vasa previa

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the number of pregnancies complicated by vasa previa annually in nine developed countries, and the potential preventable stillbirths associated with undiagnosed cases. We also assessed the potential impact of universal screening for vasa previa on reducing stillbirth rates.
    METHODS: We utilized nationally-reported birth and stillbirth data from public databases in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Greece, Sweden, Portugal, and Australia. Using the annual number of births and the number and rate of stillbirths in each country, and the published incidence of vasa previa and stillbirth rates associated with the condition, we estimated the expected annual number of cases of vasa previa, those that would result in a livebirth, and the potential preventable stillbirths with and without prenatal diagnosis.
    RESULTS: There were 6,099,118 total annual births with 32,550 stillbirths, corresponding to a summary stillbirth rate of 5.34 per 1,000 pregnancies. The total expected vasa previa cases was estimated to be 5,007 (95 % CI: 3,208-7,201). The estimated number of livebirths would be 4,937 (95 % CI: 3,163-7,100) and 3,610 (95 % CI: 2,313-5,192) in pregnancies with and without a prenatal diagnosis of VP. This implies that prenatal diagnosis would potentially prevent 1,327 (95 % CI: 850-1,908) stillbirths in these countries, corresponding to a potential reduction in stillbirth rate by 4.72 % (95 % CI: 3.80-5.74) if routine screening for vasa previa was performed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the importance of universal screening for vasa previa and suggests that prenatal diagnosis of prevention could potentially reduce 4-5 % of stillbirths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vasa previa is a condition where unprotected fetal vessels cross the cervix within the membranes, posing a considerable risk of fetal death or severe morbidity if the membranes rupture before or during delivery. There has not been a definitive in utero treatment for this condition. Patients are typically closely monitored and hospitalized in the early third trimester and scheduled for cesarean delivery before term. This approach poses considerable physical, social, psychological, and financial challenges for pregnant patients and their families. Furthermore, fetal vessel rupture may lead to severe hypoxic-ischemic injury and consequent neurodevelopmental impairment. Finally, babies delivered early due to vasa previa may face both the short- and long-term consequences of prematurity. Recently, fetoscopic laser photocoagulation using a single-port fetoscope has emerged as a potential therapeutic option for patients with types II and III vasa previa. This innovative approach aims to reduce hospital stays, increases the chance of successful vaginal delivery, and potentially allows pregnancies to reach full term, providing lifelong benefits for the infant. Preliminary clinical studies on human subjects have demonstrated promising results concerning the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of this intervention for a subset of patients with types II and III vasa previa. After reviewing the current state of the art, we argued that offering fetoscopic laser photocoagulation in specialized centers under IRB supervision meets the ethical obligations of beneficence and non-maleficence for both pregnant and fetal patients, as well as the autonomy-based obligations for pregnant patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vasa previa is a pregnancy complication that occurs when unprotected fetal blood vessels traverse the cervical os, placing the fetus at high risk of exsanguination and fetal death. These fetal vessels may be compromised by fetal movement and compression, leading to poor oxygen distribution and asphyxiation. Diagnostic tools for vasa previa management and preterm labor (PTL) include transvaginal ultrasound, cervical length (CL) surveillance and use of fetal fibronectin (FFN) testing. These tools can prove to be quite useful as they allow for lead time in the prediction of PTL and spontaneous rupture of membranes which can result in devastating outcomes for pregnancies affected by vasa previa. We conducted a literature review on vasa previa management and the usefulness of FFN and CL surveillance in predicting PTL and found 36 related papers. Although there is limited research available to show the impact of FFN and CL surveillance in the management of vasa previa, there is sufficient evidence to support FFN and CL surveillance in predicting the onset of PTL, which can have devastating consequences for the pregnancies affected. It can be extrapolated that these tools, by helping to determine pregnancies at risk for PTL, could improve management and outcomes in patients with vasa previa. Future studies investigating the management of vasa previa with FFN and CL surveillance to reduce the burden of PTL and its associated comorbidities are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Vasa previa is a rare disorder of the placenta. The absence of a prenatal diagnosis is associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. In our patient, ultrasound findings, although atypical, successfully established the prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa in the second trimester of pregnancy. Despite the fact that the placenta was not low-lying, that it was not possible to visualize the site of umbilical cord insertion into the placental tissue, and that vasa previa was not directly visualized, the presence of blood flow near and around the internal cervical os, as seen on transvaginal Doppler ultrasound in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, raised serious suspicion of their presence. With the completion of the 36th gestational week, it was decided to proceed with a scheduled cesarean section. One week earlier, a course of corticosteroids was administered. The cesarean section was performed without complications. After placental delivery, the presence of velamentous umbilical cord insertion was noted, with umbilical vessels coursing unprotected by the placental tissue or umbilical cord within the fetal membranes. The puerperant and the newborn were discharged from the obstetrics clinic of the General Hospital of Trikala in excellent condition. This paper highlights the importance of transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound in the prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa, which, while posing little risk to the mother, can often be fatal to the fetus.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Vasa previa occurs when fetal vessels lie above the cervical os. A novel type of vasa previa, known as type III, is characterized by an abnormal branching of fetal vessels from the placenta in the absence of velamentous cord insertion (as seen in type I) or multilobed placenta (as seen in type II). Here, we present a case of a type III vasa previa after a resolution of a low-lying placenta. The presence of any known risk factors of vasa previa, including low-lying placenta, should prompt screening for vasa previa in the third trimester. Accurate and timely diagnosis of vasa previa will confer significant survival benefit for the neonate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital anomalies of the umbilical cord are associated with an increased risk of pregnancy and perinatal complications. Some anomalies of the cord have a higher prevalence than other fetal structural anomalies. The most common anomalies are the absence of an umbilical artery and velamentous insertion of the cord (with or without vasa previa). These anomalies, even when not associated with fetal structural defects, increase the risk of adverse perinatal outcome including, fetal growth restriction and stillbirth. In the absence of prenatal diagnosis, vasa previa is associated with the highest perinatal morbidity and mortality of all congenital anomalies of the umbilical cord. Most cases can be detected by ultrasound from the beginning of the second trimester and should be included in the routine mid-pregnancy ultrasound examination. Documentation should include cord insertion site, number of vessels in the cord, and if other pathologies have been detected. Pregnancies at increased risk of velamentous cord insertion should be screened for vasa previa using transvaginal ultrasound and colour Doppler imaging. If a velamentous cord insertion or isolated single umbilical artery is detected, individualised follow-up during pregnancy and tailored obstetric management are indicated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many studies have reported interventions for women with vasa praevia to improve perinatal outcomes. However, which outcomes are important for women remains unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: To explore what outcomes are important for women with lived experience of vasa praevia and why, in order to inform the development of a core outcome set for studies on vasa praevia.
