women in medicine

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The famous French scientist, Emile Roux, was previously discovered to have been secretly married to an English woman, Rose Anna Shedlock, one of the first women medical school students in Britain and Europe. Emile and Rose most likely met while in medical school in Paris, although for very different reasons, neither graduated. It was previously suggested that Rose left medical school after only a few years, although we present new evidence that that she was still a medical student four years later when she would have been near completion. Regardless, Rose moved back to England prior to taking her qualifying exams, where we found she lived at a girl\'s boarding school where one of her sisters was head mistress. In the following year, Emile travelled to London where he and Rose were married in a quiet civil ceremony. Soon after the wedding, Emile returned to Paris where he began working as an assistant to Louis Pasteur. In a tragic twist of fate, Rose died a year later in Madeira, which we have now noted was within days of when Emile performed his breakthrough experiments that led to the creation of vaccines in the laboratory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gender disparities for female physicians in academic medicine are longstanding. Female pediatric cardiologists experience inequities in scholarship opportunities, promotion, leadership positions, and compensation. Mentorship groups have been successfully implemented in other subspecialities with promising results. We created a peer mentorship group for female pediatric cardiologists in the Northeast and completed a needs assessment survey of eligible participants. Our goal was to better understand the current challenges and identify resources to overcome these barriers. Our objectives were to (1) describe the creation of a novel mentorship program for female pediatric cardiologists and trainees in the Northeast United States, and (2) report the results of a formal needs assessment survey of all eligible participants. All female pediatric cardiology fellows and practicing pediatric and adult congenital heart disease specialists from 15 academic centers in New England were invited to join a free group with virtual meetings. A formal needs assessment survey was provided electronically to all eligible members. The vast majority of respondents agreed that the Women in Pediatric Cardiology (WIPC) group is a valuable networking and mentorship experience (90%) and would recommend this group to a colleague (95%). Members have witnessed or experienced inequities in a broad range of settings. Common challenges experienced by respondents include dependent care demands, lack of mentorship, inadequate research support, and inequitable clinical responsibilities. Resources suggested to overcome these barriers include mentorship, sponsorship, transparency in compensation, and physician coaching. Mentorship groups have the potential to address many challenges faced by women in medicine. The WIPC Northeast program provides a forum for community, collaboration, education, and scholarship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Over the past two and half decades, Canadian medical school students have become majority female, and the medical workforce is therefore increasingly comprised of female physicians. Whether this change, however, has been reflected in the gender balance within medical school faculty positions and leadership has not been well studied in Canada.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study examined the genders of full-time faculty members from the most recently available AFMC data, the current heads of departments of medicine and surgery from department websites and confirmed with respective universities.
    RESULTS: Overall, women held 40.5% of full-time faculty positions in Canadian faculties of medicine. Female representation decreased with increasing academic rank, from 57.8% of instructors to 50.8% of assistant, 39.2% of associate, and 28.1% of full professors, respectively, with the greatest rate of increase over the past decade among full professors (0.75% per year). The heads of departments of family medicine were majority female (67%), and heads internal medicine at parity (50% female), consistent with numbers of practicing physicians. However, the heads of surgical divisions were majority male (86% overall). Accounting for the gender balance of practicing surgeons, male compared to female surgeons were 2.9 times as likely to be division head (95% CI 1.78-4.85, p < 0.0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Women remain underrepresented in Canadian faculties of medicine in leadership positions. Leadership in departments of surgery has particularly low female representation, even relative to the proportion of practicing female surgeons within the respective discipline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Orthopaedic surgery has the lowest number of full-time faculty positions held by women, at 19%, with endowed chairs among the most coveted and advantageous. We examined the characteristics of endowed professors from the US top 100 orthopaedic academic centers and highest-funded musculoskeletal (MSK) researchers to determine if gender is associated with endowed professorship. Additionally, we sought to determine if gender is associated with increased NIH funding for top-performing musculoskeletal researchers.  Methods Our primary study group included the top 100 orthopaedic academic centers defined by US News World Report and Doximity\'s rankings. Our secondary study group examined the top MSK researchers, defined as principal investigators, who received >$400,000 in annual NIH funding from 2018 to 2021. Orthopaedic departments included MSK researchers and subspecialties within orthopaedics and medicine. Publicly available sources were used to compile institutional, gender, H-index, citation number, and subspecialty data on endowed professors; statistical comparisons were calculated. Results Within the top 100 orthopaedic academic departments, 4674 faculty were identified. Seven hundred and thirty-three (15.68%) were identified as women, 3941 as men (84.32%). One hundred and ninety-four held endowed professorships; 13 were awarded to women (6.7%), and 185 (95.3%) were awarded to men, with a significant odds ratio (OR) of 2.95, favoring men. For MSK researchers, the OR increases to 11.4. Arthroplasty and sports had the highest numbers of endowments. Significant differences in H-index, publications, and graduation year were identified between men and women for top MSK researchers and orthopaedic-trained surgeons; however, these