voltage-clamp fluorometry

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The serotonin-gated ion channel (5-HT3R) mediates excitatory neuronal communication in the gut and the brain. It is the target for setrons, a class of competitive antagonists widely used as antiemetics, and is involved in several neurological diseases. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) of the 5-HT3R in complex with serotonin or setrons revealed that the protein has access to a wide conformational landscape. However, assigning known high-resolution structures to actual states contributing to the physiological response remains a challenge. In the present study, we used voltage-clamp fluorometry (VCF) to measure simultaneously, for 5-HT3R expressed at a cell membrane, conformational changes by fluorescence and channel opening by electrophysiology. Four positions identified by mutational screening report motions around and outside the serotonin-binding site through incorporation of cysteine-tethered rhodamine dyes with or without a nearby quenching tryptophan. VCF recordings show that the 5-HT3R has access to four families of conformations endowed with distinct fluorescence signatures: \'resting-like\' without ligand, \'inhibited-like\' with setrons, \'pre-active-like\' with partial agonists, and \'active-like\' (open channel) with partial and strong agonists. Data are remarkably consistent with cryo-EM structures, the fluorescence partners matching respectively apo, setron-bound, 5-HT bound-closed, and 5-HT-bound-open conformations. Data show that strong agonists promote a concerted motion of all fluorescently labeled sensors during activation, while partial agonists, especially when loss-of-function mutations are engineered, stabilize both active and pre-active conformations. In conclusion, VCF, though the monitoring of electrophysiologically silent conformational changes, illuminates allosteric mechanisms contributing to signal transduction and their differential regulation by important classes of physiological and clinical effectors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sugar absorption is crucial for life and relies on glucose transporters, including sodium-glucose cotransporters (SGLTs). Although the structure of SGLTs has been resolved, the substrate selectivity of SGLTs across diverse isoforms has not been determined owing to the complex substrate-recognition processes and limited analysis methods. Therefore, this study used voltage-clamp fluorometry (VCF) to explore the substrate-binding affinities of human SGLT1 in Xenopus oocytes. VCF analysis revealed high-affinity binding of D-glucose and D-galactose, which are known transported substrates. D-fructose, which is not a transported substrate, also bound to SGLT1, suggesting potential recognition despite the lack of transport activity. VCF analysis using the T287N mutant of the substrate-binding pocket, which has reduced D-glucose transport capacity, showed that its D-galactose-binding affinity exceeded its D-glucose-binding affinity. This suggests that the change in the VCF signal was due to substrate binding to the binding pocket. Both D-fructose and L-sorbose showed similar binding affinities, indicating that SGLT1 preferentially binds to pyranose-form sugars, including D-fructopyranose. Electrophysiological analysis confirmed that D-fructose binding did not affect the SGLT1 transport function. The significance of the VCF assay lies in its ability to measure sugar-protein interactions in living cells, thereby bridging the gap between structural analyses and functional characterizations of sugar transporters. Our findings also provide insights into SGLT substrate selectivity and the potential for developing medicines with reduced side effects by targeting non-glucose sugars with low bioreactivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transient receptor potential vanilloid1 (TRPV1) channel plays an important role in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes, and a comprehensive understanding of TRPV1 gating will create opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Recent incredible advances in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) have yielded high-resolution structures of all TRPV subtypes (TRPV1-6) and all of them share highly conserved six transmembrane (TM) domains (S1-S6). As revealed by the open structures of TRPV1 in the presence of a bound vanilloid agonist (capsaicin or resiniferatoxin), TM helicesS1 to S4 form a bundle that remains quiescent during channel activation, highlighting differences in the gating mechanism of TRPV1 and voltage-gated ion channels. Here, however, we argue that the structural dynamics rather than quiescence of S1-S4 domains is necessary for capsaicin-mediated activation of TRPV1. Using fluorescent unnatural amino acid (flUAA) incorporation and voltage-clamp fluorometry (VCF) analysis, we directly observed allostery of the S1-S4 bundle upon capsaicin binding. Covalent occupation of VCF-identified sites, single-channel