
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Acute ischemic stroke is a leading cause of death and morbidity worldwide. Despite advances in medical technology, nearly 30% of strokes result in incomplete vessel recanalization. Recent studies have demonstrated that clot composition correlates with success rates of mechanical thrombectomy procedures. To understand clot behavior during thrombectomy, which exerts considerable strains on thrombi, in vitro studies must characterize the rate-dependent high-strain behavior of embolus analogs (EAs) with different formation conditions, which can be used to fit models of hyper-viscoelasticity.
    METHODS: In this study, the effect of collagen infiltration as a carotid-induced collagen-rich thrombosis surrogate is considered as a contributor to embolus analog high-strain stiffness, when compared to 40% hematocrit EAs.
    RESULTS: EA high-strain stiffnesses, characterized on a uniaxial load frame, increase by an order of magnitude for collagenous clot analogs. Chandler loop analogs show high-strain stiffnesses and clot compositions commensurate with previous reports of stroke patient clots, and collagenous clots show significant increase in stiffness when compared to stroke patient clots. Finally, hyper-viscoelastic curve fitting demonstrates the asymmetry between tension and compression. Nonlinear, rate-dependent models that consider clot-stiffening behavior match the high strain stiffness of clots fairly well. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the stability of the elastic energy needs to be considered to obtain optimal curve fits for high-strain, rate dependent data.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a framework for the development of dynamically formed EAs that mimic the mechanical and structural properties of in vivo clots and provides parameters for numerical simulation of clot behavior with hyper-viscoelastic models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently available benchtop (in vitro) aneurysm models are inadequate for testing the efficacy of endovascular device treatments. Specifically, current models do not represent the mechanical instability of giant aneurysms (defined as aneurysms with 25 mm in height or width) and do not predictably rupture under simulated physiological conditions. Hence, in vitro aneurysm models with biomechanically relevant material properties and a predictable rupture timeframe are needed to accurately assess the efficacy of new medical device treatment options. Understanding the material properties of an aneurysm (e.g., shear and compression modulus) as it approaches rupture is a crucial step toward creating a pathologically relevant and sophisticated in vitro aneurysm rupture model. We investigated the change in material properties of a blood vessel, via enzymatic treatment, to simulate the degradation of an aneurysm wall and used this information to create a sophisticated aneurysm rupture model using the latest in additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing) with tissue-like materials. Mechanical properties (shear and compression modulus) of swine carotid vessels were evaluated before and after incubation with collagenase D enzyme (30 min at 37°C) to simulate the effect of biochemical activity on aneurysm wall approaching rupture compared to control vessels (untreated). Mechanical strength of a soft and flexible 3D-printed material (VCA-A30: 30 shore A hardness) was tested for comparison to these arterial vessels. This material was then used to create spherical shaped, giant-sized (25-mm diameter) aneurysm phantoms and were run under neurovascular pressures (120/80 ± 5 mmHg), beats per minute (BPM = 70) and flows representing the middle cerebral artery [MCA: 142.67 (±20.13) mL/min] using a blood analog [3.6 (±0.4) cP viscosity] with non-Newtonian shear-thinning properties. The shear modulus of swine carotid vessel before treatment was 12.2 (±2.7) KPa and compression modulus was 663.5 (±111.6) KPa. After enzymatic treatment by collagenase D, shear modulus of animal tissues reduced by 33% (p-value = .039) while compression modulus remained statistically unchanged (p-value = .615). Control group (untreated vessels) showed minimal reduction (13%, p-value = .226) in shear modulus and 78% increase (p-value = .034) in compression modulus. The shear modulus of the 3D-printed material was 228.59 (±24.82) KPa while its compression modulus was 668.90 (±13.16) KPa. This material was used to prototype a sophisticated in vitro giant aneurysm rupture model. When subjected to physiological pressures and flow rates, the untreated models consistently ruptured at ~12 min. These results indicate that aneurysm rupture can be recreated consistently in a benchtop in vitro model, utilizing the latest 3D-printed materials, connected to a physiologically relevant programmable pump. Further studies will investigate the optimization of various aneurysm dome thickness regions within the aneurysm, with tunable rupture times for comparison of aneurysm device deployment and benchtop controls based on the measurable effects of pressure and flow changes within the aneurysm models. These optimized in vitro rupture models could ultimately be used to test the efficacy of device treatment options and rupture risk by quantifying specific device rupture times and aneurysm rupture position.