
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hypertension affects one-third of adults in the United States and is the leading risk factor for death. Underserved populations are seen disproportionately in the emergency department (ED) and tend to have worse blood pressure (BP) control. For adults, a lack of hypertension knowledge is a common barrier to hypertension control, while social support is a strong facilitator, and providing information that is culturally sensitive and relevant is especially important in this context. The youth experience increased confidence when given the responsibility to provide health education and care navigation to others. As such, we planned a randomized controlled trial (RCT) for the effectiveness of a digital youth-led hypertension education intervention for adult patients in the ED with hypertension, focusing on change in BP and hypertension knowledge.
    OBJECTIVE: In preparation for an RCT, we conducted a formative study to determine acceptable and easily comprehensible ways to present hypertension information to adults with hypertension and optimal ways to engage youth to support adults on how to achieve better hypertension control.
    METHODS: After creating an intervention prototype with 6 weekly self-guided hypertension online modules, we recruited 12 youth (adolescents, aged 15-18 years) for 3 focus groups and 10 adult ED patients with hypertension for individual online interviews to garner feedback on the prototype. After completing a brief questionnaire, participants were asked about experiences with hypertension, preferences for a hypertension education intervention, and acceptability, feasibility, obstacles, and solutions for intervention implementation with youth and adults. The moderator described and showed participants the prototyped intervention process and materials and asked for feedback. Questionnaire data were descriptively summarized, and qualitative data were analyzed using the template organizing style of analysis by 3 study team members.
    RESULTS: Participants showed great interest in the intervention prototype, thought their peers would find it acceptable, and appreciated its involvement of youth. Youth with family members with hypertension reported that their family members need more support for their hypertension. Youth suggested adding more nutrition education activities to the intervention, such as a sodium tracker and examples of high-sodium foods. Adults discussed the need for a hypertension support intervention for themselves and the expected benefits to youth. They mentioned the overwhelming amount of hypertension information available and appreciated the intervention\'s concise content presentation. They suggested adding more mental health and smoking cessation resources, information about specific hypertension medications, and adding active links for health care information.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on focus groups and interviews with participants, a youth-led digital hypertension intervention is an acceptable strategy to engage both adults with hypertension and youth. Incorporating participant suggestions into the intervention may improve its clarity, engagement, and impact when used in a subsequent RCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) stands as the leading cause of mortality in the USA, claiming a life every 33 seconds, while cardiology ranks among the top three specialties with malpractice-related claims. The authors\' study aims to scrutinize sex disparities in CVD-related mortality linked with malpractice among the elderly population (≥65 years) in the USA. Data pertaining to malpractice incidents in CVD treatment spanning from 1999 to 2020 were sourced from the CDC Wonder database. Age-adjusted mortality rates (AAMRs) per 1,000,000 individuals were computed. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to determine the annual percent changes (APCs) with a 95% CI, stratified across variables such as age, race/ethnicity, census region, and urban or rural settings. Over the investigated period, 2432 deaths in the US were attributed to CVD-related malpractice, with an AAMR of 2.7. Initially stable (1999-2004), mortality rates experienced a significant decline until 2020. Females consistently exhibited a higher AAMR (2.7) than males (2.6). Notably, NH Black females recorded the highest AAMR (3.1), while NH Black males and NH Asian females reported the lowest (2.5). Furthermore, NH White males demonstrated a higher AAMR (2.7) than NH Black males (2.5); conversely, NH Black females exhibited a higher AAMR (3.1) than NH White females (2.7). Mortality rates were notably elevated in the West compared to the South, with both urban and rural areas indicating higher AAMRs in females. The authors\' findings underscore the necessity for targeted interventions to address the pronounced disparities, particularly among NH Black women, individuals in the West, males, and urban locales.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Outpatient visceral surgery is still in its infancy in Germany. While hernia repair that can be performed on an outpatient basis is still being discussed in this country, larger visceral surgery procedures such as thyroidectomy, fundoplication, bariatric procedures and colorectal resection are increasingly being performed abroad on an outpatient basis or in a short inpatient setting (< 24 h). The USA is the pioneer of outpatient care. Due to the private sector character of the American health insurance system, structures were created that ensure seamless care for patients. Overall, a look abroad shows that outpatient surgical procedures are a promising development that can also be further promoted in Germany through appropriate measures and strategies.