• 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Segmental necrotizing granulomatous neuritis (SNGN) is a rare complication of leprosy involving peripheral nerves. It can appear alone in cases of pure neuritic leprosy or in combination with cutaneous lesions.
    UNASSIGNED: A 15-year-old female diagnosed with borderline tuberculoid leprosy who received prior multidrug therapy presented 2 years later with occasional pain and tingling sensations along the inner aspect of her right arm and forearm. Imaging findings suggested SNGN, which was corroborated by cytopathological examination. She was considered relapsed from leprosy, and multi-drug therapy and steroids were started, following which she reported a decrease in the size of the swelling along with no further deterioration of the sensorineural deficit.
    UNASSIGNED: SNGN, which is one of the rare complications of leprosy, can create diagnostic dilemmas as its differential diagnoses include reversal reactions, and peripheral nerve tumors (such as schwannoma and neurofibroma), which have been outlined in this article. SNGN is more likely when magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows a well-defined ovoid lesion with central necrosis and peripheral rim enhancement.
    UNASSIGNED: The incidence of SNGN is on the rise due to multi-drug therapy. In our case, the patient developed SNGN, which was considered a relapse from leprosy, and multi-drug therapy and steroids were started, following which the patient reported a significant reduction in the size of the swelling with no further deterioration of the sensorineural deficit. Hence, an appropriate diagnosis of SNGN through ultrasonography and MRI will lead to favorable outcomes, ultimately benefiting the patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) contributes greatly to morbidity, mortality, and health care costs worldwide. Hospital readmission rates are tracked closely and determine federal reimbursement dollars. No current modality or technology allows for accurate measurement of relevant HF parameters in ambulatory, rural, or underserved settings. This limits the use of telehealth to diagnose or monitor HF in ambulatory patients.
    OBJECTIVE: This study describes a novel HF diagnostic technology using audio recordings from a standard mobile phone.
    METHODS: This prospective study of acoustic microphone recordings enrolled convenience samples of patients from 2 different clinical sites in 2 separate areas of the United States. Recordings were obtained at the aortic (second intercostal) site with the patient sitting upright. The team used recordings to create predictive algorithms using physics-based (not neural networks) models. The analysis matched mobile phone acoustic data to ejection fraction (EF) and stroke volume (SV) as evaluated by echocardiograms. Using the physics-based approach to determine features eliminates the need for neural networks and overfitting strategies entirely, potentially offering advantages in data efficiency, model stability, regulatory visibility, and physical insightfulness.
    RESULTS: Recordings were obtained from 113 participants. No recordings were excluded due to background noise or for any other reason. Participants had diverse racial backgrounds and body surface areas. Reliable echocardiogram data were available for EF from 113 patients and for SV from 65 patients. The mean age of the EF cohort was 66.3 (SD 13.3) years, with female patients comprising 38.3% (43/113) of the group. Using an EF cutoff of ≤40% versus >40%, the model (using 4 features) had an area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC) of 0.955, sensitivity of 0.952, specificity of 0.958, and accuracy of 0.956. The mean age of the SV cohort was 65.5 (SD 12.7) years, with female patients comprising 34% (38/65) of the group. Using a clinically relevant SV cutoff of <50 mL versus >50 mL, the model (using 3 features) had an AUROC of 0.922, sensitivity of 1.000, specificity of 0.844, and accuracy of 0.923. Acoustics frequencies associated with SV were observed to be higher than those associated with EF and, therefore, were less likely to pass through the tissue without distortion.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work describes the use of mobile phone auscultation recordings obtained with unaltered cellular microphones. The analysis reproduced the estimates of EF and SV with impressive accuracy. This technology will be further developed into a mobile app that could bring screening and monitoring of HF to several clinical settings, such as home or telehealth, rural, remote, and underserved areas across the globe. This would bring high-quality diagnostic methods to patients with HF using equipment they already own and in situations where no other diagnostic and monitoring options exist.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Mature cystic teratomas (MCT) of the ovary are benign ovarian germ cell neoplasms. Malignant transformation is possible but rare and ovarian carcinoid tumors in MCT are among the most extremely rare subtypes.
