visual cues

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vespula germanica and Vespula vulgaris are two common European wasps that have ecological and economic importance as a result of their artificial introduction into many different countries and environments. Their success has undoubtedly been aided by their capacity for visually guided hunting, foraging, learning and using visual cues in the context of homing and navigation. However, the visual systems of V. germanica and V. vulgaris have not received any deep attention. We used electrophysiology, together with optical and anatomical techniques, to measure the spatial resolution and optical sensitivity of the compound eyes of both species. We found that both wasps have high anatomical spatial resolution with narrow interommatidial angles (Δϕ between 1.0 and 1.5 deg) and a distinct acute zone in the fronto-ventral part of the eye. These narrow interommatidial angles are matched to photoreceptors having narrow angular sensitivities (acute zone acceptance angles Δρ below 1.3 deg), indicating eyes of high spatial resolution that are well suited to their ecological needs. Additionally, we found that both species possess an optical sensitivity that is typical of other day-flying hymenopterans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have consistently demonstrated the presence of the approximate number system (ANS) throughout development. Research has also revealed that visual cues may influence the ANS acuity, which may change with age. However, most studies have drawn conclusions based on performance differences between incongruent and congruent trials, which may be confounded by an individual\'s ability to inhibit interference. Therefore, to examine the developmental changes of the impact of visual cues on ANS acuity, we utilized congruent trials with varying visual cues. Our sample comprised Chinese children from grade one to grade five. We manipulated the salience of numerical cues (numerical ratio) and visual cues (dot size) in a non-symbolic numerosity comparison task. The results revealed a discernible leap in development from first to third grade and first to fifth grade; however, this upward trajectory did not persist into the transition from third to fifth grade, where no appreciable advancement was observed. Moreover, we observed different effects of visual cues on the dot-comparison task depending on the numerical cues and age. Specifically, visual cues (i.e., dot size) only facilitated ANS acuity in older school-aged children when numerical cues were weakened. The results indicate the presence of two distinct magnitude representational systems-one for the numerical dimension and another for the non-numerical dimension-during development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motion sickness (MS) poses challenges for individuals affected, hindering their activities and travel. This study investigates the effect of a visual dynamic device, forming an artificial horizon plane, on symptoms and physiological changes induced by MS. This device consists of vertical light-emitting diodes whose illumination varies according to the boat\'s movements. Fifteen subjects with moderate-to-severe MS susceptibility were exposed to a seasickness simulator with and without the device. Symptoms were assessed immediately after exposure. Time spent in the simulator, heart rate, and temperature were also recorded. Symptom intensity at the end of the experience did not differ, but the time spent in the simulator was significantly longer with the device (+46%). Variations in heart rate were also observed. The device delays symptom onset and can be used as a tool against MS. Further research is needed to evaluate its effects, for example, during more prolonged exposure to MS-inducing stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies in animal models and humans have shown that refractive state is optimized during postnatal development by a closed-loop negative feedback system that uses retinal image defocus as an error signal, a mechanism called emmetropization. The sensor to detect defocus and its sign resides in the retina itself. The retina and/or the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) presumably releases biochemical messengers to change choroidal thickness and modulate the growth rates of the underlying sclera. A central question arises: if emmetropization operates as a closed-loop system, why does it not stop myopia development? Recent experiments in young human subjects have shown that (1) the emmetropic retina can perfectly distinguish between real positive defocus and simulated defocus, and trigger transient axial eye shortening or elongation, respectively. (2) Strikingly, the myopic retina has reduced ability to inhibit eye growth when positive defocus is imposed. (3) The bi-directional response of the emmetropic retina is elicited with low spatial frequency information below 8 cyc/deg, which makes it unlikely that optical higher-order aberrations play a role. (4) The retinal mechanism for the detection of the sign of defocus involves a comparison of defocus blur in the blue (S-cone) and red end of the spectrum (L + M-cones) but, again, the myopic retina is not responsive, at least not in short-term experiments. This suggests that it cannot fully trigger the inhibitory arm of the emmetropization feedback loop. As a result, with an open feedback loop, myopia development becomes \"open-loop\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hippocampal formation contains neurons responsive to an animal\'s current location and orientation, which together provide the organism with a neural map of space.1,2,3 Spatially tuned neurons rely on external landmark cues and internally generated movement information to estimate position.4,5 An important class of landmark cue are the boundaries delimiting an environment, which can define place cell field position6,7 and stabilize grid cell firing.8 However, the precise nature of the sensory information used to detect boundaries remains unknown. We used 2-dimensional virtual reality (VR)9 to show that visual cues from elevated walls surrounding the environment are both sufficient and necessary to stabilize place and grid cell responses in VR, when only visual and self-motion cues are available. By contrast, flat boundaries formed by the edges of a textured floor did not stabilize place and grid cells, indicating only specific forms of visual boundary stabilize hippocampal spatial firing. Unstable grid cells retain internally coherent, hexagonally arranged firing fields, but these fields \"drift\" with respect to the virtual environment over periods >5 s. Optic flow from a virtual floor does not slow drift dynamics, emphasizing the importance of boundary-related visual information. Surprisingly, place fields are more stable close to boundaries