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Ambulantisierung viszeralchirurgischer Eingriffe befindet sich in Deutschland noch in den Kinderschuhen. Während hierzulande noch über ambulant durchführbare Hernienversorgungen diskutiert wird, werden im Ausland zunehmend größere viszeralchirurgische Eingriffe wie Thyreoidektomien, Fundoplikationen, bariatrische Eingriffe und kolorektale Resektionen ambulant oder in einem kurzstationären Setting (< 24 h) durchgeführt. Vorreiter der Ambulantisierung ist vor allem die USA. Durch die privatwirtschaftliche Prägung des amerikanischen Versicherungssystems wurden dort Strukturen geschaffen, die eine lückenlose Versorgung der Patienten gewährleistet. Insgesamt zeigt der Blick ins Ausland, dass die Ambulantisierung chirurgischer Eingriffe eine vielversprechende Entwicklung darstellt, die durch geeignete Maßnahmen und Strategien auch in Deutschland weiter gefördert werden kann.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a major public health concern with significant associated economic costs. Although the disease affects all ethnic groups, about 90% of individuals living with sickle cell disease in the USA are Black/African American. The purpose of this study was to assess the health care discrimination experiences of adults living with SCD and the quality of the relationship with their health care providers. We conducted six focus groups from October 2018 to March 2019 with individuals receiving care at a specialized adult sickle cell program outpatient clinic at a private, nonprofit tertiary medical center and teaching hospital in the northeastern USA. The sample of 18 participants consisted of groups divided by gender and current use, past use, or never having taken hydroxyurea. Ten (56%) participants were males; most were Black/African American (83%) and had an average age of 39.4 years. This study reports a qualitative, thematic analysis of two of 14 areas assessed by a larger study: experiences of discrimination and relationships with providers. Participants described experiences of bias related to their diagnosis of SCD as well as their race, and often felt stereotyped as \"drug-seeking.\" They also identified lack of understanding about SCD and poor communication as problematic and leading to delays in care. Finally, participants provided recommendations on how to address issues of discrimination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Migrant children in family detention facilities often experience frequent relocations and prolonged stays in precarious living conditions. This frequent relocation results in fragmentation of necessary medical care, leading to delays and inadequate medical care. We aim to highlight the critical need for comprehensive medical documentation in immigration detention facilities, a fragmented health care system and potential harm to these children without appropriate medical documentation.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of 165 medical records from children detained at the Karnes County Family Residential Center between June 2018 and October 2020 to evaluate the adequacy of pediatric medical documentation in an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) family detention facility. Specific areas of interest included acute care, nutrition, immunization, developmental screening, and tuberculosis screening. Simple descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.
    RESULTS: Only 25% of 418 acute medical care visits included specific diagnoses. There was no documentation regarding follow-up recommendations upon release. 97% of children had a chest X-ray completed for tuberculosis screening, however no follow-up recommendations were documented for those with granulomas. Vaccination histories were inconsistently documented. No nutritional categorizations were completed despite 16% of children being at risk for malnutrition or already malnourished.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings revealed significant gaps in documentation, particularly in medical decision-making and clinical reasoning. In a fragmented medical system, inadequate documentation can result in avoidable errors in diagnosis and management. Improving documentation practices is crucial to ensure that all children, regardless of immigration status, receive quality healthcare aligned with national and international standards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three models/methods are given to understand the extreme international variation in available and occupied hospital bed numbers. These models/methods all rely on readily available data. In the first, occupied beds (rather than available beds) are used to measure the expressed demand for hospital beds. The expressed occupied bed demand for three countries was in the order Australia > England > USA. Next, the age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) has dual functions. Less developed countries/regions have low access to healthcare, which results in high ASMR, or a negative slope between ASMR versus available/occupied beds. In the more developed countries, high ASMR can also be used to measure the \'need\' for healthcare (including occupied beds), a positive slope among various social (wealth/lifestyle) groups, which will include Indigenous peoples. In England, a 100-unit increase in ASMR (European Standard population) leads to a 15.3-30.7 (feasible range) unit increase in occupied beds per 1000 deaths. Higher ASMR shows why the Australian states of the Northern Territory and Tasmania have an intrinsic higher bed demand. The USA has a high relative ASMR (for a developed/wealthy country) because healthcare is not universal in the widest sense. Lastly, a method for benchmarking the whole hospital\'s average bed occupancy which enables them to run at optimum efficiency and safety. English hospitals operate at highly disruptive and unsafe levels of bed occupancy, manifesting as high \'turn-away\'. Turn-away implies bed unavailability for the next arriving patient. In the case of occupied beds, the slope of the relationship between occupied beds per 1000 deaths and deaths per 1000 population shows a power law function. Scatter around the trend line arising from year-to-year fluctuations in occupied beds per 1000 deaths, ASMR, deaths per 1000 population, changes in the number of persons hidden in the elective, outpatient and diagnostic waiting lists, and local area variation in births affecting maternity, neonatal, and pediatric bed demand. Additional variation will arise from differences in the level of local funding for social care, especially elderly care. The problems associated with crafting effective bed planning are illustrated using the English NHS as an example.