window current

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in SCN4A gene encoding Nav1.4 channel α-subunit, are known to cause neuromuscular disorders such as myotonia or paralysis. Here, we study the effect of two amino acid replacements, K1302Q and G1306E, in the DIII-IV loop of the channel, corresponding to mutations found in patients with myotonia. We combine clinical, electrophysiological, and molecular modeling data to provide a holistic picture of the molecular mechanisms operating in mutant channels and eventually leading to pathology. We analyze the existing clinical data for patients with the K1302Q substitution, which was reported for adults with or without myotonia phenotypes, and report two new unrelated patients with the G1306E substitution, who presented with severe neonatal episodic laryngospasm and childhood-onset myotonia. We provide a functional analysis of the mutant channels by expressing Nav1.4 α-subunit in Xenopus oocytes in combination with β1 subunit and recording sodium currents using two-electrode voltage clamp. The K1302Q variant exhibits abnormal voltage dependence of steady-state fast inactivation, being the likely cause of pathology. K1302Q does not lead to decelerated fast inactivation, unlike several other myotonic mutations such as G1306E. For both mutants, we observe increased window currents corresponding to a larger population of channels available for activation. To elaborate the structural rationale for our experimental data, we explore the contacts involving K/Q1302 and E1306 in the AlphaFold2 model of wild-type Nav1.4 and Monte Carlo-minimized models of mutant channels. Our data provide the missing evidence to support the classification of K1302Q variant as likely pathogenic and may be used by clinicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We recently reported the identification of a de novo single nucleotide variant in exon 9 of CACNA1C associated with prolonged repolarization interval. Recombinant expression of the glycine to arginine variant at position 419 produced a gain in the function of the L-type CaV1.2 channel with increased peak current density and activation gating but without significant decrease in the inactivation kinetics. We herein reveal that these properties are replicated by overexpressing calmodulin (CaM) with CaV1.2 WT and are reversed by exposure to the CaM antagonist W-13. Phosphomimetic (T79D or S81D), but not phosphoresistant (T79A or S81A), CaM surrogates reproduced the impact of CaM WT on the function of CaV1.2 WT. The increased channel activity of CaV1.2 WT following overexpression of CaM was found to arise in part from enhanced cell surface expression. In contrast, the properties of the variant remained unaffected by any of these treatments. CaV1.2 substituted with the α-helix breaking proline residue were more reluctant to open than CaV1.2 WT but were upregulated by phosphomimetic CaM surrogates. Our results indicate that (1) CaM and its phosphomimetic analogs promote a gain in the function of CaV1.2 and (2) the structural properties of the first intracellular linker of CaV1.2 contribute to its CaM-induced modulation. We conclude that the CACNA1C clinical variant mimics the increased activity associated with the upregulation of CaV1.2 by Ca2+-CaM, thus maintaining a majority of channels in a constitutively active mode that could ultimately promote ventricular arrhythmias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cannabinoids regulate analgesia, which has aroused much interest in identifying new pharmacological therapies in the management of refractory pain. Voltage-gated Na+ channels (Navs) play an important role in inflammatory and neuropathic pain. In particular, Nav1.9 is involved in nociception and the understanding of its pharmacology has lagged behind because it is difficult to express in heterologous systems. Here, we utilized the chimeric channel hNav1.9_C4, that comprises the extracellular and transmembrane domains of hNav1.9, co-expressed with the ß1 subunit on CHO-K1 cells to characterize the electrophysiological effects of ACEA, a synthetic surrogate of the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide. ACEA induced a tonic block, decelerated the fast inactivation, markedly shifted steady-state inactivation in the hyperpolarized direction, decreasing the window current and showed use-dependent block, with a high affinity for the inactivated state (ki = 0.84 µM). Thus, we argue that ACEA possess a local anaesthetic-like profile. To provide a mechanistic understanding of its mode of action at the molecular level, we combined induced fit docking with Monte Carlo simulations and electrostatic complementarity. In agreement with the experimental evidence, our computer simulations revealed that ACEA binds Tyr1599 of the local anaesthetics binding site of the hNav1.9, contacting residues that bind cannabinol (CBD) in the NavMs channel. ACEA adopted a conformation remarkably similar to the crystallographic conformation of anandamide on a non-homologous protein, obstructing the Na+ permeation pathway below the selectivity filter to occupy a highly conserved binding pocket at the intracellular side. These results describe a mechanism of action, possibly involved in cannabinoid analgesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is an adrenal steroid hormone, which has the highest serum concentration among steroid hormones with DHEA sulfate (DHEAS). DHEA possesses an inhibitory action on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), the first pentose-phosphate pathway enzyme that reduces NADP+ to NADPH. DHEA induced relaxation of high K+-induced contraction in rat arterial strips, whereas DHEAS barely induced it. We studied the effects of DHEA on L-type Ca2+ current ( ICa,L) of A7r5 arterial smooth muscle cells and compared the mechanism of inhibition with that produced by the 6-aminonicotinamide (6-AN) competitive inhibitor of G6PD. DHEA moderately inhibited ICa,L that was elicited from a holding potential (HP) of -80 mV [voltage-independent inhibition (VIDI)] and accelerated decay of ICa,L during the depolarization pulse [voltage-dependent