differences disappeared when considering heterogenous orthopaedic departments that included medicine subspecialties, plastic surgery, hand surgery, and neurosurgery. Additional gender differences were observed in endowment names, with awards commemorating 51.5% men, 7.2% women, and 34% families or groups. Conclusion Gender inequities at the endowment level are substantial, and there are very few women in musculoskeletal medicine to achieve endowments. Differences in H-index, publications, and graduation year between men and women MSK researchers and orthopaedic-trained surgeons, but not combined orthopaedic, PM&R, and medical subspecialty departments, suggest unique challenges in orthopaedic surgery environments and histories that may contribute to endowment disparity. Gender was not found to be associated with funding bias for top-performing musculoskeletal researchers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gender inequity exists across national speakers at American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) conferences. This qualitative study explores potential causes of this disparity by surveying women invited to speak at AHNS between 2007 and 2019 and examining advice, resources, and meaningful actions from \"those who made it.\"
    An internet search for contact information for the 131 female AHNS was performed. An electronic survey was distributed via email. Deidentified qualitative responses were coded by two independent researchers into themes. Themes characterize barriers that female head and neck (HN) surgeons face and describe ways to mitigate the impact of these for the next generation.
    Contact information for 73/131 female AHNS speakers was obtained via internet search. Email responses were received from 22/73 (30%). Of those, respondents specialized in otolaryngology (n = 17), medical oncology (n = 2), palliative care (n = 1), vascular surgery (n = 1), and thoracic surgical oncology (n = 1). All speakers worked in academic settings at varying stages of their career with 81.8% (18/22) of respondents fellowship-trained (primarily HN surgery). Concerns about gender disparity in ENT were grouped into the following themes: (1) recruiting women to ENT, (2) removing barriers to career advancement, (3) diversifying ENT\'s national presence, and (4) improving the broader culture of HN surgery. Respondents emphasized a need for diversifying leadership, early exposure to otolaryngology in medical school, and connecting students with female role models. Outstanding research, involvement at annual meetings, and committee membership were consistently deemed important for establishing a national presence in the field. Implicit bias, \"boys clubs\" culture, and burdensome childcare responsibilities were described as barriers to career advancement.
    While encouraging more women to enter otolaryngology residencies, increasing the number female role models and establishing strong mentoring networks may help to mitigate challenges. Meaningful progress requires the efforts of both male and female allies within the specialty. Simple solutions, such as educating on implicit bias, removing demographics from applications, and eliminating hidden penalties for maternity leave, may help improve diversity and mitigate barriers to career progression for underrepresented groups within ENT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Women in medicine and surgery are a recent phenomenon. The aim of this study was to review the modern history of pioneering women in medicine and surgery in Scotland. Methods: A variety of sources were searched including Google, PubMed, and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh publications to source the material for this paper. Results: Despite over five centuries of Scottish universities offering medical degrees, women have only had the right to study medicine for 150 years. However, the lives of women pioneers who either circumnavigated or surmounted this inequality, namely, \"James Barry\" and Sophia Jex-Blake, are briefly told. Conclusion: Doctors today owe a debt to those who pushed the boundaries, challenged the unfair rules and tackled institutional gender inequality in medicine. Reading about their lives and work is uplifting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite efforts at many institutions, nationally, women still lag behind their male counterparts in leadership, promotion, and seniority. In this paper, we describe the efforts to improve the environment for women faculty at one large academic medical center through the creation of an Association of Professional Women in Medical Sciences. Over the years, the group has helped influence policies that directly affect women faculty, provided high-yield programming on topics related to women\'s success, and created interprofessional networking opportunities for women faculty. We describe the challenges and successes of this group to serve as a model and inspiration for other institutions.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    In examining the influence of National Institute of Health (NIH) funding on gender distribution within dermatology leadership roles, a cross-sectional analysis of Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited dermatology residencies was conducted. The gender of leadership faculty was verified using online resources, while institutions were categorized by their 2022 NIH dermatology funding status. Results revealed that male dermatologists predominantly occupied department chair roles, whereas female dermatologists were more frequently found in associate program director roles, regardless of funding status. Notably, women held most program director positions in the top NIH-funded group, though this difference was not statistically significant due to a smaller sample size. The overall gender distribution has shown progress from 2021, with a significant rise in female associate program directors and a narrowing gender gap for chairs and program directors. Despite NIH funding rank playing a minimal role in gender distribution, our study underscores positive strides towards gender equality in dermatology leadership. Further advocacy for gender balance and additional research on underlying factors are essential for continued progress.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Awards provide their recipients with fame and recognition, and subsequently facilitate publications and acquisition of external funding through increased visibility. We hypothesize that despite increasing representation in pathology, women are underrepresented as awardees in the German Society of Pathology and consequently there is an associated imbalance between genders.
