variant calling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Structural variants (SVs) play an important role in genetic research and precision medicine. As existing SV detection methods usually contain a substantial number of false positive calls, approaches to filter the detection results are needed.
    RESULTS: We developed a novel deep learning-based SV filtering tool, CSV-Filter, for both short and long reads. CSV-Filter uses a novel multi-level grayscale image encoding method based on CIGAR strings of the alignment results and employs image augmentation techniques to improve SV feature extraction. CSV-Filter also utilizes self-supervised learning networks for transfer as classification models, and employs mixed-precision operations to accelerate training. The experiments showed that the integration of CSV-Filter with popular SV detection tools could considerably reduce false positive SVs for short and long reads, while maintaining true positive SVs almost unchanged. Compared with DeepSVFilter, a SV filtering tool for short reads, CSV-Filter could recognize more false positive calls and support long reads as an additional feature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unveiling the strategies of bacterial adaptation to stress constitute a challenging area of research. The understanding of mechanisms governing emergence of resistance to antimicrobials is of particular importance regarding the increasing threat of antibiotic resistance on public health worldwide. In the last decades, the fast democratization of sequencing technologies along with the development of dedicated bioinformatical tools to process data offered new opportunities to characterize genomic variations underlying bacterial adaptation. Thereby, research teams have now the possibility to dive deeper in the deciphering of bacterial adaptive mechanisms through the identification of specific genetic targets mediating survival to stress. In this chapter, we proposed a step-by-step bioinformatical pipeline enabling the identification of mutational events underlying biocidal stress adaptation associated with antimicrobial resistance development using Escherichia marmotae as an illustrative model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) is a subset of cell free DNA (cfDNA) released by tumour cells into the bloodstream. Circulating tumour DNA has shown great potential as a biomarker to inform treatment in cancer patients. Collecting ctDNA is minimally invasive and reflects the entire genetic makeup of a patient\'s cancer. ctDNA variants in NGS data can be difficult to distinguish from sequencing and PCR artefacts due to low abundance, particularly in the early stages of cancer. Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) are short sequences ligated to the sequencing library before amplification. These sequences are useful for filtering out low frequency artefacts. The utility of ctDNA as a cancer biomarker depends on accurate detection of cancer variants.
    RESULTS: In this study, we benchmarked six variant calling tools, including two UMI-aware callers for their ability to call ctDNA variants. The standard variant callers tested included Mutect2, bcftools, LoFreq and FreeBayes. The UMI-aware variant callers benchmarked were UMI-VarCal and UMIErrorCorrect. We used both datasets with known variants spiked in at low frequencies, and datasets containing ctDNA, and generated synthetic UMI sequences for these datasets. Variant callers displayed different preferences for sensitivity and specificity. Mutect2 showed high sensitivity, while returning more privately called variants than any other caller in data without synthetic UMIs - an indicator of false positive variant discovery. In data encoded with synthetic UMIs, UMI-VarCal detected fewer putative false positive variants than all other callers in synthetic datasets. Mutect2 showed a balance between high sensitivity and specificity in data encoded with synthetic UMIs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate UMI-aware variant callers have potential to improve sensitivity and specificity in calling low frequency ctDNA variants over standard variant calling tools. There is a growing need for further development of UMI-aware variant calling tools if effective early detection methods for cancer using ctDNA samples are to be realised.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Therapeutic cancer vaccines have been considered in recent decades as important immunotherapeutic strategies capable of leading to tumor regression. In the development of these vaccines, the identification of neoepitopes plays a critical role, and different computational methods have been proposed and employed to direct and accelerate this process. In this context, this review identified and systematically analyzed the most recent studies published in the literature on the computational prediction of epitopes for the development of therapeutic vaccines, outlining critical steps, along with the associated program\'s strengths and limitations. A scoping review was conducted following the PRISMA extension (PRISMA-ScR). Searches were performed in databases (Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct) using