• 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) combined with cognitive training (CT) may have shown some prospects on improving cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, data from clinical trials or meta-analysis involving NIBS combined with CT have shown controversial results. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate short-term and long-term effects of NIBS combined with CT on improving global cognition and other specific cognitive domains in patients with AD and MCI.
    METHODS: This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Five electronic databases including PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, Cochrane Library and Embase were searched up from inception to 20 November 2023. The PEDro scale and the Cochrane\'s risk of bias assessment were used to evaluate risk of bias and methodological quality of included studies. All statistical analyses were conducted with Review Manager 5.3.
    RESULTS: We included 15 studies with 685 patients. The PEDro scale was used to assess methodological quality with a mean score of 7.9. The results of meta-analysis showed that NIBS combined with CT was effective on improving global cognition in AD and MCI (SMD = 0.52, 95% CI (0.18, 0.87), p = 0.003), especially for patients accepting repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) combined with CT (SMD = 0.46, 95% CI (0.14, 0.78), p = 0.005). AD could achieve global cognition improvement from NIBS combined with CT group (SMD = 0.77, 95% CI (0.19, 1.35), p = 0.01). Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with CT could improve language function in AD and MCI (SMD = 0.29, 95% CI (0.03, 0.55), p = 0.03). At evaluation follow-up, rTMS combined with CT exhibited larger therapeutic responses to AD and MCI in global cognition (SMD = 0.55, 95% CI (0.09, 1.02), p = 0.02). AD could achieve global cognition (SMD = 0.40, 95% CI (0.03, 0.77), p = 0.03) and attention/working memory (SMD = 0.72, 95% CI (0.23, 1.20), p = 0.004) improvement after evaluation follow-up from NIBS combined with CT group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, NIBS combined with CT, particularly rTMS combined with CT, has both short-term and follow-up effects on improving global cognition, mainly in patients with AD. tDCS combined with CT has advantages on improving language function in AD and MCI. Future more studies need evaluate cognitive effects of NIBS combined with CT on other specific cognitive domain in patients with cognitive deterioration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions worldwide, and psychotherapeutic techniques can be employed to help manage and mitigate symptoms. While the available therapies are numerous, key strategies often involve cognitive and/or embodiment techniques. Within body-centered methods, breathing-oriented approaches are particularly prevalent, using either attention towards or active control of breathing. As the perception of body states (i.e., interoception) is thought to be an integral component of emotion generation, these embodiment and breathing techniques may be key in addressing the miscommunication between the brain and body that is thought to exist with anxiety. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the effects of acute administration of psychological interventions for state anxiety.
    UNASSIGNED: This systematic review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA statement and registered prospectively in PROSPERO. A literature search for randomized controlled trials was conducted in PubMed, PsycINFO, and Scopus. We considered interventions that focused on cognitive, embodiment or breathing strategies, or a combination of these techniques. Twelve studies met our inclusion criteria, and study characteristics, quality and effect sizes were assessed. A single cognitive study was found to produce a moderate reduction in state anxiety, while moderate to large effects were found across studies assessing embodiment practices. In contrast, studies which utilized breathing-based interventions alone produced inconsistent results, with both attention towards and active control of breathing producing large to no effects depending on the technique employed. Finally, consistent moderate effects were found with combination techniques that involved passive attention (e.g., towards cognitions, body and/or breathing), with active combination techniques producing inconsistent results.
    UNASSIGNED: While study numbers are limited regarding brief interventions, cognitive and embodiment techniques are consistently helpful for reducing state anxiety, while breathing-based exercises need to consider the specific technique employed, and how successful this may be for each individual. Furthermore, combined practices such as mindfulness can also be successful, although care must be taken when introducing an active change to one or more elements.
    UNASSIGNED: CRD42024507585 Available from: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42024507585.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early key visual skills, such as tracking objects, sustaining gaze, and shifting attention, rapidly develop within the first 6 months of infant life. These abilities play a significant role in the development of cognitive functions but are frequently compromised in infants at risk of developing neurodevelopmental disorders. This systematic review evaluates the potential of early vision function in the prediction of cognition at or above 12 months. Five databases were searched for relevant articles, and their quality was assessed with the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies tool. Eight studies were suitable, including 521 preterm-born infants at varying risk of developing Cerebral Palsy (CP). Each study showed a significant correlation between vision and cognitive outcome. Predictive analysis including sensitivity and specificity was possible for three studies. Methodological quality was variable. Sensitivity ranged between 57 and 100% in the vision function assessments items, while specificity ranged from 59 to 100%. In conclusion, early vision showed strong correlation with cognition ≥ 12 months. While no single vision assessment was found to be superior, evaluation of specific functions, namely fixation and following, both at term age and between 3 and 6 months, demonstrated strong predictive validity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classic psychedelics and MDMA have a colorful history of recreational use, and both have recently been re-evaluated as tools for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Several studies have been carried out to assess potential long-term effects of a regular use on cognition, delivering distinct results for psychedelics and MDMA. However, to date knowledge is scarce on cognitive performance during acute effects of those substances. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we investigate how cognitive functioning is affected by psychedelics and MDMA during the acute drug effects and the sub-acute (\"afterglow\") window. Our quantitative analyses suggest that acute cognitive performance is differentially affected by psychedelics when compared to MDMA: psychedelics impair attention and executive function, whereas MDMA primarily affects memory, leaving executive functions and attention unaffected. Our qualitative analyses reveal that executive functioning and creativity may be increased during a window of at least 24 h after the acute effects of psychedelics have subsided, whereas no such results have been observed for MDMA. Our findings may contribute to inform recommendations on harm reduction for recreational settings and to help fostering differential approaches for the use of psychedelics and MDMA within a therapeutic framework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In children and adolescents with epilepsy (CAWE), disturbed sleep and functional difficulties are frequently present, but their relationship is unclear. In this scoping review we aimed to explore associations between sleep and functional outcomes in CAWE.
