• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to examine the epidemiological characteristics of imported infections and assess the effectiveness of border health screening in detecting imported diseases.
    METHODS: We obtained infection data for 2016 to 2019 from the Fuzhou Changle International Airport Infection Reporting System. The demographic, temporal, and spatial characteristics of travel-related infections were analyzed using r×c contingency tables, the Cochran-Armitage trend test, and seasonal-trend decomposition using LOESS (STL). Detection rates were used as a proxy for the effectiveness of border health-screening measures.
    RESULTS: Overall, 559 travel-related infections were identified during the study period, with 94.3% being imported infections. Airport health screening demonstrated an overall effectiveness of 23.7% in identifying travel-associated infections. Imported infections were predominantly identified in males, with 55.8% of cases occurring in individuals aged 20-49. The peak periods of infection importation were from January to February and from May to August. The infectious diseases identified were imported from 25 different countries and regions. All dengue fever cases were imported from Southeast Asia. Most notifiable infections (76.0%) were identified through fever screening at the airport.
    CONCLUSIONS: The increasing number of imported infections poses a growing challenge for public health systems. Multifaceted efforts including surveillance, vaccination, international collaboration, and public awareness are required to mitigate the importation and spread of infectious diseases from overseas sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Crystalglobulinemia is a rare syndrome characterized by intravascular crystallization of monoclonal immunoglobulins (MIgs). Data on kidney involvement are limited to case reports. This series characterizes the clinicopathologic spectrum of crystalglobulin-induced nephropathy (CIN).
    METHODS: Case series.
    METHODS: Nineteen CIN cases were identified from the nephropathology archives of Mayo Clinic and Columbia University. CIN was defined by intravascular (extracellular) MIg crystals visible by light (LM) and electron microscopy (EM).
    RESULTS: Among the cases, 68% were male and 65% were Caucasian (median age 56 years). Most patients presented with severe AKI (median creatinine 3.5 mg/dL), hematuria, and mild proteinuria (median 1.1 g). Common extrarenal manifestations were constitutional (67%), cutaneous (56%), and rheumatologic (50%). Fifty percent of cases had hypocomplementemia. The hematologic disorders were monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS) (72%), lymphoma (17%), or myeloma (11%), with 65% of these disorders discovered concomitantly with CIN. All patients had MIg identified on SPEP/SIF (IgGκ in 65%). The sFLC ratio was outside the renal range in 40%, and bone marrow biopsy detected the responsible clone in 67%. On LM, crystals involved glomeruli (100%) and vessels (47%), often with an inflammatory reaction (89%) and fibrin (58%). All cases exhibited crystal substructures (mostly paracrystalline) by EM. Immunofluorescence (IF) on paraffin embedded tissue was more sensitive than frozen tissue (92% versus 47%) for demonstrating the crystal composition (IgGκ in 63%). Follow up (median 20 months) was available in 16 patients. Eighty-one percent received steroids, 44% plasmapheresis, 38% hemodialysis, and 69% chemotherapy. Ninety-percent of patients who received clone-directed therapy achieved kidney recovery vs. 20% of those who did not (p=0.017).
    CONCLUSIONS: Retrospective design, small sample size.
    CONCLUSIONS: CIN is a rare cause of nephropathy associated with lymphoplasmacytic disorders (mostly MGRS) and typically presents with severe AKI and extrarenal manifestations. Diagnosis often requires IF performed on paraffin embedded kidney tissue. Prompt initiation of clone-directed therapy, coupled with corticosteroids and plasmapheresis, may lead to recovery of kidney function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The concomitant occurrence of membranous nephropathy and anti-glomerular basement (anti-GBM) disease has been previously described but is extremely rare. However, delayed recognition or misdiagnosis leads to delayed treatment, resulting in worse renal and patient outcomes.
    METHODS: We present 3 patients with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN), anti-GBM and serum-positive M-type phospholipase A2 receptor (anti-PLA2R) antibody. Renal biopsies revealed PLA2R-associated membranous nephropathy with anti-GBM glomerulonephritis. We analyzed the clinical and pathological characteristics and discussed that the correct diagnosis of membranous nephropathy with anti-GBM should rely on a combination of renal biopsy findings and serological testing. Despite aggressive treatment, one patient received maintenance hemodialysis, one patient progressed to CKD 3 stage, and the other patient died of cerebral infarction.
