• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The potential impact of diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1) on male fertility is currently poorly defined. Hyperglycaemia and insulin deficiency may affect spermatogenesis. Some evidence suggests that men with DM1 have a significant reduction in progressive sperm motility, sperm morphology and semen volume, without significant changes in sperm concentration and count, but definite data are lacking.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of DM1 on clinical parameters related to male fertility and semen analysis.
    METHODS: We compared a court of 42 male DM1 patients with 43 nondiabetic subjects overlapping in age and remaining clinical data in an observational case-control study. All subjects underwent a comprehensive andrological reproductive evaluation, including medical history, physical examination, and semen analysis. We collected biochemical data in all patients with DM1, while diabetic patients with any alteration in semen parameters underwent sperm culture and scrotal ultrasound. In addition, all men completed the IIEF-5 questionnaire (International Index of Erectile Function-5) and the AMS (Aging Male Symptom score) questionnaire.
    RESULTS: Patients with DM1 had a higher prevalence of infertility, erectile dysfunction and worse semen parameters compared with controls. In particular, semen volume, total sperm count, and total and progressive sperm motility were significantly lower (p < 0.001, p = 0.003, p = 0.048, and p = 0.022 respectively). In addition, the rate of semen anti-sperm antibody positivity, the AMS score and FSH levels were higher.
    CONCLUSIONS: Several mechanisms may contribute to these semen alterations in DM1 patients, such as oxidative damage to spermatogenesis, seminal infections and pelvic neurological changes. These data suggest that patients with DM1 should be counselled from an andrological-reproductive point of view.






  • 暂无摘要。






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Underdiagnosis of female genital tuberculosis (FGTB) often leads to infertility. In this study, we aimed to determine the site and histopathologic patterns of FGTB and its correlation with clinical presentation and acid-fast bacilli (AFB) status.
    METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 122 patients with a histopathological diagnosis of FGTB at the Department of Pathology, College of Health Sciences (CHS), Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH), Addis Ababa University (AAU), from January 1, 2013, to August 30, 2022.
    RESULTS: Female genital tuberculosis was found in 0.94% of the gynecology specimens examined. The most common presentations were menstrual disturbance, abdominopelvic pain, and infertility. Among patients with FGTB, 4.6% exhibited misleading clinical and radiologic findings, leading to suspicion of malignancy and subsequent aggressive surgical management. The endometrium was the most frequently affected organ, followed by the fallopian tube, ovary, cervix, and vulva. In the majority of tuberculous endometritis cases (53.3%), histopathology revealed early-stage granulomas. Acid-fast bacilli were found in a significant proportion (42.6%) of FGTB tissues with TB histopathology. The ovary had the highest rate of AFB detection, followed by the fallopian tube, endometrium, and cervix.
    CONCLUSIONS: Female genital tuberculosis should be considered in reproductive-age women presenting with menstrual irregularities, abdominopelvic pain, infertility, or an abdominopelvic mass. The endometrium is commonly affected, displaying early granulomas with low AFB positivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) presents a complex challenge in the field of infertility, with factors like age and genetics traditionally under scrutiny. However, the potential influence of adverse childhood experiences on ovarian reserve remains a relatively unexplored area. This research aims to contribute novel insights to the understanding of diminished ovarian reserve etiology, shedding light on previously unexplored risk factors and their potential implications.
    METHODS: This case-control study was conducted at an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Center of a university hospital. Infertile patients admitted to the ART center were enrolled in the study. The case group consisted of 102 infertile women diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, and the control group consisted of 103 healthy women with male factor infertility. An interview lasting approximately 30 minutes was held in a separate room with those who volunteered to participate in the study. Due to the sensitivity of the research subject, the data was collected anonymously. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire was used to measure adverse childhood experiences, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to assess anxiety and depression in the study. The results were compared between the case and the control groups.