    METHODS: An international qualitative study was conducted with women and clinicians. Semi-structured interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analysed taking an inductive approach.
    RESULTS: Eighteen women and six clinicians (four obstetricians, two midwives) from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia were interviewed. Participants identified 47 patient-important outcomes and experience measures, which were grouped under five themes: baby\'s survival and health, mother\'s physical health, mother\'s mental and emotional health, quality of health care delivery, and resource use and cost. While survival of the baby without short- and long-term morbidity remained the main priority, other important considerations included the physical, mental, social and financial wellbeing of families, future access to antenatal screening and diagnosis, information on management options and consequences, continuity of care, clear and effective communication, peer support and the appreciation of individual variations to risk tolerance, values and resource availability.
    CONCLUSIONS: We have identified patient-important outcomes and experience measures that have been directly fed into the development of a core outcome set on vasa previa. Incorporating these considerations into both clinical practice and future research studies has the potential to improve outcomes and experiences for women with vasa praevia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vasa previa (VP), defined as unprotected fetal vessels traversing the membranes over the cervix, is associated with a high perinatal mortality when undiagnosed prenatally. Conversely, prenatal diagnosis with ultrasound and cesarean delivery before the membranes rupture is associated with excellent outcomes. However, controversy exists regarding screening for VP. In the UK, routine screening for VP is not recommended. The objective of this study was to report the incidence of VP and our experience in the detection of VP with a universal screening protocol at the time of the second-trimester fetal anomaly scan with third-trimester confirmation in an unselected population of pregnancies.
    METHODS: We performed a single-center historical cohort study of all pregnant women who underwent routine second-trimester anomaly screening scans at West Middlesex University Hospital, London, UK, between 2012 and 2016. Over 5 years, every patient undergoing routine anomaly screening was evaluated for VP using a systematic protocol during their 20-week anomaly scan. Suspected cases of VP were rescanned in the third trimester by specialist sonographers with an interest in VP. The primary outcomes were the incidence and detection of VP.
    RESULTS: During the study period, 24 690 anatomy scans were performed. A total of 64 patients were identified as having potential VP at the second-trimester anomaly screening scan, of which 19 were confirmed by the specialist sonographer in the third trimester and at delivery. The screen positive rate was 0.26% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.20%-0.32%). VP at birth was found in 19/24690 births (1:1299 [95% CI: 1:832-1:2030] births). Universal screening for VP using our protocol had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 99.78% (95% CI: 99.72%-99.84%). The false-positive rate of the second-trimester screen was 0.18% (95% CI: 0.13-0.24). There were no false positives or false negatives at delivery. Of the 19 patients with confirmed VP, 17 had scheduled cesarean deliveries, and two required emergency deliveries due to antepartum hemorrhage. One baby died, giving a perinatal mortality of 5%.
    CONCLUSIONS: VP complicates approximately 1:1300 pregnancies. Routine screening for VP yielded a 100% detection rate. We suggest the inclusion of structured VP assessment in standard fetal anomaly screening programs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Vasa previa is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition to the fetus. Timely antenatal diagnosis and delivery by cesarean section (CS) can lead to a favorable outcome. Here, we report a case of recurrent pregnancy loss (G3A2) with vasa previa, which was diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound. She was admitted at her 31st week with bleeding per vaginum (PV) provisionally diagnosed as antepartum hemorrhage (APH) and managed conservatively as placenta previa. Follow-up ultrasonography (USG) revealed vasa previa at 33 weeks. The fetus was delivered by lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) after careful separation of the membranes and avoiding damage to the vessels as there was velamentous insertion of cord with the lower margin of the placenta in the lower segment. The baby was cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit due to prematurity and discharged after six days. This case report highlights the importance of prenatal ultrasound in diagnosing vasa previa and planning an elective cesarean section with caution intraoperatively for the safe delivery of the baby.