recording, cell apoptosis analysis, and exploration of the role of PSFL828, a novel non-vanilloid agonist we identified, have collectively confirmed the essential role of this coordinated S1-S4 motility in capsaicin-mediated activation of TRPV1. This study concludes that, in contrast to cryo-EM structural studies, vanilloid agonists are also required for S1-S4 movement during TRPV1 activation. Redefining the gating process of vanilloid agonists and the discovery of new non-vanilloid agonists will allow the evaluation of new strategies aimed at the development of TRPV1 modulators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    P2X receptors are trimeric nonselective cation channels gated by ATP. They assemble from seven distinct subunit isoforms as either homo- or heteromeric complexes and contain three extracellularly located binding sites for ATP. P2X receptors are expressed in nearly all tissues and are there involved in physiological processes like synaptic transmission, pain, and inflammation. Thus, they are a challenging pharmacological target. The determination of crystal and cryo-EM structures of several isoforms in the last decade in closed, open, and desensitized states has provided a firm basis for interpreting the huge amount of functional and biochemical data. Electrophysiological characterization in conjugation with optical approaches has generated significant insights into structure-function relationships of P2X receptors. This review focuses on novel optical and related approaches to better understand the conformational changes underlying the activation of these receptors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The glycine receptor (GlyR) is a neurotransmitter-gated chloride channel that mediates fast inhibitory neurotransmission, predominantly in the spinal cord and brain stem. Mutations of the GlyR are the major cause of hereditary hyperekplexia. Site-specific cysteine substitution followed by labeling with a fluorophore has previously been used to explore the behaviors of the hyperekplexia-related 271 (19\') residue of the GlyR. However, this manipulation dramatically compromises sensitivity toward the agonist glycine and alters the pharmacological effects of various agents in manners similar to those of the hyperekplexia-causing R19\'Q/L mutations, raising the question whether what is reported by the substituted and modified residue faithfully reflects what actually happens to the wild-type (WT) residue. In this study, a mechanism-rescuing second-site mutation was introduced to create a WT-mimicking GlyR (with the 19\' residue cysteine substitution and modification still in place), in which the sensitivity toward glycine and pharmacological effects of various agents were restored. Further experiments revealed stark differences in the behaviors upon the various pharmacological treatments and consequently the underlying mechanisms of the 19\' residue between this WT-mimicking GlyR and the GlyR without the mechanism rescue, which is correspondingly defined as the disease-type (DT)-mimicking GlyR. The data presented in this study warn generally that caution is required when attempting to deduce the behaviors of a WT residue from data based on substituted or modified residues that alter protein structure and function. Extra measures, such as rescuing mechanisms via alternative means as presented in this study, are needed to mitigate this challenge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gating of the ATP-activated channel P2X2 has been shown to be dependent not only on [ATP] but also on membrane voltage, despite the absence of a canonical voltage-sensor domain. We aimed to investigate the structural rearrangements of rat P2X2 during ATP- and voltage-dependent gating, using a voltage-clamp fluorometry technique. We observed fast and linearly voltage-dependent fluorescence intensity (F) changes at Ala337 and Ile341 in the TM2 domain, which could be due to the electrochromic effect, reflecting the presence of a converged electric field. We also observed slow and voltage-dependent F changes at Ala337, which reflect structural rearrangements. Furthermore, we determined that the interaction between Ala337 in TM2 and Phe44 in TM1, which are in close proximity in the ATP-bound open state, is critical for activation. Taking these results together, we propose that the voltage dependence of the interaction within the converged electric field underlies the voltage-dependent gating.