    RESULTS: Overall, the total score of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and all subscale scores were higher in the case group (38.28±9.86) than in the control group (35.10±9.52). According to HADS, the total score was 15.92±7.98 in the case group and 14.22±6.87 in the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our pioneering study is designed to investigate a previously unexplored risk factor in low ovarian reserve. Considering our data and other studies in the literature examining childhood traumas as a risk, it makes us think that the issue is worth examining.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (RCT), we investigated the effect of astaxanthin (AST) on pro-inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress (OS) markers, and assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes in 44 infertile Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) patients.
    METHODS: Patients with PCOS were randomly divided into two groups. The intervention group received 6 mg AST, and the control group received placebo daily for 8 weeks. Blood samples were obtained from all patients before and after intervention and follicular fluid (FF) was collected during the ART procedure. Interleukin (IL) -6, IL-1β were evaluated from serum samples and FF and OS markers (malondialdehyde [MDA], catalase [CAT], superoxide dismutase [SOD], and reactive oxygen species [ROS]) were measured from FF. The groups were compared for ART outcomes as well.
    RESULTS: A significant decrease in IL-6 and IL-1β concentrations (both, P = < 0.01) serum levels was found following AST treatment. FF cytokine levels and OS markers did not differ significantly between the groups. Reproductive outcomes, including the number of oocytes retrieved (P = 0.01), the MII oocyte count (P = 0.007), oocyte maturity rate (MII %) (P = 0.02) and number of frozen embryos (P = 0.03) significantly improved after intervention. No significant differences were found in chemical, clinical and multiple pregnancies between the groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: AST pretreatment may modify inflammation and improve ART outcomes in PCOS infertile patients. Further investigations are recommended to verify these findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incidence of new cases of thyroid cancer worldwide is around 10.1/100.000 in woman dan 3.1/100.000 in men. Women with thyroid cancer are advised to avoid pregnancy while undergoing radioablation due to teratogenicity. Therefore, it is crucial to utilize contraception to avoid pregnancy during treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of contraceptive use patterns in women with thyroid cancer of reproductive age who underwent radioablation at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung.Cross-sectional study conducted at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung in May 2023. The research sample was all female thyroid cancer of reproductive age who underwent radioablation at the Nuclear Medicine polyclinic of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung in January-December 2022 by purposive sampling. Data obtained from patient medical records and primary data from patients. A total of 450 patients fulfilled inclusion criteria, but only 329 analyzed with complete data. Majority of the patient was in age group 35-49 years (58.1%), parity >1 (55.9%), last education high school (39.2%), married (81.8%), type of papillary thyroid carcinoma (79.9%), sources of information about contraception from doctors (71.7%), and 75.4% use contraception. The most widely used type of contraception was intrauterine device (IUD), accounting for 28.6% patients. Approximately 75.4% patient use contraception. The most widely used type of contraception is the IUD. Contraception counselling is important for increasing contraceptive use rates among women with thyroid cancer. Further research in the form of analytical research is needed to assess the factors that influence contraceptive use in women with thyroid cancer of reproductive age.