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to develop an automated framework for the characterization of materials which are both hyper-elastic and viscoelastic. This has been evaluated using human articular cartilage (AC). AC (26 tissue samples from 5 femoral heads) underwent dynamic mechanical analysis with a frequency sweep from 1 to 90 Hz. The conversion from a frequency- to time-domain hyper-viscoelastic material model was approximated using a modular framework design where finite element analysis was automated, and a genetic algorithm and interior point technique were employed to solve and optimize the material approximations. Three orders of approximation for the Prony series were evaluated at N = 1, 3 and 5 for 20 and 50 iterations of a genetic cycle. This was repeated for 30 simulations of six combinations of the above all with randomly generated initialization points. There was a difference between N = 1 and N = 3/5 of approximately ~5% in terms of the error estimated. During unloading the opposite was seen with a 10% error difference between N = 5 and 1. A reduction of ~1% parameter error was found when the number of generations increased from 20 to 50. In conclusion, the framework has proved effective in characterizing human AC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies of cell and tissue mechanics have shown that significant changes in cell and tissue mechanics during lesions and cancers are observed, which provides new mechanical markers for disease diagnosis based on machine learning. However, due to the lack of effective mechanic markers, only elastic modulus and iconographic features are currently used as markers, which greatly limits the application of cell and tissue mechanics in disease diagnosis. Here, we develop a liver pathological state classifier through a support vector machine method, based on high dimensional viscoelastic mechanical data. Accurate diagnosis and grading of hepatic fibrosis facilitates early detection and treatment and may provide an assessment tool for drug development. To this end, we used the viscoelastic parameters obtained from the analysis of creep responses of liver tissues by a self-similar hierarchical model and built a liver state classifier based on machine learning. Using this classifier, we implemented a fast classification of healthy, diseased, and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-treated fibrotic live tissues, and our results showed that the classification accuracy of healthy and diseased livers can reach 0.99, and the classification accuracy of the three liver tissues mixed also reached 0.82. Finally, we provide screening methods for markers in the context of massive data as well as high-dimensional viscoelastic variables based on feature ablation for drug development and accurate grading of liver fibrosis. We propose a novel classifier that uses the dynamical mechanical variables as input markers, which can identify healthy, diseased, and post-treatment liver tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study attempts to explore the crystallographic, rheological and dynamic mechanical properties of the submicron-treated cenosphere (t- CSF) particles and sisal fiber (SF) reinforced Styrene-(Ethylene-Butylene)-Styrene (SEBS) toughened PP hybrid composites. Moreover, the composites reinforced with 25 wt.% of SF and 5 wt.% of CSF (Treated 6 wt.% cetrimonium bromide (CTAB)) demonstrated the most significant storage modulus (E\'), loss modulus (E\"), and lowest damping (tan δ) factor throughout the temperature range. Likewise, X-ray diffraction techniques were used to assess the samples\' crystallographic properties. The composites reported an enhanced β phase (responsible for high impact strength and reduced α phase of the base matrix compared to pristine PP. Likewise, all the composites\' rheological properties showed an improved complex viscosity (η*) compared to the BM but lower than that of the pristine PP. Overall processing parameters of the BM and composites were improved due to the decrement in the η* of all the composites. The rheological properties confirmed the easy processing of the fabricated composites due to the improved flowability. The storage (G\') and loss (G\") modulus of all the composites were desirably higher than that of the BM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: This study is an open clinical trial. The aim of this study was to show the changes that occur in the viscoelastic properties of the plantar fascia (twenty healthy volunteers) measured by SEL and the changes in the plantar fascia temperature measured by thermography after the application of a 448 kHz capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency (CRMR) in active healthy subjects immediately after treatment and at the 1-week follow-up.
    Methods: Furthermore, to analyze if an intervention with 448 kHz CRMR in the plantar fascia of the dominant lower limb produces a thermal response in the plantar fascia of the non-dominant lower limb. The final objective was to analyze the level of association between the viscoelastic properties of the PF and the temperature before and after the intervention with 448 kHz CRMR.
    Results: Our results showed that a temperature change, which was measured by thermography, occurred in the plantar fascia after a single intervention (T0-T1) and at the 1-week follow up (T1-T2).