    CONCLUSIONS: The simultaneous occurrence of membranous nephropathy and anti-GBM disease is extremely rare. The correct diagnosis of membranous nephropathy with anti-GBM relies on a combination of renal biopsy findings and serological testing. Early diagnosis is needed to improve the renal dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to thoroughly evaluate the clinical features and surgical options for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) in postmenopausal women. A total of 308 patients diagnosed with HSIL through colposcopic cervical biopsy and endocervical curettage were included. Their clinical characteristics, surgical treatments, and postoperative pathology were analyzed. Key findings include: 1. Patients with positive preoperative thinprep cytologic test (TCT) results and postoperative pathology indicating HSIL or squamous cell carcinoma (≥HSIL) were significantly more frequent than those with negative preoperative TCT results (P < .05). 2. Univariate analysis indicated significant impacts of TCT, human papillomavirus (HPV) type, transformation zone (TZ) location, and surgical technique on postoperative pathology (P < .05). 3. Logistic regression analysis confirmed significant influences of TCT, HPV type, TZ location, and surgical method on postoperative pathology outcomes (P < .05), showing that each unit increase in TZ raised the probability of ≥HSIL in postoperative pathology by 49.7%. In surgical comparisons, cold knife conization (CKC) and extrafascial hysterectomy resulted in 8.379 and 4.427 times higher probabilities of ≥HSIL in postoperative pathology, respectively, compared to loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). 4. Surgical methods significantly influenced margin results (P < .05). After LEEP, 17.5% of cases had positive margins, compared to 9.4% after CKC, and 3.7% after extrafascial hysterectomy, indicating the highest rate of positive surgical margins occurred with LEEP. 1. Combined TCT and HPV screening is crucial for cervical cancer prevention, early detection, and management in postmenopausal women. Women with positive results for both TCT and HPV should undergo colposcopic cervical biopsy and endocervical curettage. 2. For patients with TZ3, CKC is the recommended surgical option. 3. CKC is the preferred treatment for postmenopausal women with HSIL, as it effectively diagnoses and treats the lesion, showing superior outcomes in managing postmenopausal HSIL.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Panniculitis is an inflammation that occurs in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Panniculitis includes physical panniculitis (e.g., traumatic) and infectious panniculitis (e.g., bacterial, fungal, subcutaneous panniculitis-like T cell lymphoma [SPCTL], etc.). Accurate diagnosis is crucial due to similar clinical presentation of all types of panniculitis. Here, we report a case of SPCTL which was initially diagnosed with traumatic panniculitis. A 15-year-old male patient was admitted to a previous hospital due to a progressively enlarged right flank and inguinal mass after an abdominal bruise. He was initially diagnosed with traumatic panniculitis, but the mass expanded throughout the chest and abdomen accompanied by a fever of over 11 months. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a subcutaneous mass in the anterior chest and abdominal wall. Fludeoxyglucose F18 (FDG) uptake was observed at those lesions using FDG-positron emission tomography (PET). A biopsy of the mass lesion was performed, during which SPCTL was diagnosed based on pathological examination. He was initially treated with prednisolone and cyclosporine A for two weeks. His fever went down, but subcutaneous mass in the chest and abdominal wall persisted. Therefore, he received a cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP) regimen. After 6 courses of CHOP, CT revealed no disease evidence. He remained in complete remission at 30 months of therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at investigating the relationship between occupational exposure to external ionising radiation and central nervous system (CNS) tumours mortality in healthcare workers working in France.
    METHODS: The Occupational Radiation-Induced Cancer in Medical staff (ORICAMs) nested case-control study was conducted based on the dosimetric records of the national register of occupational dosimetry (Système d\'information de la surveillance de l\'exposition aux rayonnements ionisants).
    METHODS: 33 CNS tumour deaths occurred between 2002 and 2012 among the ORICAMs cohort composed of 164 015 healthcare workers. Each case was matched to five controls alive at the time of the corresponding case\'s death, based on sex, year of birth, date of enrolment in the cohort and duration of follow-up. All participants were badge monitored for external radiation exposure, expressed in Hp(10). Conditional logistic regression was used to analyse the dose-response relationship between radiation dose and CNS mortality.
    RESULTS: Cases were exposed to a mean cumulative career radiation dose of 5.8±13.7 (max: 54.3) millisievert (mSv) compared with 4.1±15.2 (142.2) mSv for controls. No statistically significant association was found between CNS tumour mortality and cumulative whole-body career dose (OR=1.00, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.03), duration of exposure (OR=1.03; 95% CI 0.95 to 1.12) or age at first exposure (OR=0.98; 95% CI 0.91 to 1.06).
    CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence of an association between external radiation exposure and CNS tumour risk in healthcare workers. Limitations of the study include low statistical power and short duration of follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chemical composition of foods is complex, variable, and dependent on many factors. This has a major impact on nutrition research as it foundationally affects our ability to adequately assess the actual intake of nutrients and other compounds. In spite of this, accurate data on nutrient intake are key for investigating the associations and causal relationships between intake, health, and disease risk at the service of developing evidence-based dietary guidance that enables improvements in population health. Here, we exemplify the importance of this challenge by investigating the impact of food content variability on nutrition research using three bioactives as model: flavan-3-ols, (-)-epicatechin, and nitrate. Our results show that common approaches aimed at addressing the high compositional variability of even the same foods impede the accurate assessment of nutrient intake generally. This suggests that the results of many nutrition studies using food composition data are potentially unreliable and carry greater limitations than commonly appreciated, consequently resulting in dietary recommendations with significant limitations and unreliable impact on public health. Thus, current challenges related to nutrient intake assessments need to be addressed and mitigated by the development of improved dietary assessment methods involving the use of nutritional biomarkers.
