
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly implemented in medical imaging practice, however, its impact on radiographers practice is not well studied. The aim of this study was to explore the perceived impact of AI on radiographers\' activities and profession in Switzerland.
    METHODS: A survey conducted in the UK, translated into French and German, was disseminated through professional bodies and social media. The participants were Swiss radiographers (clinical/educators/ researchers/students) and physicians working within the medical imaging profession (radiology/nuclear medicine/radiation-oncology). The survey covered five sections: demographics, AI-knowledge, skills, confidence, perceptions about the AI impact. Descriptive, association statistics and qualitative thematic analysis were conducted.
    RESULTS: A total of 242 responses were collected (89% radiographers; 11% physicians). AI is being used by 43% of participants in clinical practice, but 64% of them did not feel confident with AI-terminology. Participants viewed AI as an opportunity (57%), while 19% considered it as a threat. The opportunities were associated with streamlining repetitive tasks, minimizing errors, increasing time towards patient-centered care, research, and patient safety. The significant threats identified were reduction on work positions (23%), decrease of the radiographers\' expertise level due to automation bias (16%). Participants (68%) did not feel well trained/prepared to implement AI in their practice, highlighting the non-availability of specific training (88%). 93% of the participants mentioned that AI education should be included at undergraduate education program.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although most participants perceive AI as an opportunity, this study identified areas for improvement including lack of knowledge, educational supports/training, and confidence in radiographers. Customised training needs to be implemented to improve clinical practice and understanding of how AI can benefit radiographers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this review was to (1) identify thematic elements within definitions used by recently published literature to describe the constructs of physical/mechanical restraint, seclusion and chemical restraint in adult mental health inpatient units.
    METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive literature search of six databases (Scopus, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Embase, and CINAHL-Plus). In this review, we conducted content analysis to synthesize evidence to understand and compare the commonalities and discrepancies in conceptual elements that were incorporated within the definitions of different forms of restrictive care practices.
    RESULTS: A total of 95 studies that provided definitions for different forms of restrictive care practices [physical/mechanical restraint (n = 72), seclusion (n = 65) and chemical restraint (n = 19)] were included in this review. Significant variations existed in the conceptual domains presented within the applied definitions of physical/mechanical restraint, seclusion, and chemical restraint. Conceptual themes identified in this review were methods of restrictive care practice, reasons and desired outcomes, the extent of patient restriction during restrictive care practice episodes, timing (duration, frequency, and time of the day), the level of patient autonomy, and the personnel implementing these practices.
    CONCLUSIONS: Inconsistencies in the terminologies and conceptual boundaries used to describe the constructs of different forms of restrictive care practices underscore the need to move forward in endorsing consensus definitions that reflect the diverse perspectives, ensuring clarity and consistency in practice and research. This will assist in validly measuring and comparing the actual trends of restrictive care practice use across different healthcare institutions and jurisdictions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The \"Five Freedoms\" concept has shaped the development and implementation of animal welfare assessments. This study aimed to analyze the determinants that impact the understanding of animal welfare among individuals who own cats in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia.
    UNASSIGNED: Questionnaires and interviews were used in this study to gather data from cat owners. One hundred cat owners in Banyuwangi Regency took part in the study. The classification considered factors such as gender, age, education level, occupation, income, and number of cats. The questionnaire passed both validity and reliability tests and was thus deemed suitable for data measurement. The Chi-square test was employed to investigate relationships within the dataset.
    UNASSIGNED: A statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05) was established between cat owners\' level of education, occupation, monthly household income, and their grasp of animal welfare, with the number of cats in their household being a determinant factor. Some cat owners in Banyuwangi undervalue veterinarians\' role in treating and preventing feline health issues. The cat owners\' understanding of animal welfare was unaffected by their age or gender. 59% of the cat owners had a low understanding level, 22% had a moderate understanding level, and 19% had a high understanding level.