    METHODS: Published data from the German Society of Pathology on female awardees during the period from 2000 to 2022 were examined. Only awards specifically dedicated to the field of pathology were considered. In addition, the publicly available data of the German Medical Association on gender and age distribution of pathologists in Germany were considered as reference material.
    RESULTS: A total of six different awards were included in the analysis. Among the 143 awardees across 150 individual awards in the period from 2000 to 2022, 55 (38.4%) of the awardees were female compared to an average percentage of 31% of women working in the field of pathology in the 23-year period under consideration. Consequently, female awardees in pathology were not underrepresented when compared to the national figures on the proportion of women in the field of pathology. However, the distribution of female awardees across individual awards suggests that women were increasingly represented in less prestigious research and doctoral awards, while men made up a large proportion of awardees of honorary awards (0% women) and prestigious awards (17% women).
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Preise verhelfen ihren Empfänger*innen zu Ruhm, Anerkennung und erleichtern in der Folge durch erhöhte Sichtbarkeit anschließende Veröffentlichungen und die Akquise von Drittmitteln. Wir stellen die zu prüfende Hypothese auf, dass Frauen trotz zunehmender Vertretung in der Pathologie als Preisträgerinnen in der Fachgesellschaft unterrepräsentiert sind und folglich ein damit verbundenes Ungleichgewicht zwischen den Geschlechtern besteht.
    METHODS: Ausgewertet wurden veröffentlichte Daten der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie zu Preisträger*innen im Jahreszeitraum von 2000 bis 2022. Betrachtet wurden Preise, die dem Fachgebiet der Pathologie gewidmet sind. Zudem wurden die öffentlich verfügbaren Daten der Bundesärztekammer zu Geschlechter- und Altersverteilung von Pathologinnen und Pathologen in Deutschland als Referenzmaterial betrachtet.
    UNASSIGNED: Es wurden insgesamt 6 verschiedene Preise in der Analyse berücksichtigt. Unter den 143 Preisträger*innen bei insgesamt 150 Einzelpreisvergaben im Zeitraum 2000 bis 2022 waren 55 der Preisträger*innen weiblich. Somit waren durchschnittlich 38,4 % der Preisträger*innen weiblich bei einem durchschnittlichen Pathologinnenanteil von 31 % in der deutschen Fachärzteschaft für Pathologie über den betrachteten Zeitraum von 23 Jahren. Dies bedeutet, dass die Preisträgerinnen in der Pathologie, wenn man die nationalen Statistiken zum Frauenanteil unter den Fachärzten in der Pathologie berücksichtigt, nicht unterrepräsentiert waren. Betrachtet man allerdings die Verteilung von Preisträgerinnen in den einzelnen Preiskategorien bzw. Preisen, dann konnte beobachtet werden, dass Frauen vermehrt bei weniger prestigeträchtigen Forschungs- und Promotionspreisen vertreten waren, Männer hingegen einen großen Anteil der Preisträger*innen von Ehrenpreisen (0 % Frauenanteil) und prestigeträchtigen Preisen ausmachten (17 % Frauenanteil).





