• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over a decade ago, the United States Preventive Services Taskforce (USPSTF) recommended against prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening for prostate cancer in all men, which considerably influenced prostate cancer screening policies worldwide after that. Consequently, the world has seen increasing numbers of advanced stages and prostate cancer deaths, which later led the USPSTF to withdraw its initial statement. Meanwhile, the European Union has elaborated a directive to address the problem of implementing prostate cancer screening in \"Europe\'s Beating Cancer Plan\". In Switzerland, concerned urologists formed an open Swiss Prostate Cancer Screening Group to improve the early detection of prostate cancer. On the 20th of September 2023, during the annual general assembly of the Swiss Society of Urology (SGU/SSU) in Lausanne, members positively voted for a stepwise approach to evaluate the feasibility of implementing organised prostate cancer screening programs in Switzerland. The following article will summarise the events and scientific advances in the last decade during which evidence and promising additional modalities to complement PSA-based prostate cancer screening have emerged. It also aims to provide an overview of contemporary strategies and their potential harms and benefits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In the United States, Black men are at highest risk for being diagnosed with and dying from prostate cancer. Given this disparity, we examined relevant data to establish clinical prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening guidelines for Black men in the United States.
    METHODS: A comprehensive literature search identified 1848 unique publications for screening. Of those screened, 287 studies were selected for full-text review, and 264 were considered relevant and form the basis for these guidelines. The numbers were reported according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines.
    RESULTS: Three randomized controlled trials provided Level 1 evidence that regular PSA screening of men 50 to 74 years of age of average risk reduced metastasis and prostate cancer death at 16 to 22 years of follow-up. The best available evidence specifically for Black men comes from observational and modeling studies that consider age to obtain a baseline PSA, frequency of testing, and age when screening should end. Cohort studies suggest that discussions about baseline PSA testing between Black men and their clinicians should begin in the early 40s, and data from modeling studies indicate prostate cancer develops 3 to 9 years earlier in Black men compared with non-Black men. Lowering the age for baseline PSA testing to 40 to 45 years of age from 50 to 55 years of age, followed by regular screening until 70 years of age (informed by PSA values and health factors), could reduce prostate cancer mortality in Black men (approximately 30% relative risk reduction) without substantially increasing overdiagnosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: These guidelines recommend that Black men should obtain information about PSA screening for prostate cancer. Among Black men who elect screening, baseline PSA testing should occur between ages 40 and 45. Depending on PSA value and health status, annual screening should be strongly considered. (Supported by the Prostate Cancer Foundation.).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this consensus statement is to summarize and appraise scientific evidence and combine this with the clinical experience of a panel of experts to optimize recommendations on how to recognize and manage kidney disease in horses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Critical care uses syndromic definitions to describe patient groups for clinical practice and research. There is growing recognition that a \"precision medicine\" approach is required and that integrated biologic and physiologic data identify reproducible subpopulations that may respond differently to treatment. This article reviews the current state of the field and considers how to successfully transition to a precision medicine approach. In order to impact clinical care, identified subpopulations must do more than differentiate prognosis. They must differentiate response to treatment, ideally by defining subgroups with distinct functional or pathobiological mechanisms (endotypes). There are now multiple examples of reproducible subpopulations of sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and acute kidney or brain injury described using clinical, physiological, and/or biological data. Many of these subpopulations have demonstrated the potential to define differential treatment response, largely in retrospective studies, and that the same treatment-responsive subpopulations may cross multiple clinical syndromes (treatable traits). To bring about a change in clinical practice, a precision medicine approach must be evaluated in prospective clinical studies requiring novel adaptive trial designs. Several such studies are underway but there are multiple challenges to be tackled. Such subpopulations must be readily identifiable and be applicable to all critically ill populations around the world. Subdividing clinical syndromes into subpopulations will require large patient numbers. Global collaboration of investigators, clinicians, industry and patients over many years will therefore be required to transition to a precision medicine approach and ultimately realize treatment advances seen in other medical fields. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The incidence of malignant tumors has steadily increased year by year in China in recent decades. The emergence of innovative anti-cancer drugs has bolstered the prognosis of cancer patients, making it a chronic disease. Kidney injuries are frequent complications of cancer treatment clinically manifested as acute kidney injury (AKI), chronic kidney disease (CKD), proteinuria, and electrolyte disorders, etc. Although kidney injuries affect up to 50% of the patients, there is a lack of professional management guidance for anti-cancer drug dosage adjustment. The clinical pharmacology branch of the Chinese Medical Association has initiated the \"Chinese expert consensus on the guidance of anti-tumor drugs for patients with tumor combined chronic kidney disease (2024 edition)\". We unified national multidisciplinary experts to analyze clinical evidence with the Delphi method, and conducted expert interviews and seminars focusing on kidney function assessment, anti-tumor drug dosage adjustment for kidney disease patients. We make recommendations on selection and dose adjustment of anti-tumor drugs (chemotherapy, small molecules and antibodies) according to chemotherapeutic drug classifications, providing practical and feasible scientific guidance for clinicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Urinary Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 14 (CCL14) is a biomarker associated with persistent severe acute kidney injury (AKI). There is limited data to support the implementation of this AKI biomarker to guide therapeutic actions.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixteen AKI experts with clinical CCL14 experience participated in a Delphi-based method to reach consensus on when and how to potentially use CCL14. Consensus was defined as ≥ 80% agreement (participants answered with \'Yes\', or three to four points on a five-point Likert Scale).