    Studies about the health benefits of foods or nutrients are often inconsistent. One study may find a health benefit of a particular food and may recommend that people increase their consumption of this food to reduce their disease risk. Yet another study may find the opposite. Inconsistent study results fuel confusion and frustration, and reduce trust in research. Limitations in the studies’ designs are likely to be blamed for the inconsistent findings. For example, many studies rely on participants to self-report their food intake and on databases of the nutritional content of food. But people may not accurately report their food intake. Foods vary in their nutritional content, even between two items of the same food such as two apples. And how individuals metabolize foods can further affect the nutrients they receive. Nutritional biomarkers are a potential alternative to measuring dietary intake of specific nutrients. Biomarkers are compounds the body produces when it metabolizes a specific nutrient. Measuring biomarkers therefore give scientists a more accurate and unbiased assessment of nutrient intake. Ottaviani et al. conducted a study to test the differences when estimating nutrient intake using nutritional biomarkers compared with more conventional tools. They analyzed data from a nutrition study that involved over 18,000 participants. The experiments used computer modelling to assess study results using self-reported food intake in combination with food composition database information, or measures of three biomarkers estimating the intake of flavan-3-ols, epicatechin, and nitrates. The models showed that self-reported intake and food database information often led to inaccurate results that did not align well with biomarker measurements. Measuring nutritional biomarkers provides a more accurate and unbiased assessment of nutritional intake. Using these measurements instead of traditional methods for measuring nutrient intake may help increase the reliability of nutrition research. Scientists must work to identify and confirm biomarkers of nutrients to facilitate this work. Using these more precise nutrient measurements in studies may result in more consistent results. It may also lead to more trustworthy recommendations for consumers.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Hiccups are among the rare complications of COVID-19 infections. There are several published reports of persistent hiccups presenting during the acute COVID-19 period. However, there are very few published reports of persistent hiccups occurring in the post-acute COVID-19 period. Consequently, most clinicians may not be aware of this rare presentation. This case highlights an atypical presentation of persistent hiccups that manifested during the post-acute COVID -19 period that clinicians need to be aware of. The caseadds to the ever increasing body of knowledge about symptoms and signs associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus type 2 (SARS CoV-2) infection.
    METHODS: A 27 year old male black Zambian patient presented to the emergency department of our hospital with persistent hiccup, 35 days after the initial acute episode of COVID-19. This was associated with breathlessness. There were no other symptoms. He had no history of pulmonary, gastrointestinal, neurological disease or malignancy. He did not take any alcohol or smoke. He had never used any recreational drugs. He was employed as a monitoring and evaluation officer at one of the main COVID centres in the capital. On examination, the patient was anxious. Blood pressure was 141/82, pulse rate was 95 beats per minute, respiratory rate was 26 breaths per minute, temperature was 36.8C and oxygen saturation was 97% on room air. Systemic examination was normal. Chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasonography were normal. A rapid COVID-19 antigen test, and COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test that were done the following day were negative. All other haematological and biochemical tests, including D-dimer and C-reactive protein (CRP), were also normal. A diagnosis of post-acute COVID-19 associated hiccups was made. The patient responded well to treatment with chlorpromazine 25 mg 8 hourly. The hiccups disappeared completely after the fourth dose of chlorpromazine.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is one of the few published cases of COVID-19 associated persistent hiccups, occurring more than a month after the initial presentation. Most of the published cases report hiccups occurring in the acute COVID-19 period. Consequently, hiccups occurring in the post-acute COVID-19 period may not be attributable to COVID-19. This case has highlighted the need to consider post-acute COVID-19 in the differential diagnosis of persistent hiccup.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma(KHE) without Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon is a rare tumor primarily observed in pediatric patients; however, its documentation in the literature remains limited. We reported about a 1-year-old boy diagnosed with superficial KHE who received oral propranolol in combination with topical sirolimus and reviewed relevant reports and treatment of superficial KHE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Conflicting data exist around oral contraceptive exposure and subsequent multiple sclerosis (MS).
    UNASSIGNED: To use routinely collected primary healthcare data to explore the potential association between oral contraceptive exposure and subsequent MS in females at population level.
    UNASSIGNED: We performed a nested case-control study using electronic primary care data, with complete electronic ascertainment from 1990. Logistic regression was used to evaluate associations between contraceptive exposure and MS, without and with adjusting for age, ethnicity and deprivation.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 4455 females were included: 891 cases and 3564 controls. No association was seen between oral contraceptive exposure and subsequent MS, or between any contraceptive, combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) or progesterone-only pill (POP) use 0-2, 2-5 or >5 years prior to MS. Conclusions: In the largest population-based study to date, we find no evidence of an association between oral contraceptive exposure and subsequent MS diagnosis.





