• 文章类型: Journal Article
    高危型人乳头状瘤病毒(HR-HPV)持续感染是唯一明确的子宫颈癌致病因素,并且与子宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)的发生密切相关。外用免疫调节剂(如外用红色诺卡菌细胞壁骨架)的出现有望改变子宫颈HR-HPV持续感染的治疗现状。本共识专家组由全国27位妇科临床专家、病毒学专家及流行病学专家组成,基于国内外研究证据和专家经验,经讨论就外用免疫调节剂的临床应用达成共识,推荐用于子宫颈单纯性HR-HPV持续感染、低级别鳞状上皮内病变[LSIL(CINⅠ)]合并HR-HPV持续感染以及高级别鳞状上皮内病变[HSIL(CIN Ⅱ/Ⅲ)]术后合并HR-HPV持续感染。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The International Anal Neoplasia Society (IANS) developed consensus guidelines to inform anal cancer screening use among various high-risk groups. Anal cancer incidence estimates by age among risk groups provided the basis to identify risk thresholds to recommend screening. Guided by risk thresholds, screening initiation at age 35 years was recommended for men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TW) with HIV. For other people with HIV and MSM and TW not with HIV, screening initiation at age 45 years was recommended. For solid organ transplant recipients, screening initiation beginning from 10 years post-transplant was recommended. For persons with a history of vulvar precancer or cancer, screening initiation was recommended starting within 1 year of diagnosis of vulvar precancer or cancer. Persons aged ≥45 years with a history of cervical/vaginal HSIL or cancer, perianal warts, persistent (>1 year) cervical HPV16, or autoimmune conditions could be considered for screening with shared decision-making, provided there is adequate capacity to perform diagnostic procedures (high-resolution anoscopy [HRA]). Anal cytology, high-risk (hr) human papillomavirus (HPV) testing (including genotyping for HPV16), and hrHPV-cytology co-testing are different strategies currently used for anal cancer screening that show acceptable performance. Thresholds for referral for HRA or follow-up screening tests are delineated. These recommendations from IANS provide the basis to inform management of abnormal screening results, considering currently available screening tools. These guidelines provide a pivotal foundation to help generate consensus among providers and inform the introduction and implementation of risk-targeted screening for anal cancer prevention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This Research Letter summarizes all updates to the 2019 Guidelines through September 2023, including: endorsement of the 2021 Opportunistic Infections guidelines for HIV+ or immunosuppressed patients; clarification of use of human papillomavirus testing alone for patients undergoing observation for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2; revision of unsatisfactory cytology management; clarification that 2012 guidelines should be followed for patients aged 25 years and older screened with cytology only; management of patients for whom colposcopy was recommended but not completed; clarification that after treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2+, 3 negative human papillomavirus tests or cotests at 6, 18, and 30 months are recommended before the patient can return to a 3-year testing interval; and clarification of postcolposcopy management of minimally abnormal results.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Following the publication of the European consensus statement on standards for essential colposcopy in 2020, the need for standards relating to more complex and challenging colposcopy practice was recognised. These standards relate to colposcopy undertaken in patients identified through cervical screening and tertiary referrals from colposcopists who undertake standard colposcopy only. This set of recommendations provides a review of the current literature and agreement on care for recognised complex cases. With good uptake of human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation, we anticipate a marked reduction in cervical disease over the next decade. Still, the expert colposcopist will continue to be vital in managing complex cases, including previous cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)/complex screening histories and multi-zonal disease.
    OBJECTIVE: To provide expert guidance on complex colposcopy cases through published evidence and expert consensus.
    METHODS: Members of the EFC and ESGO formed a working group to identify topics considered to be the remit of the expert rather than the standard colposcopy service. These were presented at the EFC satellite meeting, Helsinki 2021, for broader discussion and finalisation of the topics.
