veterinary professionals

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mental health is a serious problem among veterinarians. The aim of this study was to analyze work-related behaviors and experience (AVEM), overcommitment (OC), and cognitive and emotional irritation (IS) in different veterinary working fields. The survey included 724 German veterinarians (average age 41.0 ± 9.72 years). Validated questionnaires were used to assess overcommitment, work-related behavior and experience patterns (health-promoting pattern G or S; health-hazardous risk pattern A or B), and irritation in several working fields. A correlation analysis and a multivariate test were performed. Increased OC was observed in 35.8% of veterinarians (mixed animals vs. inspectors, p = 0.042; small vs. mixed animals, p = 0.001). A total of 66% of veterinarians exhibited AVEM risk pattern A or B. There was no significant association of AVEM risk patterns and veterinary specialty. Only the AVEM dimension \"tendency toward resignation in the face of failure\" differed among working fields (p = 0.04). Regardless of direct animal contact, German veterinarians showed increased psychological stress. Inadequate compensation and prolonged stress are significant factors that can lead to burnout or depression. These risks should be considered in the context of occupational healthcare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mental health problems and suicide risk among veterinarians and veterinary nurses are well documented in the literature. Data on veterinary assistants have been overlooked, however. In addition, information on Portuguese veterinary professionals is lacking. An online sample of 833 Portuguese veterinary professionals (443 veterinarians, 287 nurses, and 103 assistants) completed self-report questionnaires about suicide risk and mental health between December 2022 and March 2023. Descriptive analysis revealed that 3.5% of respondents attempted suicide during their lifetime; 17.2% experienced extremely severe depression and suicidal ideation; 17.8% and 27.0% experienced extremely severe stress and anxiety, respectively; and 27.4% and 27.7% reported burnout and compassion fatigue, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that professionals with a history of mental illness history; with current clinical symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress; and working more than 40 hours per week experienced greater levels of burnout, compassion fatigue, and suicide ideation. Other variables such as being a woman, being a veterinary assistant, and disagreeing with motives for euthanasia also predicted some mental health problems. Mental health problems in the Portuguese veterinary professionals are a major health concern. These professionals are at higher risk for suicide, and clinical implications and guidelines are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to assess the accuracy of weight estimation in cats provided by pet owners, veterinary technicians, house officers (interns and residents) and attending clinicians in an emergency room (ER). An additional objective was to determine whether carrying the cat contributed to a more accurate weight estimate.
    METHODS: A total of 72 cats presented to an ER and were enrolled in the study. Pet owners, veterinary technicians, house officers and attending clinicians were asked to record the cats\' estimated weights on individual data collection cards. The actual weights of the cats were then obtained and compared with participants\' estimations.
    RESULTS: There were no significant differences between weight estimates provided by pet owners, veterinary technicians, house officers and attending clinicians. Similarly, neither the length of experience of the veterinary staff nor carrying the cat had an effect on the provision of a more accurate weight estimate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pet owners are no better at weight estimation of cats in the ER setting compared with veterinary professionals. Carrying the cat did not improve the accuracy of weight estimation among veterinary professionals. The mean cat weight of 4.9 kg could be used as an average cat weight in an emergency situation for an adult cat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The overuse of antimicrobial medicines is a global health concern, including as a major driver of antimicrobial resistance. In many low- and middle-income countries, a substantial proportion of antibiotics are purchased over-the-counter without a prescription. But while antibiotics are widely available, information on when and how to use them is not.
    We aimed to understand the acceptability among experts and professionals of sharing information on antibiotic use with end users - patients, carers and farmers - in Uganda, Tanzania and Malawi.
    Building on extended periods of fieldwork amongst end-users and antibiotic providers in the three countries, we conducted two workshops in each, with a total of 44 medical and veterinary professionals, policy makers and drug regulators, in December 2021. We carried out extensive documentary and literature reviews to characterise antibiotic information systems in each setting.
    Participants reported that the general public had been provided information on medicine use in all three countries by national drug authorities, health care providers and in package inserts. Participants expressed concern over the danger of sharing detailed information on antibiotic use, particularly that end-users are not equipped to determine appropriate use of medicines. Sharing of general instructions to encourage professionally-prescribed practices was preferred.
