vermiform appendix

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transient receptor potential canonical channel 6 (TRPC6) is a non-selective cation channel that is activated by diacylglycerol. It belongs to the TRP superfamily, is expressed in numerous tissues and has been shown to be associated with diseases, such as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy. The investigation of the channel in human lymphoid tissues has thus far been limited to mRNA analysis or the western blotting of isolated lymphoid cell lines. The present study aimed to detect the channel in human lymphoid tissue using immunohistochemistry. For this purpose, lymphatic tissues were obtained from body donors. The lymphatic organs analyzed included the lymph nodes, spleen, palatine tonsil, gut-associated lymphoid tissues (ileum and vermiform appendix) and thymus. A total of 102 samples were obtained and processed for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. The H&E staining method was employed to identify five samples with good morphology. In total, three samples of the palatine tonsil of patients were included. Immunostaining was carried out using a knockout-validated anti-TRPC6 antibody. As shown by the results, using immunohistochemical staining, the presence of TRPC6 was confirmed in all the analyzed lymphatic tissue samples. Lymphocytes in lymph nodes, spleen, palatine tonsil, thymus, and gut-associated lymphatic tissues in ileum and vermiform appendix exhibited a positive staining signal. The follicle-associated epithelium of the palatine tonsil, ileum and appendix also demonstrated staining. Vessels of the lymphatic organs, particularly the trabecular arteries of the spleen, the submucosal vessels of the appendix and ileum, as well as the high endothelial venules in the palatine tonsils and lymphatic vessels of the lymph nodes expressed TRPC6 protein. TRPC6 in follicles may be involved in the immune response. TRPC6 in high endothelial venules suggests a role in leukocyte migration. The role of TRPC6 and other channels of the TRP family in lymphatic organs warrant further investigations to elucidate whether TRP channels are a pharmacological target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Appendicectomy is the most frequently performed emergency general surgical procedure. Previous research has highlighted discrepancies between initial intraoperative laparoscopic diagnoses and subsequent histopathology reports following appendicectomy. In the United Kingdom (UK), routine histopathological examination is the established practice, ensuring precise diagnosis of appendiceal specimens. This retrospective analysis aims to compare intraoperative laparoscopic assessments of the appendix with corresponding histopathology findings.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 418 consecutive emergency laparoscopic appendectomies at Peterborough City Hospital in the UK between April 2018 and June 2019 for suspected appendicitis. Intraoperative findings were compared with histopathological examination outcomes using kappa statistics.
    RESULTS: Of the 418 appendectomies analysed, we found a substantial agreement between surgeons and pathologists (kappa = 0.71, P < 0.001) in detecting overall abnormalities of appendices. This agreement was also high for detecting inflamed appendices (kappa = 0.72, P < 0.001). However, of the six neoplastic lesions confirmed in the pathologists\' final report, only two were suspected during laparoscopy.
    CONCLUSIONS: While laparoscopic assessments of the appendix demonstrate a statistically significant and improved agreement with histopathological findings in detecting abnormal and inflamed appendices, the ability of surgeons to identify neoplasia appears suboptimal based on our small sample of neoplasia cases. The data strongly support the continued practice of routine histopathological examination following appendicectomy due to its crucial role in avoiding missed diagnoses and ensuring better patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Amyand\'s hernia is a rare variant of inguinal hernia characterized by the presence of the vermiform appendix within the hernia sac. It represents a unique diagnostic and management challenge for surgeons due to its low incidence and varied clinical presentations. Here, we present a case of a 45-year-old man with a one-year history of right inguinoscrotal swelling, diagnosed as a right indirect inguinal hernia. Preoperative imaging revealed the presence of omentum within the hernia sac. Intraoperatively, both the omentum and the vermiform appendix were found within the sac without evidence of inflammation. The patient underwent successful Lichtenstein meshplasty without appendicectomy. This case highlights the importance of considering Amyand\'s hernia in the differential diagnosis of inguinal hernias and the significance of intraoperative findings in guiding surgical management. Further studies and case reports are needed to enhance our understanding of this rare clinical entity and optimize patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The role of Enterobius vermicularis infestation in the context of appendicitis is largely overlooked, but Enterobius vermicularis is considered an unexpected and significant appendicectomy finding. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of Enterobius vermicularis findings in appendectomies and to evaluate the clinical and histopathologic features of patients with Enterobius vermicularis-associated acute appendicitis and those with appendiceal Enterobius vermicularis infestation. Methods: The medical records of all children who underwent an appendectomy in two large pediatric centers in Croatia between 1 January 2009 and 1 January 2024 were retrospectively reviewed. Of 6359 appendectomies, 61 (0.96%) children were diagnosed with Enterobius vermicularis on histopathology and included in further analysis. The groups were compared with regard to demographic characteristics, laboratory values, clinical features and histopathological findings. Results: The incidence of enterobiasis fluctuated slightly in the individual study years, but was constant overall. The median age of all patients was 11 years (IQR 8.5, 13), with females predominating (60.7%). Acute appendicitis was observed in 34% of the appendiceal species. The patients with Enterobius vermicularis infestation, without appendicitis, were younger (9 years (IQR 8, 13) vs. 12 years (IQR 10, 15); p = 0.020), had longer duration of symptoms (36 h (IQR, 12, 48) vs. 24 h (IQR, 12, 36); p = 0.034), lower body temperature (37 °C (IQR 36.8, 37.4) vs. 37.6 °C (IQR, 37, 38.6) p = 0.012), lower Appendicitis Inflammation Response (AIR) score (3 (IQR 2, 5) vs. 7 (IQR 5, 9.5) p < 0.001), lower incidence of rebound tenderness (57.1% vs. 20%; p = 0.003) and less frequent vomiting (12.5% vs. 47.6%; p = 0.004) compared to the patients with Enterobius vermicularis-associated acute appendicitis. Acute inflammatory markers in the laboratory showed significantly higher values in the group of patients with acute appendicitis: C-reactive protein (p = 0.009), White blood cells (p = 0.001) and neutrophils (p < 0.001). Eosinophilia was not found in any of the groups, although eosinophil counts were significantly higher in children who had Enterobius vermicularis infestation than in those with Enterobius vermicularis-related appendicitis (2.5% (IQR 0.9, 4.3) vs. 1.8% (IQR 0.7, 2.1); p = 0.040). Conclusions: Pediatric surgeons should consider Enterobius vermicularis infestation as a differential diagnosis when removing a vermiform appendix. Younger age, longer duration of symptoms, lower body temperature, lower AIR score, lower diameter of the appendix and normal laboratory inflammatory markers could predict Enterobius vermicularis infection in children presenting with right iliac fossa pain and avoid unnecessary appendectomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inguinal hernia containing the vermiform appendix is a rare entity. It is more common in children than in adults. It can be discovered incidentally during the surgical intervention performed for the cure of the inguinal hernia or when the appendix shows inflammatory changes, a situation that can lead to diagnostic confusion with a number of other diseases. Imaging can guide the diagnosis, which often comes as an intraoperative surprise. The therapeutic approach is controversial both in terms of whether or not to perform an appendectomy in the case of an appendix without inflammatory changes and especially in terms of using a mesh during the hernia repair process. Since the pathology is not very frequent, there are no standardized stages in terms of surgical ethics that can guarantee good surgical practice. The study aimed to carry out a review of the specialized literature to obtain some conclusions or trends regarding the management of this pathology. The low frequency of this type of hernia did not allow the consultation of large-scale studies or extensive reviews focusing on case reports or case series communications. The obtained results were statistically analyzed and integrated in relation to the surgical attitude depending on the particularities of the condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains one of the deadliest solid tumors and is resistant to immunotherapy. B cells play an essential role in PDAC progression and immune responses, both locally and systemically. Moreover, increasing evidence suggests that microbial compositions inside the tumor, as well as in the oral cavity and the gut, are important factors in shaping the PDAC immune landscape. However, the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) has not previously been explored in PDAC patients. In this study, we analyzed healthy vermiform appendix (VA) from 20 patients with PDAC and 32 patients with colon diseases by gene expression immune profiling, flow cytometry analysis, and microbiome sequencing. We show that the VA GALT of PDAC patients exhibits markers of increased inflammation and cytotoxic cell activity. In contrast, B cell function is decreased in PDAC VA GALT based on gene expression profiling; B cells express significantly fewer MHC class II surface receptors, whereas plasma cells express the immune checkpoint molecule HLA-G. Additionally, the vermiform appendix microbiome of PDAC patients is enriched with Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bifidobacterium animalis, and Adlercreutzia equolifaciens, while certain commensals are depleted. Our findings may suggest impaired B cell function within the GALT of PDAC patients, which could potentially be linked to microbial dysbiosis. Additional investigations are imperative to validate our observations and explore these potential targets of future therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The article covers aspects of morphological, anatomical, embryological, histological aspects and origin, types, blood supply, innervation, lymph drainage of human vermiform appendix. The purpose of the study is to understand real function and to summarize this information for positive impact on clinical decision in case of appendicitis. Although characteristic features of normal and diseased appendix have been reported for many previous centuries, it still the most common challenge facing every day in operation room. The appendectomy, commonest surgical emergency procedure, may cause little confusion in surgeons due to highly variable situations of it inside the abdominal cavity. However, the recent imaging techniques have increased ability of surgeon for crucial diagnosis of the diseased appendix.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The anatomical variations in the position, length, arterial supply and extension of mesoappendix of the vermiform appendix (VA) are pivotal to establishing a standard pattern in the study population of known ethnicity and their clinical applicability.