    L\'incidence des nouveaux cas de cancer de la thyroïde dans le monde est d\'environ 10,1/100 000 chez la femme et 3,1/100 000 chez l\'homme. Il est conseillé aux femmes atteintes d\'un cancer de la thyroïde d\'éviter une grossesse lorsqu\'elles subissent une radioablation en raison de la tératogénicité. Il est donc crucial d’utiliser une contraception pour éviter une grossesse pendant le traitement. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer les caractéristiques des modes d\'utilisation des contraceptifs chez les femmes atteintes d\'un cancer de la thyroïde en âge de procréer qui ont subi une radioablation à l\'hôpital Hasan Sadikin de Bandung. Étude transversale menée à l\'hôpital Hasan Sadikin de Bandung en mai 2023. L\'échantillon de recherche était entièrement cancer de la thyroïde chez la femme en âge de procréer qui a subi une radioablation à la polyclinique de médecine nucléaire du Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung en janvier-décembre 2022 par échantillonnage raisonné. Données obtenues à partir des dossiers médicaux des patients et des données primaires des patients. Au total, 450 patients remplissaient les critères d\'inclusion, mais seulement 329 ont été analysés avec des données complètes. La majorité des patients appartenaient à la tranche d\'âge 35-49 ans (58,1%), parité >1 (55,9%), dernier diplôme d\'études secondaires (39,2%), mariés (81,8%), type de carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde (79,9%), sources d\'information sur la contraception auprès des médecins (71,7 %) et 75,4 % utilisent la contraception. Le type de contraception le plus utilisé était le dispositif intra-utérin (DIU), représentant 28,6 % des patientes. Environ 75,4 % des patientes utilisent une contraception. Le moyen de contraception le plus utilisé est le DIU. Les conseils en matière de contraception sont importants pour augmenter les taux d’utilisation des contraceptifs chez les femmes atteintes d’un cancer de la thyroïde. Des recherches supplémentaires sous forme de recherches analytiques sont nécessaires pour évaluer les facteurs qui influencent l\'utilisation de la contraception chez les femmes atteintes d\'un cancer de la thyroïde en âge de procréer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amniocentesis for genetic diagnosis is most commonly done between 15 and 22 weeks of gestation, but can be performed at later gestational ages. The safety and genetic diagnostic accuracy of amniocentesis have been well-established through numerous large-scale, multicenter studies for procedures before 24 weeks, but comprehensive data on late amniocentesis remain sparse.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the indications, diagnostic yield, safety, and maternal and fetal outcomes associated with amniocentesis performed at or beyond 24 weeks of gestation.
    METHODS: We conducted an international, multicenter retrospective cohort study examining pregnant individuals who underwent amniocentesis for prenatal diagnostic testing at gestational ages between 24w0d and 36w6d. The study, spanning from 2011 to 2022, involved nine referral centers. We included singleton or twin pregnancies with documented outcomes, excluding cases where other invasive procedures were performed during pregnancy or if amniocentesis was conducted for obstetric indications. We analyzed indications for late amniocentesis, types of genetic tests performed, their results, and the diagnostic yield, along with pregnancy outcomes and post-procedure complications.
    RESULTS: Of the 752 pregnant individuals included in our study, late amniocentesis was primarily performed for the prenatal diagnosis of structural anomalies (91.6%), followed by suspected fetal infection (2.3%) and high-risk findings from cell-free DNA screening (1.9%). The median gestational age at the time of the procedure was 28w5d, and 98.3% of pregnant individuals received results of genetic testing before birth or pregnancy termination. The diagnostic yield was 22.9%, and a diagnosis was made 2.4 times more often for fetuses with anomalies in multiple organ systems (36.4%) compared to those with anomalies in a single organ system (15.3%). Additionally, the diagnostic yield varied depending on the specific organ system involved, with the highest yield for musculoskeletal anomalies (36.7%) and hydrops fetalis (36.4%) when a single organ system or entity was affected. The most prevalent genetic diagnoses were aneuploidies (46.8%), followed by copy number variants (26.3%) and monogenic disorders (22.2%). The median gestational age at delivery was 38w3d, with an average of 59 days between the procedure and delivery date. The overall complication rate within two weeks post-procedure was 1.2%. We found no significant difference in the rate of preterm delivery between pregnant individuals undergoing amniocentesis between 24-28 weeks and those between 28-32 weeks, reinforcing the procedure\'s safety across these gestational periods.
    CONCLUSIONS: Late amniocentesis, at or after 24 weeks gestation, especially for pregnancies complicated by multiple congenital anomalies, has a high diagnostic yield and a low complication rate, underscoring its clinical utility. It provides pregnant individuals and their providers with a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and results before delivery, enabling informed counseling and optimized perinatal and neonatal care planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Are cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors causally associated with higher risk of infertility among women and men?
    CONCLUSIONS: We found evidence to support a causal relationship between smoking initiation and history of infertility in women.