    Conclusion: However, no changes were found in the viscoelastic properties of the plantar fascia after the intervention or at the 1-week follow up. This is the first study to investigate changes in both plantar fascia viscoelastic properties and in plantar fascia temperature after a radiofrequency intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laminated glass interlayer materials polyvinyl butyral (PVB) and SentryGlas® (SG, kuraray, Houstan, TX, USA) exhibit thermal viscoelastic behavior under dynamic tensile loading. Significant temperature and strain rate effects on the behavior of these interlayer materials pose a challenge for accurately modeling the dynamic response of laminated glass. Many researchers have simplified their approaches by modeling the response of the interlayer material using a bilinear approximation or established hyperelastic models. However, temperature and strain rate effects can be captured using the three-network viscoplastic (TNV) model. Therefore, the objective of this study is to calibrate material models for the thermal viscoelastic dynamic responses of PVB and SG interlayer materials. Uniaxial tensile tests were performed at strain rates of 2, 20, and 45 s-1 and temperatures of 0, 23, and 60 °C, and material models were calibrated using the experimental data. Finite element analysis using the calibrated material models successfully predicted the dynamic responses of PVB and SG under the experimental test conditions within a 10% error margin. This suggests that the calibrated models using the TNV model represent significant improvements over existing approaches to modeling the dynamic response of laminated glass. Similar procedures can be applied to other thermoplastics, laying the groundwork for establishing a standard calibration guide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Birds, bats and insects have evolved unique wing structures to achieve a wide range of flight capabilities. Insects have relatively stiff and passive wings, birds have a complex and hierarchical feathered structure and bats have an articulated skeletal system integrated with a highly stretchable skin. The compliant skin of the wing distinguishes bats from all other flying animals and contributes to bats\' remarkable, highly manoeuvrable flight performance and high energetic efficiency. The structural and functional complexity of the bat wing skin is one of the least understood although important elements of the bat flight anatomy. The wing skin has two unusual features: a discrete array of very soft elastin fibres and a discrete array of skeletal muscle fibres. The latter is intriguing because skeletal muscle is typically attached to bone, so the arrangement of intramembranous muscle in soft skin raises questions about its role in flight. In this paper, we develop a multi-scale chemo-mechanical constitutive model for bat wing skin. The chemo-mechanical model links cross-bridge cycling to a structure-based continuum model that describes the active viscoelastic behaviour of the soft anisotropic skin tissue. Continuum models at the tissue length-scale are valuable as they are easily implemented in commercial finite element codes to solve problems involving complex geometries, loading and boundary conditions. The constitutive model presented in this paper will be used in detailed finite element simulations to improve our understanding of the mechanics of bat flight in the context of wing kinematics and aerodynamic performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turbulent flows have been used for millennia to mix solutes; a familiar example is stirring cream into coffee. However, many energy, environmental, and industrial processes rely on the mixing of solutes in porous media where confinement suppresses inertial turbulence. As a result, mixing is drastically hindered, requiring fluid to permeate long distances for appreciable mixing and introducing additional steps to drive mixing that can be expensive and environmentally harmful. Here, we demonstrate that this limitation can be overcome just by adding dilute amounts of flexible polymers to the fluid. Flow-driven stretching of the polymers generates an elastic instability, driving turbulent-like chaotic flow fluctuations, despite the pore-scale confinement that prohibits typical inertial turbulence. Using in situ imaging, we show that these fluctuations stretch and fold the fluid within the pores along thin layers (\"lamellae\") characterized by sharp solute concentration gradients, driving mixing by diffusion in the pores. This process results in a [Formula: see text] reduction in the required mixing length, a [Formula: see text] increase in solute transverse dispersivity, and can be harnessed to increase the rate at which chemical compounds react by [Formula: see text]-enhancements that we rationalize using turbulence-inspired modeling of the underlying transport processes. Our work thereby establishes a simple, robust, versatile, and predictive way to mix solutes in porous media, with potential applications ranging from large-scale chemical production to environmental remediation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We explore the effect of stress-recovery schedule on the cumulative creep response of lumbar tissues. Twelve participants performed a 48-minute protocol that consisted of 12 min of full trunk flexion and 36 min of upright standing. Two stress-recovery (work-rest) schedules were considered: a) three minutes of full trunk flexion followed by twelve minutes of upright standing (3:12), and b) one minute of full trunk flexion followed by four minutes of upright standing (1:4). Lumbar kinematics and EMG activity of erector spinae muscles were collected. Cumulative creep deformation was explored by considering the changes in peak lumbar flexion angles during full flexion and changes in the angles of flexion-relaxation (EMG-off) of the lumbar extensor musculature after the 48-minute protocol. The results of time-dependent lumbar flexion angle during full flexion revealed a noticeable creep response in both work-rest schedules, but the cumulative creep response was significantly greater in the 3:12 schedule (Δ3.5°) than in the 1:4 schedule (Δ1.6°). Similarly, the change in the EMG-off lumbar flexion angle in the 3:12 schedule was significantly greater than in the 1:4 schedule (Δ2.5° vs -Δ0.2°, respectively). These results indicate that the passive lumbar tissues recover their force producing capability more rapidly with shorter cycle times.





