
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a chronic multifactorial disorder in women of reproductive age group, is a major public health problem. With most women resorting to platforms like \"YouTube\" that form a perfect source of edutainment, our aim was to analyze the quality of content available regarding the same.
    OBJECTIVE: The aims and objectives of this study were to assess the quality and reliability of content related to PCOS on YouTube by analyzing the DISCERN score, global quality score (GQS), and video power index (VPI).
    METHODS: It was a facility-based cross-sectional study undertaken on a single day with each author reviewing 10 videos from YouTube on PCOS using predetermined keywords. The number of likes, dislikes, views, comments, and uploader backgrounds were evaluated. DISCERN score, GQS, and VPI were also calculated for each video. While data entry was done using Microsoft Excel 2020 (Microsoft Corporation, Washington, United States), the analysis was carried out using SPSS Statistics version 16 (SPSS Inc. Released 2007. SPSS for Windows, Version 16.0. Chicago, SPSS Inc.). Categorical variables were expressed as frequency and percentages, and statistical significance was determined using the Kruskal-Wallis test/one-way ANOVA.
    RESULTS: A total of 80 videos that fit the inclusion criteria were analyzed. A majority of the videos (80%) were posted a year back with no updates. Only 28.8% of the video content was posted by doctors. Though most videos (96.25%) shared information pertaining to symptomatology, only 45% spoke regarding prevention. Promotional content was noted in 28.75% of the video content. GQS and VPI were better with information being provided by doctors, hospitals, and healthcare organizations (p-value 0.033 and 0.006, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: With women reaching out to edutainment platforms like YouTube to clarify their concerns surrounding lifestyle diseases such as PCOS in the digital era, it becomes relevant to evaluate the quality of content available on such platforms. The findings of the study form a prototype for addressing the existing gaps in the knowledge available on YouTube. Furthermore, the findings warrant frequent monitoring of such available web-based content and delivery of such content only from qualified wellness experts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in the reproductive female population. These young patients often and easily watch YouTube videos on the Internet to learn about their condition and find a natural solution. Our goal is to analyze the contents of PCOS exercise videos.
    METHODS: In July 2022, research data were collected by typing the term \"PCOS exercise\" in the search tab on the incognito YouTube page. One hundred and ninety eight videos that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed in detail. The basic data of the videos available on YouTube was recorded. In addition, the DISCERN, global quality score (GQS), and video power index (VPI) scoring systems were calculated by two independent researchers.
    RESULTS: The profiles of the video uploaders were: health employee 28 (14.1%), nutritionist 25 (12.6%), sports trainer 48 (24.2%), patient 21 (10.6%), undefined 76 (38.4%), and their countries were: India 91 (46%), Europe and England 36 (18.2%), USA and Canada 54 (27.3%), and other countries 17 (8.6%). The distribution of video content was yoga 58 (29.3%), aerobic exercise 38 (19.2%), strengthening exercise 44 (22.2%), and unified 58 (29.3%). The mean values were: video duration (15.27±11.27), total views (3,070,957±16,474,197), likes (48,116±283,308), dislikes (930±4102), VPI (97.82±7.28), GQS (3.89±1.05), DISCERN (33.62±10.42), subscriber counts (985,614±2,222,354), and comment counts (1741±10,689). Europe-England and America-Canada videos were of better quality for DISCERN and GQS scores than those from other countries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overcoming PCOS requires a lifestyle change, including exercise and diet. There is no consensus on which type of exercise is better yet. However, the necessity of regular exercise is known. We showed yoga and Indian hegemony in YouTube \"PCOS exercise\" videos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This clinical case study describes the velopharyngeal anatomy and physiology in a patient who presented with SATB2-associated syndrome (SAS) and velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) in the absence of an overt cleft palate. The clinical presentation, treatment, outcome, and the contribution of anatomical findings from MRI to surgical treatment planning for this rare genetic disorder, SAS, are described. This case study contributes to our current understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the velopharyngeal mechanism in an individual born with SAS and non-cleft VPI. It also details the changes following bilateral buccal myomucosal flaps in this patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of posterior pharyngeal wall augmentation using septal or conchal cartilages with other bulks-according to the persistent gap and the individual anatomy of each patient-in improving velopharyngeal function in patients who acquired persistent velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) post-adenoidectomy.
