• 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines a rare case of frostbite on the hands caused by liquid nitrogen, focusing on the scar maturation process. Frostbite is typically less prone to abnormal scarring compared to burns, and this report contrasts the differences in scar maturation between the two. A 31-year-old male hospital employee sustained first- to second-degree frostbite on his gloved hands from a 20-second exposure to liquid nitrogen while changing a cylinder. Conservative treatment was applied, and the patient was monitored for 9 months. The deeply affected area took 50 days to epithelialize but healed without hypertrophic scarring. A mild extension contracture was noted in the distal interphalangeal joint of the right index finger, but the skin remained supple and soft. Incidents of liquid nitrogen-induced frostbite are uncommon, with only 14 cases reported in PubMed® previously. In frostbite, the wound healing involves a slow replacement of damaged connective tissue, which acts as an internal splint, reducing wound contraction. This contrasts with burns, where rapid connective tissue replacement occurs, often leading to significant wound contraction due to the presence of myofibroblasts in granulation tissue. In the presented case, the slow healing process and minimal wound contraction led to mature scarring without abnormalities, underlining a distinctive healing trajectory in frostbite injuries compared to burns.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    METHODS: Pseudoaneurysms of the hand are rare among the adult population and even more rare in pediatric patients. We report a case of a 10-month-old boy who presented with a nontraumatic pseudoaneurysm of the deep palmar arch, likely of congenital etiology. Magnetic resonance imaging and angiography identified the growing left hand palmar mass. Surgical excision without the need for vascular reconstruction was performed successfully with no recurrence or complications at 1-year follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Surgical excision is an effective treatment for large or symptomatic palmar pseudoaneurysms of likely congenital origin. Vascular reconstruction after excision must be considered on a case-by-case basis to ensure adequate hand perfusion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Incidental discovery of anomalous muscles and anatomical variants within the forearm and wrist through surgical exposure and advanced imaging techniques is relatively common.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient presented with pain and swelling in her hand that was refractory to rest and anti-inflammatory medications. Here, we describe the intraoperative discovery of an anatomical variant of the flexor carpi radialis (FCR), as well as an anomalous flexor carpi radialis brevis (FCRB) in a 58-year-old patient being treated for thumb carpometacarpal joint (CMCJ) arthritis.
    UNASSIGNED: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description of both anomalies within a single patient and the first use of the surgical technique, described here, in treating the patient\'s thumb CMCJ arthritis. This report reinforces the importance of meticulous dissection and identification of individual anatomy to optimize patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Periosteal sleeve fractures, or avulsions of cartilage and/or periosteum with or without an osseous fragment in skeletally immature individuals, are notoriously easy to miss and a high index of suspicion is necessary for accurate diagnosis and treatment. While periosteal sleeve avulsion fractures are classically reported in the patella, they have also been reported in the shoulder, clavicle, and elsewhere in the knee. However, no published reports exist for a periosteal sleeve avulsion fracture in the hand. This case details the first reported instance of such an injury involving a thumb metacarpal in a 3-year-old boy, treated with open reduction and percutaneous pinning of the thumb metacarpal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nodular fasciitis is a benign soft tissue pseudotumour typically occurring in the upper extremities, head and neck, thigh and trunk. It is most commonly seen in subcutaneous locations but also can be present in intramuscular and intermuscular (fascial) locations. Its occurrence in the hand is rare, and while it can occur in close proximity to tendons, its presentation as an intra-tendinous mass has not been previously described. We present a unique and rare case of nodular fasciitis arising within the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon of the hand in a 16-year-old female. The patient presented with a painful swelling in the volar aspect of the base of her left middle finger, with progressive flexion deformity of the finger. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass within the FDP tendon of the middle finger. An ultrasound-guided biopsy revealed a diagnosis of nodular fasciitis. Given the self-limiting nature of the condition, she was managed conservatively with close clinical and imaging follow-up. This case highlights the importance of considering nodular fasciitis in the differential diagnosis of an intra-tendinous lesion in the hand, even though it is a rare occurrence in this location. The clinical presentation, diagnostic workup, and management of this unique case are discussed, emphasising the potential for its misdiagnosis as a malignancy which can have important implications in management.