    METHODS: We registered the protocol with open science framework and conducted the review according to the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews. We searched Medline, Embase, PsycINFO and PubMed for original studies reporting on relations between sleep and functional outcomes (adaptive/quality of life, behavioural/mood, cognitive & academic) in CAWE. To assess the quality of studies we used an extended version of the checklist employed by Winsor and colleagues [1].
    RESULTS: We identified 14 studies that included 1,785 CAWE and 1,260 control children, with a mean age of 9.94 and 10.13 years, respectively. The studies were highly heterogeneous with respect to samples, epilepsy variables, and methods used to assess sleep and functional outcomes. The quality of studies was medium. Associations between sleep and adaptive/quality of life, behavioural/mood, cognitive and academic outcomes were examined in 2, 10, 6, and 0 studies, respectively. Across studies, in CAWE, greater sleep disturbances were related to worse behavioural/mood outcomes, ranging from depression/anxiety to ADHD symptoms. Sleep disturbances did not consistently relate to cognitive outcomes, but they related to worse adaptive outcomes in both studies that examined their relationship.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides evidence of relationship between disturbed sleep and behavioural/mood difficulties, which alerts to the need for careful evaluation and treatment of sleep disturbances in CAWE. Our study also highlights the need to examine relationships between sleep and other functional outcomes in CAWE, as studies conducted in the general population suggest that sleep disturbances may be modifiable and associated with improved functional outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The association between quality sleep and improved cognition is well reported in literature. However, very few studies have been undertaken to evaluate the impact of poor sleep on educational outcomes in Indigenous Australian children.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review was to explore the association between sleep and educational outcomes of Indigenous children.
    METHODS: For this systematic review, a literature search covering research articles in academic databases and grey literature sources was conducted to retrieve studies published until March 2022. Eight online e-databases (PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS, HealthinfoNet, PsycINFO, Cochrane and Google Scholar) were searched for data extraction and two appraisal tools (NIH and CREATE) were used for quality assessment. Studies that explored any aspect of sleep health in relation to educational/academic outcomes in school going Indigenous Australian children aged 5-18 were included in this study. All review articles and studies that focused on physical/ mental disabilities or parent perceptions of sleep and educational outcomes were excluded. A convergent integrated approach was used to collate and synthesize information.
    RESULTS: Only three studies (two cross-sectional and one longitudinal) met the eligibility criteria out of 574 articles. The sample size ranged from 21-50 of 6 to 13 year old children. A strong relationship was indicated between sleep quantity and educational outcomes, in two of the three studies. One study related the sleep fragmentation/shorter sleep schedules of short sleep class and early risers with poorer reading (B = -30.81 to -37.28, p = 0.006 to 0.023), grammar (B = -39.79 to -47.89, p = 0.012-0.013) and numeracy (B = -37.93 to -50.15, p = 0.003 to 0.022) skills compared with long sleep and normative sleep class whereas another reported no significant relation between sleep and educational outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The review highlights the need for more research to provide evidence of potentially modifiable factors such as sleep and the impact these may have on academic performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sport Vision is a speciality of multidisciplinary interest aimed at improving the performance of the visual system to achieve benefits in practiced sports, as well as in daily life and in preventive care. The type of training practiced by the athlete, his or her physical condition, cognitive level, and level of fatigue condition affects the speed of the reaction time and, consequently, the speed of motor response. Specific orthoptic exercises, the use of technological devices, the recovery of static and dynamic postural stability by using unstable platforms and the dual-task paradigm can help to achieve the expected results. The aim of this systematic review of Sport Vision was to assess the overall existing literature on Sport Vision, paying particular attention to the effects of visual training and its application in different sports and in rehabilitation and preventive settings. We analysed published English language studies about the role of sport vision in athletic performance from 1950 to 2023. We searched through the Medline database. The PRISMA 2020 checklist was used to assess the transparency and reproducibility of this review. The enrolled papers were evaluated with the Jadad Scale, Amstar 2 Scale and Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. 25 (16 studies, 5 reviews, 2 comments, 1 editorial, 1 descriptive paper) out of 476 studies met the inclusion criteria. Due to the variability in the age of the samples, the different techniques, the treatments among the participants in the studies and the finding of non-evaluable articles, a meta-analysis was not conducted. The limitations of this review are the single database research, the studies analyzed contain a non-statistically representative sample size and the lack of a control group. There is no standardized test to measure performance. It was shown that the development of visual skills can benefit athletes in injury prevention, and can lead to improved sports performance and motor function at any age, acquiring adaptive motor behaviour even when the visual system is impaired, due to task repetition and familiarity of the gesture. We intended to identify a multidisciplinary approach and a manual treatment scheme to optimize the circuitry involved in sport vision in order to increase the results that are achieved, but further studies will be needed to this end.