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oceans are increasingly crowded by anthropogenic activities yet the impact on Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) marine life remains largely unquantified. The MAPS (Marine Mammal Acoustic and Spatial Ecology) study of 2019 included passive acoustic and visual vessel surveys over the Mid-Atlantic OCS of the USA to address data gaps in winter/spring for deep-diving cetaceans, including sperm whales. Echolocation clicks were used to derive slant ranges to sperm whales for design- and model-based density estimates. Although more survey effort was realised in the spring, high densities of whales were identified in both winter and spring (10.46 and 8.89 per 1000 km2 respectively). The spring model-based abundance estimate of 1587 whales (CI 946-2663) was considered the most representative figure, in part due to lower coefficients of variation. Modelling suggested that high densities of whales were associated with warm core rings, eddies and edges. As OCS waters provide an important foraging habitat for North Atlantic sperm whales, appropriate mitigation is required to ensure commercial pressures to develop offshore energy do not negatively affect this endangered species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research examining the relationship between a neighborhood\'s built-environment and resident health or health-related outcomes has largely either focused on static characteristics using a cross-sectional research design or focuses on the neighborhood in its entirety. Such an approach makes it difficult to understand how specific dynamic neighborhood characteristics are associated with individual well-being. In this analysis, we use longitudinal data from the Pittsburgh Research on Neighborhood Change and Health (PHRESH) studies to assess the relationship between publicly funded neighborhood investments occurring across seven years (2011-2018) on five health-related outcomes: food insecurity, stress, perceived neighborhood safety, neighborhood satisfaction, and dietary quality. We additionally utilize this dataset to determine whether the distance between an individual\'s place of residence and the investment, as measured at the neighborhood, 1 mile, and ½ mile level, effects the magnitude of associations. Using individual and year fixed effects models, we find that when measured at the neighborhood level, a one standard deviation increase in investments (about $130 million dollars) is associated with decreased food insecurity (-0.294 sd), increased safety (0.231 sd), and increased neighborhood satisfaction (0.201 sd) among adults who remain in the study for at least two waves of data collection. We also analyze specific investment types and find that commercial investments are largely driving the changes in food insecurity, safety, and neighborhood satisfaction, while business investments are correlated with the decrease in stress. We find no relationship between investments and dietary quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previous research and safety advocacy groups have proposed various behaviors for older adults to actively engage in medication safety. However, little is known about how older adults perceive the importance and reasonableness of these behaviors in ambulatory settings.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess older adults\' perceptions of the importance and reasonableness of 8 medication safety behaviors in ambulatory settings and compare their responses with those of younger adults.
    METHODS: We conducted a survey of 1222 adults in the United States using crowdsourcing to evaluate patient behaviors that may enhance medication safety in community settings. A total of 8 safety behaviors were identified based on the literature, such as bringing medications to office visits, confirming medications at home, managing medication refills, using patient portals, organizing medications, checking medications, getting help, and knowing medications. Respondents were asked about their perception of the importance and reasonableness of these behaviors on a 5-point Likert rating scale in the context of collaboration with primary care providers. We assessed the relative ranking of behaviors in terms of importance and reasonableness and examined the association between these dimensions across age groups using statistical tests.
    RESULTS: Of 1222 adult participants, 125 (10.2%) were aged 65 years or older. Most participants were White, college-educated, and had chronic conditions. Older adults rated all 8 behaviors significantly higher in both importance and reasonableness than did younger adults (P<.001 for combined behaviors). Confirming medications ranked highest in importance (mean score=3.78) for both age groups while knowing medications ranked highest in reasonableness (mean score=3.68). Using patient portals was ranked lowest in importance (mean score=3.53) and reasonableness (mean score=3.49). There was a significant correlation between the perceived importance and reasonableness of the identified behaviors, with coefficients ranging from 0.436 to 0.543 (all P<.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Older adults perceived the identified safety behaviors as more important and reasonable than younger adults. However, both age groups considered a behavior highly recommended by professionals as the least important and reasonable. Patient engagement strategies, common and specific to age groups, should be considered to improve medication safety in ambulatory settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





