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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) is a globally used scale for clinical diagnostic purposes for social anxiety disorder (SAD). This article investigates the psychometric properties of the SIAS, followed by its adaptation and validation in Urdu. The study consisted of two phases. The initial phase involved the translation of the scale, and the second phase was of a cross-sectional nature and consisted of evaluating factor structure and psychometric properties of the scale. For this purpose, the study enrolled a purposive sample of 573 adults aged between 18 to 45 years (mean [standard deviation (SD)] age: 23.68 [4.28] years) with a diagnosis of SAD. The sample was recruited from educational institutes, hospitals, and clinics in Lahore, Pakistan. The data was collected using a demographic form and the Urdu version of the SIAS, along with the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI). The analyses of the study were carried out using SPSS V27 and AMOS V24. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a single factor structure of the Urdu version of the SIAS consisting of 16 items. The psychometric values of the scale shown were excellent, as Cronbach\'s alpha equaled 0.91, convergent validity r equaled 0.37 at p less than 0.01 with psychological inflexibility, and discriminant validity r equaled -0.47 at p less than 0.01 with psychological flexibility. The study concluded that the Urdu version of the SIAS was a valid and reliable measure for the assessment of social anxiety in the Pakistani population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Understanding patient satisfaction is key to advancing pharmacy services and improving health outcomes. There is a lack of a translated and psychometrically validated tool in the Arabic language to measure patient satisfaction with pharmacy services.
    OBJECTIVE: To translate the English version of the PSPSQ 2.0 into Arabic language, culturally adapt, and verify its reliability and validity.
    METHODS: A community pharmacy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted between April 2021 and June 2022 among patients with diabetes attending a community pharmacy. The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research good practice guidelines for linguistic translation and cultural adaptation were used to translate and culturally adapt the English version of PSPSQ 2.0 into Arabic. The Arabic version of PSPSQ 2.0 was subjected to factor analysis using principal component analysis with varimax rotation to evaluate its validity and Cronbach\'s alpha was used to assess the reliability of PSPSQ 2.0.
    RESULTS: A total of 129 (68.2% male, and mean age 50 (SD: 11.9) years) patients with diabetes participated in the study. The analysis was undertaken for the items in each of the three domains of PSPSQ 2.0: quality of care, interprofessional relationship and overall care. Exploratory factor analysis revealed validity of 92.7%, 80.5% and 96.2%, respectively. The Arabic version of PSPSQ 2.0 had high internal consistency with Cronbach\'s alpha scores 0.99, 0.95 and 0.98 for the three measured domains, respectively. The sample adequacy was 0.924.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PSPSQ 2.0 was successfully translated and culturally adapted into the Arabic language and had acceptable validity and reliability to measure patient satisfaction with services provided by pharmacists in community pharmacies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Level of Personality Functioning Scale-Self-Report (LPFS-SR) operationalizes Criterion A of the DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders. The current study aimed 1) to examine the internal consistency of the Portuguese version of the LPFS-SR in a community sample and a clinical sample, 2) to compare non-clinical participants (N = 282, Mage = 48.01, SD = 10.87) with two samples of clinical participants, one composed of patients with a personality disorder diagnosis (PD sample, n = 40, Mage = 46.18, SD = 13.59) and the other of patients with other psychiatric diagnoses (OD sample, n = 148, Mage = 49.49, SD = 11.88), with respect to LPFS-SR dimensions and total score, 3) to examine the capacity of the LPFS-SR to discriminate between samples through the ROC curve analyses, and 4) to examine the factor structure of the Portuguese version of the LPFS-SR. The Portuguese version of the LPFS-SR revealed adequate internal consistency results, akin to the original data, in the community and clinical samples. The community sample differed significantly from both clinical samples in all the LPFS-SR dimensions and total score. The ROC curve analysis indicated an optimal cut-off for the total score of 272.00, corresponding to a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 89%, in the PD vs. community samples. The LPFS-SR total score discriminative capacity between the PD and OD samples was lower, albeit also significant (area-under-the-curve of .63; p = .027; 95% CI: .52-.74). The current study provided evidence of the LPFS-SR\'s unidimensionality in both community and clinical samples. Although this study has limitations, its findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the LPFS-SR construct, as well as to its cross-cultural validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain fog is a condition that is characterized by poor concentration, memory loss, decreased cognitive function, and mental fatigue. Although it is generally known as a long-term COVID-19 symptom, brain fog has also been reported to be caused by many other diseases. Thus, it is necessary to assess this condition in certain populations. This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Brain Fog Scale in a Turkish population. We conducted the study in two phases. In a pilot study including 125 participants, we confirmed the suitability of the scale for validity analyses and then conducted exploratory (n = 230) and confirmatory