    METHODS: Observational descriptive prospective case series of 24 patients (their ages ranged between 3 and 26 years) who developed persistent VPI post-adenoidectomy (more than 3 months) although they had normal speech resonance before adenoidectomy.
    RESULTS: The present study demonstrated that statistically significant improvement in auditory perceptual assessment (APA) was found regarding all obligatory speech disorders and unintelligibility of speech. Significant improvement was observed in the degree of velar mobility, size of the persistent gap, and the gap distance between velum and posterior pharyngeal wall at rest and during phonation in post-operative evaluation versus pre-operative. A significant change was observed in the closure pattern of the velopharyngeal port (VPP) as all patients turned to coronal closure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Posterior pharyngeal wall augmentation could be used in VPI post-adenoidectomy up to 7 mm and lead to better speech outcomes. Also, it revealed that using conchal and/or septal cartilage as a graft regardless of the patient\'s age is a safe procedure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) working in interdisciplinary craniofacial teams need to know how much their judgments of speech intelligibility could predict the patient\'s communication difficulties with non-clinical communicative partners. This study examines the relationship between experienced SLPs and naïve listeners in judgments of speech intelligibility in speakers with cleft palate. A speech perception study was conducted using speech samples from 20 speakers with velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) following cleft palate. Speech samples were presented to 70 naïve listeners and 10 SLPs who were experts in cleft palate treatment. Speech intelligibility scores from naïve listeners\' orthographic transcriptions were obtained as the percentage of correctly identified words. Speech intelligibility scores from SLPs were obtained using a five-point rating scale. Spearman rank correlation indicated a very high level of overall agreement between naïve listeners and SLPs at the speaker level scores (rs = -.94, p < .001). While the listeners\' judgment seems highly related across highly intelligible speakers, the differences in agreements increase when the speaker is unintelligible. The high correlations between scores for naïve listeners and SLPs suggest that speech intelligibility in children with VPI could be predicted by ratings done in the clinic by expert SLPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic information can be used to predict major pathogenic traits of pathogens without the need for laboratory experimentation. However, no Vibrio cholerae genome-based trait identification tools currently exist. The aim of this study was to develop a web-based prediction tool to identify Vibrio pathogenic traits using publicly available 796 whole-genome sequences of V. cholerae. Using this application, 68 structural O-antigen gene clusters belonging to 49 serogroups of V. cholerae were classified, and the composition of the genes within the O-antigen cluster of each serogroup was identified. The arrangement and location of the CTX prophage and related elements of the seventh cholera pandemic strains were also revealed. With the versatile tool, named VicPred, we analyzed the assemblage of various SXTs (sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim resistance element) and major genomic islands (GIs) of V. cholerae, and the increasing trend in drug-resistance revealing high resistance of the V. cholerae strains to certain antibiotics. The pathogenic traits of newly sequenced V. cholerae strains could be analyzed based on these characteristics. The accumulation of further genome data will expedite the establishment of a more precise genome-based pathogenic traits analysis tool.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) remains a known complication of primary palatoplasty. We sought to identify factors associated with the incidence of VPI and create a predictive model for VPI development in our population.
    UNASSIGNED: A single-institution, retrospective review.
    UNASSIGNED: Multidisciplinary clinic in a tertiary academic institution.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 453 consecutive patients undergoing primary palatoplasty from 1999 to 2016 were reviewed. Inclusion required follow-up past age 5. Patients who were non-verbal, and thus unable to undergo speech evaluation, were excluded.
    UNASSIGNED: Primary outcome was VPI, defined as revision palatoplasty or recommendation by speech-language pathology.
