whooping cough

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pertussis has reemerged globally, with rising incidence in China. Controlling this disease remains a significant public health challenge worldwide. This study applies bibliometric methods to analyze global and Chinese research on pertussis, assessing current trends, identifying hot topics, predicting future research directions, and providing guidance for scientific research and clinical practice. Pertussis-related articles from 2000 to 2023 were retrieved from four major Chinese databases and three English databases. COOC and CiteSpace software were used to analyze publication trends, geographic distribution, institutions, disciplines, and keywords, to visualize through network maps. The study analyzed 2,580 Chinese and 5,311 foreign articles and reviews. Pertussis research publications have increased globally, with foreign research peaking earlier than in China. The United States leads in publication volume, while China showed the highest burst of activity from 2019 to 2023. Research mainly focuses on animal experiments, vaccine development and safety, clinical characteristics and treatment, and pertussis toxin. Pertussis research is thriving globally and in China. Future research should emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration across molecular biology, immunology, and epidemiology to innovate vaccines and control strategies. Additionally, continued development of treatment drugs remains crucial as current vaccines do not fully control pertussis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates are particularly vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs). These VPDs are associated with high morbidity and mortality among expectant mothers and their fetuses and neonates. Vaccination during pregnancy can protect the expectant mother from VPDs to which she may be especially vulnerable while pregnant. In addition, the passive transfer of maternal neutralizing immunoglobulin G (IgG) and secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) also protects the fetus against congenital infections and may further protect the neonate from infection during the first few months of life. Despite this, coverage of recommended maternal vaccines remains suboptimal globally, especially in resource-constrained settings. Determinants of vaccine acceptance and uptake are frequently understudied in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and among specific groups such as pregnant and postpartum women. This proposed systematic review will assess the acceptance and uptake of vaccines against tetanus, influenza, pertussis, and COVID-19 among pregnant and postpartum women in LMICs.
    METHODS: A Boolean search strategy employing common and medical subject heading (MeSH) terms for tetanus, influenza, pertussis, and COVID-19 vaccines, as well as vaccine acceptance, hesitancy, together with uptake, pregnancy, and postpartum, will be used to search electronic databases for relevant literature published between 2009 and 2024. Only studies conducted in LMICs that investigated determinants of acceptance, hesitancy, and uptake of tetanus, influenza, pertussis, and COVID-19 vaccines among pregnant and postpartum women will be eligible for inclusion in the review. The quality and the risk of bias of all eligible full-text articles will be assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute\'s (JBI) critical appraisal tools.
    CONCLUSIONS: This protocol proposes a systematic review and meta-analysis that aims to assess the uptake of maternal vaccines and to systematically appraise and quantify determinants of the acceptance and uptake of recommended vaccines during pregnancy and postpartum in LMICs. A better understanding of these factors and how they influence maternal vaccine decision-making will enable public health practitioners as well as global and national policymakers to design more effective interventions as we look towards expanding the scope and reach of maternal immunization programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals (HCPs) play a significant role in the decision-making process of pregnant women on maternal vaccinations. Whereas a high proportion of HCPs discuss maternal vaccinations with pregnant women, confidence in discussing maternal vaccinations is lacking and HCPs experience inadequate training to discuss maternal vaccinations with pregnant women. Furthermore, different practical barriers might influence the consultation process, such as lack of time. More studies on the barriers, as well as facilitators, to discussing maternal vaccinations is needed and will help us to better understand and support HCPs in discussing maternal vaccinations.
    METHODS: This qualitative study involved semi-structured interviews with fourteen HCPs working as midwives or gynaecologists in the Netherlands. An integrated theoretical approach was used to inform data collection and analysis. Thematic analysis was conducted using inductive and deductive approaches. This study followed the COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research (COREQ) guidelines.