    UNASSIGNED: In Banyuwangi Regency, 59% of cat owners lack understanding of animal welfare concerns. An owner\'s educational background, job, income, and whether they own a cat impact their comprehension of animal welfare principles. Limited awareness of animal welfare and veterinarians\' roles exists in Indonesia. It is crucial to educate government officials, veterinarians, and regional leaders about animal welfare for the sake of sustainability. A complete understanding of this topic demands rigorous research, comprehensive studies, and reproducibility. Equally important is effective publicity for the cat population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People often believe that they have a good understanding of how devices work (e.g., how a ballpoint pen works), despite having poor knowledge of their internal mechanics. We hypothesized that this bias occurs in part because people conflate mechanistic understanding with functional understanding of how devices work (e.g., how to operate a ballpoint pen). In two experiments, we found that increasing the salience of mechanistic information led to lower judgments of understanding for how devices work. In Experiment 1, we did this by showing participants either the internal parts of a device or an external, whole-object view of that same device. Those who saw the internal parts rated their understanding as less than those who saw a whole-object view. In Experiment 2, we removed the pictures and instead tested participants (without feedback) on their mechanistic or functional knowledge using true-or-false questions. Those who were tested on mechanistic knowledge rated their understanding of devices as less than those who were tested on functional knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 1960, Jung lamented psychology\'s limited impact on global fate. Although Fordham tried to reassure him that Jungians were promoting his work, Jung was looking from the other end of the telescope, seeing the need to rescue humanity from its one-sidedness that would ultimately lead to nuclear conflict. Astronomical evidence, such as the Fermi paradox, echoes Jung\'s concerns about likely self-destruction. Rather than promoting Jungian ideas to interested groups, the imperative lies in identifying crucial messages for global survival and engaging the public in them. Science provides some useful lessons because its concerted efforts over centuries led to the gradual integration of scientific thinking into the public psyche. These lessons suggest that, to cross the border from the Jungian to wider public domain, compromises are necessary, such as simplifying messages and making engagement enchanting and practical. Analytical psychology\'s task goes beyond one individual, group, or even generation, and a debate is needed to begin to form a consensus on the way ahead. Some initial suggestions are made for adopting terminology the public can relate to, focusing on the transcendent function as the main vehicle to overcome one-sidedness and conflict, and using figures like Nelson Mandela to demonstrate practical application.
    En 1960 Jung se désolait du faible impact de la psychologie sur le destin global. Bien que Fordham ait essayé de le rassurer, lui disant que les Jungiens faisaient la promotion de son travail, Jung regardait les choses d’un point de vue différent. Il voyait le besoin de sauver l’humanité de sa partialité, partialité qui l’amènerait en fin de compte au conflit nucléaire. Les indices venant de l’astronomie, comme le paradoxe de Fermi, font écho aux préoccupations de Jung concernant une probable autodestruction. Plutôt que de promouvoir les idées jungiennes à des groupes de personnes intéressées, l’impératif serait d’identifier des messages cruciaux pour la survie globale et de mobiliser le public avec de tels messages. La science fournit des leçons utiles parce que ses efforts d’ensemble sur une durée de plusieurs siècles ont apporté l’intégration progressive du penser scientifique dans la psyché publique. Ces leçons suggèrent que – pour traverser la frontière entre le monde Jungien et un domaine public plus large – des compromis sont nécessaires, tels que de simplifier les messages et de rendre l’implication séduisante et réaliste. La tâche de la psychologie analytique va au‐delà d’un individu, d’un groupe, ou même d’une génération, et nous avons besoin d’un débat afin de commencer à élaborer un consensus sur le chemin devant nous. Quelques suggestions initiales sont faites pour adopter une terminologie à laquelle le public puisse s’identifier, se concentrant sur la fonction transcendante comme véhicule principal pour surmonter la partialité et le conflit, et utilisant des personnalités telles Nelson Mandela pour démontrer l’utilité pratique.