factor analyses (n = 343). The Cronbach\'s alpha value of the 23-item Brain Fog Scale was 0.966. In addition, the 23-item and three-factor structure was confirmed as a result of the analyses. These three factors are mental fatigue, impaired cognitive acuity, and confusion. We also found that participants previously diagnosed with COVID-19 had higher brain fog scores. This finding indicates that brain fog is an important condition that can accompany COVID-19. Furthermore, this validated construct has an acceptable fit and is a valid and useful tool for the Turkish population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite growing concerns over coercion in contraceptive care, few studies have described its frequency and manifestations. Further, there is no established quantitative method of measuring this construct. We begin to fill this gap by detailing nuance in contraceptive coercion experiences and testing a novel measure: the Coercion in Contraceptive Care Checklist. In early 2023, we surveyed reproductive-aged people in the United States who were assigned female at birth about their contraceptive care. We describe the frequency of contraceptive coercion in our sample (N = 1197) and use open-ended descriptions to demonstrate nuances in these experiences. Finally, we debut our checklist and present psychometric testing results. Among people who had ever talked to a healthcare provider about contraception, over one in six participants (18.46%) reported experiencing coercion during their last contraceptive counseling, and over one in three (42.27%) reported it at some point in their lifetime. Being made to use or keep using birth control pills was the most common form of coercion reported by patients (14.62% lifetime frequency). Factor analysis supported the two-factor dimensionality of the Coercion in Contraceptive Care Checklist. Inter-item correlations were statistically significant (p < 0.001), providing evidence of reliability. The checklist was also related to measures of quality in family planning care (downward coercion: t[1194] = 7.54, p < 0.001; upward coercion: t[1194] = 14.76, p < 0.001) and discrimination in healthcare (downward coercion: t[1160] = -14.77, p < 0.001; upward coercion: t[1160] = -18.27, p < 0.001), providing evidence of construct validity. Findings provide critical information about the frequency and manifestations of contraceptive coercion. Psychometric tests reveal evidence of the Coercion in Contraceptive Care Checklist\'s validity, reliability, and dimensionality while also suggesting avenues for future testing and refinement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Medical professionalism is a core competency for medical students during clerkships for further professional development. Given that the behavior-based framework could provide clear insight and is easy to assess, the study aimed to create a self-administered scale to measure the professional behaviors of medical students during their clerkships.
    METHODS: A comprehensive literature review on medical professional behaviors in English or Chinese and Delphi interviews were used to develop the initial version of the Self-Administered Scale for Professional Behavior of Medical Students During Clerkships. The reliability and validity analysis based on a survey of medical students from China, Cronbach\'s α calculations, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) specifically were conducted to finalize the scale. The associations of professional behaviors with gender, medical programs, and clerkship duration were examined using Wilcoxon rank-sum tests.
    RESULTS: We included 121 studies and extracted 57 medical professionalism assessment tools, initially forming a pool of 48 items. To refine these items, eighteen experts participated in two rounds of Delphi interviews, ultimately narrowing down the item pool to 24 items. A total of 492 participants effectively completed the questionnaire. One item was removed due to its correlated item-total correlation (CITC) value, resulting in a final scale containing 23 items with six domains: Respect, Altruism, Communication and Collaboration, Integrity, Duty, and Excellence. The overall Cronbach\'s alpha value was 0.98, ranging from 0.88 to 0.95 for each domain. The fit indices (χ2/df = 4.07, CFI = 0.96, TLI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.08, and SRMR = 0.02) signified a good fit for the six-domain model. Medical students\' professional behavior was significantly associated with gender (p = 0.03) and clerkship duration (p = 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The scale was demonstrated to be reliable and valid in assessing the professional behaviors of Chinese medical students during clerkships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BRCL) is one of the most common causes of upper extremity (UE) lymphedema in developed nations and substantially impacts health-related quality of life. To advance our understanding of the epidemiology and treatment of BRCL, rigorously developed and validated patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are needed. This study aimed to demonstrate the iterative content validity of a modular UE lymphedema-specific PROM called the LYMPH-Q UE module.
    METHODS: A multi-step iterative qualitative approach was used. Semi-structured interview data from in-depth qualitative interviews with adult women (18 years and older) with BCRL were used to develop the first set of the LYMPH-Q UE scales. The content validity of these scales was demonstrated with patient and clinician feedback. Over the course of cognitive debriefing interviews, additional concepts of lymphedema worry and impact on work were identified as missing from the LYMPH-Q UE module. Subsequently, two new qualitative studies (a focus group and in-depth concept elicitation interviews with patients) were conducted, and two new scales were developed to measure lymphedema worry and impact on work life and their content validity was demonstrated.