    RESULTS: The thematic analysis of the data pointed to the following five themes of HCP counselling: the consultation process, attitude, perceived norm, perceived control and improvement ideas. Most HCPs follow a similar approach in maternal pertussis vaccination consultations, beginning by assessing clients\' understanding, providing basic information, and addressing questions. However, consultation timing and prioritization vary among HCPs. Challenges in consultations include client requests for clear advice, with HCPs trained to remain neutral, emphasizing client autonomy in decision-making. Most HCPs acknowledge the importance of their consultations in informing pregnant women about maternal pertussis vaccination.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study offers a confirmation of the awareness of the pivotal role of HCPs in informing pregnant women about the maternal pertussis vaccination. HCPs stress the importance of neutral counselling, enabling pregnant women to make well-informed decisions independently. Because of upcoming vaccine hesitancy nowadays, HCPs must be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to navigate difficult conversations. Continuous education and training might help to increase HCPs\' confidence in handling difficult consultations. Additionally, making the information materials for pregnant women available in multiple languages and incorporating more visuals to enhance comprehension could support HCPs in reaching a broader group of pregnant women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pertussis vaccination is recommended during pregnancy to protect the baby. Pertussis vaccination was initially free to pregnant people through general practice and hospitals in New Zealand, but uptake was suboptimal. In one district funding of maternal pertussis vaccination was widened to community pharmacies in 2016. Eighteen months later promotion to pharmacies, midwives and pregnant people took place. In 2020 and 2021, COVID-19 lockdowns occurred.
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the effects of promotion and COVID-19 lockdowns on uptake of funded maternal pertussis vaccination in pharmacy, and awareness, use and opinions of promotional elements.
    METHODS: Five years of pharmacy claims data were analysed and 12 pharmacists, 18 people eligible/recently eligible for maternal pertussis vaccination and 11 midwives were interviewed.
    RESULTS: Provision of maternal pertussis vaccination increased during and after promotion. Qualitative data showed that pharmacists valued phone calls with information about maternal pertussis vaccination and recommendations for increasing uptake. Prompted by these calls, some pharmacists contacted midwives to inform them of funded maternal pertussis vaccination in the pharmacy (which midwives appreciated) and recommended pertussis vaccination to pregnant clients. Pharmacy staff reportedly were motivated to recommend this vaccination by being informed about it and having posters displayed in the pharmacy. Pregnant people valued healthcare professionals\' conversations about maternal pertussis vaccination, but appeared to be uninfluenced by posters and promotional social media posts about this vaccination. During COVID-19, maternal pertussis uptake in pharmacies increased 31% March to May 2020 (before and during the first COVID-19 lockdown) versus the same time the previous year, then declined.
    CONCLUSIONS: Promotion appeared to have a sustained effect on uptake of maternal pertussis vaccination in pharmacies. Pregnant people were most influenced by discussions with healthcare professionals. Pharmacists and pharmacy staff increased proactivity with maternal vaccinations after promotion to them. Promotion may need to be repeated over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is still very difficult to diagnose pertussis based on a doctor\'s experience. Our aim is to develop a model based on machine learning algorithms combined with biochemical blood tests to diagnose pertussis. A total of 295 patients with pertussis and 295 patients with non-pertussis lower respiratory infections between January 2022 and January 2023, matched for age and gender ratio, were included in our study. Patients underwent a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test for pertussis and other viruses. Univariate logistic regression analysis was used to screen for clinical and blood biochemical features associated with pertussis. The optimal features and 3 machine learning algorithms including K-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) were used to develop diagnostic models. Using univariate logistic regression analysis, 18 out of the 27 features were considered optimal features associated with pertussis The XGBoost model was significantly superior to both the support vector machine model (Delong test, P = .01) and the K-nearest neighbor model (Delong test, P = .01), with the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.96 and an accuracy of 0.923. Our diagnostic model based on blood biochemical test results at admission and XGBoost algorithm