    1960 beklagte Jung den begrenzten Einfluß der Psychologie auf das globale Schicksal. Obwohl Fordham versuchte, ihm zu versichern, daß Jungianer seine Arbeit förderten, blickte Jung durch das andere Ende des Teleskops und erkannte die Notwendigkeit, die Menschheit aus ihrer Einseitigkeit zu retten, die letztendlich zu einem nuklearen Konflikt führen würde. Astronomische Beweise wie das Fermi‐Paradoxon spiegeln Jungs Bedenken hinsichtlich einer wahrscheinlichen Selbstzerstörung wider. Anstatt Jungs Ideen interessierten Gruppen vorzustellen, besteht die Notwendigkeit darin, entscheidende Botschaften für das globale Überleben zu identifizieren und die Öffentlichkeit dafür zu gewinnen. Die Wissenschaft liefert einige nützliche Lehren, denn ihre jahrhundertelangen gemeinsamen Bemühungen führten zu einer allmählichen Integration des wissenschaftlichen Denkens in die öffentliche Psyche. Diese Lektionen legen nahe, daß Kompromisse notwendig sind, um die Grenze vom Jungianischen zum breiteren öffentlichen Bereich zu überschreiten, wie zum Beispiel dadurch, Aussagen zu vereinfachen und die Beschäftigung damit anziehender und praktischer zu machen. Die Aufgabe der Analytischen Psychologie geht über ein Individuum, eine Gruppe oder sogar eine Generation hinaus, und es bedarf einer Debatte, um einen Konsens über den weiteren Weg zu erzielen. Es werden erste Vorschläge für die Übernahme einer für die Öffentlichkeit verständlichen Terminologie gemacht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der transzendenten Funktion als Hauptmittel zur Überwindung von Einseitigkeit und Konflikten liegt und wobei Persönlichkeiten wie Nelson Mandela zur Demonstration der praktischen Anwendung herangezogen werden.
    Nel 1960, Jung si lamentò dell’impatto limitato della psicologia sul destino globale. Sebbene Fordham cercasse di rassicurarlo sul fatto che gli junghiani stessero promuovendo il suo lavoro, Jung stava guardando dall’altra estremità del telescopio, vedendo la necessità di salvare l’umanità dalla sua unilateralità che alla fine avrebbe portato a un conflitto nucleare. Le evidenze astronomiche, come il paradosso di Fermi, fanno eco alle preoccupazioni di Jung sulla probabile autodistruzione. Invece di promuovere le idee junghiane ai gruppi potenzialmente interessati, l’imperativo sta nell’identificare messaggi cruciali per la sopravvivenza globale e coinvolgere il pubblico. La scienza fornisce alcune lezioni utili ed i suoi sforzi nel corso dei secoli hanno portato alla graduale integrazione del pensiero scientifico nella psiche collettiva. Queste lezioni suggeriscono che, per attraversare il confine dal dominio junghiano al più vasto dominio pubblico, sono necessari dei compromessi, come semplificare i messaggi e rendere l’impegno affascinante e pratico. Il compito della psicologia analitica va oltre l’individuo, il gruppo, o perfino una generazione, ed è necessario un dibattito per iniziare a formare un consenso sulla strada da seguire. Vengono forniti alcuni suggerimenti iniziali per adottare una terminologia con cui il pubblico possa relazionarsi, concentrandosi sulla funzione trascendente come veicolo principale per superare l’unilateralità ed il conflitto, e utilizzando figure come Nelson Mandela per dimostrare l’applicazione pratica.
    В 1960 году Юнг посетовал на ограниченное влияние психологии на судьбы мира. Хотя Фордхэм пытался заверить его, что юнгианцы продвигают его учение, Юнг смотрел на это с другого конца телескопа и видел необходимость в спасении человечества от односторонности, которая в конечном счете может привести к ядерному конфликту. Астрономические данные, например, парадокс Ферми, подтверждают опасения Юнга по поводу возможного самоуничтожения человечества. Необходимо не только распространять взгляды Юнга среди заинтересованных групп, но и искать в них важнейшие идеи, связанные с глобальным выживанием, представляя их общественности. Наука может дать нам несколько полезных уроков, поскольку согласованные усилия ученых на протяжении нескольких веков привели к постепенной интеграции научного мышления в общественную психику. Эти уроки показывают, что переход от юнгианского сообщества к более обширной общественной сфере требует компромиссов – упрощения идей и повышения привлекательности и практичности их использования. Задачи аналитической психологии не ограничиваются индивидом, группой или даже поколением: для начала формирования консенсуса относительно дальнейших действий требуется широкое обсуждение. В качестве первых шагов автор предлагает использовать терминологию, понятную широкой публике, с акцентом на трансцендентной функции как главном средстве преодоления односторонности и конфликтов, а также обращаться к таким фигурам, как Нельсон Мандела, в качестве иллюстрации ее практического применения.
