
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has a high mortality rate that is due in part to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). Nevertheless, the majority of patients eventually recover, which means that their innate reparative capacities eventually prevail. Since there are currently no medical therapies for ARDS, minimizing its mortality thus amounts to achieving an optimal balance between spontaneous tissue repair versus the generation of VILI. In order to understand this balance better, we developed a mathematical model of the onset and recovery of VILI that incorporates two hypotheses: (1) a novel multi-hit hypothesis of epithelial barrier failure, and (2) a previously articulated rich-get-richer hypothesis of the interaction between atelectrauma and volutrauma. Together, these concepts explain why VILI appears in a normal lung only after an initial latent period of injurious mechanical ventilation. In addition, they provide a mechanistic explanation for the observed synergy between atelectrauma and volutrauma. The model recapitulates the key features of previously published in vitro measurements of barrier function in an epithelial monolayer and in vivo measurements of lung function in mice subjected to injurious mechanical ventilation. This provides a framework for understanding the dynamic balance between factors responsible for the generation of and recovery from VILI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A thorough understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms elicited by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) still requires further research. Until recently, only a restricted number of autopsies have been performed, therefore limiting the accurate knowledge of the lung injury associated with SARS-CoV-2. A multidisciplinary European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Study Group of Forensic and Post-mortem Microbiology-ESGFOR team conducted a non-systematic narrative literature review among coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) pneumonia cases assessing the histopathological (HP) effects of positive airways pressure. HP lung features were recorded and compared between mechanically ventilated (>24 hours) and control (ventilation <24 hours) patients. A logistic regression analysis was performed to identify associations between mechanical ventilation (MV) and HP findings.
    UNASSIGNED: A PubMed and MEDLINE search was conducted in order to identify studies published between March 1st 2020 and June 30th 2021.
    UNASSIGNED: Seventy patients (median age: 69 years) from 24 studies were analysed, among whom 38 (54.2%) underwent MV longer than 24 hours. Overall, main HP features were: diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) in 53 (75.7%), fibrosis (interstitial/intra-alveolar) in 43 (61.4%), vascular damage-including thrombosis/emboli- in 41 (58.5%), and endotheliitis in only 8 (11.4%) patients. Association of DAD, fibrosis and vascular damage was detected in 30 (42.8%) patients. Multivariate analysis, adjusted by age and gender, identified MV >24 hours as an independent variable associated with DAD (OR =5.40, 95% CI: 1.48-19.62), fibrosis (OR =3.88, 95% CI: 1.25-12.08), vascular damage (OR =5.49, 95% CI: 1.78-16.95) and association of DAD plus fibrosis plus vascular damage (OR =6.99, 95% CI: 2.04-23.97).
    UNASSIGNED: We identified that patients mechanically ventilated >24 hours had a significantly higher rate of pulmonary injury on histopathology independently of age and gender. Our findings emphasize the importance of maintaining a protective ventilator strategy when subjects with COVID-19 pneumonia undergo intubation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data on the lung respiratory mechanics and gas exchange in the time course of COVID-19-associated respiratory failure is limited. This study aimed to explore respiratory mechanics and gas exchange, the lung recruitability and risk of overdistension during the time course of mechanical ventilation.
    This was a prospective observational study in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients (n = 116) with COVID-19 admitted into Intensive Care Units of Sechenov University. The primary endpoints were: «optimum» positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) level balanced between the lowest driving pressure and the highest SpO2 and number of patients with recruitable lung on Days 1 and 7 of mechanical ventilation. We measured driving pressure at different levels of PEEP (14, 12, 10 and 8 cmH2O) with preset tidal volume, and with the increase of tidal volume by 100 ml and 200 ml at preset PEEP level, and calculated static respiratory system compliance (CRS), PaO2/FiO2, alveolar dead space and ventilatory ratio on Days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14 and 21.
    The «optimum» PEEP levels on Day 1 were 11.0 (10.0-12.8) cmH2O and 10.0 (9.0-12.0) cmH2O on Day 7. Positive response to recruitment was observed on Day 1 in 27.6% and on Day 7 in 9.2% of patients. PEEP increase from 10 to 14 cmH2O and VT increase by 100 and 200 ml led to a significant decrease in CRS from Day 1 to Day 14 (p < 0.05). Ventilatory ratio was 2.2 (1.7-2,7) in non-survivors and in 1.9 (1.6-2.6) survivors on Day 1 and decreased on Day 7 in survivors only (p < 0.01). PaO2/FiO2 was 105.5 (76.2-141.7) mmHg in non-survivors on Day 1 and 136.6 (106.7-160.8) in survivors (p = 0.002). In survivors, PaO2/FiO2 rose on Day 3 (p = 0.008) and then between Days 7 and 10 (p = 0.046).
    Lung recruitability was low in COVID-19 and decreased during the course of the disease, but lung overdistension occurred at «intermediate» PEEP and VT levels. In survivors gas exchange improvements after Day 7 mismatched CRS.
    ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04445961 . Registered 24 June 2020-Retrospectively registered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extremely preterm infants who must suddenly support their own gas exchange with lungs that are incompletely developed and lacking adequate amount of surfactant and antioxidant defenses are susceptible to lung injury. The decades-long quest to prevent bronchopulmonary dysplasia has had limited success, in part because of increasing survival of more immature infants. The process must begin in the delivery room with gentle assistance in establishing and maintaining adequate lung aeration, followed by noninvasive support and less invasive surfactant administration. Various modalities of invasive and noninvasive support have been used with varying degree of effect and are reviewed in this article.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supportive care with mechanical ventilation continues to be an essential strategy for managing severe neonatal respiratory failure; however, it is well known to cause and accentuate neonatal lung injury. The pathogenesis of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) is multifactorial and complex, resulting predominantly from interactions between ventilator-related factors and patient-related factors. Importantly, VILI is a significant risk factor for developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), the most common chronic respiratory morbidity of preterm infants that lacks specific therapies, causes life-long morbidities, and imposes psychosocial and economic burdens. Studies of older children and adults suggest that understanding how and why VILI occurs is essential to developing strategies for mitigating VILI and its consequences. This article reviews the preclinical and clinical evidence on the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of VILI in neonates. We also highlight the evidence behind various lung-protective strategies to guide clinicians in preventing and attenuating VILI and, by extension, BPD in neonates. Further, we provide a snapshot of future directions that may help minimize neonatal VILI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanical ventilation can be life-saving for the premature infant, but is often injurious to immature and underdeveloped lungs. Lung injury is caused by atelectrauma, oxygen toxicity, and volutrauma. Lung protection must include appropriate lung recruitment starting in the delivery suite and throughout mechanical ventilation. Strategies include open lung ventilation, positive end-expiratory pressure, and volume-targeted ventilation. Respiratory function monitoring, such as capnography and ventilator graphics, provides clinicians with continuous real-time information and an adjunct to optimize lung-protective ventilatory strategies. Further research is needed to assess which lung-protective strategies result in a decrease in long-term respiratory morbidity.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Therefore, we inevitably increase tidal volume, driving pressure, and MP in individuals with the most severe lung injury such that these parameters may be associated with, but not causal to, the outcomes in acute lung injury. However, I remember all too well the assumptions that drove the paradigm in which I trained and am in favor of pushing to better understand at the tissue and even cellular level how much \'volutrauma\' we are causing in individual patients, and testing whether or not new therapeutic \'targets\' beyond the current \'6 cc/kg tidal volume\' will enable us to better care for patients with ARDS and improve on the survival gains we have made in the past two decades.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a form of chronic lung disease that occurs in preterm infants, usually those receiving substantial respiratory support with either mechanical ventilation or supplementation with oxygen. The pathogenesis of BPD is multifactorial, and the clinical phenotype is variable. BPD is associated with substantial mortality and short- and long-term morbidity. The incidence of BPD has remained stable or increased, as advances in neonatal care have led to improved survival of more extremely preterm infants. Extensive basic science, translational, and clinical research focusing on BPD has improved the current understanding of the factors that contribute to BPD pathogenesis. However, despite a better understanding of its pathophysiology, BPD continues to be challenging to prevent and manage adequately. The current review aims to provide a clinically useful synopsis of evidence on the prevention and management of BPD in preterm infants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Elucidate how the degree of ventilator-induced lung injury due to atelectrauma that is produced in the injured lung during mechanical ventilation is determined by both the timing and magnitude of the airway pressure profile.
    METHODS: A computational model of the injured lung provides a platform for exploring how mechanical ventilation parameters potentially modulate atelectrauma and volutrauma. This model incorporates the time dependence of lung recruitment and derecruitment, and the time-constant of lung emptying during expiration as determined by overall compliance and resistance of the respiratory system.
    METHODS: Computational model.
    METHODS: Simulated scenarios representing patients with both normal and acutely injured lungs.
    RESULTS: Protective low-tidal volume ventilation (Low-Vt) of the simulated injured lung avoided atelectrauma through the elevation of positive end-expiratory pressure while maintaining fixed tidal volume and driving pressure. In contrast, airway pressure release ventilation avoided atelectrauma by incorporating a very brief expiratory duration () that both prevents enough time for derecruitment and limits the minimum alveolar pressure prior to inspiration. Model simulations demonstrated that has an effective threshold value below which airway pressure release ventilation is safe from atelectrauma while maintaining a tidal volume and driving pressure comparable with those of Low-Vt. This threshold is strongly influenced by the time-constant of lung-emptying.
    CONCLUSIONS: Low-Vt and airway pressure release ventilation represent markedly different strategies for the avoidance of ventilator-induced lung injury, primarily involving the manipulation of positive end-expiratory pressure and , respectively. can be based on exhalation flow values, which may provide a patient-specific approach to protective ventilation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protective ventilation strategies for the injured lung currently revolve around the use of low Vt, ostensibly to avoid volutrauma, together with positive end-expiratory pressure to increase the fraction of open lung and reduce atelectrauma. Protective ventilation is currently applied in a one-size-fits-all manner, and although this practical approach has reduced acute respiratory distress syndrome deaths, mortality is still high and improvements are at a standstill. Furthermore, how to minimize ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) for any given lung remains controversial and poorly understood. Here we present a hypothesis of VILI pathogenesis that potentially serves as a basis upon which minimally injurious ventilation strategies might be developed. This hypothesis is based on evidence demonstrating that VILI begins in isolated lung regions manifesting a Permeability-Originated Obstruction Response (POOR) in which alveolar leak leads to surfactant dysfunction and increases local tissue stresses. VILI progresses topographically outward from these regions in a POOR-get-POORer fashion unless steps are taken to interrupt it. We propose that interrupting the POOR-get-POORer progression of lung injury relies on two principles: 1) open the lung to minimize the presence of heterogeneity-induced stress concentrators that are focused around the regions of atelectasis, and 2) ventilate in a patient-dependent manner that minimizes the number of lung units that close during each expiration so that they are not forced to rerecruit during the subsequent inspiration. These principles appear to be borne out in both patient and animal studies in which expiration is terminated before derecruitment of lung units has enough time to occur.