the keywords: neoepitope, epitope, vaccine, prediction, algorithm, cancer, and tumor. Forty-nine articles published from 2012 to 2024 were synthesized and analyzed. Most of the identified studies focus on the prediction of epitopes with an affinity for MHC I molecules in solid tumors, such as lung carcinoma. Predicting epitopes with class II MHC affinity has been relatively underexplored. Besides neoepitope prediction from high-throughput sequencing data, additional steps were identified, such as the prioritization of neoepitopes and validation. Mutect2 is the most used tool for variant calling, while NetMHCpan is favored for neoepitope prediction. Artificial/convolutional neural networks are the preferred methods for neoepitope prediction. For prioritizing immunogenic epitopes, the random forest algorithm is the most used for classification. The performance values related to the computational models for the prediction and prioritization of neoepitopes are high; however, a large part of the studies still use microbiome databases for training. The in vitro/in vivo validations of the predicted neoepitopes were verified in 55% of the analyzed studies. Clinical trials that led to successful tumor remission were identified, highlighting that this immunotherapeutic approach can benefit these patients. Integrating high-throughput sequencing, sophisticated bioinformatics tools, and rigorous validation methods through in vitro/in vivo assays as well as clinical trials, the tumor neoepitope-based vaccine approach holds promise for developing personalized therapeutic vaccines that target specific tumor cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advancements in genome assembly and sequencing technology have made whole genome sequence (WGS) data and reference genomes accessible to study polyploid species. Compared to popular reduced-representation sequencing approaches, the genome-wide coverage and greater marker density provided by WGS data can greatly improve our understanding of polyploid species and polyploid biology. However, biological features that make polyploid species interesting also pose challenges in read mapping, variant identification, and genotype estimation. Accounting for characteristics in variant calling like allelic dosage uncertainty, homology between subgenomes, and variance in chromosome inheritance mode can reduce errors. Here, I discuss the challenges of variant calling in polyploid WGS data and discuss where potential solutions can be integrated into a standard variant calling pipeline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Structural Variants (SVs) are a type of variation that can significantly influence phenotypes and cause diseases. Thus, the accurate detection of SVs is a vital part of modern genetic analysis. The advent of long-read sequencing technology ushers in a new era of more accurate and comprehensive SV calling, and many tools have been developed to call SVs using long-read data. Haplotype-tagging is a procedure that can tag haplotype information on reads and can thus potentially improve the SV detection; nevertheless, few methods make use of this information. In this article, we introduce HapKled, a new SV detection tool that can accurately detect SVs from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long-read alignment data. Methods: HapKled utilizes haplotype information underlying alignment data by conducting haplotype-tagging using Whatshap on the reads to improve the detection performance, with three unique calling mechanics including altering clustering conditions according to haplotype information of signatures, determination of similar SVs based on haplotype information, and slack filtering conditions based on haplotype quality. Results: In our evaluations, HapKled outperformed state-of-the-art tools and can deliver better SV detection results on both simulated and real sequencing data. The code and experiments of HapKled can be obtained from Discussion: With the superb SV detection performance that HapKled can deliver, HapKled could be useful in bioinformatics research, clinical diagnosis, and medical research and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: At a global scale, the SARS-CoV-2 virus did not remain in its initial genotype for a long period of time, with the first global reports of variants of concern (VOCs) in late 2020. Subsequently, genome sequencing has become an indispensable tool for characterizing the ongoing pandemic, particularly for typing SARS-CoV-2 samples obtained from patients or environmental surveillance. For such SARS-CoV-2 typing, various in vitro and in silico workflows exist, yet to date, no systematic cross-platform validation has been reported.
    RESULTS: In this work, we present the first comprehensive cross-platform evaluation and validation of in silico SARS-CoV-2 typing workflows. The evaluation relies on a dataset of 54 patient-derived samples sequenced with several different in vitro approaches on all relevant state-of-the-art sequencing platforms. Moreover, we present UnCoVar, a robust, production-grade reproducible SARS-CoV-2 typing workflow that outperforms all other tested approaches in terms of precision and recall.