    En 1960, Jung se lamentaba del limitado impacto de la psicología en el destino global. Aunque Fordham intentó asegurarle que los Junguianos estaban promoviendo su trabajo, Jung mirando desde el otro extremo del telescopio, estaba viendo la necesidad de rescatar a la humanidad de su unilateralidad que, en última instancia, conduciría al conflicto nuclear. La evidencia astronómica, como la paradoja de Fermi, refleja las preocupaciones de Jung sobre la probable autodestrucción. En lugar de promover las ideas de Jung entre los grupos interesados, el imperativo reside en identificar los mensajes cruciales para la supervivencia global e implicar al público en ellos. La ciencia ofrece algunas lecciones útiles porque sus esfuerzos concertados durante siglos condujeron a la integración gradual del pensamiento científico en la psique pública. Estas lecciones sugieren que, para cruzar la frontera de lo Junguiano a un dominio público más amplio, son necesarios compromisos, como simplificar los mensajes y hacer que el compromiso sea encantador y práctico. La tarea de la psicología analítica va más allá de un individuo, grupo o incluso generación, y es necesario un debate para empezar a formar un consenso sobre el camino a seguir. Se hacen algunas sugerencias iniciales para adoptar una terminología con la que el público pueda identificarse, centrándose en la función trascendente como vehículo principal para superar la unilateralidad y el conflicto, y utilizando figuras como Nelson Mandela para demostrar la aplicación práctica.
    公众对分析心理学的理解 1960 年, 荣格曾感叹心理学对全球命运的影响的有限性。尽管福特汉姆试图向他一再保证, 荣格学派的学者们正在推动他的工作, 但荣格却是从望远镜的另一端看到了将人类从片面性中拯救出来的必要性, 他预期这种片面性最终将导致核冲突。一些天文学, 如费米悖论, 也提出人类可能自我毁灭证据, 这与荣格的担忧不谋而合。当务之急不是向感兴趣的群体宣传荣格思想, 而是确定全球生存的关键信息, 并让公众参与其中。科学提供了一些有用的经验, 因为几个世纪以来, 科学的共同努力使科学思想逐渐融入了公众的心理。 这些经验教训表明, 要想从荣格心理学跨越到更广阔的公共领域, 就必须做出妥协, 例如简化信息, 使参与变得既迷人又实用。分析心理学的任务超出了一个人、一个团体甚至一代人的范围, 因此需要进行一场辩论, 开始就未来的道路形成共识。本文提出了一些初步建议, 如采用公众能够理解的术语, 将重点放在超越功能上, 将其作为克服片面性和冲突的主要工具, 并利用纳尔逊‐曼德拉这样的人物来展示实际应用。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: People with intellectual disabilities are more likely to be prescribed psychotropic medication than the general population and are frequently prescribed multiple medications. Understanding people with intellectual disabilities and carer perspectives is essential to improving the quality of psychotropic medication prescribing and usage.
    METHODS: A rapid review explored people with intellectual disabilities\' understanding of psychotropic medications, as well as family members and paid carers, and how this understanding can be improved.
    RESULTS: Twenty-one journal articles were included. Lack of understanding of medication was universal, with participants often unaware of adverse effects, alternatives, and rights around medication. There was also a lack of involvement in decision making for all participants. Some interventions aimed at people with intellectual disabilities or paid carers helped to improve knowledge.
    CONCLUSIONS: Evaluating how best to improve psychotropic medication understanding for people with intellectual disabilities, family members and paid carers should be a focus for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The patterns, dyes, and meanings/ values of Sasirangan in Banjarmasin contribute significantly to biology education at all levels. However, no data regarding the attitudes, knowledge, and understanding of students regarding the existence of Sasirangan have been found to date. This study aimed to examine attitudes, knowledge, and understanding of high school students in Banjarmasin regarding the existence of Sasirangan. This study employed a survey involving 256 high school students in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. The instrument has two aspects: the knowledge and understanding aspect has nine items, while the attitude aspect has eight. The data were analyzed using percentage-based descriptive statistics. There were 100% of the students that were aware of the existence of Sasirangan, but they did not have a clear understanding of its pattern, coloring, or value. Moreover, high school students in the city of Banjarmasin expressed pride in the existence of Sasirangan as a superior product of South Kalimantan, and the majority stated that Sasirangan must be preserved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  Social accountability is the obligation of health care providers to address the priority health concerns of the community they serve and of universities to ensure that graduates understand these social responsibilities. Although social accountability can combat systemic health inefficiencies, it is not well-understood or practised.
