viral immunology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lower respiratory infections are a leading cause of severe morbidity and mortality among older adults. Despite ubiquitous exposure to common respiratory pathogens throughout life and near universal seropositivity, antibodies fail to effectively protect the elderly. Therefore, we hypothesized that severe respiratory illness in the elderly is due to deficient CD8+ T cell responses.
    RESULTS: Here, we establish an aged mouse model of human metapneumovirus infection (HMPV) wherein aged C57BL/6 mice exhibit worsened weight loss, clinical disease, lung pathology and delayed viral clearance compared to young adult mice. Aged mice generate fewer lung-infiltrating HMPV epitope-specific CD8+ T cells. Those that do expand demonstrate higher expression of PD-1 and other inhibitory receptors and are functionally impaired. Transplant of aged T cells into young mice and vice versa, as well as adoptive transfer of young versus aged CD8+ T cells into Rag1-/- recipients, recapitulates the HMPV aged phenotype, suggesting a cell-intrinsic age-associated defect. HMPV-specific aged CD8+ T cells exhibit a terminally exhausted TCF1/7- TOX+ EOMES+ phenotype. We confirmed similar terminal exhaustion of aged CD8+ T cells during influenza viral infection.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study identifies terminal CD8+ T cell exhaustion as a mechanism of severe disease from respiratory viral infections in the elderly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel coronavirus now known as SARS-CoV-2 emerged in late 2019, possibly following a zoonotic crossover from a coronavirus present in bats. This virus was identified as the pathogen responsible for the severe respiratory disease, coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), which as of May 2023, has killed an estimated 6.9 million people globally according to the World Health Organization. The interferon (IFN) response, a cornerstone of antiviral innate immunity, plays a key role in determining the outcome of infection by SARS-CoV-2. This review considers evidence that SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to IFN production; that virus replication is sensitive to IFN antiviral action; molecular mechanisms by which the SARS-CoV-2 virus antagonizes IFN action; and how genetic variability of SARS-CoV-2 and the human host affects the IFN response at the level of IFN production or action or both. Taken together, the current understanding suggests that deficiency of an effective IFN response is an important determinant underlying some cases of critical COVID-19 disease and that IFNλ and IFNα/β have potential as therapeutics for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is a serious complication affecting the survival of patients receiving transplantation. Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are common viral infections that occur after transplantation, frequently emerging as viral reactivation in donor grafts or transplant recipients. The present study aimed to investigate the association between CMV and EBV infections and early-onset AMR.
    This study was conducted at the Heart Transplantation Center of Padova General Hospital and included a cohort of 47 heart transplant recipients (HTxs), including 24 HTxs diagnosed with AMR and 23 control HTxs with no episodes of AMR. Only early cases of CMV and/or EBV infections (1-90 days after transplantation) were considered. Fisher\'s exact test and logistic regression analysis were used to statistically analyze the correlation and association between AMR and CMV or EBV infection.
    We observed a positive statistical association between CMV and EBV infections (two-sided Fisher\'s exact test, p = 0.0136) and between EBV infection and AMR (two-sided Fisher\'s exact test, p = 0.0034). Logistic regression analysis revealed a direct statistical association between CMV and EBV infections and AMR risk (p = 0.037 and 0.006 and odds ratio = 1.72 and 2.19, respectively). AMR occurrence was associated with increased viral loads of both CMV and EBV early after transplantation.
    These findings suggest the role of CMV and EBV infections as relevant risk factors for AMR in HTxs for the first time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammatory monocytes (iMOs) and B cells are the main targets of the poxvirus ectromelia virus (ECTV) in the lymph nodes of mice and play distinct roles in surviving the infection. Infected and bystander iMOs control ECTV\'s systemic spread, preventing early death, while B cells make antibodies that eliminate ECTV. Our work demonstrates that within an infected animal that survives ECTV infection, intrinsic and bystander infection of iMOs and B cells differentially control the transcription of genes important for immune cell function and, perhaps, cell identity. Bystander cells upregulate metabolism, antigen presentation, and interferon-stimulated genes. Infected cells downregulate many cell-type-specific genes and upregulate transcripts typical of non-immune cells. Bystander (Bys) and infected (Inf) iMOs non-redundantly contribute to the cytokine milieu and the interferon response. Furthermore, we uncover how type I interferon (IFN-I) or IFN-γ signaling differentially regulates immune pathways in Inf and Bys iMOs and that, at steady state, IFN-I primes iMOs for rapid IFN-I production and antigen presentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Finding cytokine storm initiator factors associated with uncontrolled inflammatory immune response is necessary in COVID-19 patients. The aim was the identification of Fas/Fas Ligand (FasL) role in lung involvement and mortality of COVID-19 patients. In this case-control study, mild (outpatient), moderate (hospitalized), and severe (ICU) COVID-19 patients and healthy subjects were investigated. RNA isolated from PBMCs for cDNA synthesis and expression of mFas/mFasL mRNA was evaluated by RT-PCR. Serum sFas/sFasL protein by ELISA and severity of lung involvement by CT-scan were evaluated. Also, we docked Fas and FasL via Bioinformatics software (in silico) to predict the best-fit Fas/FasL complex and performed molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) in hyponatremia and fever (COVID-19 patients), and healthy conditions. mFasL expression was increased in moderate and severe COVID-19 patients compared to the control group. Moreover, mFas expression showed an inverse correlation with myalgia symptom in COVID-19 patients. Elevation of sFasL protein in serum was associated with reduced lung injury and mortality. Bioinformatics analysis confirmed that blood profile alterations of COVID-19 patients, such as fever and hyponatremia could affect Fas/FasL complex interactions. Our translational findings showed that decreased sFasL is associated with lung involvement; severity and mortality in COVID-19 patients. We think that sFasL is a mediator of