    RESULTS: Qualitative data from in-depth and cognitive interviews with 15 (age 40-74 years) and 16 (age 38-74 years) women with BRCL, respectively, and feedback from 12 clinical experts, were used to develop and demonstrate the content validity of six LYMPH-Q UE scales measuring symptoms, function, appearance, psychological, information, and arm sleeve. Additionally, data from in-depth interviews with 12 (age 35-72 years) women with UE lymphedema and four focus groups (n = 16 women; age 35-74 years) was used to develop and assess the content validity of two new LYMPH-Q UE scales measuring lymphedema worry and impact on work life. The content validity of the previously established six scales was also demonstrated in these subsequent qualitative studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The LYMPH-Q UE is a modular PROM developed using international guidelines for PROM development and can be used in clinical practice, research, and quality improvement to enhance patient-centered shared decision-making. This study\'s innovative and iterative approach to content validation demonstrates that the LYMPH-Q UE is a comprehensive measure that includes important concepts relevant to patients with UE lymphedema.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On 25 May 2023, the Portuguese parliament approved the decriminalisation of euthanasia for incurable illnesses. As the experiences of other countries show us, it will be a matter of time before mental disorders are addressed. Studying the phenomenon, particularly in vulnerable groups, in advance is essential for proper law drafting. Therefore, instruments that allow an objective assessment and comparison between groups must be available. This study aims to explore the validation of Faria\'s attitude about euthanasia scale in Portuguese older adults with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder. A sample of 114 older adults with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder collected by convenience in the Psychiatry Department of Senhora da Oliveira Hospital in Portugal was included. The pre-final version of the scale was tested in a small group with good results. The validity of the internal structure was analysed using exploratory factorial analysis. The internal consistency study verified reliability. For construct validity, we assessed the correlation with other validated scales measuring attitudes toward euthanasia, cognitive performance, personality and empathy. The attitude about euthanasia scale showed good internal consistency. One factor was retained in the principal component analysis. Significant correlations verified construct validity. The results support the scale\'s usefulness and validity. This study makes available a unique instrument to assess the overall tendency of the attitudes towards euthanasia from the European-Portuguese perspective, which can be used, for example, to compare Portuguese with Brazilian older adults suffering from the same disorder. Furthermore, the adapted scale paves the way for other cross-cultural translations, adaptations, validations, and comparative analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: As the aging population grows, facing multifaceted health challenges and escalating care costs, equipping newly graduated nurses with the requisite skills for high-quality gerontogeriatric care becomes crucial. This study assesses the psychometric properties of a Gerontogeriatric Competency (GGC) scale to evaluate the competencies of newly graduated registered nurses (RNs).
    METHODS: Using a convenience sampling approach, a nationwide, observational prospective cohort study was conducted among 272 newly graduated RNs. The evaluation framework included a sociodemographic questionnaire, three groups of questions targeting gerontogeriatric nursing education aspects, and the GGC scale, with 64 competencies. Construct validity (via confirmatory factor analysis), known-group validity and reliability (assessed by Cronbach\'s α) were examined.
    RESULTS: The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed an adequate index fit: the ratio of chi-square to degrees of freedom (χ2/df) = 2.785, the goodness-of-fit index (GFI) = 0.579, confirmatory fit index (CFI) = 0.864, the parsimony goodness-of-fit index (PGFI) = 0.526, the parsimony confirmatory-of-fit index (PCFI) = 0.809, the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.087, and the modified expected cross-validation index (MECVI) = 24.418. Differences were observed in gerontogeriatric competencies based on curriculum inclusion, self-confidence, knowledge in caring for older adults, and satisfaction with the nursing program content. The Cronbach\'s α coefficient was 0.992 for the overall scale and ranged from 0.935 to 0.983 for the GGC dimensions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The GGC scale is a valid and reliable tool for assessing the gerontogeriatric competencies of new graduate RNs, highlighting its potential to enhance education, training, and, ultimately, the quality of care provided to the older population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Existing methods for studying individual differences in adults\' mindreading often lack good psychometric characteristics. Moreover, it remains unclear, even in theory, how mindreading varies in adults who already possess an understanding of mental states. In this pre-registered study, it was hypothesised that adults vary in their motivation for mindreading and in the degree to which their answers on mindreading tasks are appropriate (context-sensitive). These factors are confounded in existing measures as they do not differentiate between the frequency of mental state terms (MST), indicative of motivation, and the quality of an explanation. Using an innovative scoring system, the current study examined whether individual differences in adult undergraduate psychology students\' (N = 128) answer quality and / or quantity of explicit references to others\' mental states on two open-ended response mindreading tasks were separable constructs, accounted for by mindreading motivation, and related differentially to measures previously linked with mindreading (e.g., religiosity, loneliness, social network size). A two-factor and one-factor model both provided acceptable fit. Neither model showed significant associations with mindreading motivation. However, a two-factor model (with MST and response appropriateness loading onto separate factors) provided greater explanatory power. Specifically, MST was positively associated with religiosity and response appropriateness was negatively associated with religiosity, whilst the one-factor solution did not predict any socially relevant outcomes. This provides some indication that mindreading quantity and mindreading quality may be distinguishable constructs in the structure of individual differences in mindreading.