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review aims to map studies on governmental and institutional decision-making processes in emergencies. The literature reveals various approaches used by governments in managing emergencies. Consequently, this article suggests the need for a systematic literature review to outline how institutional decision-makers operate during emergencies. To achieve this goal, the most widely used databases in psychological research were consulted, with a specific focus on selecting scientific articles. Subsequently, these studies were rigorously assessed for their relevance using a structured literature selection process following the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. At the conclusion of the review process, nine studies were identified, each suggesting different methods by which governments manage emergencies. This diversity arises because emergency decision-making processes must account for numerous variables that change depending on the type of crisis and the specific context. However, several critical aspects have emerged, such as the centrality of pre-disaster planning to improve intervention practices and methods, attention to information gaps that inevitably arise during an emergency, and the importance of streamlining and delegating decision-making to emergency responders in the field to counter the phenomenon of centralized decision-making that often hampers crucial interventions during emergencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This systematic review investigates the interplay between oxytocin and exercise; in terms of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, pro-regenerative, and cardioprotective effects. Furthermore, by analyzing measurement methods, we aim to improve measurement validity and reliability.
    UNASSIGNED: Utilizing PRISMA, GRADE, and MECIR protocols, we examined five databases with a modified SPIDER search. Including studies on healthy participants, published within the last 20 years, based on keywords \"oxytocin,\" \"exercise\" and \"measurement,\" 690 studies were retrieved initially (455 unique records). After excluding studies of clinically identifiable diseases, and unpublished and reproduction-focused studies, 175 studies qualified for the narrative cross-thematic and structural analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: The analysis resulted in five categories showing the reciprocal impact of oxytocin and exercise: Exercise (50), Physiology (63), Environment (27), Social Context (65), and Stress (49). Exercise-induced oxytocin could promote tissue regeneration, with 32 studies showing its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, while 14 studies discussed memory and cognition. Furthermore, empathy-associated OXTR rs53576 polymorphism might influence team sports performance. Since dietary habits and substance abuse can impact oxytocin secretion too, combining self-report tests and repeated salivary measurements may help achieve precision.
    UNASSIGNED: Oxytocin\'s effect on fear extinction and social cognition might generate strategies for mental training, and technical, and tactical development in sports. Exercise-induced oxytocin can affect the amount of stress experienced by athletes, and their response to it. However, oxytocin levels could depend on the type of sport in means of contact level, exercise intensity, and duration. The influence of oxytocin on athletes\' performance and recovery could have been exploited due to its short half-life. Examining oxytocin\'s complex interactions with exercise paves the way for future research and application in sports science, psychology, and medical disciplines.
    UNASSIGNED: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=512184, identifier CRD42024512184.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Exergame-based training is currently considered a more promising training approach than conventional physical and/or cognitive training.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to provide quantitative evidence on dose-response relationships of specific exercise and training variables (training components) of exergame-based training on cognitive functioning in middle-aged to older adults (MOA).
    METHODS: We conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis including randomized controlled trials comparing the effects of exergame-based training to inactive control interventions on cognitive performance in MOA.
    RESULTS: The systematic literature search identified 22,928 records of which 31 studies were included. The effectiveness of exergame-based training was significantly moderated by the following training components: body position for global cognitive functioning, the type of motor-cognitive training, training location, and training administration for complex attention, and exercise intensity for executive functions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The effectiveness of exergame-based training was moderated by several training components that have in common that they enhance the ecological validity of the training (e.g., stepping movements in a standing position). Therefore, it seems paramount that future research focuses on developing innovative novel exergame-based training concepts that incorporate these (and other) training components to enhance their ecological validity and transferability to clinical practice. We provide specific evidence-based recommendations for the application of our research findings in research and practical settings and identified and discussed several areas of interest for future research.
    UNASSIGNED: CRD42023418593; prospectively registered, date of registration: 1 May 2023.