inhibition (VDI)]. DHEA-induced VDI decreased peak ICa,L at depolarized HPs. By applying repetitive depolarization pulses from multiple HPs, novel HP-dependent steady-state inactivation curves ( f∞-HP) were constructed. DHEA shifted f∞-HP to the left and inhibited the window current, which was recorded at depolarized HPs and obtained as a product of current-voltage relationship and f∞-HP. The IC50 value of ICa,L inhibition was much higher than serum concentration. DHEA-induced VDI was downregulated by the dialysis of guanosine 5\'- O-(2-thiodiphosphate), which shifted f∞-voltage to the right before the application of DHEA. 6-AN gradually and irreversibly inhibited ICa,L by VIDI, suggesting that the inhibition of G6PD is involved in DHEA-induced VIDI. In 6-AN-pretreated cells, DHEA induced additional inhibition by increasing VIDI and generating VDI. The inhibition of G6PD underlies DHEA-induced VIDI, and DHEA additionally induces VDI as described for Ca2+ channel blockers. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Dehydroepiandrosterone, the most abundantly released adrenal steroid hormone with dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, inhibited L-type Ca2+ current and its window current in aortic smooth muscle cells. The IC50 value of inhibition decreased with the depolarization of holding potential to 15 µM at -20 mV. The inhibition occurred in a voltage-dependent manner as described for Ca2+ channel blockers and in a voltage-independent manner because of the inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory system is remarkably sensitive to airborne odor molecules, but precisely how very low odor concentrations bordering on just a few molecules per olfactory sensory neuron can trigger graded changes in firing is not clear. This report reexamines signaling in olfactory sensory neurons in light of the recent account of NaV1.5 sodium channel-mediated spontaneous firing. Using a model of spontaneous channel activity, the study shows how even submillivolt changes in membrane potential elicited by odor are expected to cause meaningful changes in NaV1.5-dependent firing. The results suggest that the random window currents of NaV1.5 channels may underpin not only spontaneous firing in olfactory sensory neurons but the cellular response to odor as well, thereby ensuring the robustness and sensitivity of signaling that is especially important for low odor concentrations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium influx elevates mitochondrial oxidant stress (mOS) in dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) neurons that are prone to Lewy body pathologies in presymptomatic Parkinson\'s disease (PD) patients. In experimental PD models, treatment with isradipine, the dihydropyridine with the highest affinity to Cav1.3 channels, prevents subthreshold calcium influx via Cav1.3 channels into midbrain dopamine neurons and protects them from mOS. In DMV neurons, isradipine is also effective in reducing mOS despite overwhelming evidence that subthreshold calcium influx is negligible compared with spike-triggered influx. To solve this conundrum we combined slice electrophysiology, two-photon laser scanning microscopy, mRNA profiling, and computational modeling. We find that the unusually depolarized subthreshold voltage trajectory of DMV neurons is positioned between the relatively hyperpolarized activation curve of Cav1.3 channels and that of other high-voltage activated (HVA) calcium channels, thus creating a functional segregation between Cav1.3 and HVA calcium channels. The HVA channels flux the bulk of calcium during spikes but can only influence pacemaking through their coupling to calcium-activated potassium currents. In contrast, Cav1.3 currents, which we show to be more than an order-of-magnitude smaller than the HVA calcium currents, are able to introduce sufficient inward current to speed up firing. However, Kv4 channels that are constitutively open in the subthreshold range guarantee slow pacemaking, despite the depolarizing action of Cav1.3 and other pacemaking currents. We propose that the efficacy of isradipine in preventing mOS in DMV neurons arises from its mixed effect on Cav1.3 channels and on HVA Cav1.2 channels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low-threshold voltage-activated calcium conductances (LT-VACCs) play a substantial role in shaping the electrophysiological attributes of neurites. We have investigated how these conductances affect synaptic integration in a premotor nonspiking (NS) neuron of the leech nervous system. These cells exhibit an extensive neuritic tree, do not fire Na(+)-dependent spikes, but express an LT-VACC that was sensitive to 250 μM Ni(2+) and 100 μM NNC 55-0396 (NNC). NS neurons responded to excitation of mechanosensory pressure neurons with depolarizing responses for which amplitude was a linear function of the presynaptic firing frequency. NNC decreased these synaptic responses and abolished the concomitant widespread Ca(2+) signals. Coherent with the interpretation that the LT-VACC amplified signals at the postsynaptic level, this conductance also amplified the responses of NS neurons to direct injection of sinusoidal current. Synaptic amplification thus is achieved via a positive feedback in which depolarizing signals activate an LT-VACC that, in turn, boosts these signals. The wide distribution of LT-VACC could support the active propagation of depolarizing signals, turning the complex NS neuritic tree into a relatively compact electrical compartment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Timothy syndrome (TS) is a rare multisystem genetic disorder characterized by a myriad of abnormalities, including QT prolongation, syndactyly, and neurologic symptoms. The predominant genetic causes are recurrent de novo missense mutations in exon 8/8A of the CACNA1C-encoded L-type calcium channel; however, some cases remain genetically elusive.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to identify the genetic cause of TS in a patient who did not harbor a CACNA1C mutation in exon 8/A, and was negative for all other plausible genetic substrates.
