vitamin B12 metabolism

维生素 B12 代谢
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impairment of one-carbon metabolism during pregnancy, either due to nutritional deficiencies in B9 or B12 vitamins or caused by specific genetic defects, is often associated with neurological defects, including cognitive dysfunction that persists even after vitamin supplementation. Animal nutritional models do not allow for conclusions regarding the specific brain mechanisms that may be modulated by systemic compensations. Using the Cre-lox system associated to the neuronal promoter Thy1.2, a knock-out model for the methionine synthase specifically in the brain was generated. Our results on the neurobehavioral development of offspring show that the absence of methionine synthase did not lead to growth retardation, despite an effective reduction of both its expression and the methylation status in brain tissues. Behaviors were differently affected according to their functional outcome. Only temporary retardations were recorded in the acquisition of vegetative functions during the suckling period, compared to a dramatic reduction in cognitive performance after weaning. Investigation of the glutamatergic synapses in cognitive areas showed a reduction of AMPA receptors phosphorylation and clustering, indicating an epigenomic effect of the neuronal deficiency of methionine synthase on the reduction of glutamatergic synapses excitability. Altogether, our data indicate that cognitive impairment associated with methionine synthase deficiency may not only result from neurodevelopmental abnormalities, but may also be the consequence of alterations in functional plasticity of the brain.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The cblC defect is the most common inborn error of cobalamin (Cbl) metabolism. Clinical severity and presentation of the cblC defect ranges from death to mild disability. Only 71 cases of late-onset cblC defect have been described in the literature. We provide the 41-year follow up of two siblings with a late-onset cblC defect, first described after initial diagnosis in 1996. While one of the siblings showed initial symptoms resembling multiple sclerosis with a good response to corticosteroids, the other sister showed only subclinical signs of the disease. The course of the first case was characterized by a severe deterioration and intensive-care therapy after respiratory failure. After diagnoses and Cbl treatment, the patient survived and showed a pronounced improvement of the symptoms. Both sisters have an active life and gave birth to healthy children. The reason for the initial improvement after corticosteroids could not be explained by the classical metabolic pathways of Cbl. Recent studies have suggested that Cbl plays an important role as a regulator of the balance between neurotrophic and neurotoxic factors in the central and peripheral nervous system (CNS and PNS). This first long-term follow up revealed that ultra-high-dose intramuscular Hydroxocobalamin (OH-Cbl) treatment can effectively protect patients from disease progression. It underlines the importance of diagnostic vigilance and laboratory work up even in cases without typical hematologic signs of Cbl deficiency. Cbl-related diseases are often a chameleon and must always be considered in the differential of demyelinating diseases of the PNS and CNS. The case supports the theory that it is not only the classical biochemical pathways that play a key role in Cbl deficiency, especially with regard to neurological symptoms.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) syndromes can be secondary to a multitude of different diseases. Most can be identified with a systematic approach and, when excluded, TMA is generally attributed to a dysregulation in the activity of the complement alternative pathways-atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). We present a challenging case of a 19-year-old woman who presented with thrombotic microangiopathy, which was found to be caused by methylmalonic acidemia and homocystinuria, a rare vitamin B12 metabolism deficiency. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an adult-onset methylmalonic acidemia and homocystinuria presents as TMA preceding CNS involvement.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methylmalonic aciduria (MMAuria), caused by deficiency of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MUT), usually presents in the newborn period with failure to thrive and metabolic crisis leading to coma or even death. Survivors remain at risk of metabolic decompensations and severe long term complications, notably renal failure and neurological impairment. We generated clinically relevant mouse models of MMAuria using a constitutive Mut knock-in (KI) allele based on the p.Met700Lys patient mutation, used homozygously (KI/KI) or combined with a knockout allele (KO/KI), to study biochemical and clinical MMAuria disease aspects. Transgenic Mut(ki/ki) and Mut(ko/ki) mice survive post-weaning, show failure to thrive, and show increased methylmalonic acid, propionylcarnitine, odd chain fatty acids, and sphingoid bases, a new potential biomarker of MMAuria. Consistent with genetic dosage, Mut(ko/ki) mice have lower Mut activity, are smaller, and show higher metabolite levels than Mut(ki/ki) mice. Further, Mut(ko/ki) mice exhibit manifestations of kidney and brain damage, including increased plasma urea, impaired diuresis, elevated biomarkers, and changes in brain weight. On a high protein diet, mutant mice display disease exacerbation, including elevated blood ammonia, and catastrophic weight loss, which, in Mut(ki/ki) mice, is rescued by hydroxocobalamin treatment. This study expands knowledge of MMAuria, introduces the discovery of new biomarkers, and constitutes the first in vivo proof of principle of cobalamin treatment in mut-type MMAuria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in human LMBRD1 and ABCD4 prevent lysosomal export of vitamin B(12) to the cytoplasm, impairing the vitamin B(12)-dependent enzymes methionine synthase and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. The gene products of LMBRD1 and ABCD4 are implicated in vitamin B(12) transport at the lysosomal membrane and are proposed to act in complex. To address the mechanism for lysosomal vitamin B(12) transport, we report the novel recombinant production of LMBD1 and ABCD4 for detailed biophysical analyses. Using blue native PAGE, chemical crosslinking, and size exclusion chromatography coupled to multi-angle light scattering (SEC-MALS), we show that both detergent-solubilized LMBD1 and detergent-solubilized ABCD4 form homodimers. To examine the functional binding properties of these proteins, label-free surface plasmon resonance (SPR) provides direct in vitro evidence that: (i) LMBD1 and ABCD4 interact with low nanomolar affinity; and (ii) the cytoplasmic vitamin B(12)-processing protein MMACHC also interacts with LMBD1 and ABCD4 with low nanomolar affinity. Accordingly, we propose a model whereby membrane-bound LMBD1 and ABCD4 facilitate the vectorial delivery of lysosomal vitamin B(12) to cytoplasmic MMACHC, thus preventing cofactor dilution to the cytoplasmic milieu and protecting against inactivating side reactions.