    BACKGROUND: Several CVD risk factors are associated with history of infertility. Previous studies using Mendelian randomization (MR) further support a causal relationship between BMI and infertility in women.
    UNASSIGNED: We used data from the Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) in Norway, a prospective population-based cohort study, including 26 811 women and 15 598 men participating in three survey collections in 1995-1997 (HUNT2), 2006-2008 (HUNT3), and 2017-2019 (HUNT4).
    METHODS: Our outcome was women\'s self-reported history of infertility, defined as ever having tried to conceive for 12 months or more or having used ART. We assigned the history of infertility reported by women to their male partners; therefore, the measure of infertility was on the couple level. We used both conventional multivariable analyses and one-sample MR analyses to evaluate the association between female and male CVD risk factors (including BMI, blood pressure, lipid profile measurements, and smoking behaviours) and history of infertility in women and men, separately.
    RESULTS: A total of 4702 women (18%) and 2508 men (16%) were classified with a history of infertility. We found a higher risk of infertility among female smokers compared to non-smokers in both multivariable and MR analyses (odds ratio (OR) in multivariable analysis, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.12-1.28; OR in MR analysis, 1.13; CI, 1.02-1.26), and potentially for higher BMI (OR in multivariable analysis, 1.13; CI, 1.09-1.18; OR in MR analysis, 1.11, CI, 0.92-1.34). In multivariable analysis in women, we also found evidence of associations between triglyceride levels, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, lifetime smoking index, and smoking intensity with higher risk of infertility. However, these results were not consistent in MR analyses. We found no robust or consistent associations between male CVD risk factors and infertility.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our main limitation was that the CVD risk factors measured might not adequately capture the relevant time periods for when couples were trying to conceive. Additionally, we did not have information on causes of infertility in either women or men.
    CONCLUSIONS: Women with infertility could have a worse CVD risk factor profile and thus public health interventions aimed at reducing the impact of some CVD risk factors, such as smoking and BMI, could reduce the burden of infertility. However, additional MR studies of the relationship between CVD risk factors and infertility with a larger sample size would be of value.
    BACKGROUND: The study was supported by a grant from the European Research Council under the European Union\'s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreements no. 947684). This research was also supported by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme (project no. 262700) and partly funded by the Research Council of Norway, project: Women\'s fertility-an essential component of health and well-being (project no. 320656). D.A.L. and A.F. work in a unit that is supported by the University of Bristol and the UK Medical Research Council (MC_UU_00011/6). D.A.L.\'s contribution to the article is supported by the European Research Council (101021566), the British Heart Foundation (CH/F/20/90003 and AA/18/7/34219). S.B.\'s contribution to the article is supported by the Wellcome Trust (225790/Z/22/Z). B.M.B. is funded by The Liaison Committee for education, research and innovation in Central Norway; and the Joint Research Committee between St. Olavs Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU. The genotyping in HUNT was financed by the National Institute of Health (NIH); University of Michigan; The Research Council of Norway; The Liaison Committee for education, research and innovation in Central Norway; and the Joint Research Committee between St. Olavs Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU. None of the funding organizations influenced the study design, reporting, or interpretation of results. The views expressed in the present article are those of the authors and not necessarily any acknowledged funding organization. D.A.L. reports grants from Medtronic Ltd and Roche Diagnostics outside the submitted work. The other authors have no conflicts of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Is cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) associated with reduced fecundability, defined as the probability of conceiving per menstrual cycle?
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, we observed no meaningful association between CIN and fecundability, regardless of surgical status, although a recent diagnosis of moderate or severe CIN might be associated with slightly reduced fecundability for 2 years after diagnosis.
    BACKGROUND: About 15% of couples experience infertility. Few studies have examined the influence of CIN on fertility, and the results have been inconsistent. No study has investigated the association between fecundability and pathologist-reported CIN diagnoses, particularly with respect to the recency of the specific CIN diagnoses.