    UNASSIGNED: Key consensus areas for CCL14 test implementation were: identifying challenges and mitigations, developing a comprehensive protocol and pairing it with a treatment plan, and defining the target population. The majority agreed that CCL14 results can help to prioritize AKI management decisions. CCL14 levels above the high cutoff (> 13 ng/mL) significantly changed the level of concern for modifying the AKI treatment plan (p < 0.001). The highest level of concern to modify the treatment plan was for discussions on renal replacement therapy (RRT) initiation for CCL14 levels > 13 ng/mL. The level of concern for discussion on RRT initiation between High and Low, and between Medium and Low CCL14 levels, showed significant differences.
    UNASSIGNED: Real world urinary CCL14 use appears to provide improved care options to patients at risk for persistent severe AKI. Experts believe there is a role for CCL14 in AKI management and it may potentially reduce AKI-disease burden. There is, however, an urgent need for evidence on treatment decisions and adjustments based on CCL14 results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To study prostate specific membrane antigen - positron emission tomography (Ga68PSMA-PETCT) based patterns of relapse at biochemical failure (BCF) after prostate-only radiotherapy (PORT) in high-risk (HR) prostate cancer and its implications on pelvic contouring recommendations.
    METHODS: Patients with clinico-radiological high-risk node-negative prostate cancer treated with curative PORT and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), either within the POP-RT randomised trial or off trial, who underwent a Ga68PSMA-PETCT upon BCF were included. Patterns of regional and distant recurrence on Ga68PSMA-PETCT were studied. Pelvic nodal recurrences were mapped with reference to the superior border of pubic symphysis. Pelvic lymph nodal caudal border (PLNcb) recommendations in the published contouring guidelines (RTOGcb, GETUGcb, PIVOTALcb, NRGcb, GFRUcb) were evaluated.
    RESULTS: Of the total 262 patients screened, 68 eligible patients were included (POP-RT trial 35 patients; off-trial 33 patients). Median follow-up was 91 months (IQR, 72-117) and median time to BCF was 65 months (IQR, 49-83). Regional and distant recurrence was seen in 31 (46%) and 31 (46%) patients, respectively. Of the nodal recurrences, nearly half (46%, 14/31) had no distant metastases and 64% (20/31) had a failure in the common iliac nodal region. The lower-most nodal recurrence was 20 mm cranial to the top of pubic symphysis (RTOGcb, GETUGcb, GFRUcb) and 10 mm cranial to the PIVOTALcb. The PLNcb recommended by NRG guideline (NRGcb) had an inter-patient variability of 32 mm, ranging from 16 mm above to 16 mm below the top of pubic symphysis, and the lower most nodal recurrence ranged from 4 mm to 36 mm cranial to NRGcb.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pelvic failures accounted for a major proportion of recurrences after prostate-only radiotherapy, with the caudal most nodal recurrence being 20 mm cranial to the top of pubic symphysis. This could have implications in defining the caudal border of contouring recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This cross-sectional study examines the association of life expectancy and prostate cancer screening practices among older males using data from a national survey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer include recommendations for staging and risk assessment after a prostate cancer diagnosis and for the care of patients with localized, regional, recurrent, and metastatic disease. These NCCN Guidelines Insights summarize the panel\'s discussions for the 2024 update to the guidelines with regard to initial risk stratification, initial management of very-low-risk disease, and the treatment of nonmetastatic recurrence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