    CONCLUSIONS: The agreed standards included colposcopy in pregnancy and post-menopause, investigation and management of glandular abnormalities, persistent high-risk HPV+ with normal/low-grade cytology, colposcopy management of type 3 transformation zones (TZ), high-grade cytology and normal colposcopy, colposcopy adjuncts, follow-up after treatment with CIN next to TZ margins and follow-up after treatment with CIN with persistent HPV+, and more. These standards are under review to create a final paper of consensus standards for dissemination to all EFC and ESGO members.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past decades, cervical cancer has been a worldwide public health problem. Population-based early cancer risk detection and prevention approaches, including vaccination, cytology screening and human papilloma virus (HPV) detection, with the aligned clinical management, have formed a well-rounded high-quality implementation system for cervical cancer control, and revolutionarily improved the quality of life of women: (1) the success of cervical cancer screening practices, (2) standardization of The Bethesda system for reporting cervicovaginal cytology, (3) improvement in the understanding of HPV pathogenesis in cervical cancer, and (4) the development of appropriate management approaches have significantly decreased the disease burden of cervical cancer worldwide. This scoping review aimed to understand the evolvement of cervical cancer screening and management guidelines, describe the Bethesda cervical cytology reporting system, and HPV vaccines and tests, and highlight the key information of present policies and practices.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    This guideline provides evidence-based guidance on the risk-based management of cervical dysplasia in the colposcopy setting in the context of primary HPV-based screening and HPV testing in colposcopy. Colposcopy management of special populations is also discussed. The guideline was developed by a working group in collaboration with the Gynecologic Oncology Society of Canada (GOC), Society of Colposcopists of Canada (SCC) and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC). The literature informing these guidelines was obtained through a systematic review of the relevant literature via a multi-step search process led by information specialists. The literature was reviewed up to June 2021 with manual searches of relevant national guidelines and more recent publications. Quality of the evidence and strength of recommendations was assessed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) framework. The intended users of this guideline include gynecologists, colposcopists, screening programs and healthcare facilities. Implementation of the recommendations is intended to promote equitable and standardized care for all people undergoing colposcopy in Canada. The risk-based approach aims to improve personalized care and reduce over-/under-treatment in colposcopy.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women. Cervical cancer screening is needed for the detection and treatment of cervical neoplastic lesions that can evolve to neoplasia and to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. Recently, changes were made to increase the efficiency of the screening process such as employing the human papilloma virus detection test as the gold standard for cervical cancer screening and acknowledging the importance of adapting clinical practice to consider the risk of developing this neoplasia. Considering this paradigm shift, new clinical practice guidelines are now needed. For this purpose, a group of experts analyzed and discussed the most recent literature, defining recommendations and proposing clinical practice guidelines that focus on risk stratification, diagnostic evaluation, and on the therapeutical approach and follow-up of women with altered screening results. The aim of this article is to guide clinical practice regarding actions to take in face of altered results of cervical cancer screening and, consequently, to improve the secondary prevention of this condition.
    O cancro do colo do útero (CCU) é globalmente um dos tipos de cancro mais comum em mulheres. O rastreio do CCU é indispensável para a deteção e tratamento de lesões neoplásicas cervicais que possam evoluir para neoplasia, com o objectivo de reduzir a incidência deste cancro. Nos últimos anos, têm ocorrido alterações que visam o aumento da eficácia do rastreio. Nomeadamente, o uso de teste de deteção do vírus do papiloma humano como método de rastreio primário do CCU e a valorização da importância de adaptar a prática clínica em função do risco de desenvolvimento do CCU. Desta forma, são necessárias novas normas de atuação clínica, que contemplem esta mudança de paradigma. Assim, um grupo de especialistas analisou e discutiu a literatura mais recente, definindo recomendações e propondo normas de prática clínica que se focam na estratificação de risco, avaliação diagnóstica, e na conduta terapêutica e de seguimento de mulheres com resultados dos testes de rastreio alterados. Este trabalho tem como objetivo facilitar a prática clínica em resposta a resultados alterados nos testes e, consequentemente, melhorar a prevenção secundária do CCU.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated physicians\' knowledge of cancer screening guidelines and human papillomavirus (HPV) recommendations.
    The Puerto Rico Community Cancer Control Outreach Program in collaboration with the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program and the Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program developed an educational activity for physicians who attended a professional annual meeting. This activity consisted of 2 sessions: one about cancer screening guidelines and the other about HPV and HPV vaccination. A survey measuring the attendees\' knowledge of the session topics was administered before and after each session. Changes in knowledge were assesed using McNemar\'s test with a significance level of 0.05.
    A total of 43 physicians responded to the survey about cancer screening, and 67 responded to the survey about HPV. A significant increase in the mean score of the pre-test (3.3 ± 1.42) and post-test (6.7 ± 1.38) of the cancer screening guidelines was observed as well as in that of the pre-test (7.82 ± 1.44) and post-test (9.66 ± 0.53) of HPV. The results showed that there were improvements regarding the most recent cervical cancer screening and colonoscopy guidelines as well as in the knowledge of HPV serotypes.
    This mid-day educational activity significantly improved knowledge among primary care physicians. Given its feasibility, future efforts should discuss the most recent cancer guidelines and emerging socio behavioral factors that impact vaccination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