can help doctors effectively diagnose pertussis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Európa-szerte a szamárköhögés robbanásszerű emelkedését figyelhetjük meg. Az idei év első 3 hónapjában már több igazolt esetet regisztráltak, mint a tavalyi évben összesen. Magyarországon a pertussis epidemiológiai helyzete a közelmúltban igen kedvezően alakult, 2019 és 2023 között a bejelentett esetszámok mediánja 2 fő volt. A növekvő incidenciát azonban hazánkban is észleljük: 2024. július 14-ig 153 jelentett pertussismegbetegedésről számolhatunk be. A fenyegető közösségi terjedés megfékezése megváltozott prevenciós hozzáállást és fokozott diagnosztikus aktivitást kíván. A kontaktszemélyek mihamarabbi azonosítása és ellátása alapvető fontosságú. A betegség az oltatlan, illetve nem teljeskörűen oltott újszülöttekre és csecsemőkre a legveszélyesebb. Esetükben a köhögési rohamok kapcsán jelentkező apnoés epizódok keringés- és légzésleálláshoz vezethetnek. Az elsődleges cél ennek a populációnak a védelme, melynek leghatásosabb módja az életkor szerinti kötelező immunizáció késedelem nélküli elvégzése, a fészekimmunitás biztosítása és a várandós nők aktív immunizálása. A várandósok pertussisoltását évtizedek óta biztonsággal és nagy hatékonysággal végzik világszerte. A 16–36. gestatiós hét között bármikor alkalmazható, de a 27–31. gestatiós hét között a legoptimálisabb. Közleményünkben a korszerű nemzetközi irányelvek alapján javaslatokat teszünk a pertussis diagnosztikájára, kezelésére, a posztexpozíciós kemoprofilaxisra, valamint az aktív immunizációra. A klinikai gyakorlathoz adott javaslataink kizárólag a jelenlegi hazai járványügyi helyzetben érvényesek, az aktuális hatósági ajánlás megjelenéséig. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(34): 1307–1318.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite high pediatric vaccination coverage rates (VCRs), pertussis incidence has increased worldwide, including in several countries in Latin America in the last two decades. Given the few vaccine effectiveness (VE) studies in Latin American countries, this retrospective, observational, cohort study estimated the effectiveness of hexavalent acellular (aP) primary and booster vaccination (wP) against pertussis in infants (6.5-18.5 months) and children (18.5-48.5 and 48.5-72.5 months) in Panama. Age-specific incidence rates (IRs) were calculated for the vaccine\'s pre-initiation (2001-2013), initiation (2014), and post-initiation (2015-2019) periods. VCRs and trends were determined, and VE was analyzed using a case coverage or screening method to compare proportions of vaccinated cases and vaccinated individuals in the population. Between 2001-2019, 868 confirmed pertussis cases were reported in Panama; 712 (82.0%; 54.8 cases/year) during the pre-initiation period, 19 (2.2%; 19 cases/year) during the initiation period, and 137 (15.8%; 27.4 cases/year) during the post-initiation period. Panama underwent cyclical increases in IRs, which varied between age groups. VCRs increased for primary and booster doses. Between 2015 and 2019, third-dose yearly vaccine coverage increased, on average, 3.3%. Specifically, during the post-initiation period, 109/137 (79.6%) of cases were unvaccinated. Relative VE was estimated at 96.2% [95% CI: 86.5%, 98.9%] with three doses; 100% with 4 and 5 booster doses. Absolute VE was estimated at 99.3% with three doses only. These results show that vaccination played an important role in maintaining a low number of pertussis cases in Panama, affirming the need for sustained investment and commitment to vaccination programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Continued circulation of the whooping cough pathogen, even in countries with high vaccine coverage, can be related to persistence of Bordetella pertussis biofilms in the respiratory tract. The films differ from planktonic cells by increased resistance to the host immune system and antibacterial drugs. The available acellular pertussis vaccines (aPV) containing antigens isolated from planktonic cultures of B. pertussis protect from severe forms of whooping cough, but do not effectively influence circulation of virulent strains in the subclinical forms of the disease and asymptomatic carriage. It is promising to create new generation aPV based on antigens isolated from biofilm cultures of B. pertussis capable of more effectively controlling the entire infectious cycle of whooping cough, including colonization, persistence, and transmission of the pathogen. From antigenic complexes isolated from the culture medium of biofilm and planktonic cultures of the strain B. pertussis No. 317 (serotype 1.2.3), experimental aPV were made: aPV-B and aPV-P, respectively. In intracerebral infection of mice with a virulent strain of B. pertussis, aPV-B demonstrated 2.5-fold higher protective activity than aPV-P and also more effectively reduced colonization of the lungs by B. pertussis cells in mice after intranasal infection with a virulent strain. Both vaccine preparations were safe and did not cause death in mice after administration of histamine.






  • 文章类型: News