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na+ channels that are activated by a drop in pH. Their established physiological and pathological roles, involving fear behaviors, learning, pain sensation, and neurodegeneration after stroke, make them promising targets for future drugs. Currently, the ASIC activation mechanism is not understood. Here, we used voltage-clamp fluorometry (VCF) combined with fluorophore-quencher pairing to determine the kinetics and direction of movements. We show that conformational changes with the speed of channel activation occur close to the gate and in more distant extracellular sites, where they may be driven by local protonation events. Further, we provide evidence for fast conformational changes in a pathway linking protonation sites to the channel pore, in which an extracellular interdomain loop interacts via aromatic residue interactions with the upper end of a transmembrane helix and would thereby open the gate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular survival requires the ion gradients built by the Na+/K+ pump, an ATPase that alternates between two major conformations (E1 and E2). Here we use state-specific engineered-disulfide cross-linking to demonstrate that transmembrane segment 2 (M2) of the pump\'s α-subunit moves in directions that are inconsistent with distances observed in existing crystal structures of the Na+/K+ pump in E1 and E2. We characterize this movement with voltage-clamp fluorometry in single-cysteine mutants. Most mutants in the M1-M2 loop produced state-dependent fluorescence changes upon labeling with tetramethylrhodamine-6-maleimide (TMRM), which were due to quenching by multiple endogenous tryptophans. To avoid complications arising from multiple potential quenchers, we analyzed quenching of TMRM conjugated to R977C (in the static M9-M10 loop) by tryptophans introduced, one at a time, in M1-M2. This approach showed that tryptophans introduced in M2 quench TMRM only in E2, with D126W and L130W on the same helix producing the largest fluorescence changes. These observations indicate that M2 moves outward as Na+ is deoccluded from the E1 conformation, a mechanism consistent with cross-linking results and with proposals for other P-type 2 ATPases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are proton-gated cation channels that contribute to neurotransmission, as well as initiation of pain and neuronal death following ischemic stroke. As such, there is a great interest in understanding the in vivo regulation of ASICs, especially by endogenous neuropeptides that potently modulate ASICs. The most potent endogenous ASIC modulator known to date is the opioid neuropeptide big dynorphin (BigDyn). BigDyn is up-regulated in chronic pain and increases ASIC-mediated neuronal death during acidosis. Understanding the mechanism and site of action of BigDyn on ASICs could thus enable the rational design of compounds potentially useful in the treatment of pain and ischemic stroke. To this end, we employ a combination of electrophysiology, voltage-clamp fluorometry, synthetic BigDyn analogs, and noncanonical amino acid-mediated photocrosslinking. We demonstrate that BigDyn binding results in an ASIC1a closed resting conformation that is distinct from open and desensitized states induced by protons. Using alanine-substituted BigDyn analogs, we find that the BigDyn modulation of ASIC1a is primarily mediated through electrostatic interactions of basic amino acids in the BigDyn N terminus. Furthermore, neutralizing acidic amino acids in the ASIC1a extracellular domain reduces BigDyn effects, suggesting a binding site at the acidic pocket. This is confirmed by photocrosslinking using the noncanonical amino acid azidophenylalanine. Overall, our data define the mechanism of how BigDyn modulates ASIC1a, identify the acidic pocket as the binding site for BigDyn, and thus highlight this cavity as an important site for the development of ASIC-targeting therapeutics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na+-permeable ion channels that are activated by extracellular acidification and are involved in fear sensing, learning, neurodegeneration after ischemia, and in pain sensation. We have recently found that the human ASIC1a (hASIC1a) wild type (WT) clone which has been used by many laboratories in recombinant expression studies contains a point mutation that occurs with a very low frequency in humans. Here, we compared the function and expression of ASIC1a WT and of this rare variant, in which the highly conserved residue Gly212 is substituted by Asp. Residue 212 is located at a subunit interface that undergoes changes during channel activity. We show that the modulation of channel function by commonly used ASIC inhibitors and modulators, and the pH dependence, are the same or only slightly different between hASIC1a-G212 and -D212. hASIC1a-G212 has however a higher current amplitude per surface-expressed channel and considerably slower current decay kinetics than hASIC1a-D212, and its current decay kinetics display a higher dependency on the type of anion present in the extracellular solution. We demonstrate for a number of channel mutants previously characterized in the hASIC1a-D212 background that they have very similar effects in the hASIC1a-G212 background. Taken together, we show that the variant hASIC1a-D212 that has been used as WT in many studies is, in fact, a mutant and that the properties of hASIC1a-D212 and hASIC1a-G212 are sufficiently close that the conclusions made in previous pharmacology and structure-function studies remain valid.






