wild animals

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis are re-emerging zoonosis caused by infection with pathogenic spirochaetes of Leptospira and the protozoa Toxoplasma gondii, respectively. Wild boars (Sus scrofa), an exotic invasive species in Brazil, could play a role in the diseases\' epidemiological cycles, but this issue is still unexplored. This study aimed to evaluate the Leptospira spp. and T. gondii seropositivity in wild boars in Rio Grande do Sul state, south Brazil. Of evaluated animals, 16% (13/80) and 85% (52/61) had antibodies to T. gondii and Leptospira spp., respectively. Sex, weight, age, hunt location and season of hunt were evaluated by their association with seropositivity for both pathogens, but none of them had statistical significance. This study revealed that wild boars should be considered as a potential source of Leptospira spp. and T. gondii dissemination for humans and animal species in shared environments in Rio Grande do Sul state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Francisella tularensis is an intracellular gram-negative bacterium known as the causative agent of tularemia, which can be transmitted to humans by direct contact with wild animals or by tick bites. Although F. tularensis is highly pathogenic, its recent prevalence in Japan is underreported due to the small number of reported cases. To clarify the current situation of F. tularensis in wild animals, we conducted surveillance on various species of wild animals in Yamaguchi prefecture. In this study, we screened 809 samples collected from 90 Japanese black bears, 105 Japanese monkeys, 168 sika deer, 205 wild boars, and 84 bats. For seroprevalence analysis, we tested 177 serum samples from 75 black bears and 102 monkeys using the microagglutination test. The results showed that serums from five black bears exhibited slight agglutination. Western blot was performed as a confirmatory test on these five samples, but no positive signals were detected. Additionally, molecular surveillance was conducted using DNA extracted from 464 whole blood and 168 tissues, targeting the gene encoding 23 KDa hypothetical protein by real-time PCR and outer membrane protein A gene by conventional PCR. No positive samples of F. tularensis were detected by either real-time or conventional PCR. Although we did not detect any F. tularensis-positive samples through serological and molecular analyses, continuous surveillance studies are necessary since sporadic human cases have been reported in Japan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prions cause infectious and fatal neurodegenerative diseases in mammals. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) affects wild and farmed cervids. The increasing number of cases in Europe, the resistance of prions to external conditions, and the persistence period threaten not only wild cervid populations but also the economy. The possible zoonotic potential of CWD is of growing concern. CWD is a relevant issue as far as the idea of \"one health\" is concerned, which is a fundamental principle of European veterinary law. Methods of legal text analysis and interpretation are used for this comparative legal study. Research reveals that countries struggling to tackle CWD employ different normative approaches to the problem and use different control and eradication schemes. The results of this study indicate that it is reasonable to issue uniform regulations in the European Union at the common, rather than national, level. The European legislation should creatively draw on the experience of North American countries that have been struggling with the discussed disease for a long time.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Buruli ulcer is a chronic ulcerative disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissues caused by infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans. Although Australian possums are known to be susceptible to Buruli ulcer, many aspects of the disease in possums, including welfare impacts, remain largely unreported. Severe clinical Buruli ulcer was identified in four common ringtail possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) from Melbourne, Victoria. All four possums were euthanased due to the presence of deep ulcerative lesions on paws, with extensive tissue necrosis that exposed bones and tendons in three cases. Histologically, there was severe ulcerative necrotising pyogranulomatous dermatitis, panniculitis and myositis, with intralesional acid-fast bacteria. M. ulcerans was detected by real-time PCR in all swabs, tissues and faeces collected from all four cases. Buruli ulcer may be an important and under-recognised cause of poor possum welfare in endemic areas. The physical impacts of the severe cutaneous lesions, especially those extending to underlying bones and joints, would have directly impaired the mobility of these possums, affecting navigation of their natural environments and expression of natural behaviours including foraging and socialising. Systemic distribution of M. ulcerans throughout all major internal organs, as observed here, may further impact the health and fitness of infected possums. Faecal shedding of M. ulcerans in all four cases supports the role of possums as zoonotic reservoirs. Further research is needed to investigate the epidemiology, pathogenesis and welfare impacts of Buruli ulcer in possums and to inform the design of interventions that may protect their health and welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heartwater is an economically important disease of livestock and some wild ruminants in Southern Africa. The study used retrospective laboratory data from Lephalale Veterinary Laboratory, Limpopo to establish the prevalence and seasonal occurrence of heartwater in commercial farms of Lephalale Municipality between 2010 and 2022. A total of 472 brain samples from livestock (cattle, goats, sheep) and game carcasses brought to the laboratory for postmortem examination were subjected to heartwater testing using Giemsa staining technique. The overall prevalence of heartwater in Lephalale Municipality was 34.1% (95% CI = 29.9-38.6, p < 0.001). During the years under investigation, there was a significant (p < 0.001) variation, with the highest and lowest prevalence in 2022 (72.2%) and 2019 (6.3%), respectively. The prevalence of heartwater was high in springbok (57.1%), sheep (49.3%), cattle (36.6%) and goats (32.2%). Heartwater was detected throughout the year with autumn having the highest (40.6%) frequency followed by summer (40.3%), spring (30.5%) and winter (25.5%). This study is the first to establish the prevalence and seasonality of heartwater in Lephalale Municipality which will serve as a baseline for prevention and control strategies as well as future epidemiological studies. Official surveillance programmes, more research on the distribution and genotypes of E. ruminantium in the area need to be undertaken for better understanding of the disease in the area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While research on the parasitic fauna of wildlife in Greece is currently limited, conducted studies have provided valuable insights into the prevalence of parasitic infections in wild carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores. This review consolidates the existing data on the endoparasites detected in wild animals in Greece, specifically focusing on those that pose established or potential zoonotic risks. Over the last 60 years, various parasite species such as Leishmania infantum, Cryptosporidium spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis spp., Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum, Capillaria spp., Baylisascaris spp., Trichinella spp., Thelazia callipaeda, Dirofilaria immitis, Echinococcus granulosus, Mesocestoides sp., Taenia spp., Alaria alata, and Dicrocoelium dendriticum have been identified in wildlife in Greece. These findings have become increasingly relevant due to the growing interaction between humans and wild animals, which now extends to urban environments, as well as the increased contact between wild and domestic animals. This is further complicated by the geographical expansion of vector-borne diseases due to global warming and the increased movements of humans and animals. Surveillance and monitoring of parasitic infections in Greek wildlife is warranted, and it should be based on interdisciplinary investigations considering the interconnectedness of human, wild, and domestic animals, as well as environmental health, in line with the One Health approach.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A central challenge in understanding the evolution of cognition is the ability to compare a set of species differing in a trait of interest while being ecologically and phylogenetically close. Here, we examine whether differences in bower-building flexibility are related to differences in cognitive flexibility between two Tanganyikan cichlids. Cognitive flexibility enables animals to modify their decision rules when faced with new situations, and inhibitory control, the ability to inhibit a normally favoured response, is an essential component of this capacity. We tested male Aulonocranus dewindti and Cyathopharynx furcifer in a choice-against-preference paradigm. Both species clean their bowers of foreign objects and we found that both preferred to remove a snail shell over a stone. We tested their ability to modify this preference and learned to preferably select the stone instead of the shell. Although neither species showed clear learning of the new preference rule, both demonstrated inhibitory control through increased decision times and manipulations of the objects when selecting the stone. Specifically, A. dewindti, the species exhibiting greater behavioural flexibility in the construction of their bowers, selected the stone in fewer trials than C. furcifer, providing support for a link between behavioural flexibility in bower construction and cognitive flexibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing frequency of zoonotic spillover events and viral mutations in low and middle-income countries presents a critical global health challenge. Contributing factors encompass cultural practices like bushmeat consumption, wildlife trade for traditional medicine, habitat disruption, and the encroachment of impoverished settlements onto natural habitats. The existing \"vaccine gap\" in many developing countries exacerbates the situation by allowing unchecked viral replication and the emergence of novel mutant viruses. Despite global health policies addressing the root causes of zoonotic disease emergence, there is a significant absence of concrete prevention-oriented initiatives, posing a potential risk to vulnerable populations. This article is targeted at policymakers, public health professionals, researchers, and global health stakeholders, particularly those engaged in zoonotic disease prevention and control in low and middle-income countries. The article underscores the importance of assessing potential zoonotic diseases at the animal-human interface and comprehending historical factors contributing to spillover events. To bridge policy gaps, comprehensive strategies are proposed that include education, collaborations, specialized task forces, environmental sampling, and the establishment of integrated diagnostic laboratories. These strategies advocate simplicity and unity, breaking down barriers, and placing humanity at the forefront of addressing global health challenges. Such a strategic and mental shift is crucial for constructing a more resilient and equitable world in the face of emerging zoonotic threats.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Leishmaniasis in wild canids is a vector-borne disease caused in Europe by the protozoan parasite Leishmania infantum. To date, there is limited information on clinical signs and laboratory abnormalities in wolves due to leishmaniasis. The current clinical case report described a female Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) housed in semi-captivity conditions at the Centro del Lobo Ibérico \"Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente\", in Robledo de Sanabria, Zamora (Spain), with an interdigital ulcerous wound at the right forepaw, hyper-gammaglobulinemia, and abnormal liver blood parameters. Definitive serodiagnosis of leishmaniasis was established using antileishmanial serum antibodies and PCR analysis of different biological samples. A gold-standard anti-L. infantum treatment protocol consisting in subcutaneous meglumine antimoniate and oral allopurinol combination was installed. However, the presence of pain at the site of injection due to meglumine antimoniate administration forced its substitution by oral miltefosine. A progressive reduction of the levels of anti-L. infantum serum antibodies and the concentrations of gamma-globulin fraction was detected after antileishmanial treatment as well as a decline of liver GPT. To our knowledge, this is the first case of leishmaniasis diagnosed in a wolf housed in semi-captivity conditions, with the condition subsequently treated and successfully cured.