    Without good access to prescribers, the tension between enclaving and sharing of knowledge presents an equity issue. Transitioning to a client care-centred model that begins with the needs of the patient, carer or farmer will require sharing unbiased antibiotic information at the point of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pet owners rely on information and advice from their veterinary practice to effectively manage their pet\'s weight. This study investigated weight management information and services displayed on practice websites in Ontario, Canada. Information collected from the websites of 50 randomly selected small and mixed-animal practices included practice and staff demographics and the type of weight management services, products, and information advertised or displayed. The most frequently advertised weight management service and product were nutritional counselling (34%) and therapeutic diets (25%), respectively. Current bodyweight measurement was advertised on just over half of the websites (54%), while physical therapy counselling was the least-advertised service (16%). Further statistical analyses were performed in an exploratory fashion to determine areas for future research. Binary logistic regression analyses were used to investigate the association between practice demographics and the type of weight management information advertised online. A maximum of two predictor variables were included in each regression model. Exploratory analyses indicated that when controlling for the number of veterinarians in each practice, having a higher number of veterinary technicians was associated with increased odds of a practice website advertising current bodyweight measurement by 80.1% (odds ratio (OR) = 1.80, p = 0.05). Additionally, when controlling the number of veterinary technicians, having a higher number of veterinarians was associated with increased odds of a practice website advertising sales of therapeutic diets by 119.0% (OR = 2.19, p = 0.04). When using corporate practices as reference, independently owned practices had decreased odds of advertising sales of treats and weight management accessories on their practice websites by 78.7% (OR = 0.21, p = 0.03). These preliminary results suggest that advertising weight management information is not prioritized on veterinary practice websites in Ontario, especially those with lower staff numbers. The findings of this study raise awareness on the current state of weight management promotion for pets on veterinary practice websites and highlight ways to improve upon a practice\'s online presence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Australia\'s 2019/2020 Black Summer bushfires affected billions of animals, many of which were rescued and cared for by veterinary and animal care workers (VACWs). Little is known about VACWs\' disaster-related experiences and how these experiences may affect them.
    We used a convergent mixed-methods design to explore how a variety of VACWs experienced the Black Summer bushfires. Data were gathered between April and July 2020. Participants (N = 93) were recruited via Facebook posts and emails that contained a link to an online survey. The survey included open-ended questions about VACWs\' bushfire-related experiences and quantitative measures of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, psychological distress, burnout and grief.
    Participants reported a variety of bushfire-related experiences and described several ways the disaster affected their work, personal lives and communities. Overall, participants scored highly on measures of psychological ill-health.
    Our cross-sectional design and use of non-probability sampling limited the generalisability of the results and may have introduced a response bias.
    Our results contribute new information on the experiences of VACWs during and after bushfires and the psychological hazards they may face due to the extreme and prolonged stressors produced by such disasters. Implications for policy and veterinary practice are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data collected in a 2016 survey of veterinary students and professionals from the United States and the United Kingdom who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and asexual (LGBTQ+) indicated that 34.5% (152/440) had experienced difficulties related to their sexual orientation or gender identity at school or work. This study\'s objective was to examine narrative responses collected in the 2016 survey and utilize content analysis to explore the research questions: What are the concerns of the LGBTQ+ veterinary population, and how do they attempt to resolve difficulties at work and school? To address these questions, we developed two taxonomies that cataloged (a) the difficulties reported by veterinary professionals and students in the 2016 survey sample and (b) the outcomes of their attempts to resolve these difficulties. The themes related to difficulties that occurred most frequently were exposure to homophobic or transphobic language (n = 69; 45.4%), outness/staying in the closet (45, 29.6%), and negative emotional outcomes (32, 21.2%). The most common themes that described the outcomes of their attempts to resolve those difficulties were unresolved (n = 41, 27.0%), changed jobs or graduated (22, 14.5%), and found self-acceptance of acceptance from others (21, 13.8%). Our findings can inform the efforts of schools and colleges of veterinary medicine, professional organizations, and workplaces in targeting improvements to support LGBTQ+ students and professionals and the development of measures tailored to this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a taxonomy of positive and negative occupational and organisational factors reported that impact the mental health of veterinary professionals.
    METHODS: Veterinary professionals working in Australasia were surveyed between February and June of 2021. The survey comprised two questions related to participants\' perceptions of the positive and negative aspects of their job role that impact their mental health and wellbeing. Reflexive thematic analysis was employed to analyse the responses and generate two taxonomies of occupational and organisation stressors and protectors reported by participants.
