vector autoregression

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The hierarchical medical system is an important measure to promote equitable healthcare and sustain economic development. As the population\'s consumption level rises, the demand for healthcare services also increases. Based on urban and rural perspectives in China, this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the hierarchical medical system and its relationship with economic development in China.
    UNASSIGNED: The study analyses panel data collected from Chinese government authorities, covering the period from 2009 to 2022. According to China\'s regional development policy, China is divided into the following regions: Eastern, Middle, Western, and Northeastern. Urban and rural component factors were downscaled using principal component analysis (PCA). The factor score formula combined with Urban-rural disparity rate (ΔD) were utilized to construct models for evaluating the effectiveness of the hierarchical medical system from an urban-rural perspective. A Vector Autoregression model is then constructed to analyze the dynamic relationship between the effects of the hierarchical medical system and economic growth, and to predict potential future changes.
    UNASSIGNED: Three principal factors were extracted. The contributions of the three principal factors were 38.132, 27.662, and 23.028%. In 2021, the hierarchical medical systems worked well in Henan (F = 47245.887), Shandong (F = 45999.640), and Guangdong (F = 42856.163). The Northeast (ΔDmax = 18.77%) and Eastern region (ΔDmax = 26.04%) had smaller disparities than the Middle (ΔDmax = 49.25%) and Western region (ΔDmax = 56.70%). Vector autoregression model reveals a long-term cointegration relationship between economic development and the healthcare burden for both urban and rural residents (βurban = 3.09, βrural = 3.66), as well as the number of individuals receiving health education (β = -0.3492). Both the Granger causality test and impulse response analysis validate the existence of a substantial time lag between the impact of the hierarchical medical system and economic growth.
    UNASSIGNED: Residents in urban areas are more affected by economic factors, while those in rural areas are more influenced by time considerations. The urban rural disparity in the hierarchical medical system is associated with the level of economic development of the region. When formulating policies for economically relevant hierarchical medical systems, it is important to consider the impact of longer lags.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain-effective connectivity analysis quantifies directed influence of one neural element or region over another, and it is of great scientific interest to understand how effective connectivity pattern is affected by variations of subject conditions. Vector autoregression (VAR) is a useful tool for this type of problems. However, there is a paucity of solutions when there is measurement error, when there are multiple subjects, and when the focus is the inference of the transition matrix. In this article, we study the problem of transition matrix inference under the high-dimensional VAR model with measurement error and multiple subjects. We propose a simultaneous testing procedure, with three key components: a modified expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, a test statistic based on the tensor regression of a bias-corrected estimator of the lagged auto-covariance given the covariates, and a properly thresholded simultaneous test. We establish the uniform consistency for the estimators of our modified EM, and show that the subsequent test achieves both a consistent false discovery control, and its power approaches one asymptotically. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through both simulations and a brain connectivity study of task-evoked functional magnetic resonance imaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent years have seen the emergence of an \"idio-thetic\" class of methods to bridge the gap between nomothetic and idiographic inference. These methods describe nomothetic trends in idiographic processes by pooling intraindividual information across individuals to inform group-level inference or vice versa. The current work introduces a novel \"idio-thetic\" model: the subgrouped chain graphical vector autoregression (scGVAR). The scGVAR is unique in its ability to identify subgroups of individuals who share common dynamic network structures in both lag(1) and contemporaneous effects. Results from Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the scGVAR shows promise over similar approaches when clusters of individuals differ in their contemporaneous dynamics and in showing increased sensitivity in detecting nuanced group differences while keeping Type-I error rates low. In contrast, a competing approach-the Alternating Least Squares VAR (ALS VAR) performs well when groups were separated by larger distances. Further considerations are provided regarding applications of the ALS VAR and scGVAR on real data and the strengths and limitations of both methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid developments over the last several decades have brought increased focus and attention to the role of time scales and heterogeneity in the modeling of human processes. To address these emerging questions, subgrouping methods developed in the discrete-time framework-such as the vector autoregression (VAR)-have undergone widespread development to identify shared nomothetic trends from idiographic modeling results. Given the dependence of VAR-based parameters on the measurement intervals of the data, we sought to clarify the strengths and limitations of these methods in recovering subgroup dynamics under different measurement intervals. Building on the work of Molenaar and collaborators for subgrouping individual time-series by means of the subgrouped chain graphical VAR (scgVAR) and the subgrouping option in the group iterative multiple model estimation (S-GIMME), we present results from a Monte Carlo study aimed at addressing the implications of identifying subgroups using these discrete-time methods when applied to continuous-time data. Results indicate that discrete-time subgrouping methods perform well at recovering true subgroups when the measurement intervals are large enough to capture the full range of a system\'s dynamics, either via lagged or contemporaneous effects. Further implications and limitations are discussed therein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Traditional surveillance systems rely on routine collection of data. The inherent delay in retrieval and analysis of data leads to reactionary rather than preventive measures. Forecasting and analysis of behavior-related data can supplement the information from traditional surveillance systems.
    OBJECTIVE: We assessed the use of behavioral indicators, such as the general public\'s interest in the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 and changes in their mobility, in building a vector autoregression model for forecasting and analysis of the relationships of these indicators with the number of COVID-19 cases in the National Capital Region.