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Diabetes mellitus may for the first time present with its classical features or with long term complications which may or may not be recognised. Knowledge of diabetes mellitus and its complications, sociocultural beliefs and perception, patronage of traditional healers may influence time of presentation and hence, outcomes. We report the case of a female Nigerian food vendor, who was admitted in coma and managed for septic left-hand ulcer and incidental diabetes mellitus. She had painless peripheral neuropathy, which gave her the \'\'ability\'\' to handle hot objects. This was misconstrued as some special gift derived from a benevolent spirit, until she sustained thermal injury and a non-healing wound on her left hand. She presented to a traditional healer which delayed hospital presentation. She was eventually brought to hospital in coma and related diabetes mellitus was found. She was appropriately managed for hyperglycaemic coma and sepsis as well as wound care and was discharged to the out patients\' services on appropriate drugs and life style measures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor in children that might mimic a benign tumor, such as infantile hemangioma, particularly when detected early. Although rhabdomyosarcoma rarely occurs in the hand, its prognosis is generally poor, and successful treatment relies on a complete and radical surgical excision. We present a case of rhabdomyosarcoma located in the palm of an infant\'s hand, initially presenting clinical and radiological features suggestive of a vascular tumor. The resection of this mass was radical, and histological analysis and immunohistochemistry returned in favor of embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma. In similar cases recorded in the literature, the diagnosis may be first mistaken for that of a hemangioma, then confirmed by histology. This underlines the importance of a systematic anatomopathological examination of all tissues removed surgically.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: In this case report a new approach called neurofascialvascular training (NFVT) is described. NFVT consists of two mechanisms which improve mechanosensitivity in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The first involves increased blood flow in the nerve microcirculation, while the second stimulates the reciprocal sliding between the thin sheets of connective tissue inside the nerve. The goal of these two actions is to squeeze, mobilize and reduce intraneural edema. The novelty of this approach is the simultaneous involvement of multiple physiological systems to reduce nerve mechanosensitivity. This case report describes the rehabilitation progress achieved by NFVT in a patient with CTS.
    UNASSIGNED: A 64-year-old woman complaining of nocturnal pain and tingling with severe impairment of sleep quality for two years was diagnosed at CTS.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient underwent nine 30-min exercise sessions of NFVT.
    RESULTS: At each session and at the last follow-up 3 months after the end of treatment the following tests were performed: the upper limb neurodynamic test1 (ULNT1), the Hand Grip Meter and the Phdurkan test. Furthermore ultrasound, numerical rating scale and the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ) were also adopted.
    CONCLUSIONS: NFVT can improve symptoms and motor dysfunction in a patient with CTS.
    UNASSIGNED: In the presence of mild carpal tunnel syndrome, active neurofascialvascular training that increases peripheral blood flow and targets fascial tissue within the peripheral nervous system can resolve symptoms and produce significant improvement within a few months of starting treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cervical myelopathy (CM) causes several symptoms such as clumsiness of the hands and often requires surgery. Screening and early diagnosis of CM are important because some patients are unaware of their early symptoms and consult a surgeon only after their condition has become severe. The 10-second hand grip and release test is commonly used to check for the presence of CM. The test is simple but would be more useful for screening if it could objectively evaluate the changes in movement specific to CM. A previous study analyzed finger movements in the 10-second hand grip and release test using the Leap Motion, a noncontact sensor, and a system was developed that can diagnose CM with high sensitivity and specificity using machine learning. However, the previous study had limitations in that the system recorded few parameters and did not differentiate CM from other hand disorders.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop a system that can diagnose CM with higher sensitivity and specificity, and distinguish CM from carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), a common hand disorder. We then validated the system with a modified Leap Motion that can record the joints of each finger.
    METHODS: In total, 31, 27, and 29 participants were recruited into the CM, CTS, and control groups, respectively. We developed a system using Leap Motion that recorded 229 parameters of finger movements while participants gripped and released their fingers as rapidly as possible. A support vector machine was used for machine learning to develop the binary classification model and calculated the sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve (AUC). We developed two models, one to diagnose CM among the CM and control groups (CM/control model), and the other to diagnose CM among the CM and non-CM groups (CM/non-CM model).
    RESULTS: The CM/control model indexes were as follows: sensitivity 74.2%, specificity 89.7%, and AUC 0.82. The CM/non-CM model indexes were as follows: sensitivity 71%, specificity 72.87%, and AUC 0.74.
    CONCLUSIONS: We developed a screening system capable of diagnosing CM with higher sensitivity and specificity. This system can differentiate patients with CM from patients with CTS as well as healthy patients and has the potential to screen for CM in a variety of patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Unclear wrist tumors are a common clinical presentation in patients with pain and movement restrictions of the wrist. We report a rare case of a benign tumor of the wrist in a 63-year-old female patient who presented with a ganglion-like swelling of the right hand. After examination and preoperative radiological diagnostics, the indication for an open surgery was indicated for resection of either a typical ganglion cyst or a peripheral nerve sheath tumor was made. Interestingly, the suspected diagnosis was not correct. The intraoperative finding and histological analysis revealed typical findings of synovial chondromatosis of the distal radioulnar joint. Although synovial chondromatosis is a relatively rare, and even rarer in the wrist, it is important to consider it as a differential diagnosis when a patient presents with a \'simple\' wrist ganglion.