    RESULTS: Fifty-three responses from veterinary professionals were analysed. The final stressor taxonomy generated contained 9 overarching themes and 36 subthemes. The most common of these were negative work conditions, challenging relationships with clients, and adverse events and patient outcomes. The taxonomy of protectors contained 11 overarching themes and 32 subthemes, with the most common including fulfillment and satisfaction, positive work conditions, and relationships with colleagues.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to examine both positive and negative factors in the veterinary industry reported by veterinary professionals in Australasia. The results highlighted stressors that can be addressed on both an individual and organisational level to promote the mental and health well-being of professionals working in the animal care industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pastoral and agro-pastoral farming are extensively practised in Ethiopia, and the main livestock kept are cattle, goats, sheep, poultry, and camels. The livestock sector is faced with complex challenges including limited availability of well-trained and skilled animal health professionals. The objective of this study was to identify and prioritise areas for training with the goal of providing evidence to guide strategies to improve the skills, delivery, and governance of veterinary services across Ethiopia. A cross-sectional survey was developed and administered electronically to veterinary professionals in Ethiopia using the Qualtrics platform. Data were collected on select parameters including demographics, diseases of economic significance, diagnosis, disease prevention, biosecurity, disease control, treatment, epidemiology, One Health, disease reporting, and the participants\' opinions about training. The survey data was downloaded in Microsoft Excel and descriptive statistics performed. A total of 234 veterinary professionals completed the survey. Most participants were male (89.7%) and aged between 26 and 35 years (81.2%). Of the total respondents, 56.4% worked in government and 8.5% in private practice. Most participants perceived training on laboratory diagnostic testing, disease prevention, antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic sensitivity testing, basic epidemiology, and clinical procedures, as most beneficial. In addition, most respondents would like to receive training on diseases affecting cattle, poultry, and small ruminants. The findings from this study provide baseline information on priority training areas for veterinary professionals and could potentially contribute to national efforts to develop and implement a continuing professional development programme in the veterinary domain, in view of improving veterinary service delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Despite the investments made in veterinary diagnostic laboratory service delivery in Uganda, the scope and level of utilization remains low. This study aimed to determine the priority livestock diseases for which farmers and animal health professionals require veterinary diagnostic laboratory services, document the perceptions and opinions of key stakeholders on veterinary diagnostic laboratory services, and determine the factors that influence the delivery and utilization of animal disease diagnostic services in Uganda. Methods: A qualitative study approach involving a survey and key informant interviews was used to collect relevant data from four stakeholder groups: animal health workers, laboratory technologists and technicians, farmers, and key informants. The survey data were exported to excel, and descriptive statistics performed. The key informant interview recordings were transcribed, and thematic analysis performed. Results: The most reported diseases and conditions for which diagnostic services were needed were hemoparasites (including East Coast fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and trypanosomosis), viral (including Foot and mouth disease, lumpy skin disease, rift valley fever, and papillomatosis), bacteria (including brucellosis, colibacillosis, anthrax, leptospirosis, and paratuberculosis) and protozoa diseases (coccidiosis), endoparasites (helminths), and mastitis. The most common diagnostic laboratory tests requested by clients, but laboratories were unable to provide included: rapid tests for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, Foot and mouth disease, Newcastle disease, acaricide analysis, culture and antimicrobial sensitivity test, serology, and complete blood count. The most frequently reported challenges to providing diagnostic laboratory services were poor or lack of relevant equipment, insufficient or lack of supplies and reagents, high cost of reagents, inadequate or lack of laboratory staff to perform tests, and inadequate training of laboratory staff. Conclusions: This study highlighted the need to improve provision of laboratory diagnostic services to meet the prioritized diagnostic needs of farmers and animal health professionals. Increased intersectoral engagement and funding support from the private, industry, and government sectors is necessary to help address the observed challenges to provision of diagnostic laboratory services, including equipping of the laboratories, provision of supplies, and hiring and training of laboratory staff. Finally, the findings also suggest that the education of farmers and animal health workers on the value and benefits of laboratory diagnostic services may contribute to increase in sample submission and subsequent demand for diagnostic laboratory services.