    METHODS: This prospective cohort study included 9586 women trying to conceive. The women were enrolled from 1 June 2007 to 3 February 2020.
    METHODS: Women were invited to complete a baseline questionnaire and bimonthly follow-up questionnaires for up to 12 months or until pregnancy occurred. Data on cervical cytologies and biopsies were retrieved from The National Pathology Registry (DNPR), which holds records of all cervical specimens examined in Denmark. Women were categorized based on their most severe diagnosis of CIN: no lesion, other cervical changes, mild CIN (CIN1), or moderate/severe CIN (CIN2+) with or without surgery. To investigate the association between CIN and fecundability, we computed fecundability ratios (FR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) using a proportional probabilities regression model. We adjusted for age at study entry, partner age, body mass index, smoking status, timing of intercourse, parity, education, number of sexual partners, and household income.
    RESULTS: Compared with no lesion, the adjusted FRs (95% CI) for the association between CIN and fecundability were: other cervical lesions, 0.97 (0.91-1.04); CIN1, 1.04 (0.96-1.13); CIN2+ no surgery, 1.00 (0.82-1.22); and CIN2+ with surgery 0.99 (0.89-1.10). The FRs (95% CI) for a recent diagnosis (<2 years) of CIN were 0.98 (0.86-1.11) for other cervical lesions; 1.13 (0.99-1.29) for CIN1; 0.89 (0.62-1.26) for CIN2+ no surgery and 0.91 (0.75-1.10) for CIN2+ with surgery compared with the no lesion group.
    CONCLUSIONS: In the analyses, we adjusted for several covariates related to the women. However, we had little information on the male partners which could lead to unmeasured confounding as fecundability is a couple-based measure of fertility. Furthermore, a CIN diagnosis may not be constant as it may regress or progress spontaneously; therefore, it is possible that we have misclassified some women, especially women categorized as having normal cells or CIN1.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results contribute important knowledge to women who are concerned about their future fertility after receiving a CIN diagnosis.
    BACKGROUND: This study was funded by The Danish Cancer Society (R167-A11036-17-S2). The overall cohorts were funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01-HD086742 and R03-HD094117). The authors report no competing interests.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In October 2020, rapid prenatal exome sequencing (pES) was introduced into routine National Health Service (NHS) care in England, requiring the coordination of care from specialist genetics, fetal medicine (FM) and laboratory services. This mixed methods study explored the experiences of professionals involved in delivering the pES service during the first 2 years of its delivery in the NHS.
    UNASSIGNED: A survey (n = 159) and semi-structured interviews (n = 63) with healthcare professionals, including clinical geneticists, FM specialists, and clinical scientists (interviews only) were used to address: 1) Views on the pES service; 2) Capacity and resources involved in offering pES; 3) Awareness, knowledge, and educational needs; and 4) Ambitions and goals for the future.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, professionals were positive about the pES service with 77% rating it as Good or Excellent. A number of benefits were reported, including the increased opportunity for receiving actionable results for parental decision-making, improving equity of access to genomic tests and fostering close relationships between FM and genetics departments. Nonetheless, there was evidence that the shift to offering pES in a clinical setting had brought some challenges, such as additional clinic time, administrative processes, perceived lack of autonomy in decision-making regarding pES eligibility and difficulty engaging with peripheral maternity units. Concerns were also raised about the lack of confidence and gaps in genomics knowledge amongst non-genetics professionals - especially midwives. However, the findings also highlighted value in both FM, obstetric and genetics professionals benefiting from further training with a focus on recognising and managing prenatally diagnosed genetic conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: Healthcare professionals are enthusiastic about the benefits of pES, and through multi-collaborative working, have developed relationships that have contributed to effective communication across specialisms. Although limitations on resources and variation in knowledge about pES have impacted service delivery, professionals were hopeful that improvements to infrastructure and the upskilling of all professionals involved in the pathway would optimise the benefits of pES for both parents and professionals.





