurs in 0.03% to 0.06% of the population and may develop aneurysmal degeneration. Aneurysms can lead to distal embolization with increased risk of limb loss, especially if the sciatic artery is the main arterial supply to the limb. A sciatic artery aneurysm must be treated whenever diagnosed, because of the high risk of complications. Treatment options include open, endovascular, or hybrid repair. This manuscript describes a patient with bilateral persistence of the sciatic arteries, both with aneurysmal degeneration, who underwent endovascular repair with Covera® (Bard Medical, Georgia-USA) covered stents.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Many causes potentially underline pain in the lower extremities, presenting a real challenge for primary care clinicians in the recognition of the source of the patient\'s complaints. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is defined as a total or partial blockage of the vessels that supply blood from the heart to the periphery. PAD of the lower extremities may masquerade as lumbosacral radiculopathy (LSR)-a common source of leg pain. Physiotherapists should be able to screen for PAD in people presenting with pain in the lower extremities. Failure to correctly screen for PAD could put the patient at risk of severe disability and possible permanent sequelae. This case report outlines the relevant concepts relating to the pathophysiology, screening, and differential diagnosis of PAD, and then further describes the relevant findings from the history and physical examination from the physiotherapist\'s perspective in a patient with an unusual symptom presentation. Although the patient was referred by a physician with a diagnosis of LSR, our case highlights the pivotal role of skilled physiotherapists in triaging a severe lower-limb PAD in need of referral. Therefore, this case report aims to increase clinicians\' awareness of the clinical features of a complex case of PAD.