    METHODS: The present study was conducted on 47 adult human cadavers, thirty-five males and twelve female subjects of North Indian ethnicity.
    RESULTS: Retrocaecal appendix was found in 23 cases (48.9%) followed by pelvic in 13 (27.7%), three cases each of pre-ileal, post-ileal, and promontoric (6.4%), one case (2.1%) each of paracaecal and subcaecal reported. The length of VA varied from three to ten centimetres, averaging about 7.37±1.67 cm, both the shortest (2.9 cm) (female) and longest (10 cm) (male) were of retrocaecal type. The main appendicular artery (MAA) showed a widely varied branching pattern within the mesoappendix, ranging from three to seven. Fourteen cases (29.78%) showed the accessory appendicular artery (AAA) or dual arterial supply, arising from the ileocolic artery in ten (21%) and in four from the post-caecal (9%). In the specimens with dual arterial supply, the estimated portions of the VA supplied by the MAA also vary with distal ¾th being supplied in 57.14%. In ten cases (21%), the mesoappendix failed to reach the tip of the VF.
    CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of anatomical diversities in position, length, course, arterial supply, branching pattern, and mesoappendix is potentially crucial in avoiding surgical catastrophes. Atypical positions of the organ can cause diagnostic confusion and result in delayed treatment. VF supplied by an end artery is one of the causes of the occurrence of appendicitis and mesoappendix not reaching the tip making the organ more vulnerable to necrosis. Vascular variations and anomalies involving the main or accessory appendicular artery are critical to prevent haemorrhage or faulty ligatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The vermiform appendix is a muscular cylindrical structure originating near the junction of the cecum and ileum, averaging 9 cm (5-35 cm) in size. As the most mobile viscera, it can adopt several positions, the most common being the retrocecal position. Perceived as an atavistic organ lacking physiological relevance, the vermiform appendix appears to be involved in immune function, serving in the maturation of B lymphocytes and the production of immunoglobulin A, in endocrine function, excreting amines and hormones in the 2-3 mL of mucus secreted daily, and in digestive function, by storing beneficial bacteria from where they can recolonize the colon. With a lumen of about 6 mm, the vermiform appendix has a reduced storage capacity, so any blockage of the appendix with fecoliths (fecaliths), seeds derailed from the colon, or enlarged lymph nodes prevents drainage and intraluminal accumulation of secreted mucus. Unable to relax, the appendix wall severely limits its intraluminal volume, so mucus accumulation leads to inflammation of the appendix, known generically as appendicitis. In addition, the vermiform appendix may be the site of the development of neoplastic processes, which may or may not involve mucus production, some of which can significantly affect the standard of living and ultimately lead to death. In general, mucinous tumors may have a better prognosis than non-mucinous tumors. This review takes a comprehensive path, starting by describing the anatomy and embryology of the vermiform appendix and further detailing its inflammatory pathologies, pathologies related to congenital anomalies, and appendix tumors, thus creating an up-to-date framework for better understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of these health problems.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background: Appendicitis within incisional hernia is an extraordinarily rare postoperative complication with an incidence range from 0.08 to 1%. From the 14 cases that we found in the English literature, only three present appendixes vermiform in incisional hernia followed by laparoscopic surgery. Only two cases are treated minimally invasively by the laparoscopic approach. Case presentation: We introduce a 65-year-old man who had a laparoscopic sigmoid colon resection and had a lump found at the 12 mm trocar site in the right iliac area in the late postoperative phase. There were no complaints from the patient. A vermiform appendix was unexpectedly discovered in the sac of that incisional hernia during control CT scans performed by chemotherapists. Laparoscopic hernia repair without appendectomy was performed. Postoperative outcomes were excellent. Conclusions: Because of low incidence and a lack of distinctive clinical presentation of appendicitis within incisional hernia, there is a risk of delayed perioperative diagnosis and treatment. A CT scan might play an important role in verifying the diagnosis early. For better postoperative outcomes, if possible, laparoscopic surgery should be chosen.