    METHODS: An etiologic, time-trend, ecologic study design was used to forecast the daily number of cases in 3 periods during the resurgence of COVID-19. We determined the lag length by combining knowledge on the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 and information criteria measures. We fitted 2 models to the training data set and computed their out-of-sample forecasts. Model 1 contains changes in mobility and number of cases with a dummy variable for the day of the week, while model 2 also includes the general public\'s interest. The forecast accuracy of the models was compared using mean absolute percentage error. Granger causality test was performed to determine whether changes in mobility and public\'s interest improved the prediction of cases. We tested the assumptions of the model through the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, Lagrange multiplier test, and assessment of the moduli of eigenvalues.
    RESULTS: A vector autoregression (8) model was fitted to the training data as the information criteria measures suggest the appropriateness of 8. Both models generated forecasts with similar trends to the actual number of cases during the forecast period of August 11-18 and September 15-22. However, the difference in the performance of the 2 models became substantial from January 28 to February 4, as the accuracy of model 2 remained within reasonable limits (mean absolute percentage error [MAPE]=21.4%) while model 1 became inaccurate (MAPE=74.2%). The results of the Granger causality test suggest that the relationship of public interest with number of cases changed over time. During the forecast period of August 11-18, only change in mobility (P=.002) improved the forecasting of cases, while public interest was also found to Granger-cause the number of cases during September 15-22 (P=.001) and January 28 to February 4 (P=.003).
    CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that forecasted the number of COVID-19 cases and explored the relationship of behavioral indicators with the number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines. The resemblance of the forecasts from model 2 with the actual data suggests its potential in providing information about future contingencies. Granger causality also implies the importance of examining changes in mobility and public interest for surveillance purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To deeply analyze and understand the macro-financial impact of climate change, this paper investigates the effect of climate risk on systemic financial risks by employing a network approach. The results demonstrate that climate risk not only affects a single financial market but also induces risk co-movement, which aggravates potential systemic financial risks. Specifically, the system-wide connectedness across the financial system respectively increased by 2.52% and 1.76% after the withdrawal of the US from the Kyoto Protocol and the Copenhagen UN Climate Change Conference. The bond and stock markets are the primary transmitters of climate shocks, while the forex and commodity markets appear to be more sensitive to climate-related information. In addition, the vulnerability of financial asset price fluctuations to climate risk changes substantially over time. Quantile regressions reveal the positive impact of climate risk on total connectedness across the financial system. This study provides novel insight into how the financial system responds to climate-related information and how systemic risk dynamics materialize.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the rapid spread of COVID-19, there is an urgent need for a framework to accurately predict COVID-19 transmission. Recent epidemiological studies have found that a prominent feature of COVID-19 is its ability to be transmitted before symptoms occur, which is generally not the case for seasonal influenza and severe acute respiratory syndrome. Several COVID-19 predictive epidemiological models have been proposed; however, they share a common drawback - they are unable to capture the unique asymptomatic nature of COVID-19 transmission. Here, we propose vector autoregression (VAR) as an epidemiological county-level prediction model that captures this unique aspect of COVID-19 transmission by introducing newly infected cases in other counties as lagged explanatory variables. Using the number of new COVID-19 cases in seven New York State counties, we predicted new COVID-19 cases in the counties over the next 4 weeks. We then compared our prediction results with those of 11 other state-of-the-art prediction models proposed by leading research institutes and academic groups. The results showed that VAR prediction is superior to other epidemiological prediction models in terms of the root mean square error of prediction. Thus, we strongly recommend the simple VAR model as a framework to accurately predict COVID-19 transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have been conducted, globally and locally, on the impact of the exchange rate on economic growth. In the local context, only a handful of research have investigated this area of study to determine the extent to which the Purchasing Managers\' Index influence economic growth with the exchange rate, with limited research have been performed in Sri Lanka. This study explores the impact of exchange rate and Purchasing Managers\' Index on economic growth. Consequently, adopting an applied research methodology, the present study was based on secondary data published quarterly by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka reports and the Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka from 2015 to 2021. The Vector autoregression model and Granger Causality Wald test were performed in this study. The empirical findings highlighted that economic growth and Purchasing Managers\' Index have a significant negative impact on the economic growth, while the exchange rate had a significant positive impact on the economic growth. Furthermore, the exchange rate and the Purchasing Managers\' Index did not help to predict the exchange rate. The implications of the study demonstrate the relevance of the exchange rate and manufacturing Purchasing Managers\' Index as indicators of changes in overall economic growth activities at the macro level. The findings will assist the Sri Lankan Government, policymakers, and foreign investors for effective decision making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bootstrap procedure has emerged as a general framework to construct prediction intervals for future observations in autoregressive time series models. Such models with outlying data points are standard in real data applications, especially in the field of econometrics. These outlying data points tend to produce high forecast errors, which reduce the forecasting performances of the existing bootstrap prediction intervals calculated based on non-robust estimators. In the univariate and multivariate autoregressive time series, we propose a robust bootstrap algorithm for constructing prediction intervals and forecast regions. The proposed procedure is based on the weighted likelihood estimates and weighted residuals. Its finite sample properties are examined via a series of Monte Carlo studies and two empirical data examples.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We contribute to the literature on financial networks by presenting empirical evidence that the global shock of the COVID-19 pandemic caused changes in the forms and intensity of banking sector connections between different countries. These changes include providing the highest level of connectivity observed in the timeline initiated in 2005. We used a comprehensive set of information containing data from 35 countries (developed and emerging economies) and showed the change in the classification of transmitting and receiving spillover during the COVID-19 crisis. Our results provide relevant insights into systemic integration between countries\' banking markets, especially during difficult times. Our results are significant to Central Banks, banking sector investors, and governments seeking assistance from banks in the solutions for the resumption of the economy in the face of the COVID-19 shock.