    OBJECTIVE:  The study aimed to explore community service rehabilitation therapists\' understanding of social accountability.
    METHODS:  The study was conducted in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
    METHODS:  This study used an interpretive exploratory design and purposively recruited 27 community service rehabilitation therapists namely, audiologists, speech-language therapists, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists working in public sector health facilities in rural and peri-urban areas. Four focus group discussions and four free attitude interviews were conducted, the results being thematically analysed.
    RESULTS:  Despite most of the participants not being instructed in social accountability as part of their formal training or institutional induction, three themes emerged based on their experiences. These themes include describing social accountability, values of social accountability, and values of community-based rehabilitation applicable to social accountability.
    CONCLUSIONS:  Inclusion of instruction on social accountability as part of their formal training and health facility induction would contribute to rehabilitation therapists\' understanding of social accountability.Contribution: The study contributes to data on rehabilitation education and community service training regarding social accountability within a South African context and has captured how experiences gained during community service contribute to the rehabilitation therapists\' understanding of social accountability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although considerable research has been done on memory for temporal information, as well as on the relationship between context and cognition, not much is known about the influence of temporal context on memory formation and retention. In this study, given that our sample comes from a largely Roman Catholic population, we used religious practices that occur throughout the calendar year to operationalize temporal context into two religious seasons (Lent and Ordinary Time). In addition, we used religious art to assess experience and memory as a function of whether there was temporal congruity or incongruity. This allowed us to explore different levels of memory representation; namely, memory for perceptual details of the art, memory for more inferential understanding of the art, and autobiographical memory for the initial experience of the art. Participants viewed 22 representational and abstract artworks during either Lent or Ordinary Time. After viewing, memory was tested at immediate, 1-day, and 7-day delays. We expected that the congruent temporal context (i.e., Lent) would lead to more activated semantic knowledge, which would then aid memory encoding and retention. This was the case only for perceptual details of the art. In addition, during Lent, forgetting followed a more linear pattern. These results suggest that priming semantic knowledge through temporal context leads encoding to focus on low-level information, as opposed to the processing of more complex information. Overall, these findings suggest that temporal context can influence cognition, but to a limited extent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background A person\'s nutritional knowledge has a great influence on their eating habits and nutritional status. Identifying knowledge gaps can lead to educational efforts to reduce the probability of malnutrition and encourage healthy aging. This study aimed to assess older people\'s knowledge of healthy eating and identify associated factors in the Geriatric Center in Kirkuk City. Methods This was a cross-sectional study conducted from November 5, 2023, to February 25, 2024, at the Geriatric Center in Kirkuk City on 25 older adults who were targeted at the only specialist center in Kirkuk City. All center residents were included (≥60 years old and without severe cognitive impairment). A non-probability, purposive sample was employed in the study. Data were collected using an interview-structured questionnaire. The structured questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part focused on socio-demographic variables such as age, gender, marital status, education level, and type of work before admission to the center, as well as smoking status, walking, and medical history. The second part related to assessing older people\'s knowledge of healthy eating using 17 items. Data entry and analysis were performed using SPSS (v 26; IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, US). Data are reported as frequency and percentage and the chi-square test/Fisher exact test was used for categorical variables. The significance level for statistical analysis was set at p<0.05. Results Of the 25 participants included in the study, 20 (80%) were men and 5 (20%) were women. Approximately two-thirds of the 17 (68%) were between 60 and 69 years old, with a mean age of 69.44 ± 5.71 years. Of the 25 older people surveyed, 16 (64%) had low knowledge of healthy eating while 9 (36%) had high knowledge. Knowledge level was significantly associated with age (p = 0.001), gender (p = 0.040), education level (p = 0.006), and smoking status (p = 0.037). Conclusions In the geriatric center in Kirkuk City, the level of knowledge of healthy eating was low. The knowledge level of people tends to be related to factors like age, gender, education level, and smoking status. This, in turn, requires implementing educational programs by healthcare providers at the center to promote knowledge and understanding of healthy diets and practices.