even with floor and wall cues removed, suggesting invisible boundaries are inferred using the motion of a discrete, separate cue (a beacon signaling reward location). Subsets of place cells show allocentric directional tuning toward the beacon, with strength of tuning correlating with place field stability when boundaries are removed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shadows in physical space are copious, yet the impact of specific shadow placement and their abundance is yet to be determined in virtual environments. This experiment aimed to identify whether a target\'s shadow was used as a distance indicator in the presence of binocular distance cues. Six lighting conditions were created and presented in virtual reality for participants to perform a perceptual matching task. The task was repeated in a cluttered and sparse environment, where the number of cast shadows (and their placement) varied. Performance in this task was measured by the directional bias of distance estimates and variability of responses. No significant difference was found between the sparse and cluttered environments, however due to the large amount of variance, one explanation is that some participants utilised the clutter objects as anchors to aid them, while others found them distracting. Under-setting of distances was found in all conditions and environments, as predicted. Having an ambient light source produced the most variable and inaccurate estimates of distance, whereas lighting positioned above the target reduced the mis-estimation of distances perceived.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) studies have examined the linguistic features of disagreements during interactive academic tasks and casual conversations. Fewer studies, however, have explored nonverbal cues of disagreement, and even less is known about how interlocutors perceive disagreements. Therefore, using data from a corpus of ELF interaction, this study examined the verbal features and visual cues used by ELF university students to disagree during an academic discussion task. The disagreement episodes were selected through a content analysis of stimulated recall protocols in which a speaker stated that a disagreement had occurred. Transcripts were analyzed to classify the speaker\'s verbal strategies as being mitigated or unmitigated. Video recordings were examined for facial expressions, body movements, and hand gestures. Findings revealed that ELF students used mitigated linguistic strategies, such as hedges, during disagreement while gaze aversion, smiling, and head nods were the most frequent nonverbal cues. The stimulated recall data showed that disagreements were perceived as an opportunity to listen, think, and share different opinions. Implications are discussed in terms of how to interpret features of disagreement in language classrooms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Young children today are exposed to masks on a regular basis. However, there is limited empirical evidence on how masks may affect word learning. The study explored the effect of masks on infants\' abilities to fast-map and generalize new words. Seventy-two Chinese infants (43 males, Mage = 18.26 months) were taught two novel word-object pairs by a speaker with or without a mask. They then heard the words and had to visually identify the correct objects and also generalize words to a different speaker and objects from the same category. Eye-tracking results indicate that infants looked longer at the target regardless of whether a speaker wore a mask. They also looked longer at the speaker\'s eyes than at the mouth only when words were taught through a mask. Thus, fast-mapping and generalization occur in both masked and not masked conditions as infants can flexibly access different visual cues during word-learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nonsymbolic comparison task is used to investigate the precision of the Approximate Number Sense, the ability to process discrete numerosity without counting and symbols. There is an ongoing debate regarding the extent to which the ANS is influenced by the processing of non-numerical visual cues. To address this question, we assessed the congruency effect in a nonsymbolic comparison task, examining its variability across different stimulus presentation formats and numerical proportions. Additionally, we examined the variability of the numerical ratio effect with the format and congruency. Utilizing generalized linear mixed-effects models with a sample of 290 students (89% female, mean age 19.33 years), we estimated the congruency effect and numerical ratio effect for separated and intermixed formats of stimulus presentation, and for small and large numerical proportions. The findings indicated that the congruency effect increased in large numerical proportion conditions, but this pattern was observed only in the separated format. In the intermixed format, the congruency effect was insignificant for both types of numerical proportion. Notably, the numerical ratio effect varied for congruent and incongruent trials in different formats. The results may suggest that the processing of visual non-numerical parameters may be crucial when numerosity processing becomes noisier, specifically when numerical proportion becomes larger. The implications of these findings for refining the ANS theory are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gait impairment is common in Parkinson\'s disease (PD) patients, which greatly reduces their quality of life. Executive dysfunction is associated with gait impairment. Compensatory strategies, including visual cues, have been shown to be effective in improving PD gait. In this study, we aimed to understand whether carpets with visual cues could improve PD gait, and how the improvement varies across patients with different executive function state.
    METHODS: We designed carpets with chessboard and stripe cues. A total of 65 Chinese PD patients were recruited. Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson\'s Disease Rating Scale, L-dopa equivalent daily dosage, Hoehn & Yahr stage, Frontal Assessment Battery, Mini Mental State Examination Scale, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, and Hamilton Depression Scale were evaluated. Gait parameters including stride length, gait speed and fall risk were recorded by a wearable electronic device.
    RESULTS: The stride length and gait speed were significantly improved and the fall risk was significantly mitigated when PD patients walked on carpets with chessboard and stripe patterns. Further analysis showed the amelioration of gait parameters was independent of executive dysfunction.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that carpets with visual cues can improve the gait of PD patients even in those with mild executive dysfunction.





