zygotic embryos

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) crops are continuously exposed to biotic and abiotic stresses, which can cause genetic and epigenetic alterations. To determine the possible effects of grapevine cryopreservation on the regulation of DNA demethylase genes, this work studied the expression of DNA demethylase genes in cryopreserved and post-cryopreserved grapevine tissues. V. vinifera DNA demethylases were characterized by in silico analysis, and gene expression quantification was conducted by RT‒qPCR. Three DNA demethylase sequences were found: VIT_13s0074g00450 (VvDMT), VIT_08s0007g03920 (VvROS1), and VIT_06s0061g01270 (VvDML3). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the sequences from V. vinifera and A. thaliana had a common ancestry. In the promoters of responsive elements to transcription factors such as AP-2, Myb, bZIP, TBP, and GATA, the conserved domains RRM DME and Perm CXXC were detected. These responsive elements play roles in the response to abiotic stress and the regulation of cell growth. These data helped us characterize the V. vinifera DNA demethylase genes. Gene expression analysis indicated that plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2) treatment does not alter the expression of DNA demethylase genes. The expression levels of VvDMT and VvROS1 increased in response to cryopreservation by vitrification. Furthermore, in post-cryopreservation, VvROS1 was highly induced, and VvDML3 was repressed in all the treatment groups. Gene expression differences between different treatments and tissues may play roles in controlling methylation patterns during gene regulation in tissues stressed by cryopreservation procedures and in the post-cryopreservation period during plant growth and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The combined approaches between ex situ and in situ conservation are of great importance for threatened species in urgent need of protection. This study aims to develop concrete actions to preserve the relic of 30 adult trees of the Sicilian fir (Abies nebrodensis) from extinction using long-term germplasm conservation in liquid nitrogen (LN, -196 °C). Pollen grains were collected, and their moisture content (MC) was measured. Then, viability (2,3,5-tryphenyl tetrazolium chloride, TTC), in vitro germinability, and enzymatic antioxidant activity (ascorbate peroxidase, APX; catalase, CAT) were evaluated before and after cryopreservation. Seeds collected from mature cones underwent X-ray analysis, and only full seeds were used to excise the zygotic embryos (ZEs) for cryopreservation. The MC percentage of ZEs was determined, and then they were plunged in LN with (+PVS2) or without (-PVS2) Plant Vitrification Solution 2; untreated ZEs were used as a control. Viability (TTC test) and in vitro germination were assessed for all ZEs (+PVS2, -PVS2, and control). Embryogenic callus (EC) lines obtained from mature ZEs were cryopreserved applying the \'encapsulation-dehydration\' technique. This study has allowed, after optimizing cryopreservation protocols for pollen, ZEs, and EC of A. nebrodensis, to establish the first cryobank of this endangered species in Polizzi Generosa (Palermo, Italy), inside the \'Madonie Regional Park\'. The strategy developed for Sicilian fir conservation will pave the way for similar initiatives for other critically endangered conifer species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmodesmata (PD) are membraneous channels that span cell walls of adjacent cells to establish the symplasm. These connections are unique to plants and enable the cell-to-cell exchange of information via the symplasm. However, not every plant cell is connected to its neighbor. Absence of PD and lack of communication (symplasmic isolation) are important regulators of cell differentiation. To determine cell-to-cell symplasmic connectivity, the distribution of fluorescent tracers can be analyzed. Here, we describe in detail the entire procedure for conducting such analysis using fluorescence and confocal microscopy to study molecular fluxes in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments. Studies using fluorochromes and fluorescent-labeled dextrans successfully inform the degree of symplasmic connectivity between cells in zygotic and somatic embryos. Small molecules, such as water and ions, travel through PD but also transcription factors and different types of RNA. Studies of symplasmic communication are important to determine the spatio-temporal correlation between cell differentiation and the exchange of information between cells. This information is necessary to determine the role of symplasmic communication during embryogenesis, which is a very important stage in plant development and morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several olive cultivars, characterized by high-quality olive oil show agronomical issues such as excessive vigor, high susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses, and low propagation ability. They are strong candidates for breeding based on new technologies to improve their performance in a short period of time. For this reason, the first step is developing efficient somatic embryogenesis (SE) protocols. Somatic embryogenesis in olive is highly genotype-dependent for both adult tissues and mature embryos as initial explants, requiring the development of specific protocols for each genotype. Trials using cotyledons and radicles as initial explants, isolated from ripe seeds from the Portuguese olive cv. \'Galega vulgar\', gave more than 95% calli development. Radicles proved to be the most responsive tissue for SE induction, with an average of 2 embryos per callus after callus transfer to expression medium, and 14 embryos per callus after subculture on the olive cyclic embryogenesis medium (ECO). Embryogenic competence could be recovered after several subcultures on ECO medium that maintained cyclic embryogenesis for an indeterminate period of time. Embryo conversion and plant acclimatization were also attained with high success rates. Media management for cyclic embryogenesis maintenance is of general importance for SE protocols in any olive genotype. Somatic embryogenesis was thus attained for the first time in embryo-derived explants of cv. \'Galega vulgar\'.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Embryogenic calli were initiated from embryonic explants of Pinus roxburghii using female gametophytes containing immature pre-cotyledonary embryos. Zygotic embryos were collected at different developmental stages and cultured on various media. Initiation of embryogenic calli was achieved in pre-cotyledonary zygotic embryos of a 0.1-mm to 1.2-mm embryonal head on Douglus fir cotyledon revised medium (DCR) medium supplemented with 2,4-D or NAA and BA. Embryogenic callus development was initiated from the suspensor region of immature embryos. The method of immature embryo culture was significant as rapid embryogenic callus development occurred in megagametophytes where the suspensor was stretched onto the medium from the cut micropylar end. Sixty embryogenic lines were established from 2500 explants cultured during one season. A pro-embryo with six to eight meristematic cells and suspensor of six to ten long, vacuolated cells dominated the early phase of the callus development. Cleavage polyembryony occurred in proliferating callus, constituting a method of multiplication of these somatic embryos. Somatic embryos developed to stage-I and stage-II embryos on DCR medium supplemented with 5 μM 2,4-D or 10 μM NAA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteomics has become an important and powerful tool in plant biology research. To establish a proteomic reference map of date palm zygotic embryos (ZE), we separated and identified proteins from zygotic embryos during different developmental and germination phases using one, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Proteins are extracted with trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone-phenol and resolved by gel electrophoresis. Gel images are captured and analyzed by appropriate software and statistical packages. Quantitative or qualitative variable bands or spots are subjected to MS analysis in order to identify them and correlate differences in the protein profiles with the different stages of date palm zygotic embryo development, maturation, and germination.