    CONCLUSIONS: In many ways, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has accelerated the development of techniques and analytical approaches. We believe that this can serve as a blueprint for dealing with future pandemics. Accordingly, UnCoVar is easily generalizable towards other viral pathogens and future pandemics. The fully automated workflow assembles virus genomes from patient samples, identifies existing lineages, and provides high-resolution insights into individual mutations. UnCoVar includes extensive quality control and automatically generates interactive visual reports. UnCoVar is implemented as a Snakemake workflow. The open-source code is available under a BSD 2-clause license at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The integration of target capture systems with next-generation sequencing has emerged as an efficient tool for exploring specific genetic regions with a high resolution and facilitating the rapid discovery of novel alleles. Despite these advancements, the application of targeted sequencing methodologies, such as the myBaits technology, in polyploid oat species remains relatively unexplored. In this study, we utilized the myBaits target capture method offered by Daicel Arbor Biosciences to detect variants and assess their reliability for variant detection in oat genomics and breeding. Ten oat genotypes were carefully chosen for targeted sequencing, focusing on specific regions on chromosome 2A to detect variants. The selected region harbors 98 genes. Precisely designed baits targeting the genes within these regions were employed for the target capture sequencing. We employed various mappers and variant callers to identify variants. After the identification of variants, we focused on the variants identified via all variants callers to assess the applicability of the myBaits sequencing methodology in oat breeding. In our efforts to validate the identified variants, we focused on two SNPs, one deletion and one insertion identified via all variant callers in the genotypes KF-318 and NOS 819111-70 but absent in the remaining eight genotypes. The Sanger sequencing of targeted SNPs failed to reproduce target capture data obtained through the myBaits technology. Similarly, the validation of deletion and insertion variants via high-resolution melting (HRM) curve analysis also failed to reproduce target capture data, again suggesting limitations in the reliability of the myBaits target capture sequencing using short-read sequencing for variant detection in the oat genome. This study shed light on the importance of exercising caution when employing the myBaits target capture strategy for variant detection in oats. This study provides valuable insights for breeders seeking to advance oat breeding efforts and marker development using myBaits target capture sequencing, emphasizing the significance of methodological sequencing considerations in oat genomics research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole-genome sequencing is widely used to investigate population genomic variation in organisms of interest. Assorted tools have been independently developed to call variants from short-read sequencing data aligned to a reference genome, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and structural variations (SVs). We developed SNP-SVant, an integrated, flexible, and computationally efficient bioinformatic workflow that predicts high-confidence SNPs and SVs in organisms without benchmarked variants, which are traditionally used for distinguishing sequencing errors from real variants. In the absence of these benchmarked datasets, we leverage multiple rounds of statistical recalibration to increase the precision of variant prediction. The SNP-SVant workflow is flexible, with user options to tradeoff accuracy for sensitivity. The workflow predicts SNPs and small insertions and deletions using the Genome Analysis ToolKit (GATK) and predicts SVs using the Genome Rearrangement IDentification Software Suite (GRIDSS), and it culminates in variant annotation using custom scripts. A key utility of SNP-SVant is its scalability. Variant calling is a computationally expensive procedure, and thus, SNP-SVant uses a workflow management system with intermediary checkpoint steps to ensure efficient use of resources by minimizing redundant computations and omitting steps where dependent files are available. SNP-SVant also provides metrics to assess the quality of called variants and converts between VCF and aligned FASTA format outputs to ensure compatibility with downstream tools to calculate selection statistics, which are commonplace in population genomics studies. By accounting for both small and large structural variants, users of this workflow can obtain a wide-ranging view of genomic alterations in an organism of interest. Overall, this workflow advances our capabilities in assessing the functional consequences of different types of genomic alterations, ultimately improving our ability to associate genotypes with phenotypes. © 2024 The Authors. Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol: Predicting single nucleotide polymorphisms and structural variations Support Protocol 1: Downloading publicly available sequencing data Support Protocol 2: Visualizing variant loci using Integrated Genome Viewer Support Protocol 3: Converting between VCF and aligned FASTA formats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In cancer genomics, variant calling has advanced, but traditional mean accuracy evaluations are inadequate for biomarkers like tumor mutation burden, which vary significantly across samples, affecting immunotherapy patient selection and threshold settings. In this study, we introduce TMBstable, an innovative method that dynamically selects optimal variant calling strategies for specific genomic regions using a meta-learning framework, distinguishing it from traditional callers with uniform sample-wide strategies. The process begins with segmenting the sample into windows and extracting meta-features for clustering, followed by using a pre-trained meta-model to select suitable algorithms for each cluster, thereby addressing strategy-sample mismatches, reducing performance fluctuations and ensuring consistent performance across various samples. We evaluated TMBstable using both simulated and real non-small cell lung cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma samples, comparing it with advanced callers. The assessment, focusing on stability measures, such as the variance and coefficient of variation in false positive rate, false negative rate, precision and recall, involved 300 simulated and 106 real tumor samples. Benchmark results showed TMBstable\'s superior stability with the lowest variance and coefficient of variation across performance metrics, highlighting its effectiveness in analyzing the counting-based biomarker. The TMBstable algorithm can be accessed at for academic usage only.