neutrophilia and lymphopenia in COVID-19. However, additional investigation is suggested. This is the first report describing that the serum sFasL protein is a severity and mortality prognostic marker for the clinical management of COVID-19 patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emergence of new, pandemic-level viral threats has brought to the forefront the importance of viral immunology and continued improvement of antiviral therapies. Interleukin-27 (IL-27) is a pleiotropic cytokine that regulates both innate and adaptive immune responses. Accumulating evidence has revealed potent antiviral activities of IL-27 against numerous viruses, including HIV, influenza, HBV and more. IL-27 contributes to the immune response against viruses indirectly by increasing production of interferons (IFNs) which have various antiviral effects. Additionally, IL-27 can directly interfere with viral infection both by acting similarly to an IFN itself and by modulating the differentiation and function of various immune cells. This review discusses the IFN-dependent and IFN-independent antiviral mechanisms of IL-27 and highlights the potential of IL-27 as a therapeutic cytokine for viral infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current pandemic highlights the need for effective vaccines against respiratory viruses. An ideal vaccine should induce robust and long-lasting responses with high manufacturing scalability. We use an adjuvant comprised of a Stimulator of Interferon Genes (STING) agonist incorporated in a scalable microparticle platform to achieve durable protection against the influenza virus. This formulation overcomes the challenges presented by the cytosolic localization of STING and the hydrophilicity of its agonists. We evaluated a monoaxial formulation of polymeric acetalated dextran microparticles (MPs) to deliver the STING agonist cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP) which achieved >10× dose-sparing effects compared to other published work. Efficacy was evaluated in ferrets, a larger animal model of choice for influenza vaccines. cGAMP MPs with recombinant hemagglutinin reduced viral shedding and improved vaccine outcomes compared to a seasonal influenza vaccine. Importantly, sustained protection against a lethal influenza infection was detected a year after a single dose of the vaccine-adjuvant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infections are an underappreciated cause of stroke, particularly in young and immunocompromised individuals. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) reactivation, particularly ophthalmic zoster, has been linked to increased risk of stroke but diagnosing VZV-associated cerebral vasculopathy is challenging as neither a recent zoster rash, nor detectable levels of VZV DNA are universally present at stroke presentation. Detection of VZV IgG in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-VZVG) presents a promising alternative, but requires evaluation of individual blood-CSF dynamics, particularly in the setting of chronic inflammatory states such as HIV infection. Consequently, its use has not been broadly adopted as simple diagnostic algorithms are not available. In this study looking at young adults presenting with acute stroke, we used an algorithm that includes testing for both VZV nucleic acids and CSF-VZVG which was corrected for blood-CSF barrier dynamics and poly-specific immune activation. We found that 13 of 35 (37%), including 7 with a positive CSF VZV PCR, young HIV-infected adults presenting with stroke, 3 of 34 (9%) young HIV-uninfected adults presenting with stroke, and 1 of 18 (6%) HIV-infected nonstroke controls demonstrated evidence of central nervous system reactivation of VZV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lactoperoxidase (, LPO) is a mammalian heme peroxidase found in the extracellular fluids of mammals including plasma, saliva, airway epithelial lining fluids, nasal lining fluid, milk, tears, gastric juices, and intestinal mucosa. To perform its innate immune action against invading microbes, LPO utilizes hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) to convert thiocyanate (SCN- ) and iodide (I- ) ions into the oxidizing compounds hypothiocyanite (OSCN- ) and hypoiodite (IO- ). Previously determined structures of the complexes of LPO with SCN- , OSCN- , and I- show that SCN- and I- occupy appropriate positions in the distal heme cavity as substrates while OSCN- binds in the distal heme cavity as a product inhibitor. We report here the structure of the complex of LPO with IO- as the first structural evidence of the conversion of iodide into hypoiodite by LPO. To obtain this complex, a solution of LPO was first incubated with H2 O2 , then mixed with ammonium iodide solution and the complex crystallized by the addition of PEG-3350, 20% (wt/vol). These crystals were used for X-ray intensity data collection and structure analysis. The structure determination revealed the presence of four hypoiodite ions in the substrate binding channel of LPO. In addition to these, six other hypoiodite ions were observed at different exterior sites. We surmise that the presence of hypoiodite ions in the distal heme cavity blocks the substrate binding site and inhibits catalysis. This was confirmed by activity experiments with the colorimetric substrate, ABTS (2,2\'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-sulfonic acid)), in the presence of hypoiodite and iodide ions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ever since the immune regulatory strains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), such as Clone 13, were isolated, LCMV infection of mice has served as a valuable model for the mechanistic study of viral immune suppression and virus persistence. The exhaustion of virus-specific T cells was demonstrated during LCMV infection, and the underlying mechanisms have been extensively investigated using LCMV infection in mouse models. In particular, the mechanism for gradual CD8+ T cell exhaustion at molecular and transcriptional levels has been investigated. These studies revealed crucial roles for inhibitory receptors, surface markers, regulatory cytokines, and transcription factors, including PD-1, PSGL-1, CXCR5, and TOX in the regulation of T cells. However, the action mode for CD4+ T cell suppression is largely unknown. Recently, sphingosine kinase 2 was proven to specifically repress CD4+ T cell proliferation and lead to LCMV persistence. As CD4+ T cell regulation was also known to be important for viral persistence, research to uncover the mechanism for CD4+ T cell repression could help us better understand how viruses launch and prolong their persistence. This review summarizes discoveries derived from the study of LCMV in regard to the mechanisms for T cell suppression and approaches for the termination of viral persistence with special emphasis on CD8+ T cells.