    METHODS: We report a case of a 60-year-old Iranian woman suffering from postmenopausal bleeding and hypogastric pain for the last 40 days. An adnexal mass was detected during the physical examination. Ultrasound imaging showed a (55 × 58) mm mass in the left ovary. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingooophorectomy and comprehensive staging surgery were performed for the patient. Intraoperative frozen section of the left ovarian mass was indicative of a malignant tumor. She was diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor with benign mucinous cystadenoma arising on MCT of the ovary, confirmed in the histopathology and immunohistochemistry examination. The tumor was classified as low grade and no chemotherapy cycles were considered. The patient was followed up long-term and no recurrence was observed during 14 months of examinations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ovarian carcinoids arising from MCT are rare neuroendocrine neoplasms, and proper diagnosis of these tumors requires careful histopathology evaluation and appropriate examination. Therefore, it is necessary to consider these tumors as a possible differential diagnosis and evaluate them in individuals (especially postmenopausal women) who have abdominal pain or abnormal bleeding and a palpable mass.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intra-articular lipomas are infrequently reported, with most reported cases occurring in the knee joint. A case of intra-articular lipoma in the small joints of the hand, specifically in the pisotriquetral joint, has been documented for the first time. A 24-year-old male visited the emergency department after a road traffic accident with a painful and swollen wrist. Radiographic examination revealed fractures of the distal radius and triquetrum. A subsequent wrist computed tomography scan identified an intra-articular lipoma within the pisotriquetral joint, further confirmed by ultrasonography. This article underscores the importance of recognizing that, though exceedingly rare, intra-articular lipomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of soft-tissue tumors affecting the hand and wrist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of platelet-rich plasma to restore skin changes in morphea by ultrasound and Localized Scleroderma Cutaneous Assessment Tool.
    UNASSIGNED: Nine morphea patients (21 lesions) were diagnosed clinically and by histopathology. Intradermal platelet-rich plasma was injected into morphea lesion once weekly for 12 sessions. The disease severity and damage were evaluated at baseline, after the last session (3 months later), and at 6 months follow-up using the LoSCAT and a high-resolution ultrasound. The healthy corresponding side was considered as a control.
    UNASSIGNED: The Localized Scleroderma Cutaneous Assessment Tool score showed a significant improvement starting from 13 ± 7.28 up to 7.33 ± 6.82 after the therapeutic endpoint, reaching to 6.44 ± 7.09 after 6 months of follow-up with p value = 0.008 and 0.014, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between the duration of the lesion and the improvement assessed by the ultrasound, with p value = 0.01. Regarding adverse effects, all patients reported having pain during platelet-rich plasma injection; transient edema of the face was reported by four patients (45%), and only two patients showed transient erythema.
    UNASSIGNED: Autologous platelet-rich plasma is a safe technique with great aesthetic outcomes for filling up the contour defects and correcting both hyper and hypopigmentation, in addition to softening the indurated lesions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) is the presence of air bubbles in the portal vein and its branches. Traditionally it was considered a lethal condition because the main etiology was bowel ischemia. However, with the extensive use of diagnostic tools, it became clear that the causes of this condition are diverse and may include, but are not limited to, bowel necrosis. Here, we present a rare case of HPVG in an elderly dialysis patient with diabetes mellitus, initially diagnosed by ultrasound and CT scan. Our patient experienced abdominal pain, dysuria, oliguria, and other urinary symptoms starting three weeks prior. After considering all diagnostic tools and correlating them with the patient\'s history, clinical findings, and follow-up, the underlying cause of the HPVG was determined to be emphysematous cystitis. We concluded that the presence of HPVG in the initial screening test should prompt a comprehensive investigation to determine the cause, as a rare condition like emphysematous cystitis can result in HPVG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the rising incidence of chronic kidney disease worldwide, an increasing number of patients are expected to require renal transplantation, which remains the definitive treatment of end stage renal disease. Medical imaging, primarily ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced CT and/or MRI, plays a large role in pre-transplantation assessment, especially in the characterization of lesions within the native kidneys. However, patients with CKD/ESRD often have relative contraindications to CT- and MR-contrast agents, limiting their utilization within this patient population. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), which combines the high temporal and spatial resolution of ultrasonography with intravascular microbubble contrast agents, provides a promising alternative. This review aims to familiarize the reader with the literature regarding the use of CEUS in the evaluation of cystic and solid renal lesions and provide case examples of its use at our institution in the pre-transplant setting.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has been shown to be a valuable tool in the management of acutely ill patients in the prehospital setting. POCUS not only has utility from a diagnostic perspective but also has been shown to reduce the rate of complications from otherwise traditionally \"blind\" procedures, such as pericardiocentesis. This case report highlights the utility of POCUS in the prehospital setting to guide emergent pericardiocentesis to treat cardiac tamponade. The applicability of various approaches to ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis is also discussed.