    UNASSIGNED: Of 318 patients included, 179 (56%) were male. Median age at primary repair was 1.0 years (0.9-1.1) with a median age of 8.8 years at last follow-up. One hundred nineteen (37%) patients developed VPI at a median age of 5.0 years (3.8-6.5). Higher rates were seen with posterior fistula (65% vs 14%, P <.01) and straight-line repair (41% vs 9%, P <.01), with lower rates in patients with Veau I clefts (22% vs 39%, P <.05). Patients with VPI were older at last follow-up. Following multivariate regression, factors remaining significant were posterior fistula (odds ratio [OR]: 11.3, 95% CI: 6.1-22.0), primary Furlow repair (OR: 0.18, 95% CI: 0.03-0.68), genetic diagnoses (OR: 2.92, 95% CI: 1.1-7.9), and age at last follow-up (OR: 1.11, 95% CI: 1.01-1.2).
    UNASSIGNED: Length of follow-up, posterior fistulae, and genetic diagnoses are associated with VPI formation. Furlow repair may protect against formation of VPI. Use of allograft, Veau class, birth type, birth weight, and race are not independently associated with VPI formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In our study, we aim to evaluate in terms of patients the quality and reliability of the most relevant and most-watched videos uploaded on YouTube about pancreatic cancer.
    METHODS: Before starting the study, YouTubeTM search terms were determined by consensus by two General Surgeons. Then, on 10/10/2020, the terms such as \"pancreatic cancer\", \"diagnosis of pancreatic cancer\" and \"treatment of pancreatic cancer\" were entered separately in the search bar of YouTube, \"relevance\" was selected among the filtering options and the most viewed videos were listed. The videos were evaluated with the Global Quality Scale (GQS), the DISCERN scoring system (Quality Criteria for Consumer Health Information, http://www.discern.org.uk), and video power index.
    RESULTS:  Among the 50 videos analysed, 19 videos were uploaded by hospital channels, 17 videos by health channels, seven videos by patients, four videos by blog channels, and three videos by doctors. The mean GQS score of the first researcher was 3.24 ± 0.99 and the mean GQS score of the second researcher was 3.18 ± 0.88 with a significantly high agreement between them (r= 0.628). The mean DISCERN score of the first researcher was 3.48 ± 0.77 and the mean DISCERN score of the second researcher was 3.46 ± 1.09 with a significantly high agreement between them (r= 0.814).
    CONCLUSIONS:  In our study, the majority of the videos were found to be of moderate quality. Healthcare professionals should be encouraged to upload more videos with useful content. However, we think that the uploaded videos should definitely go through a professional peer-review process before they are published.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is a common speech disorder in patients with a history of cleft palate (CP) or 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Pharyngeal flap (PF) and sphincter pharyngoplasty (SP) are 2 common surgeries to treat this disorder by decreasing unwanted nasal air emission and hypernasal resonance. Because Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) in patients with CP may be more frequent after surgery for VPI, we examined whether ETD was associated with either type of surgery.
    Retrospective cohort study.
    Children\'s hospital-based tertiary referral center.
    A total of 225 children with VPI who underwent primary PF (201) or SP (24) between 2006 and 2017.
    We examined differences in risk of ETD according to both surgical groups and proxies for postoperative nasal obstruction. These proxies included postoperative resonance measures and development of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
    Both surgical groups had similar preoperative measures, except the PF group had higher hypernasality by PSA. Postoperatively, the PF group demonstrated lower hypernasal resonance by nasometry and PSA. There were no differences between PF and SP groups with regard to ETD. Proxies for postoperative nasal obstruction also were not predictive of postoperative ETD. Degree of CP and younger age were found to be risk factors for ETD.
    There was no significant difference in the effects of PF and SP on ETD in this study. Neither lower hypernasality nor incidence of OSA had any impact on ETD. Degree of CP and younger age were the only significant risk factors for ETD that this study identified.