    METHODS: Diagnostic exome sequencing was used to identify the genetic substrate responsible for our case of TS. The identified mutation was characterized using whole-cell patch-clamp technique, and the results of these analyses were modeled using a modified Luo-Rudy dynamic model to determine the effects on the cardiac action potential.
    RESULTS: Whole exome sequencing revealed a novel CACNA1C mutation, p.Ile1166Thr, in a young male with diagnosed TS. Functional electrophysiologic analysis identified a novel mechanism of TS-mediated disease, with an overall loss of current density and a gain-of-function shift in activation, leading to an increased window current. Modeling studies of this variant predicted prolongation of the action potential as well as the development of spontaneous early afterdepolarizations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Through expanded whole exome sequencing, we identified a novel genetic substrate for TS, p.Ile1166Thr-CACNA1C. Electrophysiologic experiments combined with modeling studies have identified a novel TS mechanism through increased window current. Therefore, expanded genetic testing in cases of TS to the entire CACNA1C coding region, if initial targeted testing is negative, may be warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetrodotoxin-sensitive persistent sodium currents, INaP, that activate at subthreshold voltages, have been detected in numerous vertebrate and invertebrate neurons. These currents are believed to be critical for regulating neuronal excitability. However, the molecular mechanism underlying INaP is controversial. In this study, we identified an INaP with a broad range of voltage dependence, from -60mV to 20mV, in a Drosophila sodium channel variant expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Mutational analysis revealed that two variant-specific amino acid changes, I260T in the S4-S5 linker of domain I (ILS4-S5) and A1731V in the voltage sensor S4 of domain IV (IVS4), contribute to the INaP. I260T is critical for the portion of INaP at hyperpolarized potentials. The T260-mediated INaP is likely the result of window currents flowing in the voltage range where the activation and inactivation curves overlap. A1731V is responsible for impaired inactivation and contributes to the portion of INaP at depolarized potentials. Furthermore, A1731V causes enhanced activity of two site-3 toxins which induce persistent currents by inhibiting the outward movement of IVS4, suggesting that A1731V inhibits the outward movement of IVS4. These results provided molecular evidence for the involvement of distinct mechanisms in the generation of INaP: T260 contributes to INaP via enhancement of the window current, whereas V1731 impairs fast inactivation probably by inhibiting the outward movement of IVS4.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Nicotinic ACh (α4β2)2α4 receptors are highly prone to desensitization by prolonged exposure to low concentrations of agonist. Here, we report on the sensitivity of the three agonist sites of the (α4β2)2α4 to desensitization induced by prolonged exposure to ACh. We present electrophysiological data that show that the agonist sites of the (α4β2)2α4 receptor have different sensitivity to desensitization and that full receptor occupation decreases sensitivity to desensitization.
    METHODS: Two-electrode voltage-clamp electrophysiology was used to study the desensitization of concatenated (α4β2)2α4 receptors expressed heterologously in Xenopus oocytes. Desensitization was assessed by measuring the degree of functional inhibition caused by prolonged exposure to ACh, as measured under equilibrium conditions. We used the single-point mutation α4W182A to measure the contribution of individual agonist sites to desensitization.
    RESULTS: (α4β2)2α4 receptors are less sensitive to activation and desensitization by ACh than (α4β2)2β2 receptors. Incorporation of α4W182A into any of the agonist sites of concatenated (α4β2)2α4 receptors decreased sensitivity to activation and desensitization but the effects were more pronounced when the mutation was introduced into the α4(+)/α4(-) interface.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that the agonist sites in (α4β2)2α4 receptors are not functionally equivalent. The agonist site at the α4(+)/α4(-) interface defines the sensitivity of (α4β2)2α4 receptors to agonist-induced activation and desensitization. Functional differences between (α4β2)2α4 and (α4β2)2β2 receptors might shape the physiological and behavioural responses to nicotinic ligands when the receptors are exposed to nicotinic ligands for prolonged periods of times.





